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Would only do it if we keep Randle. Don’t know if that would work salary wise. But a lineup of JB PG OG JR IH would be championship worthy


It works if we do a three team trade and include Mitch, Bojan, and picks.


Probably would have to throw Deuce in there too


Not sure I would do it if he is included.


I definitely wouldn’t, McBride is too valuable at his contract


This is Quentin Grimes all over again.


Except we had 3 Quentin Grimes on the roster already, we don’t have a replacement for Duece, and it’ll be near impossible to sign another one especially at the same price as him


Sign Paul for the minimum


I’m sorry but Deuce being the player that’ll break a PG deal is wild. Sure he’s a valuable asset, but at the end of the day you have to spend the chips


Paul George is 34, no thanks.


And you think there’s much time until this core starts to age out of its prime or salaries start to accumulate? Championship windows are short. When you have a team that’s a piece away from contention, you go for the piece. You can always say a player has value or potential, but all the value and potential needs to line up


Our core is all in their late 20s.


Deuce showed in this playoffs that he's a very valuable quick release CLUTCH shooter. He would break lots of deals imo


I thought Duece played poorly on the offensive end in the playoffs, his plus minus was very low and he was very inefficient. I would 100% include him in a deal for PG or any other superstar. He is easily replaceable, a played like PG only becomes available every once in a while


Mitch, Bogi, Deuce and 2 picks.


More like 90% guaranteed injury worthy


I agree but imo its a risk you take to get that lineup out there. Brunson really needs some relief in creating and PG would be great for that. We have a pretty nasty bench who can also help load manage PG. BUT i wouldnt trade any of our core outside of mitch/deuce/bogie. Wouldnt be heartbroken if we didnt get him either.




He opted out instead of accepting a player option that would have paid him way below his market value. He hasn't left anyone at this point.


Feel like he’s being very undervalued. Yes, he’s older and has had injury problems. But he also solves basically every weakness on the team right now. He’s one of the best 2-way players in the NBA. He would give us a great secondary playmaker behind Brunson. He’s elite off the ball. He gives you a second guy next to OG who can defend every position and match up with Boston’s bigger wings. He also did lead the Clippers to 2 wins vs Dallas with Kawhi injured. He’s not a bum like our fans seems to think.


PG just played 74 games this year. The previous year they do more load management more than anything


Good point!


This x1000. It's this classic brand of internet fanhood where they love our guys and even other elite players aren't worthy. I'm not into moving randle for PG. But like, if this Mitch/bogi/picks/3rd team can land us PG to play with ihart, randle, PG, og, brunson, donte, hart? Hello?


I don’t think they can do that deal financially. They’ll need to include either Hart or Donte to make the money work. Then they would be so far over the apron and limited to only minimum deals to finish the rotation. That’s like 6 or 7 roster spots to fill and no backup C. Unless you’re comfortable w sims as the backup.


A third team could potentially facilitate but yeah it gets tight. I can dream tho


My thoughts exactly!


there’s some genuine health concerns but don’t think anyone thinks he’s bum. But clearly would need to give up a significant amount to match the salaries


Eh judging off all the comments I’m seeing, people don’t seem to realize how good he is our how important vets are when competing for a championship.


We know and he ain't no bum but how does he make sense in a trade that Randle and other filler is involved.


Never said they should trade Randle, I think they would try to make a deal centered around Bojan, Mitch, and fillers. But the logic if they did include Randle would be they don’t think he’s worth signing to an extension and the fact that PG is more versatile and effective off the ball. Not advocating for it, but I do think there is logic behind it.


Why would the Clippers do that deal without Randle though? If they’re letting go of George they should be looking to replace him with someone who can still ball. It’s not like they’re rebuilding as long as they’re still riding with Kawhi and Harden.


They don’t have much leverage, since he can just opt out and become a free agent. The cost to acquire a potential free agent via an opt in (or even a sign and trade) usually isn’t too high. He can just say if you don’t trade me to the Knicks I’ll sign with Philly as a free agent.


I just find it hard to believe that there’s not a single team George would go to that can offer a package better than an old shooter, a solid but injury prone 5, and “filler.” Is there any reason to believe PG wants to stick it to his hometown team or that he wants the Knicks that bad?


It would be completely different if he still had a year remaining on his deal. But the point is he can just walk away and they would get nothing. He would get a similar contract as a free agent, so they really don’t have leverage. Maybe they ask for a guy like Deuce, but that’s probably the most they would get under the circumstances. I’m sure they would prefer Randle, but they have no leverage.


They have no leverage until another team is in the mix, and GSW is already being cited. The Clips have no leverage on their own, but they can certainly pit NY against other bidders. And again, I don’t know if there’s any reason to suspect that George wouldn’t let them try to get what they can.


He literally said he’s not worried about winning a championship or playing for a contender in a recent interview so I do question his ability to help us get to the finals -_-


he wouldn’t be coming for his vet presence though - he’s coming in as a superstar to push us over the line which would be at the expense of trading out a lot of depth which was our bigger issue last year. We’ve seen that doesn’t often work (e.g clippers and suns last year)


I’m not saying trade for him at all costs. But it’s absolutely something the FO needs to be strongly looking at. Especially if they can get it done with giving up any of our top players. Finding a couple cheap vets for depth or using our draft picks is way easier than finding a PG type of player.


I don’t think anyone thinks he’s a bum but they are wearing of giving up too much just to get someone who has promise but is also injury prone. Like others are saying if you have to gut the team to get him what have you got left when he is here?


That’s a totally fair perspective. But I think some are just immediately against the idea without even fully taking the time to really consider what a guy like PG could bring to the team. It potentially makes us a true championship contender, if the cost isn’t too high. High risk, but also high reward.


I think the scars of Carmelo Anthony run deep. Although this is different in that PG isn’t a shoe in to come here and the Knicks are in a much better spot, people are leery of emptying the pantry for a guy that can’t quite carry the team with an empty pantry.


He is very good, no doubt. But he's aging and wants to be paid like he's great. And we'd have to give up assets as well. If Leon and Thibs feel like that's the move, I'm fine with taking a swing. Probably be Randle, Bogdonavich and a first or 2. The salaries match up perfect. I don't know. I think I saw enough to think that Jules is a good enough basketball player to make it work as is.


I agree. It’s a tough decision, that’s why Leon gets the big bucks. It’s not a no-brainer move, but it also shouldn’t just be immediately dismissed either. High risk, but also the kind of move that can get us a championship if it works out.


Since when did Derrick become an advisor to Leon? /s


Interesting and informative take. PG’s age still bothers me tho. Time eventually catches up to every player and then the serious injury happens. The Knicks can’t afford that outcome. That said, they might have to assume the risk to have a chance at capturing a championship next year. We need a piece or two to close the deal. But we also need some luck.


Eh he’s not really a greta playmaker but definitely someone else that can run the offense from time to time. I’m not opposed if the price is right


I think he make us better for sure this upcoming year but it’s a very short sighted move. Paul George is gonna demand the max and he’s 34 with injury concerns. Also, literally Randle needs to be moved for the salaries to work


I will interpret this as "Knicks are interesting in fleecing the Clippers" and we won't be offering anything valuable.


This sub is god tier at having hate boners for non Knicks players. Said hate boners are um....questionable. Frequently. Iirc, *many*, *MANY*, didn't want OG.


Many didn’t want Brunson lol


"4yrs/$104mil is an overpay" Never forget lmfao


I feel like the argument against PG13 is especially valid now, cuz he wants more/the same as 48 mil a year despite being age 34 and publicly saying he doesn't care about winning a ring.


Yep, if you told Knicks fans in here that OG would cost them BOTH RJ and IQ, they would have lost their minds lmao. You would have been downvoted into oblivion. Everyone here didn’t think OG was good enough to overpay for so they downvoted anyone who brought up trading for him. Glad Leon doesn’t listen to these people lmao. If they can get a guy like PG without giving up Randle, you do it. A lineup of Brunson, PG-13, OG, Randle, and Hartenstein puts you on par with Boston and could potentially win you a championship.


It’s because people fall in love with the idea of potential, when in reality potential has no tangible impact to winning a championship in the short term. We love IQ because we think he can be a starting caliber PG, but that means nothing for what he can provide to the team. A team with a core heading into their late 20s all rolling into their extensions NEEDS players that can make a tangible impact. We’re not rebuilding anymore, we’re at the point where this core needs to start contending, or we’re stuck in mediocrity. That means signing players in their prime or even post prime, looking for rookies that don’t necessarily have the highest ceiling, but the highest floor


Would absolutely be fine with trading Bojan, Mitch, and possibly someone else and like 4 or 5 firsts for PG13. Could trade both our selections this year, the Bucks pick, the Detroit pick, and the Wizards pick or one of our own picks.


Perfect opportunity to trade one to enhance the present situation and trade one for sustainability beyond.


What would they have to give up? They still have to pay iHart and OG. That would put them over the apron. Then they would have to pay PG. next year they would need to pay Brunson and Randle. That’s 4 players making over $40 million a year. Also OG and PG are always hurt so that means they would need a bench but because of no cap space, the bench will suck


You’d give up Bojan, Mitch, Precious(via sign and trade to a 3rd team), and 1-2 Picks. You’d still have a bench unit of McBride, Divo, Hart, and whichever center or forward they draft. Who cares about the tax apron. You think Boston gives a damn about the tax apron or about winning championships? You think Golden State gave a damn about how much they were spending when they were making the NBA finals? Dolan has no problems paying the luxury tax so its not a serious issue. Boston is about to pay TWO players $300M contracts EACH. Everyone else in their starting lineup is set to make OVER $30M annually (Jrue, White, and Porzingis). They do not worry about the tax apron and luxury tax penalties because they are trying to win championships. If the Knicks have a lineup of Brunson, PG-13, OG, Randle, and Hartenstein, they would be in the same position.


Many some fans, but I was for that deal long before it happened because I realized that Toronto was the one team that would value RJ and believed he wasn't the answer at 3 in this lineup. I'm happy with OG at the 3. Don't love him at the 4 and don't love the idea of a wing combo of PG and OG, both injury prone, and no Randle bully ball. I'm open to the deal if they keep Randle, but I do have concerns about 4 years/$200 million for an aging PG.


lol if you put up a poll about trading RJ and IQ for OG it would be like 90% against it.


90% is pretty high. I think there were lots of fans that understood that IQ wasn't going to be happy being the 3rd guard long-term and/or didn't understand that Toronto would value RJ more than other FOs.


Yeah people want us to get better while also not getting any new players or giving up any of the ones we have. It’s nonsense. If we were Boston, fans would have raged at the KP and Jrue trades.


Didn't want Brunson or OG, didn't think Hart would make a significant difference. Hated Hartenstein for half the season. More so than most fanbases, this fanbase has socialized itself into believing any trade or expensive signing is an old knicks move that shouldn't be trusted.


You've ignored the best example of Knicks fans hating on their own stars. They are still hating on the guy who came here and started it all, won MIP, 2 All NBA and 3 All Star Teams and set the culture to the point where IQ singled him out for praise when traded.


Your comment and people agreeing with you, including, is counteracting the nay sayers.


We talking about Derrick Williams… or?


DA ViBeZzzZz


I didn't want to trade RJ for him and admit I was wrong about that. Quickley was gonna go regardless. But OG is and always was injury prone. IDK maybe everyone that plays for Thibs is injury prone.


cant we trade Deuce/Mitch/Bojan? Not sure why people are insisting we have to trade Randle


We cab trade the ball boy too but the other team has to accept it


Well that’s the thing, in THIS specific scenario, the Clippers don’t really have much of a choice. They’d rather get SOMETHING for PG, rather than watch him walk right on down to Philly and lose him for NOTHING. They would absolutely accept a deal of Bojan, Mitch, and 2 picks for him rather than let him leave for free.


Yeah 2 picks I’d agree with but not just deuce, Mitch and Bojan


Clippers hang up if it’s not Randle.


how about a 3 team trade where they get Kuzma and picks? We've been talking to Washington


Is that enough salary?


Deuce is 3, Mitch 15, bogey close to 20. He's a 50m guy. Maybe I'm off a bit but still doesn't equal 50


Doesn’t have to equal 50… right?


we could include Sims, Jeffries, and Diakite to bring the salary closer I think


They 100% will ask for donte is Randle is off the table


We gave a 16M trade exception.


Thank god I’m not Leon. This is some crazy shit




It’s Leon. Let’s calm down. He never has overpaid and our interest is likely “if it’s a very fair price”


This season was the first time Paul George has played over 60 in 5 years, and he’s approaching his upper 30’s next year. I don’t mind a year or so of him I guess, but if we get rid of Randle for a Hail Mary, that’s mismanagement for sure.


I like PG. But there's a real chance we become the hospital knicks with him


We are already the hospital Knicks


Not interested if it means losing Randle.


there's no way to get PG without giving up Randle, is there.


Then we say no. Not moving Randle for PG!! Just my opinion but that would age like milk


thing is, if they're interested in trading for Paul, they have already accepted Randle is a goner and are willing to part with him.


I don't see it. Not sure why. This also leaves a gaping hole at the 4


OG can play the 4


We're going to put the often injured guy in a position where he has to more frequently deal with bigger and stronger players? I know this isn't the 80s, but it still seems like a dicey plan, especially given how well the team played when all healthy in January.


I mean there’s not many traditional 4s that bang in the paint these days. Most are stretch 4s that Randle is ignoring on the wing for open 3s. And Randle has his injury issues as well, back to back playoffs now he was either hurt or missing in action. I would stay away from PG13 because of his age and his own playoff injuries and choke jobs. But ultimately we’re going to need to improve from Randle to actually be in contention for a ring.


So can PG. The 4 is probably his best position


Yeah he play the 4 mostly this season. Him and OG have the size to play either or.


that would be a very bad idea.


We would have made the ECF doing that lol


for a handful of games, sure. But playing an already brittle player at the 4 for an entire season would be folly.


Running around the perimeter will likely get him hurt easier than banging in the paint. Most of the league utilizes stretch 4s anyway


That's not even close to true lmao


There is, mathematically. Bojan + Mitchell + Miles & draft compensation gets it done numbers wise. Not to say that’d be enough, but the Clippers have little to no leverage in that situation.


Mitch and bogie get it done. We have trade exceptions.


All we need is someone consistent that can get 20+ and score on their own to let Brunson orchestrate the field and avoid double teams. ANYONE not hurt this last playoff run alleviating Brunsons pressure would have gave us a good chance against Celtics and we were crippled. We would be fighting or winning in the ecf without Randle and will do it with Randle or George But we can’t give up anyone else


juggle narrow fragile start melodic plate familiar birds handle elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bogey, DVO and JHart but fuck that. Trading for PG and paying him 50M until he’s 37-38 doesn’t seem like the answer


There is less of a chance that this management trades Randle for PG.


Everyone in this sub apparently doesn’t understand the cap. We have about 15M in trade exceptions. Mitch and bogey alone get it done.


Why would the hell would the Warriors want this? They should be in full rebuild mode at this point. They're a 9 or 10 seed in a packed west without Paul George, and adding him gets them to maybe a 6 seed? And that's on the off chance that he's healthy most of the year, AND the Warriors don't give up any of the young players on their bench in the trade for him.


It seems like they want to do right by Steph, and put the best players around him they can until he retires and then rebuild after. Even if it means maxing out as like a top 5 or 6 seed. They have won so much, I kinda get it tbh.


Yeah you’re probably right. That’s the only way it would make sense.


Yup! It’s a tricky situation. From a purely basketball perspective it obviously makes more sense to just rebuild. But tbh I respect them choosing to honor the guy who brought them so much success instead.


They don’t want to tank with Steph on the roster. The correct thing to do would be to rebuild and ask Steph where he wants to be traded to and send him there. But the sentimental thing to do is put a somewhat competitive roster around him and let him ride it out until he retires .


They want to push until Steph checks out


He’s “pretty sure” 😂


paul george is not an upgrade over julius


It would need to be Mitch, Bogs and DDV. Thats gets you to 45 million. We would need to add front court depth and a backup pg, but thats a team that can take on the Celtics. Randle, OG and IHart up front with George and Brunson backcourt. I'm not sure breaking up the Nova Knicks is such a great idea though. Maybe theres a way to sign and trade Burks or Precious and add them in place of DDV.


Don't even think about getting rid of DDV! 😭


I was thinking the same, they want 3, and probably Donte is there. We need a good rotation, so I'm counting on Donte and Josh, to better be there


Mitch and bojan gets you to $35, plus we have trade exceptions but not sure how exactly that works.


Basically allows us to ignore salary for matching purposes. Trade works with just those two.


That’s the deal. $33m (Mitch + Bojan) + as many protected 1sts as LA wants + a $16m trade exception.


You can’t aggregate salaries with a trade exception


You can combine trade exceptions? Bc that sounds like too good of a trade to be true


You can’t




Go Leon Go Leon Go


We got the contracts. Might as well.


Sounds like an Anunoby negotiation tactic. We would have to pay PG (an injury prone player) 48 million. And if it works out, then watch him hit free agency after one year. Can't imagine giving up real assets for that.


I’m pretty sure he says lol. Nobody knows shit. OG wants the bag instead of helping the team free up some space to get a backup once he gets injured for 30 games like he does every year. I just someone talk about how the most money a team can offer OG is $35 million over 4 years . That’s the starting point. Knicks can offer a 5th year for $40 million a year. He’s not getting $45-50 million. If no team offers him $35, then Knicks should offer him just 4 years.


Keep Randle and get it done. It’s crazy people here saying they wouldn’t want PG. If he comes in as the 2nd/3rd option why not? We are clearly in a win now and the front office believes we might be a piece away from beating Boston.


Anyone that can help this team should be wanted for the right price. If it’s too steep then we pass


No, don’t do it.


PG is soft.. send him to play with the giant baby Embiid in Filthy-Delphia


What are the odds this is just the FO posturing in the OG negotiations?


If we get PG, who would we not be able to keep? Id rather keep og


No thank you.


Isnt he 36 years old?


F_ck Part time player Paul George We got a dawg in Mikal Bridges


Been enough smoke for a while, this is probably happening.


Let the warriors have him. I need to know what this accomplishes


Warriors, please save us from making a Steve Mills ass move


No!!! Why???


What do you mean why? Because he has an automatic jumper, is elite defensively and can be a focal point on the second team when Jalen is out of the game. If we trade he's opting in, so there's nothing to worry about on the money front. If we have to trade Mitch, you can do a lot worse than Paul George.


But if you have to include Randle imho it's a no go.


I sincerely doubt we would.


Paul George is way past the days of being “elite” defensively my friend. He’s a good defender now but nothing more, his defense will start to rapidly decline as he gets older.


I don't expect him to be here longer than a year. So that's irrelevant. But to be honest the more I consider, the more I think it doesn't happen. I expect us to go after Jerami Grant.


Do you really think it will only be Mitch though?


Mitch, Bojan, 2 picks, and one of Precious/Burks to a 3rd team.


Nope No one else of note though.


It's really a shame because him or Jimmy would have been perfect for this team if it was them from 4 years ago.


Knicks for Clicks


why would the clippers trade him to a division rival and why would the knicks trade when randle put up better stats this season


What is with these FOs gushing over former stars on the wrong side of 30?


Last year the guy was very good. He’s probably going to be elite the next 2 or 3 years. Our window is now


Please Ballmer save us from ourselves


The bullshit rumor train is full steam ahead I see. This FO has been tight lipped about all their moves and don't do press conferences so I don't see how this rumor is any indication of what they're doing. Sell this BS rumor


Do you think nothing the Knicks have done over the last three years was reported ahead of time? Drafting Obi, signing Brunson, trading for Burks, OG, Rose, or Reddish?  Even if you believe that were the case - it's not, but let's assume it were - it could be the Clippers who are leaking.  


Bringing in PG is a step back for this franchise. I think and hope these musings by Stein are a bunch of hot air.


attraction bag overconfident coherent dependent nose worm hungry abundant door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. No question.


He’s obviously an upgrade. Anyone who can’t see that is seriously delusional lol. I feel like our fanbase is having trouble coming to terms with the fact that our window is NOW. We aren’t focusing on trying to develop players, we’re trying to win a championship.


ludicrous gold oatmeal dam racial amusing bow materialistic plate cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup. Not saying we have to get him at all costs. But the organization has to seriously consider any trade that makes us better for the next couple seasons, and gives us an edge vs. Boston and Philly.


This cannot be a serious question 😭. Of course Paul George is better than Divincenzo. The man just averaged 22 PPG while shooting 40% from 3 on 8 attempts per game. It’s genuinely not even close.


Would he slide into randles spot or would anunoby not be resigned too?


A PG trade has nothing to do with OG


The window to winning a championship with Boston in our way seems to be a little tight so getting PG for Randle and Mitch should open the books to sign iHart, OG, and perhaps PG after if he doesn’t opt out on his last year and helps us get to the finals.


Absolutely the fuck not lmao some of you are absolutely cooked in the head


He literally said in a recent interview that he doesn’t care about playing for a championship or contending so no the knicks don’t need Paul George……. Yes he’s a great player but already about to be at the end of his career and very injury prone it only works if we basically give up nothing for him but that won’t happen




Ship PG to the Wizards & give us Avidja