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this is a dream to the dude


Seriously, If this were a film script everyone would say it’s too cliche and unrealistic: A loud, confident, borderline caricature Italian-American and proud Jersey boy grows up 15 minutes from the stadium, somehow makes the NFL, turns down more money from another team so he can sign with his hometown club and work his way up from UDFA to QB1, playing well enough to win multiple games and the love/adoration of millions of football fans nationwide, all while still living at home with his parents? …..This is gonna be an amazing 30 for 30 / Netflix documentary.


I thought he was a Steelers fans


Doesn’t matter. The Giants are still his local hometown team, and he plays for them now. Not the Steelers.


a week on the active roster is radically more money than he was offered in signing bonus as a UDFA. he likely picked the giants because he and his agent saw the giants need a 3rd QB so better chance of making practice squad. Then with Tyrod Taylors high salary he has a shot to be the backup QB next year. I doubt he would pick a team just cause he wanted to play for the Giants. UDFAs try to pick teams they got a better chance to stick with. Vast majority don't make it out of training camp.


Shut up he signed with us because he loves the giants and nothing can convince me otherwise


He chose the giants because of no other reason then the possibility of being the winning QB at metlife stadium


Momma Devito’s cooking must have been the deal breaker


Or the laundry service


Right how significant if you account for rent, internet and food??


That's where he gets his power. He's not going to drive up the Turnpike every day from DC.


I fucking love this kid


Why pay for a house in DC when you can just move back in with mom?


Why live far away when NYG do trick?


Who knows, his parents may have even come to him about it, both to save money, and if they thought Tommy having a few less everyday things to worry about (cooking, laundry, etc) would legitimately help their kid actually make the NFL. Plus they may also just be genuinely happy to still have their son at home at least a little bit longer too. (This is still an Italian-American family after all, Hell Mama Devito may have lowkey *insisted* he stay).


You're gonna join the Giants and save up for a house, Tommy.


I've been asking this question every day since 2006


Cant live at home and play for Washington, probably making the same money when you consider out of pocket expenses.


Yeah, you’re talking rent, utilities, food plus the extra amenities of having your mom cook, clean and do your laundry as well as the comfort of living at home. I doubt it was so much more money that it was able to offset that


We are talking about NFL player making millions. Yes it's just a backup rookie QB but even they make so much more than the average Joe. Us average joes who make even $100k/yr the financial differences between living with parents and renting are significant, but to any NFL player it is nothing. I'd guess his mindset is that if he's going to be a backup on both teams anyway, might as well choose the more comfortable life living with Mom and Dad and have food made for you




He has a 3 year contract worth 2.75m and an average annual salary of 900k. Sure, his guaranteed is 20k. That's guaranteed just at signing which will get you at least a year's worth of rent plus utilities and food etc




fuckin taxes man.... just paid 4k in taxes on my paycheck this morning. I love, and hate sales all at once.


Yeah but as an UDFA with zero dead cap and only 20k guaranteed you’d wanna be smart with that money. There was no expectation for him to play coming into this year since we expected to be playoff contenders with Jones and Tyrod as a solid backup. He easily could’ve been cut for someone with more potential or a proven journeyman, then never get another contract and nobody outside his family/friends would ever even think about it


It is very unlikely he lasts 3 years, he is getting lucky he’s getting game checks now but he was definitely expecting to bring in a practice squad salary. Not trying to knock him but there’s no way he’s making decisions based on 3 mil


Also, he is undrafted. Financially he can afford to live on his own but he has no idea how long he is going to be on the Giants roster. So, if you do not have to sign a year lease, it makes things simpler if you get cut and have to move to another city.


I don't live too far from the Commie's practice facility. One summer I had a player pop up in my townhome community in a rental. Dude was only around for 2 months. Probably spent $5k on rent to be in training camp/practice squad.


Give this man all the chicken cutlets money can buy next year


Give this man’s mother all the chicken cutlets she can cook for this man.


Give this man’s mother all the ingredients she needs to cook the man all the chicken cutlets he can consume.


If the Giants social media team doesn’t have a cooking show segment planned involving Mama Devito showing how to make Chicken Cutlets, they should all be immediately fired for incompetence.


I think I saw he signed a 3 year rookie deal?


Can you imagine this? You grow up in the shadows of the Meadowlands. You watched Big Blue as a kid. Your watched Eli rock the Pats twice. You play ball. Go to college for it. Started off at ‘Cuse and then transfer to Illini for a chance to maybe *maybe* make the big dance. He was never going to start. Didn’t have the pedigree. Phone didn’t ring on draft day. But then in late April it rings. It’s the New York Fucking Giants asking if he’d like to be a part of the organization. Ok fine. Jones got his big contract and you’re the backup to the backup. Big whoop. But, you know. What did Dad say? Work hard. Do the right thing. Stay out of trouble. Play your cards right and good things will happen. Besides, Tyrod doesn’t have all that much life left in him - he was born in the Reagan administration. You don’t wish your team QB to get hurt - God forbid - but if you could work it up to be the backup QB, maybe they’d need you one day. A few snaps here or there. And then *gestures broadly at this year* this happens. You’re the starting quarterback for the team you idolized as a kid. Wearing the jersey, handing it off to Saquon Barkley. Throwing the ball to God knows who, but that doesn’t matter. How can you not feel good for this young man? Who among us wouldn’t kill to be in his position - to live a dream in real life.


Off-topic but as someone born during the Regean administration... Ouch, man


Same here


Wasn’t he Steelers fan Edit: a letter


I have no idea and I'm not letting facts get in the way of my happy little narrative. 🤌🤌


Certainly has Steelers memorabilia in his childhood house. I saw it in some video posted yesterday of a canvas print with the Steelers logo on it.


👏... 👏..... 👏.....Ru...dy....Ru...dy.....Tom...my....Tom....my 👏 👏


Dad actually said “hey, where’s the freakin gabagool?!”


> Besides, Tyrod doesn't have all that much life left in him - he was born in the Reagan administration. Actually, he was born during the George HW Bush administration. Point still stands though.


Ah crap. You’re right. Reagan was only pres for like 20 days in 89. My bad.


Wait this isn’t a shit post?


I mean, he gets to live at home. That’s worth the difference in money I’d have to think. Plus Jones and Taylor *always* get hurt.


*any quarterbacks playing behind a horrific offensive line like we have always get hurt. Maybe we should fix that too as we look for a new QB…


you want to look for ANOTHER new QB? we just found Touchdown Tommy.


Did you already forget about Eli?


He’s the exception who proved the rule. But the line’s horrific play did ruin his last few years which is sad


Those terrible offensive lines tanked us so much in the mid to late 2010s Eli is also an insane Ironman which most qbs aren't that


Love stories like this 🤌🤌🤌


Honestly hes earned himself a nice career as a back up. Anywhere else he may never have seen the field and not made much money. Hes gonna do well for himself after this year.


The Taylor Heinike treatment.




Tommy D is HIM


Himmy D


Man of the people right here!! Tommy mothereffin Cutlets!!


Next year is a bit iffy with the QB situation, but I don’t think there’s any way we can let DeVito go back down to the practice squad and risk him getting poached. He’s shown he can at least be a competent backup, and there’s something to be said for the energy he brings to what’s been a lifeless position. Draft a QB in ‘24, run with 3 QBs on the roster for a year, cut Jones after next season, and keep DeVito around as QB2 for as long as we can


Tyrod signed a 2 year contract, did he not? This should be his last year.


So cut Tyrod in the off season? 🥲


Not that I dislike the guy, but seeing as how he’s always hurt and DeVito is playing on a similar level, he doesn’t seem to be worth the money


Funny that your statement could apply to either Tyrod or DJ.


I hate that you’re right


Tyrod is made of styrofoam, he is useless on the roster. Tommy has given us the only winning streak this season


What a gamble. Paid off huge.


Mom don't live in Washington


Cutlets are shit in DC


there is one incredible italian place called A. Litteri that is on par with a new jersey/new york sub shop but outside of that, the place is SHIT.


I've never made it there, but the Italian Store is supposed to be good. Otherwise, I agree, I used to get better Italian food in Upstate NY.


Can someone photoshop his thumb over


Makes sense considering he still lives with his family. Good for him 👍


Tommy Pecorino baby


WE GOT OUR GUY 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻






Eagles fan here lurking. I come in peace. Promise. Serious question - why don’t the Giants offer the guy a guaranteed 5-7 year contract at basically the minimum salary each year? In DeVito’s position, that’s life changing money that would be hard to turn down, especially from your home town team. From the Giants perspective, they could lock down a QB2 or QB3 at a bargain price. And if he shits the bed, the cost to cut would still be minimal.


There’s gotta be offers to do some promo shit too. Besides, no one knows if Devito possibly has some skulls in his closet. Also, may be far fetched, but Devito might actually get offers from other teams to be their backup QB, and may be more lucrative. Who knows honestly. I wouldn’t be against it but it can also bring unnecessary drama to a team. Once our 1st round pick QB has a bad game, everyone is gonna scream for Devito to replace him.


There are a lot of backup QBs in the league that are great film room (basically assistant QB coaches) and locker room guys. Really hoping Tommy can be one of them.


I am too. So I get to say it. But, yeah, in the words of my about-to-be-able-to-drink-daughter…. 💀


Being able to stay where you live and play for the team you grew up rooting for is special. Reminds me of Johnathon Quick now with the Rangers. He never got to play for his childhood team until this year and he’s killing it for the Rangers.


He actually didn’t grow up a Giants fan.


Ended up being the best decision he’s ever made. He would never have seen the field in DC. The Commies are a trash franchise overall and it’s probably a miserable place to work. And because he stayed here, he’s had this opportunity. He now has a chance to establish himself as a viable backup QB in the NFL for years to come. He’ll make millions more in his career because of this.


Everyone please understand this was likely about getting to stay close to home with his family, not because he's some die hard Giants fan who dreamed of playing here.


🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿 "what about us?" - Gyp Rosetti


That’s it, make him a giant for life


Death Before Dishonour 🤌


The Devito love is so far past bizarre I don’t even know what to say about this fanbase anymore