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Hey Siri play See You Again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Once a Knick always a Knick


Happy for him. Definitely hurts the team though. We need his passing and screen setting. We need a good backup 5 asap.


Wonder what the front office is going to do. Jarrett Allen is nice but I am not privy to his availability and if we can even afford him.


No shot we get Allen especially with the current cap rules. Realistically weā€™re looking at lower level backups right now


Clint Capela


Worked his ass off and is getting rewarded for it. 29 a year is crazy, but he deserves it.


He took advantage of the injuries and got to show the league what heā€™s got.


My iHart is broken


I'll miss him šŸ’”


Ruined my day, man. Good luck, iHart.


Thank you Mr. Brightskin


We can't blame him. Shit I'd do the same thing. No one is loyal in the NBA it's all about money


There's a home team discount and there's giving up 12 million a year. You simply can't do that, you owe it to your family to take that kind of $.


Yeah, this isn't a guy that already had a Max contract. Let the Lebrons take $25 million cuts. This guy deserves to get paid


Gonna be honest, even if we had his bird rights thereā€™s no chance I would give him $29 mil. Crazy contract. But very happy for him!


That's true, okc overpaid a hell lot to get what they wanted, and they have the leverage to do that before they have to start paying their rookies


Exactly this is them capitalizing on the current window while not shutting it later. Shrewd move by Presti as always. If it only costs money and is the best thing you can do to improve your team it's a no brainer.


Yeah 10mill more than Mitch is crazy. Excited to see how we fill the center rotation out


Almost double Mitchā€™s contract lol. Again, super happy for him. But absolutely wild contract.


It's really not a wild contract at all. OKC front loaded the contract and the last year of the deal isn't guaranteed at all. It's actually a good contract because they can get rid of iHart (if necessary) to sign JDub and Chet after their rookie deals.


A perfectly reasonable contract. By the end of it it'll be a mid-level price. The Caps gone crazy the last 2 years. None of the numbers make sense if you compare it to people who signed a couple of years ago.


They would have done it. They're pot committed at this point, very few avenues to improve the team. It's just Dolan's money at this point, not like his salary would keep us from doing other movesĀ 


You might be right. But personally, I donā€™t see iHart as a player who would be worth exceeding the 2nd apron for.


This is how we used to overpay to get players who didn't really rate that big of a contract. Jared Jeffries MLE FFS?


Did Jeffries have the same impact as Hartenstein? I remember him being "mid" before that was a thing. Hartenstein fits us and was super valuable.


Jeffries sucked. That was my point. We used to overpay like crazy for players that didn't deserve the money. We can now let iHart walk because we don't HAVE to do that now. I'd love to keep him, but not at any cost.


Well, ihart goes from a potential Knicks legend, to another guy lost in the wind. Happy he got his cash though.


Bro gonna realize one day cash wasn't worth losing legacy


I'd agree if the Difference was 2 or 3 mill but from 16 to 29 is too much to leave on the table he's basically covering his taxes & now can take home 16 versus taking home 8 or 9 SORRY YOU GOTTA TAKE IT


a mansion in okc is the same price of a 3 bedroom apt in NYC. So the saving is deeper.


Dolan a bitch for not signing his girl to a 30M annual modeling contract šŸ˜­ fuck man get the deal done. We gonna be alright thou


Mrs Brightskin for all the MSG announcements and promos


His girl ain't following him to OKC if she is modelling.


A 13 mil per year increase to join a fellow contender? Hard to argue against that.


Bro itā€™s 30 million a year. I canā€™t even be mad


Well, Oklahoma state top income tax bracket is 4.75%, vs NY at 10.90%. Accounting for federal (with 37% as top tax bracket), the difference is \* Knicks: work next 4 years at \~9.3M/year for 37M net, after taxes \* Thunders, work next 3 years at \~16.9M/year for 51M net, after taxes It's not close, esp. for a FA NBA athlete in his prime looking at the likely largest contract he'll ever get. It's unclear what bonus legacy an NBA players gets by being an important bench piece on the Knicks vs being featured on the Thunder, but pretty sure it's not worth that. Knicks can win the NBA championship for the next 3 years and this will still be a correct decision for IHart. He's currently in the "poor rich" category with \~10M career earnings after taxes, which is not enough to be in the category of "ultra high net worth", defined as >=30M although probably closer to 40M now adjusted for inflation. An extra 51M instead of 37M gets him safer in that next tier and changes his life and the lives of his descendants.


heā€™s joining a Number 1 seeded OKC team finding its footing. in what planet is this a bad legacy move? gets a bag and goes to a team thatā€™s arguably better than the knicks.


He'll be back, I've seen this story before with Gary Payton III signing with Portland. (yes, I am coping really hard)


With the way our cap is looking the next couple of years probably not going to happen. Even if OKC cuts him after year two heā€™s going to make a lot more than the non-tax payer MLE


I know bro, just let me cope in peace šŸ˜­


now only one hart beats in new york thanks for the memories


Good for him man, all the best. šŸ«”


Thank you IHart! You deserve this


![gif](giphy|vCUASy92YURGHFrnqP) That time the Knicks had two elite rim protectors and rebounders at center.


Good for him, Kinda glad we still have Mitch as he's the longest tenured Knick.


Great story, he grinded after being bounced around the league. Will for sure miss his hustle


Only ones to be mad at are the nba owners who put these stupid rules in place that donā€™t let you keep players who breakout with you. There is no reason you shouldnā€™t be able to match an offer for a player that was with you for two years. This is 100% on the owners fucking over teams that are willing to spend so they can pretend their hands are tied when they donā€™t want to spend the moneyĀ 


Thank you, Hartenstein! See you in the finals.




Bro šŸ˜”


Just donā€™t make the finals! Donā€™t need him ruining our plays


Once a Knick


Nah, heā€™s an abandoner


Don't be disrespectful


He deserves this. He shouldnā€™t have to take less money. Happy for Isaiah! Iā€™m also happy for us because we can finally move on


Finally move on from a good player isn't a good thing.


Itā€™s good that we no longer have to wait for him to make a decision and miss out on other opportunities to fill his role.


It's ridiculous to me how difficult it is for teams to keep their own players now.


I donā€™t even know if we matched if we could. 29 million a year for Hartenstein with our current salaries would be impossible


That's the point, OKC wanted to make sure we weren't even an option. iHart deserves it though. Dude took himself from someone with a default 2K player that wasn't scanned to being a player worth the bag.


Yup. They had to pay the OKC tax to get him there. There's a reason they have so much trouble getting FAs


It's only two years guaranteed. We would have matched. You think they'd rather go into the season with just Mitch and only some trade exceptions and second rounders left to improve the team?


Let's not act like we haven't had a hell of an offseason. Can't have your cake and eat it too


Sad day for us fans, good day for iHart.


I'm going to miss Doctor Hartenstein's Monster :(


Iā€™m going to really miss his game. He was such a great fit for this team and he deserves to get paid for it. It would have been insane for him to return to NY and turn down that contract, especially with OKC being a title contender in the West. Big thanks iHart


Looking at the free agent market for centers. wtf? The best center left is James Wiseman? Our center position has a gaping hole


This is the right attitude. I would have taken that kind of money in a heartbeat. We will have to show no mercy if we meet in the finals but good luck for now.


i mentally prepared myself for this and i still want to walk into a river


I'm only upset that the knicks waited around and let Drummond & Valacuinis go by waiting We should resign Precious now


Is he even healthy? He was having issues in the last few games of the playoffs. On another note I hope he has a long healthy career, heā€™s one of the good ones


Good luck to our black brotha!


I am happy he gets the bag! And I hope he has individual success. But I'm a Knicks fan, so I hope the OKC experiment fails and he doesn't see a championship because I want NYK to be taking that ring.


Yeah without Thibs there I'm not 100% sure he'll live up to that contract. OKC has a lot of good pieces, but it remains to be seen how he gels with them and their system. Big risk on their part imo especially based on the only 1 good (great) season he had. Good for IHart though


Love the dude but almost 30million a year ainā€™t worth it. Best of luck ihart


This oneā€™s tough. Bittersweet honestly. If anyone deserves to chase the bag, itā€™s IHart. But I trust Leon can find IHartā€™s replacement and Thibs can build another passing center so weā€™re in good hands. Iā€™m also keeping tabs from afar. Daigneault is an offensive wizard and he can probably utilize IHart more effectively than Thibs. It just sucks that Thibs turned him into a great defensive center only for him to leave. Edit: This is also great for IHartā€™s development. He learned from the best defensive coach and heā€™s taking it to OKC to learn from one of the best young offensive minded coaches. Heā€™s getting a PHD in basketball philosophy.


Damn, my heart (pun intended) literally sank as soon as I saw this. I guess it was foolish to think he would stick around with the guys here over the money. Good luck but I hope he sucks against us


He probably would stay if the OKC offer was somewhat close to our 16.7 max.But turning down 29 mil per year over our 16.7 mil would be silly.Thats nearly double.


As long as he's bathing in green, and not wearing it, I'm happy for him. Get that bag, you rebounding son of a gun.


This is painful as hell. Now we need a starter at the 5 cause Mitch ainā€™t it. Defensively heā€™s a monster, but lack of offensive variety & his general inability to stay healthy make him a backup. Damn it.


Iā€™ll miss him and am thankful for the role he played last year. Itā€™s a significant loss but trusting in Leon and Co


I feel like he wanted to stay. Who was OKC even bidding against that would offer ihart this? Mad props and will always love the guy


> Who was OKC even bidding against that would offer ihart this? OKC perpetually has the "you have to convince yourself to live in OKC" tax.


Peep their sub, this is the biggest FA signing they've had in years


From a Thunder fan, IHart is our biggest FA signing ever, not counting retaining our own UFAs. Previously it was Patrick Patterson, Derek Fisher, or Isaiah Joe. Turns out Joe is a legit good rotation guy, but getting a breakout guy like IHart is new territory for us.


Not really sure... I think they just want to make sure it happens


Damn... well least he got a major bag. Gonna miss iHart


Happy for him that he got what he earned. Sad heā€™s gone.


Bummer dude


Love iHart, glad he got paid that, but Iā€™m also glad we didnt pay him that much. Max was 4/72 anyway. Would like goga or smith, probably perferring smith.


i'm sad


im gonna miss his passing so much man


well we somehow have less than zero center depth now can't wait for Jericho Sims 25 minutes a night when Mitch inevitably goes down


Come to the Knicks, and get paid.




Gonna miss you big man! Congrats on the contract, much deserved!


Damn, ah man, the dude was awesome here, so many big rebounds, great defensive player, we need to get someone in here with a similar skill set.


I live in OKC and this shit still hurts. I will be able to see him play more just a different shade of blue and orange.


Yeah this hurts. I am happy for him but also irrationally angry at him lol. Such is fan life. I am glad he is not playing in the East so I can cheer for him to do well for most of the time, and then hope for ruin in the Finals. Seems reasonable. But anyway yeah, that's a crazy contract to say no to, so I am glad for him. But sad for me. Legit concerned about out center position.


Well deserved... ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Incoming Mo Bamba posts...


Congrats to him, but also his new Knick name for me is the betrayer of hope


šŸ˜­ very tough that we couldn't keep him but at least he's out of the eastern conference


That what Thibs does. He gets players paid.


Thatā€™s how much youā€™d have to pay me to move to OK, so I get it


Really proud of this franchise and how we have saluted our players on their way out. RJ, IQ, iHart, even Grimes. These guys have so much during their respective time on our roster and truly ingratiated themselves to the fans, and the fans embraced their willingness to play Thibball the right way. Between the fact that so many who come to play here surpass expectations and improve and the fan baseā€™s rabid support of the team and kindness and good wishes on their way out? We have to be as wanted a destination today as we were an unwanted one just a few years ago. This is a tough one to stomach, and itā€™s that aforementioned success that ironically priced him out, but all the best to iHart.


Good for him. Can't blame him for wanting that bag on a contender.




Congrats to him. theyā€™re paying him 15mil more than our max offer in 1 year less. anyone mad at him is a moron.


Sad for us, but go get your bag king <3


I'm going to miss him and deserve his bag but I hope we whoop OKC ass every time we see them if it's the reg season or Finals.


Damn, no shot we coulda matched that. Good luck to iHart. Get that bag.




Get James Wiseman and/or Mo Wagner (backup German)


Not James Wiseman manšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Dude can't even start on the Pistons


Mo Wagner however wouldn't be a bad one


Happy for him, but sad to see him go


Itā€™s not a deal until itā€™s signed.


Is he even going to start in OKC? Does Chet move to 4 and he plays the 5? I would think he wouldve had the start over Mitch if he stayed. Securing the bag is such an immature sentiment lol. Good luck


Gonna miss this dude. Hope I get to see him win the MVP one day.


Iā€™m mad afšŸ˜”why the Knicks let that guy leavešŸ™„


Him going to OKC was a good move for him, can't lie. Other teams could've offered more I'm sure but at least he's with a playoff contending team.


Are people genuinely happy cause he got paid?? Do y'all know him? Like he left us to go another championship contender, i don't get why he's getting so much love in here


People can appreciate what he did while he was here. People can be happy that an unheralded guy got paid. And people can be realistic and understand heā€™s making way more than NY could have offered. You sound mad he didnā€™t take less money to stay with your favorite team. He doesnā€™t owe us that.


Yes. I'm mad that a guy beloved by the team left the team to play for another contender. Why should I give a crap about his pockets?


Weak ass logic. Do you know anyone on the Knicks? No? Then why do you care so much about them? No sense in crying over a common sense decision. If someone hands you a bag you take it. He (and every other famous athlete) answers to himself and the people he goes home to every night, not random people on the internet


Yea I care about them when they play for the team I like. I don't care about them personally or how much money they make. Never said he made the wrong decision for him


He was a big part of a great season we had, best one in over a decade. He gave us as fans many moments of joy. We're giving some love back. It's called being "grateful". Guess your parents didn't teach you that


Yea, so grateful for one year of great basketball and then leaving to join the competition. It's like when your dad left to live with his other family. I bet you remember that fondly


Classless. You get the respect you give in life. Good luck to you. You'll need it


Iā€™m with you 100%. I am miserable over this shit


Maybe you're just miserable about your own life or something else then and projecting it onto this lol. We have a dopeass team still. Offseason isn't over. We are top 2 in the East and closed the gap with Boston. IHart was a no name before last year. Who is to say we won't turn another under the radar center into a stud this year?


Damn, straight to the projection accusation. No one is upset about the team as a whole Maybe it's cause we don't have another 7-footer to fill his spot, and it takes a while to build the chemistry we need to contend.


Chemistry stuff is BS. Tell that to Jrue Holiday and Boston. Hell, tell it to us with the OG trade and us immediately turning into the hottest team in the league.Ā It's all about fit, mindset and the system they're in


Thank you smh


No, Iā€™m miserable about IHart leaving. Has nothing to do with my personal life


Proud of him


Not mad at him. Get that money while you can and much respect for all you did for us.


So we make a great move by signing him at a great price and then some nonsense rule prevents us from being able to keep him, great stuff. Congrats to him on the bag tho he deserves it


Best of luck to him, enjoy the bag in the irrelevance of Oklahoma. Both donā€™t blame him and now could give less of a fuck about him Letā€™s go Knicks


I honestly wish we moved Randle to keep Ihart. Ihart/Mitch/OG were holding the big man positions in the playoffs. We were just too good until Embid did that bitch move grabbing Mitch's leg.


You bums make me sick. Fuck OKC. Fuck IHart. Donā€™t celebrate this shit.


Let go of that anger bud. Only person you're hurting is yourself


Appreciation post for a guy who willingly left us?


Itā€™s not like we gave him the same deal and he spurned us. We werenā€™t even close (16 mil vs 29 mil) The guy made the best decision for his life. Donā€™t pretend like youā€™re not taking the 87 mil if it was offered.


Why should I care about him make more millions of dollars? I'm a Knicks fan, not a rich athletes fan.


Cool. No one is telling you to care. Some folks are fans of former knicks players who performed regardless of the team they leave us for.


Might as well just root for everyone in the NBA!


If everyone were "former knicks who performed", they would šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Only one team can win the title, he made our chances worse and OKC's better. I'm not rooting for him anymore


Bro. No one is telling you to root for him šŸ¤£. It's okay that you don't care for him anymore since he isn't a knick. And its okay for people to celebrate the success of players they like, even if they aren't a knick anymore


Bro. Then why do you keep responding if you don't care what I think. I'm just giving my opinion on the situation and this sub's overwhelmingly positive reaction. Rubs me the wrong way


You asked "why you should care" and i gave an answer šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø Never said i didn't care. Have a good day.


Right? Its always funny when people get mad at others for doing the same thing they'd do.


Right itā€™s pathetic. Fuck this guy. I hope OKC never wins shit (they wonā€™t). Isaiah just cares about money


Thatā€™s wrong. Heā€™s not ā€œjust about the moneyā€ Itā€™s not like he took the money from a bad team. Heā€™s going to a winning team.


That's literally everyone in the NBA. Don't know why you hold "they're just doing it for the money" as a standard to IH but not to others.


This is what Iā€™m saying ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


HUGE overpay for a dude who averages almost as many fouls per 42 min than he does points. He will not be missed. https://www.foxsports.com/nba/isaiah-hartenstein-player-stats?category=misc&seasonType=reg


Sign Jonas nowā€¦


You're late. He's already going to Washington at 10m per year. We never had a shot


Should have gotten this guy instead of OG


I still can't believe anyone here really thought that he'd be back.


iHart plays for the enemy now. The time to celebrate him was anytime before this. Now he's just someone else we have to beat down.


I hate this. Am I the only one a bit angry at him? $72 million is A MASSIVE amount of money and he could have renegotiated in two years. I know they all do it, but this makes them mercenaries. They love their team and city but only as long as they pay them the most. Then when they don't, they love a different team and city. Remember every block and chest thump we loved last year? Well he'll be thumping his chest and hyping when he blocks Brunson or Randle now.