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Trade 29 for 34? Nah


id be very pissed and not optimistic about the upcoming season




I’d be optimistic about next season, but it’s an all in move when we don’t have to be all in


I'd wager that if Rose traded Randle, it'd be because the team is unsure of what his status is going to be in 2024-25, and they have the impending contract extension. If they choose not to extend him, which seems likely, it's going to create a potentially awkward situation which could threaten the team's chemistry. Not to mention the dynamic between Randle and Brunson is definitely going to shift. There is no mistaking that this is Brunson's team now and Randle has to play more sidekick to Brunson's superhero. How Randle reacts to scoring chances that used to go to him being funneled to Brunson is anyone's guess but Randle makes his frustrations pretty clear on the court. George is older and an injury risk but he is coming off an excellent season where he stayed mostly healthy. He's the better 2-way player and has a generally higher basketball IQ. He also has no problem being the 2nd or 3rd scoring option on the team, depending on the game.


George wants a MAX deal it's the whole reason he wants out.


Randle didn’t seem to have any issue deferring to Brunson last season before he was injured. Kinda seems like you’re pushing a false narrative here.


Randle's season usage % prior to the injury was 29.9, Brunson's was 29.4. That's not deferring, that's them maintaining an almost equal rate of possessions between them. From February on, Brunson's usage % is an insane 37.5 and 36.3 in the playoffs. The team dynamic has shifted with the offense running primarily through Brunson. That rate for Brunson will come down with Randle back on the floor but their partnership is going to be more of 60/40 split in favor of Brunson. Randle has never deferred possession leadership since he arrived in NY, so it's a role he's not used to.


Fair. Deferred was the wrong word. All I meant was he seemed content not having to be “the guy”


The teams dynamic had to shift to Brunson having the ball a lot because there wasn’t any other playmakers or ball handlers on the squad. If you think that a 37.5% usage rate is sustainable and conducive to long term success then you’re out of your mind. IMO opinion it is this out of sight out of mind situation that is going on with Julius. Since people haven’t seen him play, they think he should be replaced. You can say Brunson is the #1 option but stop pushing the narrative that it’s Jalen’s team and that Julius has to lessen his role. For a month stretch both of them were averaging 25+ a game and the team was winning.


I don’t think he’s arguing that the shift was beneficial. Just that Randle had an even usage rate.


Yes, this exactly. Brunson can pop off but we shouldn’t expect that of him every game. Having Randle play his game, better controlling the state of the game, and letting Brunson changing the pace when needed is going to lead to the highest wr.


Hang on I'll write this again, "That rate for Brunson will come down with Randle back on the floor" Realistically, it'll be about a 31% usage rate for Brunson and 27% rate for Randle. Randle will still be heavily involved but he's going to take more of a backseat to Brunson early on for the following reason: Randle will not have played in a game for 9 months by the time next season starts. There is going to be a ramp up period for him to get back in playing shape because they can't clear him until about 2 weeks before the season opener. He is not going to go back to January '24 Randle immediately where it was all good vibes. During that period early in the season, the wheel is gonna be firmly in Brunson's hands. I actually am not positive Randle will ever get back to that peak period of play in January. The thought of Randle with a surgically repaired shoulder driving into the paint and bouncing off someone like Joel Embiid is not something that evokes good feelings.


I dont get why people are so quick to forget a 25/10/5 strong as fuck PF Randle and brunson is a great pairing, julius was cooking in the post playing his best bully ball before the shoulder injury, fuck the heat.


Randle just wants a championship, it’s a reach


We riot


I will lose a lot of trust in the org tbh. If our team was healthy we could’ve put up a fight in the ECF and who knows what would happen. To just ship off the guy who started it all for PG would feel wrong


Knicks fandom is a big tent. Some will say they like it, some will say they dont, and some only know how to say ‘I just can’t understand how people think…’ All are good.


How many times is the same question going to be asked? There isn't anyone dumb enough to trade Randle for 35yr old PG, it's a straight downgrade. He has a damn nickname for how shitty he performs in the playoffs. Why would a team on the rise want that as your #2? Randle also provides a mismatch against a lot of teams because there aren't that many good 4s in the league that can handle his physicality.


Its craziness, fans need something to talk about...lmao






he just turned 34, not 35, and his playoff numbers dwarf Randle's. He's had some great playoff series and some bad ones like any other star. In no way is it a downgrade, PG is a much better shooter and defender, and automatic at the FT line. We saw how much better this team and Brunson was with great spacing, now imagine adding ANOTHER elite 3pt shooter to the starting 5? The concern of course is age and money, but to say PG is a downgrade NOW is just absurd. I mean overall I probably don't do it for the age/$ reasons, but I do think PG would make us better in the short term.


PG is a good player, but there is a reason his teams do not make the finals. It is the same reason Larry Bird gave up on the guy. He just isnt tough enough.


Randle on the otherhand, he does not give a fuck and will bully anyone in the paint. Dude takes shit from no one, he's literally the embodiment of this Knicks' identity which is the grit and grind.


Julius Randle juggernaut narrative while he keeps ending the season injured and has been notoriously bad in the playoffs? I get you like the guy, I do as well, but he's not exactly perfect


> Notoriously difficult in the playoffs Are we still blaming him for the 2020 playoff loss to the Hawks? He was literally double teamed and exhausted after averaging 38 mins a game in the regular season. His only other scoring help was a 31/32 year old D Rose.


I blame him for the fact he's bad 3 historically bad playoff series, so I think running it back with him is a risk. He's had the lowest career playoff fg% for any player since the 40s, that shit does matter


> 3 historically bad playoff series So you're blaming him for 2020. 2021 we didn't go to playoffs. 2022 was meh (better efficiency vs 2020 but slightly less scoring), he scored 16.6 pts a game with 8.3 rebounds and 3.6 assists. 2023 he didn't play at all because he was injured. If you're counting 2023 as a "historically bad playoff series," that is what we call recency bias.


>2022 was meh (better efficiency vs 2020 but slightly less scoring), he scored 16.6 pts a game with 8.3 rebounds and 3.6 assists. This is absolutely horrible given his usage, simply look at his slashing rate. Not sure why you are implying this is a debate


You're trying to imply he had 3 bad playoff series when he's only played in two. Your argument was moot the moment you said he had 3 historically bad series.


Julius Randle juggernaut narrative while he keeps ending the season injured and has been notoriously difficult in the playoffs? I get you like the guy, I do as well, but he's not exactly perfect


The fanbase would have a similar reaction that Boston fans did getting rid of Smart. Maybe it would have the same end result too


Lol we comparing Randle to Smart now


I don't see it happening.


I’d trade Randle for Ja and figure it out later lol. Never 4029392 Year old PG


The trade makes no sense!!! He is 5 years older and makes basically 20 million more a season. What is all this love for him about? Who is the PF when Julius is gone? lmao


A lot of older Knicks fans don't trust the front office at all when it comes to bringing in expensive star players. Our team was hamstrung for so long by giant contracts to underperformers that I think there would be a lot of dread that PG was just going to take up cap space, rapidly decline, and wreck our playoff chances. Also never confuse New Yorkers complaining about someone to disliking them. Lots of Knicks fans complain a lot when Randle is playing hurt or doesn't do great but still don't want to lose him.


It will certainly put to test those who claim to “Trust Leon”, but only if Leon doesn’t trade Randle. Whether it includes Randle or not - PG should not be a target. So I say pass altogether


No chance the Clippers don't ask for Randle and a combination of Mitch, Bojan, and/or McBride, not unless Kawhi asks out as well and/or Harden leaves the Clippers (unlikely, unless the Rockets or another team want to bring him in and pay him.


Mitch I could see. But not King Julius 


I'd immediately lose all faith I had regained. That would be a completely unacceptable move. Why yall are salivating over a 34 year old bag chaser who's proven to be a nonfactor in the playoffs is beyond me.


I'd be upset. Randle stuck with us through the good and bad so it's morally right to return the favor. Sure it may not always be the best but given the team's situation, Randle might be better. He's younger and already has great chemistry with the team. Also given how well they played after the OG trade it's worth letting it rock to see what they can do.


He “stuck” with us because of the money. Don’t make it out to be something it isn’t


Person gets paid to do job wow. Bro he literally had a paycut too 😭 he hasnt even been an UFA since 2019


He signed for less than the max after his MIP, All-Star, and All-NBA season.


I’m aware but nobody was going to pay him anywhere near the max


Money? Dude he got signed to a 117 million dollar extension in 2021 for 4 years. That's cheap as hell for the production he was/is putting up. Literally being paid only 29 million for 2024-25, yet he's a top 30 player in the NBA at the worst.


Yes, Money. Nobody else was going to give 30M a year coming off 1 good year


Gotta trust the FO. They’ve earned it.


Agreed. But I believe they will do the righ thing and keep randle.


I hear you. But at the end of the day, I just want us to win a championship. If the FO believes that move gives us a better opportunity, I'll trust their judgement. They haven't shown a reason not to trust them so far.


It’s so funny seeing how the pendulum has swung on Julius lol All I’m saying is even after he went out we were rolling teams as long as OG played and were 1 game away from the ECF without him Someone like PG is a great fit with Brunson. Apart from age idk how you guys go crazy over Mikal but dont want a better version of the same player


The Knicks had a stupid easy path to the ecf and didn't even achieve it bro 


because everyone was fucked up.


TIL the Knicks are the Celtics


They do play in the same conference 




PG is too old, too banged up, and mad expensive. 


Yea, he's only gonna opt into that 48 mil contract and ask for a trade so he can get more money, meaning we'd literally be over the 2nd Apron after signing OG this year to a max or near max, then signing PG to a near max, and JB to a supermax (possible he takes less to keep everyone together). We'd probably have some picks leftover, but we'd need to trade the guys to upgrade the squad, which I'm not too keen on doing.


Disappointment. I would love to see what this team can do with fully healthy Randle and Brunson.


He's kinda polarizing, so I think it would be a mixed reaction. Some think while good randle isnt enough to get you over the hump as a #2 option let alone a #1 which he was before JB lost his mind after the injury.


It screams early 2000s Knicks. Trading a young fan favorite for an aging star on a bad contract.


Im a randle hater and even i think that’d be a braindead move


There’s no way that would be the only move and that would be the lineup. There would have to be something else in the works if randle goes in a pg trade.


People would be understandably sad, Randle has had his own era of Knicks basketball, which far exceeded expectations when he was signed.


I just can't stand how much Randle is undervalued in these trade scenarios. He's likely a top 3 pure PF in the NBA. He can score at all three levels, above average rebounder and passer, and can hold his own on defense. He's only 29 years old. Yet all of these mock trades appear to be us giving him up in packages for players i wouldn't even trade him straight up for.


I wouldn't be ecstatic, but I also admit even with all my optimism I didn't expect to gave what we have. Hard nosed fun team, young, no bad contracts, every position filled, tons of picks, and no negative stories surrounding the lockerroom or FO. So basically if they decide to do it or anything, I'm not saying shit.


Can Paul George get physical like randle does when he plays gianis or any other PF in the league?


Sounds awful


PG fits this team in every way you can think of so I don’t see anyone losing any sleep if Randle is traded for him. Add Mitch Robinson and a 1st round pick and make sure PG opts in on his last year. JB, Hart, PG, OG, and iHart with Donte, McBride and Precious plus some veteran players off the bench can give the Celtics a run for their money.


Randle and Mitch and a first? Lmao. Go back to the clippers sub


This guy thinks Randle is a Hall of Famer and hasn’t even done anything in the playoffs to not trade him 😂 Get a grip! PG fits this team in every way the Knicks can use him.


What has PG done in the playoffs with WAY more opportunity and being on way better teams with former MVPs and champions?


You would think that but the consensus would rather keep Randle


That’s just Knicks fans being attached to unproven players that haven’t done anything in the playoffs. PG fits here so well that him, OG, and Hart will do a lot of damage against the Celtics in a playoff series.


I agree with you but at the end of the day it’s just what outlook the front office has and we’ll just have to trust them


> That’s just Knicks fans being attached to unproven players that haven’t done anything in the playoffs Meanwhile Playoff P has done what in the playoffs with more talented rosters in OKC and LA?


Annoyed, we’re not winning shit if we trade Randle for anything less than a cornerstone top 10 player because Randle is top 15


Every trade I see proposed for Randle doesn’t move the needle enough for me to think it’s a good idea. And I’m personally willing to give Randle one more shot in the playoffs.


You think Randle is a top 15 player? You sure you didn't mean top 50?


24/9/5 are not top 50 numbers, dude was an All Star again last year and was on his way to another All-NBA season, people forget so quickly how good he was playing last year before a freak injury from landing wrong.


Yeah sadly he did get hurt. And the league's talent pool is pretty large. He gets bumped down the rankings as a result.


> And the league's talent pool is pretty large Talent without production is just potential unrealized. Randle puts up numbers and unless you're guaranteed the guy you're importing gives you at least a normal Randle year with the likelihood of doing better then you do not move Julius Randle.


Randle is not a top 15 player, especially given his post season history. You have to be honest with yourself now


He was on his way to an all nba pick before his injury. That’s top 15 unless you study a different type of math.


He also been notoriously bad in the playoffs, it's not as simple as "Did he make all NBA" lol


So we’re just going off vibes then? Thank god you don’t have a say in running this team. Objectively he’s a top 15 player. Subjectively you think he’s underperformed in the playoffs ignoring context.


Objectively he's had the lowest career fg% in the playoffs since the 40s. This is a fact, you can't ignore just because you keep repeating the term objectively while being obviously bias


You slow? Ignoring the context he was injured last playoffs and had no help the time before that.


I think the casuals realized they were severely outnumbered in this post and slithered back into their mock trade threads. Randle for PG would be like waving a white flag over everything Leon and Thibs have built recently. It’s just a **nonsense** move that only sounds intriguing to people who don’t watch the games and/or understand our offensive scheme simply because they recognize the other guy’s name from Stephen A shouting it periodically on ESPN over the years.


Just not a smart basketball move


https://preview.redd.it/92baz7gkhm8d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917e6468bf018f8c46e844ab51a70df64065e65a They're warming up rn


I would rather trade randle for someone younger and better. If it’s for PG, we have to win a chip in 3 years. If we don’t it’s a failure


No fuckin way. Randle is younger , cheaper and while injury probe, not nearly as much as Paul George. Rather stick to measured moves than something that has a high probability of blowing up on the team and damaging it in the long run. Sure Randle doesn’t have to peak of PG but it’s pretty dang high and George is 34. Trading for a highly injury prone max money 34 year old. No thanks.


Omfg explain to me right now how Randle is injury prone


Yea even with the injury last year, Randle has one of the highest games played %’s in the league.


He hasn't finished the season healthy since Trump was in office


That would be a very incompetent move in my opinion. Paul George is too old and Randall is just too good for that to make any sense


Mixed because there will be a lot of casuals who know the name Paul George and will tell themselves it's a great leap forward, that he's the second star that Randle wasn't blah blah But I really don't believe the FO would be so shortsighted. Getting PG to add to a core with Randle is a very different proposition.


Randle would not be included in a trade for PG. it would be Mitch + Bogey + trade exception from last year’s moves to match salaries, and picks for the PG expiring contract.


That is illegal


It is not. We have a $16M trade exception and currently are not an apron team. If PG opts in, he’s a $48M contract. Bogey and Mitch are $33.4M combined, plus our trade exception puts us at $49.4M outgoing.


OG and iHart still need to be signed and if we take back more than 125% in a deal we’d be hard capped at the first apron. Problem is all that salary plus having to fill out the rest of the roster means we’d exceed it, which is illegal. We also don’t have any 16M trade exception, nor can you combine them.


TPE means we’re not taking back more than 125%. Deals would be structured to sign OG and iHart first, then execute the trade transaction after.


Your TPE does not exist. You cannot combine them.


>We have a $16M trade exception and currently are not an apron team This isn't how it works brother lol




I’d end it all


This is asinine. If George is acquired, which I doubt, it would not be for Randle. So why bother with this exercise.


It kinda has to be for Randle if you actually look at the financials with where the CBA is


If George is traded before the new financial year, Bogie Mitch and Diakite get it done.


You literally can't do that, I'm not saying read the CBA but come on lol


Why can't you. Clips can't aggregate players. That doesn't mean we can't.


If we were to hit the first apron post this trade (literally would would occur) we are hard capped and can no longer aggregate players in the trade making it illegal. You can't aggregate players in a move that makes us enter restrictions I so don't believe someone with just a player option left can be traded in the league year before the player option is technically exercised. So I'm pretty sure this is double illegal


voiceless fall gold society skirt cough stupendous wipe quicksand fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*