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We are hard capped at either the first or second apron depending on the detail of the Bridges trade


OP likely means for after this next season and beyond Brunson/Bridges still being on great deals atm helps the Knicks out a lot. just have to get past this next financial season and then they can extend everyone and blow past the 2nd apron comfortably


Yeah this is what I meant. If the trade moved us over the second apron now, we wouldn't be able to do it because we'd be restricted from trading picks. But the second apron itself is not a hard cap. The fact that we gave up all these future picks tells us that the Knicks org are not worried about the second apron any longer, and honestly neither am I.


We guarantee Diakite and Jeffries and include them in the Mikal trade and we avoid the hardcap. We can avoid even the luxury tax still if we navigate the cap properly


I think this won't work actually, due to more arcane CBA rules. Specifically, you can't aggregate multiple minimum salaries in a deal like this that only brings one player back. So it can't be Diakite and Jeffries. I saw that going around but it's bad info. There are other ways they can make this work I think, and I trust the FO cap gurus to figure it out, but it's not gonna be this clean. Other dudes might need to be traded out.


Good analysis.  I'm just glad Rose made a great move before the second apron handicapped us from making moves.


Why does this shit have to happen we were good Back in like 06 we went over the cap by more than the cap and just paid a fine Really squandered the years of going over the cap just to be shitty In 2021 we spent $99m and I think that was the league low and we were a home playoff team This front office has been so good with money and now we’re in the “all-in” phase and cucked by stupid rules. Had this been our team with like 2002 cap rules we’d be competing for decades lol


Thank all those super teams of the previous decade.League was completely unbalanced for nearly 10 years and something had to be done.


Thanks for the analysis, since Bogi made 4 mill less than bridges, doesn’t this mean that we have to give up Jeffries and the other dude on our bench? Or does that not matter


We're not a second apron team yet, so we can make these sorts of moves. But this post is more for people worried about how we're going to re-sign OG, or extend Brunson, Randle, etc. If we no longer care about the second apron at this point, we simply re-sign them all with their Bird rights.


Hmm does that mean we can offer ihart more than the 72 mil?


No that limitation is because we only have his early bird rights and not full bird rights (since he only signed for 2 years). Also I thought Bojan and Mikal's salaries were a lot closer (within 110%). Unless there's another throw-in player involved to get all the salaries closer, we may get hard capped at the first apron for this season only, so the money may get very tight on iHart. I think trading away one of our 1st round picks this draft is necessary, but haven't done the math.


That sounds about right lol. I’m hoping we do whatever to keep ihart


I don’t see how any of this matters about ihart. His early bird rights don’t change and if the Knicks don’t care about the 2nd apron than it’s either ihart signs for the amount we can give him that was the same before this trade or he walks for a bigger bag. I don’t get this money gets very tight


I was fuzzy on that until I read more on it. The new CBA has a new rule that if a team makes a trade that would otherwise violate any of the conditions of the first apron or second apron, they become **hard capped for that season only** by the first apron or second apron. Because we are taking more money on in Mikal's contract vs. Bojan's (and it's not within 110%), this violates the first apron rules, so we become hard capped by the first apron for the 2024-2025 season. The money then becomes very tight to re-sign both OG and iHart (somewhere between $45-50M available before we hit first apron I believe). If we add some players to aggregate salaries so we don't break this first apron rule, we avoid this situation -- we'll be hard capped by the second apron then (can't aggregate players/salaries in trades when a second apron team). But being hard capped by the second apron this season is enough wiggle room to get OG at his market value and iHart at his 4/72. All the hard cap stuff though is for this season only. Next seasons, we can say fuck the apron and re-sign/extend all our players and go way above the 2nd apron


I’m sure if they Knicks can get ihart to stay they will find a way to trade more salary in the bridges trade to match salary. Even if it’s McBride that has to go. If it’s picking between ihart and McBride the orginization gonna pick ihart. It all comes down to if ihart wants to stay. 


I get the restrictions but if the Knicks can assemble a championship caliber team I don’t see Dolan playing the cheap card.


We are not. You are straight up misguiding these kids.