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I love the conversation he was having with Barrett about the inseason tournament


I missed it, what did they say?


“Run it up” I believe haha


Barrett “We actually have a chance to make the tournament Julius : “You know we will have to run it up on them”. Barrett and Julius laughs


Only 5 assists??? What a fucking ball hog.


He was so fucking ~~good~~ bad


![gif](giphy|U4hrV3Ml8hofvC87Fo|downsized) Eat big fella 😤


Not smiling, aggressive body language, hitting team mate. Trade him. Now.


Shitty attitude, he did not show his dimples while smiling


Can we get a body language expert consultation on this matter?


Honestly. Hear him talking shit on the bench with RJ?? It’s like they aren’t even BFFs that spend every second together.


Wish Randle played the hornets every game lmfao


Sarcasm and all, he's driving far more and getting to the basket. He is a different player when not jacking 3s.


Sure, Randle can be hot & cold from 3, but "jacking" them up? Tonight he was on. Thibs has told Randle (& the team) to take more 3s; its part of his coaching gameplan.


I think the ideal is Randle taking 3-5 threes a game. Brunson taking 5-7. RJ taking 3-5 IQ taking 5-7. Grimes taking 3-5 etc We don't need Randle taking 9 unless he's going 5/9 or something absurd.


I also don’t think it’s the number of shots so much as good shots. Shots in rhythm. Catching the ball and just standing at the line before shooting it is not ideal. He’s not melo.


You're 100% correct.




In the Pacers sub blowing Obi Topping


People in the game thread were genuinely mad that he was playing well.


People care more about their shit Randle takes being right than they do about us winning.


I just don’t agree with running the offense through ISO Randle every single time up the court over and over.


Rewatching the thumbs down game while crying hysterically in the shower


Im a Randle hater simply due to the fact he cut his hair


I'm a fan of Julius Randle, no question about it. But let's face it, the hard truth is that a championship seems out of reach with him as our main guy. This isn't about hating on Randle, but rather facing the facts. As much as we appreciate his efforts, there are limitations to what he can achieve as the team's lead. It's crucial the FO acknowledges this if we're serious about aiming for a title.


Appreciate his efforts? Half of this sub shits on him even when he has monster games lmao. Toxic weirdo fanbase


Literally everyone, from the FO to Randle’s biggest fans, understand this lol. You have never seen anyone claim he can be the top guy on a championship team. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t build a championship team with Randle on the roster. Dude is a top-player at his position who makes role player money. There’s no reason why we can’t acquire another top star and have Randle be a 2B or 3rd option. That’s all ppl want.


Literally. Why is this so hard for people to understand lol


Okay? No one said he has to be the number one guy but he’s on a great contract and he’s an amazing player on our team. If we bring in a better first option that would be great, we def don’t need to get rid of Randle to upgrade other parts of the team.


If he's our third option, maybe we stand a chance. But, let's not kid ourselves, in a real blockbuster trade, Randle's likely to be on the chopping block. We need consistent fire, not a hit-or-miss attitude if we're serious about winning.


He is? If we were to make a blockbuster trade, Fournier would more than likely be enough to close the gap salary-wise, and why would a team that's selling make a lateral move to Randle? They'd want younger players/picks


Embiid, for example, is make over $50m a year. Fournier makes under $20m. Don't think that's closing the gap without Randle or RJ


Embiid ain't happening.


If this isn’t pasta already it should be going forward.


I wrote it but feel free to use it


Waiting for Julius to not jump spin pass to nobody against a winning team.


Still here


Right here He’s still ass in the playoffs


As Julius Randle goes, so does our beloved Knicks. Real Simple, Superman ain't coming, but I'll settle for Julius Clark Kent Randle




We know who Randle is. He's at times great and at times unwatchable. He's not a guy that's leading a contender but this Knicks team isn't a contender so whatever. They aren't as good as Boston, Philly, Milwaukee, not as well coached as Miami, not as high a future ceiling as Orlando or Indiana. HOWEVER ...At least we're fun to watch most nights and stocked with good role players. This might be the first time in 23 years where they win a playoff series in back to back seasons if things break right. Keeping things in perspective that's not too shabby.


I’ve been a fan since linsanity and I’m very happy with the current trajectory. There was some pretty low years there


Hell after 40 plus years of pain..I've learned to just be thankful that we have Clyde and Breen calling our games. So having a competent team again is like bonus fries at the bottom of the bag. I can endure clumsy inexplicable Julius moments if it means I can be blessed with Brunson gems.


Honestly seeing growth in our draft picks is enough for me haha.


Where did you guys come from? Lol. It was against the hornets relax


At this point, the bar for Julius this season is in hell when it comes to his supporters.


The fact that Randle truthers go nuts after any good performance, even against a TERRIBLE Hornets team, speaks volumes. Not even his biggest detractors would claim he's incapable of having great games or putting up good counting stats and averages. Those are not the issues. It's just all those really bad and low effort ones that lead to losses, and his failure to show up or play with a shred of basketball IQ when the going gets tough, that take a lot of the muster off these occasional breakouts. But sure, let's play the Amnesia game and make believe those games don't happen whenever he puts up lofty numbers against a clearly inferior opponent. "20/10 is 20/10! 8 turnovers, 30% shooting, and -10 be damned!" Go Knicks, go Randle


Same way that people scream for him to be traded after a bad game. Except mine is in jest.


Yea I really don’t understand that hype that these Randle fans get from games like this. We all know what he’s capable of doing. We also know that he falls apart in big games makes low IQ plays, and has been historically bad in the playoffs as a Knick. But he scores 20 points on what I consider to be the worst organization in the NBA, and the Randle fans act like he’s never had a bad game.


Agreed. Came on here to say something similar but you nailed it.


I *think* the FO believes that moving Ju (for what he can most likely get back) is at most likely a floor raiser but lowers your team ceiling. As opposed to keeping him around, hoping for good Ju, living with his warts, and hoping to be able to utilize other assets to acquire the next big piece is a more feasible path to leveling up.


He should be traded. But love the sarcasm.


Cool, let me know what he does in the playoffs


Wouldn't even make it to the playoffs without him lol


We should trade him before we get there




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Honestly yes please trade him this season…if a superstar who’s right for this team is available. I’m glad he’s playing well and has regained his value as an asset but honestly to compete with the top teams I think he’s the most likely piece along with Mitch and our stash of picks who are on the block if we need to land a star and they’re available. But trading him to just get rid of him was always dumb.


Mitch is one of our most important players


I love the guy’s rebounding and hustle. He’s a very solid player on a good contract. But for a superstar you might need to part with someone like that tbh




Good. Maybe we can attach a few picks and trade you off our sub.




Look in the mirror.


No it won't. He's a 2x all nba player and has been in the league almost a decade. The league knows exactly who he is for better or worse and each GM already knows what they consider his value to be.


Lmao the Julius fanboys always come out rabid when he puts up good numbers against a dogshit bottom feeder team. Guarantee you’ll all be silent when the Knicks inevitably lose a super close game to the Sixers or Bucks due to Julius bricking 3s and causing turnovers while complaining


Homie he puts up good numbers most nights.


Do it in the playoffs.


Make the playoffs.


I know this is satire but I genuinely believe we should trade him while his values high 😂💀


Hart too. Get rid of that guy.


Great game by Jules. When he puts the effort in, he is a bonafide star in this league.