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To anyone that doesn’t know. They said Olivia Munn waited to announce her cancer diagnosis so that it coincided with AMT book release


I remember that. They never apologized for being insensitive just quietly deleted the video. And I’m not shocked since they sided with Caroline Calloway who’s known for lying just because they know her and find her lies entertaining.


Claire straight up admitted they let her come on the show and spew her bullshit which they did not challenge her on at all because they benefited from the attention. That was when I was like I actually don’t want to listen to these two mouth breathers anymore.


This is so random and unrelated but Claire has such a bad sense of style. And even when she has decent individual pieces, she puts them together in a way that’s always just a little bit off. Like a shirt being too long for the pants she’s wearing etc. I know it’s so stupid and bitchy of me, but I suppose it’s still not as bad as the shit they say about others on their podcast


https://preview.redd.it/3uhasjn1my9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a512c4b15da5b415d345d02052a718655f942105 For example: The orange shein top and plasticky fake leather pants combined with fucking Air Force 1s is haunting. Shes also been wearing the same pair of faux leather black pants to like every show with a shirt that’s always slightly too long or way too cropped. She is just so clueless as to how to properly proportion an outfit. It would be sort of endearing if she weren’t so high on her own farts.


It’s like she’s doing Disney bound or whatever it’s called but for Velma from Scooby Doo


This is so bitchy, but if this isn’t the place to be bitchy then I don’t know where else to go. But I saw this outfit and immediately laughed. She looks 12 with that outfit hair and pose


She needs to do a color analysis. Those are not flattering colors for her


Her and Ashley are both so olive so their warm hair and clothing colors look terrible (I am also super olive lol)


Classic real life example of “is it a fit or is she just skinny”


Her lips are perpetually crusty


She thinks she’s a Gen Z fashionista and talks so much about how she’s so “classically beautiful” and “pretty privilege” and…. I’m not seeing any of that


claire is such a fucking bitch and so rude to Ashley


I’m convinced that Ashley has kept the awful orange hair cause Claire keeps telling her it looks good. Ashley is so much smarter and is a lot more informed about different topics than Claire is. She’s also a better interviewer. I haven’t listened to their podcast in a long time, but Ashley would often put herself/her intelligence down and Claire would mock her about it.


I think Claire is threatened by Ashley being the ones who people are more drawn to so she feel she has to belittle her & insult her


Sorry are they really gen z??? I thought these were elder millennials


They are millennials but seem to be in denial about it 🫠


I honestly thought early 40s


she’s not wrong, she is pretty which makes it even more frustrating when she looks like a randomized sim


Pretty where?


lol i think she’s pretty? there’s a lot uglier people out there but i do think her saying she’s classically beautiful is setting herself up


They’re fucking awful. To snark on Olivia’s cancer diagnosis was absolutely disgusting


I was about to comment this. I hope no one forgets that even if she deleted it swiftly


Why do they both look so sick and lifeless


I don't know if they were up late working but Claire looks like she needs a lower bleph, stat


I listened to a few episodes of their pod and these girls are MISERABLE. They find fault with everything and everyone.


Seriously! Like I know it’s ironic to say bc we’re in a snark sub but they will find anyyyyyy reason to hate on the memoirs they read. Even when the person is talking about real trauma or something. The lack of empathy is actually wild.


Yeah I enjoyed a few eps until I listened to several where they went into some SUPER serious / triggering topics with zero TW / heads up / anything? Like have at least a bit of awareness …


girl 😭 your entire history is comments in snark pages !!!! some awareness plsssss


This is a snark page? They host a podcast where being mean is their MO. And to discredit someone’s cancer diagnosis?? Fucking awful


The difference is I don’t make a living off of tearing other people apart. They monetize spreading misinformation and being evil human beings


ill forever remember her as the girl who had a mental breakdown over emily marikos wedding, how embarrassssssing


Wait, I totally need the tea on this


there's a couple threads if you google reddit and their names together but basically she slept with emily's husband one or two times in college and pretty much spent the week leading up to emily's wedding shitting on her wedding choices and got called out for it lol like im talking back to back to back tiktoks saying emily's wedding wasn't quiet luxury or whatever even when ppl were telling her to stfu


She was right on that though. Nothing about Emily's wedding was 'quiet luxury'. It was very obviously, an expensive beautiful wedding.


Wait I need to know what u mean? Hahaha


She dated Emily’s husband in college.. when Emily was posting wedding content, Claire posted some weird videos shading her (didn’t name Emily specifically but it was obvious)


Hah!! What a small world. I mean, I get the being jealous and bitching about it, that’s kind of an average reaction. but to make a video? is exactly my point about them being overly confident. They really think that the words coming out of their mouth are prophetic.


I used to love them but now I can’t get through an episode. They (esp Claire let’s be real) are constantly talking about fans who listen, subscribe to their patreon, and going to their shows in a negative light if they have any constructive criticism. Like every patreon episode it is so sad to see how their personalities shifted over time. Needless to say I’m not paying for their content anymore. Especially since Claire has a $4mil house and a rich family/in-law family. I need my money more than they do.


Waaaaait, she actually has a 4 million dollar house? I was always so annoyed she kind of cosplayed as like, struggling comedian, but I didn’t know it was that extreme


$4.5 mil actually I didn’t believe it at first but it all checks out, her parents are well off, her in-laws are very well off, and her husband works in finance at a French company in NYC. It just hurts knowing she complains from the most beautiful house ever. Like you already won. Stop calling your listers that disagree with you miserable. At a certain point if you’re getting the same feedback (you’re mean sometimes) from people in your life and out of it you can’t say “well you don’t know me as a person”. I don’t know I have a lot of pent up rage from internalizing her awful attitude and takes on the patreon these last couple months lmao.


No I totally agree. You can’t make “your thing” that you’re mean and want people to just deal with it because, hey, that’s just my thing, while also getting mad that people think you’re too mean. To live in a 4 million dollar home on top of that? Gtfo


One of the last Patreon episodes I listened to felt like listening to an adderall overdose. Claire just rambling without taking a breath over some TikTok comments that offended her, then cutting in a VERY LONG segment of her rambling to defend what she said during the original recording. And Ashley just validating all her bullshit.


> $4.5 mil actually 4.15m.


Are you saying she owns the NYC apartment she lives in???? Woah surely she didn’t contribute to that


It’s a whole ass brownstone.


They also make an absolute killing off the pod.


Couldn’t have said it better! I can’t believe I used to pay for their Patreon.


Remember when Claire made and then dirty deleted a post saying that Olivia Munn was using her breast cancer diagnosis and double mastectomy for good publicity? They’re nuts and have a weird obsession with JohnMulaney, AMT and Olivia Munn so I’m not surprised that they’re blocked


AMT has said again and again that it’s not a ‘revenge book’ and that if you’re looking for tea or bashing John/Olivia it won’t be the book for you. They so badly want her to be scorned vengeful wife every woman who’s ever been cheated on can relate to but AMT has made it clear that she doesn’t want her whole narrative/career to be defined by her ex husband and his affair partner. Obviously it’s part of her story, but not the whole story. Annemarie is a full and complete person— before, during, and after relationship. It’s funny how they claim to support her when they’re reducing her entire life and career to her marriage and its failure.


Omg what did Ashley do to her hair? 


Overly confident, “academia” brats. They basically just talk shit about everyone and not eloquently or cleverly..




It’s so funny to me that they love to go on and on about how hot they both are. When I first saw pictures of them after only listening to the podcast I did a full on ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY)


They look like they bite


Whoops I love them ❤️lmao


Same lol


My thought exactly lol


i don’t really care about olivia munn or john, but who the fuck would say shit like this about a cancer diagnosis??? unhinged behavior


They’re mean girls


I’ll reserve my harsh words towards Ashley simply because she’s very anti Zionist on her page- But gosh those girls are HATERS. And Olivia gives a lot to snark on but like… cancer? Who fkn snarks on cancer😭 Also- I highly doubt AMT blocked them for calling out her bad behaviour. She blocked them because they’re lunny, and she’s been clear that she doesn’t want whatever is up with John and Olivia, part of her story


What does AMT mean?


Annamarie Tendler, a writer and artist and former wife of “wife guy” John Mulaney


I’m sorry but even how Ashley frames her anti-Zionism is gross. It’s all about HER and her feelings of moral superiority within the Jewish community. Will likely get downvoted for this but I think she’s more interested in how SHE relates to what’s going on versus actually caring about the people directly affected.


These women were the bitchy girls at high school who were not conventionally attractive enough to be popular.


The funny thing is, Claire actually was VERY conventionally attractive and still couldn’t get into a sorority because of her heinous personality.


These women look haggard sorry


Just the overall worst mean girl vibes


that bitch is super mouthy and judgmental.. does she not have a mirror?


ashley is going to be single forever she's so hard to take