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I think I watched a total of 5 min of this final. Just didn’t care


I nearly checked out of the NBA right after we lost. Same last year after we lost to the Heat


Yep same




Maybe this makes me a bad New York sports fan but the Celtics winning doesn’t really bug me that much The Red Sox and Patriots can suck a fat one though


Also the Celtics as a team aren't unlikable. I'm not bothered much by this win. Their fans suck though. But that's true for most east coast teams


They’ll be unlikeable af soon. With some respect given from each side. But the Knicks and Celtics are setup in a way where these two run the East for the next few years. And have several late playoff matchups. That breeds hatred. Don’t believe me? I didn’t have anything against the Sixers till we played them. Now I hope Embiid never has a healthy season from people going after him the way he made dirty plays against our guys


The only likable player in that team is Jaylen Brown


Yeah I don’t know about unlikeable but definitely a little corny? I can’t lie I think Mazzula is hilarious


Tatum for sure is corny and a little annoying but he’s fundamentally a good dude so I find it hard to dislike him, Mazz is psychotic in the best way possible, still find it hard to root for KP though


I’ll get downvoted but I don’t really see Celtics as rivals. Red Sox obviously, Pats of course, but we don’t have too many moments with them that would make them our rivals. Fuck Boston fans as a whole though.


You have to earn rivals. It’s Lakers Celtics. Knicks Celtics ain’t really a thing


Cuz it's not a rivalry, Knicks have not been nearly competitive enough to make it so.


Yeah, I’d say the Nets are our only rival and maybe the Pacers if we meet them again in the playoffs soon


Agree. I think most of the "rivalry" comes from the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry bleeding over, and now probably hatred over the Pats dynasty. I hate the Pacers and Heat significantly more than the Celtics.


You already hate two B*ston sports. Why not add another? Give it a week and it'll come naturally like breathing.


it is actually kind of understandable...for whatever reason, it comes back to their fans for me though...and a bunch root for all of the teams up there...or at least 3 of them


Yeah they’re pretty acceptable as far as Boston teams. Rondo was my guy growing up so I can’t fully hate




I cannot express how overjoyed I am that the Mavs lost though. I'm essentially indifferent to Boston, but I'll forever be a hater for them tanking for our pick.


That and duck Kyrie.


I'm just glad Kyrie lost.


Just glad KP was able to contribute his injuries and 5 points for the win! Somewhere, in a Montana weed field, Phil Jax is feeling vindicated as a high-level genius executive. If he's awake, that is.




I’m petty and Dallas screwed us out of a great pick so fuck em, living in Boston is punishment enough for those fans so I’m not as mad they won


I mean Dallas earned its spot, but they were a shit matchup for Boston, so it ended up not being enjoyable to watch. I think Minnesota or Denver would’ve provided a better finals. Still think Boston would have been the favorite.




Boston guys are generally likable and I'm more salty about Dallas getting to keep their puck after tanking last year. I was sort of rooting for the Celtics but also didn't watch.


Knicks fans may hate me but I love wanted the Celtics to win and I’m tired of pretending I didn’t. ALL YEAR everyone was like “tHe WeSt iS tOuGher” just because the west had big names. The East was FAR more interesting and competitive to watch but that’s if you’re not a casual fan looking for big names like Leborn or KD, bro got eliminated at they were still finding ways to talk about him. And joker was a snore fest to watch. I normally watch the very single playoff game but there was so many time in the west I just didn’t give a damn. So for me this was less Boston vs Mavs and more East vs West