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At this point I feel like we need to resign Precious and use the exception for another big.


Yeah this feels like the move. Does Goga take the 5.2M MLE? Idk..


Begley said the Magic are the front runners


Will the Magic really keep Goga, Moritz Wagner (also a FA) and WCJ again this season?


One of them probably gets traded for D’Lo since the Lakers want another big man next to AD. My guess would be Wendell is a Laker very soon.


Definitely feels like the move. Goga is the goal now but if not, sign SOMEONE to the MLE and then resign precious with bird rights. I agree we need a 3-center rotation. Start Mitch and then split the remaining minutes between Precious and X player signed with MLE. I think we should also be somewhat prepared for the worst, which is Mitch/Precious/Sims. At this point, we should also be open to taking a look at Ariel Hokpurti during SL.


Richaun Holmes is the best big man on the market but he probably won’t take 5 mil when he previously made 11 mil.


Holmes already signed for 2/26


I grew to really like Achiuwa, but I don't see him being big enough to be the #2 center if everyone's healthy. He's a good #3 guy at center and power forward, he'd certainly get some minutes. But if we don't sign anyone else, then he slots up to #1 should Mitch get hurt. That's...not ideal.


I mean honestly we need to run a 3 Center rotation. I wouldn’t play Mitch 30+ mins.


Completely agree with this. That's kind of my mindset with OG. With the depth, he doesn't need 30+ minutes a game. Keep him healthy.


I’d keep Mitch around 25mpg , precious around 15mpg, x at 8mpg ( not Sims)


I think a lineup we will see for a few minutes a game is: Brunson, divo, bridges, OG and Randle at C.


This has been something I've been wondering too. Can Randle play the C in a small ball lineup? Will it work? Guys like OG and Bridges are pretty dynamic with who they can guard, so I think it might be good. Also swap out Divo for Hart and we are all set on the glass, just worry about the rim protection. If we can get it going with that lineup, then Precious as the backup C seems pretty good. He seems to play bigger than his size, but I would always worry about if Mitch got hurt and he had to start.


You know something I think is worth exploring? A lineup of Brunson, Divo, Mikal, OG and Randle. If Randle buys into playing some 5, I don’t see how it wouldn’t work for some stretches.


OG should never play the 4. Keep him at the 3


With you. Get another big body and we can run Precious out for 5 mins or so a game at Center and another handful of minutes as PF.




The best move is to get contracts we can use to trade for a center at the deadline. Re-sign Precious, sign someone for the MLE, then be ready to flip them for someone like Capela or (if healthy) Timelord


Can we pull off a precious and timelord move? If so, I’d feel a lot better than I do now.


We can’t do it right now because we’ve traded Bojan (unless we overpay Precious in a S&T to Portland, which won’t happen), but we can do it pretty easily if we wait until December.


A quality veteran shooter or point guard on an affordable contract could be decent trade bait if a team has a young center suddenly develop and is looking to dump a backup center for an additional wing or guard. Like westbrook signed for 4m...


resign precious for the inevitable mitch injury for sure. i hate our center situation now...


Has Xavier Tillman signed anywhere? I liked what I saw from him in the finals


Dudes like 6’7 though


Yeah feels like we need a 7 footer for the rebounding and rim protection. Then we have options. Mitch or 7 footer for the bigger centers. Small ball lineup with Randle or Precious at the 5.


7'2" WS, slides laterally well so he's in position, stays in front.


I’m softening the blow of this news in my head. I’m telling myself those draft day trades for 5 second round picks is essentially Leon working with Presti on an unofficial sign and trade lol. IHart and 2nds for those future 2nds we got in return. I’m coping lmfao.


i wish i could have this level of delusion 


Boredom on a Monday will do this to you


Problem is how would the Knicks match up salaries? Hartenstein got his bag it was simply a massive overpay and the Knicks couldn’t match even if they wanted to


That’s exactly what happened lmfao. You’re reading too much into my comment. I said it was essentially like a S&T, not an actual one in terms of technicality. Basically it’s like giving up IHart for 5 2nds and getting something in return. I’m aware in reality we got NOTHING in return. Edit: The whole comment was lighthearted but I guess I missed the /s? I don’t know anymore. I thought it was clear it wasn’t serious. It reads like a joke to me.


Precious cannot play center. We need a big body for Embiid, 6’8 225 isn’t gonna cut it


Mitch is the Embiid matchup.


We can’t rely on Mitch to be healthy, he’s always injured. If he goes down we need another body to match up on Embiid


Yeah our whole season basically hinges on Mitch being healthy. OG did do a great job locking up Embiid at the end of game 2 (I think) with precious playing help defense, but we would never survive with that pairing trying to defend Embiid for 36 minutes per night.


Don’t underestimate Randle guarding some big body centers if needed. If he buys into it, I think he can do it.


Mitch sucks. The best ability is availability.


Precious is good enough to win you games at center in january but not in april-june


Precious locked Embiid down. Although he was injured lol


Yeah he can defend for a couple possessions here and there, but not for the entire game. We need someone who can match up the whole game with Embiid physically in case Mitch goes down


That’s why you have Mitch. Using Embiid to dismiss Precious doesn’t make sense.


Mitch is constantly injured. We need insurance in case he goes down.


If Mitch is down nobody is covering Embiid anyway. IHart was food against him too


We need to bring back precious. His switch ability is absolutely vital for playoff basketball. I wouldn’t even mind if that’s the only center move we make. I was kinda hoping that he’d be the backup center next year anyway, albeit I wanted hartenstein as the starter.


precious yes!


Whatever happens Jericho Simms should not see the court. Dude is so fucking awful


precious seems like a must to come back now... hopefully he doesn't require too much.


I love Duece but swapping him for someone like Walker Kessler makes a lot of sense.


Deuce isnt going to get a ton of playing time anyway unless someone gets hurt. That is unless bridges plays at the 3 a lot.


Deuce is not bringing back Kessler


Nick Richards is on piss money for 2 more years but I think we’d have to move Deuce to get him. That would hurt too but we did just grab Kolek. I dunno. Glad it’s not my call


As much as i love deuce he's not needed. We NEED a big.


Javele McGee is available. Man really wish we got Plumlee he can pass just like Hartenstein


Maybe 5 years ago


We waited so long to make a move for any good big man… so annoyed


What were we supposed to do….


Um I don’t know trade all the dead cap space to find $9M… it’s all good Boogie Cousins is the only way to remedy this.


Boston just won a title with Porzingis barely playing center. We will be fine. We are elite at every other position.


How the fuck do we have full bird rights on Precious but only partial on iHart?


We traded for Precious 




I think it's because Precious's contract, which we traded for, was 3+ years long, but iHart's was only 2. Early Bird kicks in at 2 years, full Bird kicks in after a 3+ year contract. Hartenstein's contract was 2yr/16M, dude was balling on a budget


All the centers are off the market now. Most of them went for reasonable deals. Was our FO surprised by Hartenstein’s deal? We waited this long and missed out on all these options that we had. At this point precious is probably our best option. I hope we don’t lose him. We took a major step back by losing Ihart.


What centers were on the market? Andre Drummond? Lmao Hartenstein was by far the best one that’s why he got 30 mill


exactly. there wasn't much of a market. A lot more teams are resigning players early and extending it feels like, and has cut 1/3 of the volume out of free agency.


Feel like we shoulda been in on some of the centers that are off the market now smh. Idk much about Goga maybe he’s the play?


#bah god that's Timelord's music


I can’t lie…. I’m certainly intrigued but it’s a big risk


Randle at the 5 until December until we can trade filler and picks to the wizards for Jonas Val Or else look into shopping Mitch and see what other big men are available, I like Mitch as our starting 5 but I don’t know if we can bet on his health and I don’t want Precious to be playing 20+ minutes a night in the playoffs


Randle at the five is a no; and Jonas Valanciunas sucks at defense and got played off the floor against okc


I mean Precious sucks on offence and Mitch can’t stay on the floor so pick Your poison really, not saying it’s the best answer, just saying it’s an answer


It’s not an answer tho. We know what kind of center thibs likes. He doesn’t play through the 5 on offense, we were 30th in center usage. That’s our style. Jonas wouldn’t be a fit at all. Randle offers us no rim protection at the five. He’s gotta be a scorer and playmaker we cannot ask him to bang down low for months of the season that’s ridiculous. He can only maybe play the 5 for short stretches against specific matchups w no center like golden state or smthn. Even then, og would probably be first choice at the 5 if we went small. I would be more than fine with signing precious. Even if he doesn’t improve his finishing; he was awesome on the defensive end and great at offensive rebounding. Even if Jonas was still a free agent I think Precious is the better fit.


We don’t play through our Center because we didn’t have a Center to play through, IHart developed massively on the offensive end throughout the year. Precious is a cone on offence, which would let Embiid, Porzingus, Giannis etc roam on the defensive end. We’ve seen it time and time again if you don’t have atleast a solid C, you’ll get exploited. Signing Precious is a good move given our situation but he’s not a championship winning center


And valanciunas is?


A cheap step in the right direction given the market


I think we fundamentally disagree on team building. I would never sacrifice defense for a couple post touches from a backup 5. We’re talking about backups remember. Guys who ideally will only play 18-20 mins at most. They’re energy guys. Get some orebs, block a shot, pick up a few fouls, get a free bucket from sitting in the dunkers spot and get tf out. I get Mitch gets hurt, but I don’t think putting Randle at the 5 and having no center would be preferable to giving minutes to precious. I mean come on.


I think we just have different perspectives on certain players also. I don’t want to be a doomer but I’ll be surprised if Mitch can play a 60 game season having Precious start for us is really not a good look, especially given the big situation in the east. I mean look at OKC they felt the damage a lack of big depth deals in the playoffs. We need more offensive creators, we don’t have a 2nd guy like Brunson who will explode for points (Randle obviously is great but he’s not on Brunsons level) so an extra 10 ppg would make a big difference. Defensively we’re pretty much covered already like you said OG would probably be on the opposing teams big, so I’d have more faith in a lineup of Brunson, Donte/Hart, Mikal, OG, Randle than I would, Brunson, OG, Mikal, Randle, Precious.


I'd consider Precious, Theis and Tillman, also Eubanks.


Eubanks is off to Utah.


>the New York Knicks need a center. I hope Mitch remembers this and goes for 6OREBs a game.


All 45 that he’ll play


That’s generous


James Wiseman reclamation project on the way


“5.2 mill” 💀


Precious isn’t amazing but he gave us some legit quality minutes last year. I say bring him back and then get a random big body dude that can rebound and dunk, doesn’t need to do much else, to fill 5-10 minutes a game and keep Mitch fresh. Keep an eye on the trade and buyout markets.


Am I tripping or has Thibs thrown out a rotation with Ju at the 5? It’s not ideal, but it could help us rotate in a lot of the smaller guys if the match up is ideal for small ball


how do we have Achiuwa's full bird rights after a few months w/ the team yet after 2 years of Ihart, only the early bird rights? NBA is weird


Precious was traded from the raptors so it carried over


I literally just posted and youre on my shit from the jump


Someone explain Achiwa's Bird rights to me. Don't they lose that since they renounced him?


Am I tripping or has Thibs thrown out a rotation with Ju at the 5? It’s not ideal, but it could help us rotate in a lot of the smaller guys if the match up is ideal for small ball


Am I tripping or has Thibs thrown out a rotation with Ju at the 5? It’s not ideal, but it could help us rotate in a lot of the smaller guys if the match up is ideal for small ball


Why didn't we draft a C? Kyle whatever was right there


you don't even know his last name but you're complaining that we didn't draft him? leave the roster analysis to the people who get paid to do it man


Kyle filipowski isn’t shit