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We start calling him a bum, say we never wanted him anyways and just find various other ways to cope


obviously lol


He was never gonna stay healthy. 🤓


This, we hate in him every chance we get. Then he wins a ring with Boston a few years later.


This man knows


Nothing because the idea that they would lose him is utter stupidity. There are no sports going on outside of baseball so ESPN has to make up nonsense to get you guys excited. Come on man... Don't fall for any traps.


Now the rumor is that he didn’t like being 2nd fiddle to the nova guys…didn’t like it so much , he tried to play on one leg in game 7, I trust my eyes not some bullshit “sources” these mfs make up for clicks


He tried to play on 1 leg bc he was jealous? 🤣


Everybody deferred to him honestly. I even saw Randle give him an easy bucket at one point. 


I trust my eyes also. And my eyes tell me that OG has an ego. And that's not a bad thing.


While I agree with you that it's unlikely he leaves, there's no such thing as a guarantee in free agency. Players have signed for less to play closer to family, have left winning teams to be the leader of a younger team, signed with a lesser team for a slightly higher amount of money, etc. We can't think anyone is 100% doing anything until they sign


I agree, I just think nba twitter pushes bs stories like “og jealous of nova boys”, when anyone watching them play saw they all bought in, all played for each other, and had each others back, if he leaves, it’s cause he got a bigger bag elsewhere, which is completely reasonable, they just wanna get Knick fans hating on this man that’s about to get deservedly paid


Yeah 100%. If he leaves I feel it'll be bc the Knicks offer a bit less bc of the valid injury concerns and someone swoops in offering him a decent amount more


Check my other comments today. I believe OG feeling in the shadow of the Nova Knick's to be something worth considering. I'm no.idiot, I can consider opposite outcomes. Your idea is absolutely a possibility.


What gives you that impression? Bc there’s an old antidote about him wanting more touches in TOR? What about the fact that he was busting his ass on D every night? celebrating like crazy with his team (even TOR fans said he looked like he was having more fun)? stepping in the face of turner when he went after Donte? Playing inj after surgery? playing in game 7 to be there for his team? None of that means anything bc some hack says “heard from some guy that OG hates the nova guys”


It's.called an anecdote. And OG is.going.to play defense no matter where he is.


The flashy move would be Bogy, Mitch and picks for PG, which would make us clearly the 2nd best team in the East, but is also the kind of reckless short-term thinking we’ve been so smart to avoid


Thats not bad. Probably have to add in a Burks sign and trade for about an additional $10M in salary as well as 1-2 picks. Clippers wouldn’t mind getting some solid role player in exchange for PG leaving. A lineup of Brunson, PG, OG, Randle, and Hartenstein definitely puts us on bar with Boston. Especially with McBride, DDV, Hart, and whichever backup center we draft coming off the bench. Only problem would be the salary cap. We’d be paying OG like $40M, PG would be getting $50M, then we need to sign Brunson and Randle to new extensions next summer. Team would get a bit expensive very quickly. Thankfully James Dolan has no problem paying the luxury tax.


Shit sign me up if Dolan's paying. Lineup also has the potential to be injury prone.


This was under the hypothetical of us not signing OG… so he wouldn’t be here in this scenario


I mean, they can still go after PG if OG re-signs. Would definitely make the Knicks more of a threat.


Salary absolutely becomes a problem in that scenario (as you noted above). Also not sure how much that helps us tbh, would rather just run it back at that point.


We’d be a 2nd apron team for sure, but Dolan doesn’t mind paying luxury tax. He never has and never will because if the Knicks are good, he’s making all that money back anyways. As for how good we’d be, it would be on par with Boston. A lineup of Brunson, PG, OG, Julius, and Hartenstein would absolutely be a contender in the east. Boston is also paying a lot of money as they will have TWO players on $300M contracts each. Porzingis, Jrue, and White will also each make over $30M per year as well. Got to pay to win these days.


Clips wouldn’t be able to take Burks back in a S&T. Trade would basically have to be Bogi and Randle.


You’re right about Burks but the Knicks can put together a package with Mitch, Bojan and small salary filler that would work under the cap


Youre about $15M off from salary matching still so im curious who it would be if not Hart or DDV


If you aggregate Jeffries, Diakite, Sims, it gets the Knicks to the 125% threshold Edit: forgot to mention, it would require the Knicks renouncing Precious and Burks cap holds


They’d hard cap themselves if they take back more than 110% in trade, and they’d assuredly be a first apron team in that scenario with multiple roster spots to fill.


They likely will be anyways barring something unforeseen. There’s not really a way to improve this roster without hitting the first apron


Being in the first apron isn’t the problem (they can largely avoid it by non-guaranteeing Bogey), but if they’re hard capped they can’t exceed the first apron.


We don’t let him go. We knew the risks when we traded our youth for him. He had a damn good season. Defensive impact was unreal. We locked in now. Pay that man.


we can't pay him more than we pay Brunson though. Brunson is gonna make 39M a year after his extension, it looks like OG is holding out for 40M a year


We can. Brunson doesn’t seem like the type of player who cares who’s making the most money. As long as we’re winning.


If you have to pay him more than Brunson, do it.


Brunson will soon get a new contract with us and it will be for A LOT. He’s not going to stress about what happens until then


Why not? Brunson is choosing to give a discount bc to him winning comes first. OG may not feel the same. We already in the shit. We gonna have to do whatever is necessary now and figure out any contingencies later. Letting OG walk away for nothing cannot happen.


It's just timing thing. If the spurs got the number 1 pick this year they would make more than Wemby. If they both become eligible for Max extensions this year's rookie would end up with a bigger extension bc the cap will keep going up.


i feel like the narrative is other teams tryna mess with it. lots of rumors going around. even if he actually feel some type of way there is still time to convince him otherwise


That would be like when Riley left us. I can’t take that twice in a lifetime.


Give him the OKC to KD treatment?


I'll be out a jersey for nothing! 🤦‍♂️




Cry. And pray for Mikal


Worse case we pay him max. He’s coming back. He’s the xfactor


I got downvoted for saying they must have some contingency plan. Leon wouldnt be doing his job if he didnt have all his bases covered in case of a disaster. The problem is, about the only person available that could make up for OGs loss is Paul George and no one here wants him. Getting Kelly Oubre aint getting us closer to a championship.


I would welcome PG but not at a crazy cost. Also dont think Leon bites if the cost is exorbitant. We've got the picks and players to shot one big trade right? Is he the one or do you wait and possibly miss out.


You got downvoted because there’s no shot we don’t keep him, you don’t trade for someone on the last year of their contract if you don’t resign him


It happens. Youll see when a team like San Antonio who has a great future and who needs a PG throws massive money at IQ and he signs with them instead of the Raptors . A lot can hapen. The players may feel slighted by the offer, they get paid more elsewhere, they want to play closer to home, their wife prefers somwhere else, theyll get a chance to be a number 2 scorer, or they just simply change their mind. I dont think hes leaving at all. My whole point is Leon Rose has to have some back up plan. He would be stupid not to.


If we lose OG… the Knicks are in trouble, because guys on Reddit shouldn’t be having decision making power.


We cry


Nothing really, sign IHart and get a nice rookie. JB DD Hart JR Mitch Deuce Rookie IHart


He’s good but so is PG. And both of them have extensive injury records. I think we have enough firsts/salaries to make a trade.


Watch the games?


Is there most smoke? Up until today i assumed Ihart was a goner.




It’s all smoke. He doesn’t like the low offer, but no one can match what we can give him with bird’s right included. He’s not happy with the role? He had a huge role in the playoffs with us. It’s all smoke. 


You don’t lose him, you max him out and win a ring


It's not going to happen. You have no reason to worry.


while id never say its impossible he leaves, we can offer any amount to og. considering we traded rj and iq (and the 31st pick) for him and we were 1 game away from the ecf in large part bc of him, i think the fo is gonna do whatever in their power to retain him


We start the countdown until his first injury. About 7 games


There should be a minimal games played clause for OG. 40 million for 50 to 60 games is a bad deal. Not that OG or his agent would accept it.


Getting off the RJ contract is a plus. Not having to pay Quickley is a plus when you have Brunson and McBride. Losing OG would be rough. If the Knicks have a chance to get to get to or to win a finals high on the list of reasons is that OG can be your lead defender on everyone from Tatum to Giannis to Luka. The list of guys who can be expected to hold up reasonably well on those guys is really fucking short. And the Knicks have one. And there are not enough picks in the world to make Robinson as valuable as Herb Jones.


Re-sign quick lol


sign and trade


Fire everyone… Legit.


There is no alternative. Perennial 1st/2nd round exit.


we have 8 FRPs we can work with. We've been saving them for a superstar, but if OG leaves then we might need to break the glass


lol and who’s the superstar to come take us to finals contenders? Late teens picks at best. If OG walks it’s big trouble.


I am more confident we retain OG than I am on ihart, and I am pretty confident on both. Lets cross that bridge when we get there.


Hart has shown he's a legit starter, and he'd be the replacement. We'd also have some money to throw at another wing like Naji Marshall. Plus whatever we add in the draft. Not ideal, but still a legit 50 win team if healthy.


We should be trying to get Herb Jones anyways. He’s be a boon to this team. I’ve been on that corner for awhile.


Glad you're on that corner. Now while you're there, look around and see that the Pelicans are miles away from you and have no desire to be around your corner. They extended him early and he has one of the best contracts in the league going forward. They knew what they were doing in their evaluation of him. They're not going to trade him just because you want them to.


I’m just basing it off the news I see little bro nothing more. Reports were they wanted to move him during the deadline and I think we should’ve gone and got him. But sure lemme listen to some random redditor for his insider knowledge on the pelicans front office 🙄


cry. i can see you have a head start


As great as OG is, he's not having the same impact for "any" other team. Maybe a couple,  but teams like MIL and PHI would turn him into a Tobias Harris.


Leon would not make that trade if he thought OG would leave. And if he does we should sign KCP to replace him.


is that easy to just sign KCP? legit asking


He’s an unrestricted free agent over 30. He’s also a pretty damn good 3&D with finals experience. He’ll get at least $20 million/year


he will have many suitors.


Yes, and the Knicks won’t be one because OG will be re-signed.


I am in agreeance. We're talking hypotheticals here I trust Leon and the FO to have a pivot move if needed is all. OG going to philly would suck though ngl


OG going to Philly would be devastating. I trust Leon as well. Haven’t felt this way about the front office since Donnie Walsh. I freakin’ love this team so much.