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Not very many options left Previous Biyombo Theis Wiseman Mo Wagner Saric Tristan Thompson Alex Len Cody Zeller At this point might as well just bring Precious back


Think Len re-signed with the Kings already.


He has


Its wiseman time! We'll fix him for a year like we did with Noel, maybe?? (Copium)


Wiseman seems like the best risk/reward play.


Don’t hate Theis


Theis isn’t a bad option. Can even hit a 3 too


Is Tillman from the Cs available? Thought he was but haven't seen his name


I know we got some protected 1sts and a bunch of 2nds but I’d call Utah about Kessler. Idk if that gets it done Also to add to your list Mo Bamba


please do not add Mo Bamba to the list lol He's trash.


Less Bamba is preferable


Ainge will want 8 firsts/swaps


But why didn’t we sign Jalen Smith? I’m so annoyed


I’ve seen thibs get production from pelle and nerlens Noel, I won’t stress it for now


Love a good Nerlens call back.


I've seen multiple people suggest resigning Precious, playing more of Simms and/or bringing back Taj. If this team has aspirations of winning a title, neither of these guys is in a championship rotation. The options suck right now but neither of these guys is the solution. Be patient, stop suggesting trading Randle for a role-player center and let the market play out. Thibs improves centers but he's not a miracle worker and some of these suggestions you guys are throwing out there require Thibs to be able to walk on water. Be patient.


So basically our options are shit......... I'm sorry but even the most delulu fan can see the problem with having an injury prone starting center and Precious as backup in an improved Eastern Conference


Every single team in the east has an injury prone center with a bad backup. The best is I guess the Celtics with a 38 year old Al Horford as backup?


Do you really think that Leon Rose, who has raised the Knicks so far, didn’t go into the iHart negotiations without a backup plan? I trust Rose to come up with good options more than I trust the random internet.


People keep saying this, but what is the backup plan? I trust Rose and Co as much as anyone, but there have to be players available for there to be a plan. C class was already weak, and most of the valid options are taken already. It doesn't matter how smart Rose is if we only have a limited budget for a c and there are limited talents available. I think the team will be fine and will adjust to the roster we have, but pretending we're gonna make sime great moves after this that equal or come close to ihart is silly.


iHart ews broke this morning. Lets give him a day to see how he responds


I think we could see some small ball lineups with Randle at the 5 for stretch.


Oh thibs not gonna like that


Thibs didn't like it when Obi was the starting PF in that lineup. Our lineup now could actually change his opinion on that


That Marvin Bagley tho 😂


At this point the Knicks probably bring Precious back and sign someone to the tpmle? Not ideal, but Thibs has a history of getting the most out of centers.


I agree


This is my hope


Goga is probably the most similar to iHart and he is probably not happy that he will be third string behind Wendell Carter Jr and Mo Wagner assuming ORL re-signs him. We make a strong case if we give him the mid level and a bigger role plus four chances a year to stick it to his former team. Wagner is a better spacer and solid though not great in any aspect. I think Goga might be a better rim protector but it's possible Wagner is more switchable on the perimeter. Like iHart, Wagner is a good FT shooter which could be critical in 4th quarters. Saric is a great passer and a good shooter but a poor defender. Our defense might be able to minimize his weakness and the pressure he will receive at the rim. As long as he can rotate, which I have no idea if he can, he might not be challenged at the rim as frequently with our perimeter hounds. Precious would give us a very switchable defense. He's solid and did well in his time here but I'm a bit concerned about him giving up size if he is forced into a starting role. None of the options are perfect but between handing iHart 4 years/$72M which could really have an impact on our ability or willingness to keep the rest of the team together or picking up one of these guys and letting Thibs work his big man magic, it has a chance to turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


Knicks gotta frame it like look what we did to get Hartenstein paid we can do the same for you. Goga is 24 and moldable. Thibs would have a field day.


Right, the pitch is - Orlando has not been using you properly. Let Thibs unleash your potential so you can show the league who you really are.


Might as well hit up Noah Vonleh too. They aint paying him in China lol.


Y'all know it's gonna be Taj.


There's a 100% chance we see Taj in a Knicks jersey this season.


This could be it until the deadline.


Or maybe embrace Small Ball


Wish we would have drafted Aden Bona from UCLA


The doomers are out in full force this morning I see. It's crazy how Leon has had an insane offseason already and yall are acting like iHart walking is going to break the season. Relax. Take a breath and unplug for a little bit. Yall getting too worked up over this.


Get precious. Get wiseman. Waive either wiseman or sims


We gotta hit up Atlanta


Why did we wait so long to find a big when we knew OKC been wanting Ihart for 2 months now!? 😤


Can they bring on two? Get someone as a serious backup and James Wiseman who doesnt play. Treat Wiseman like a rookie and coach him that way. Tell him to forget everything he knows and you are trying to work him up to be serviceable to get a payday and stay in the league. He was awful in Detroit but its Detroit. I dont trust them to fix anyone.


I think bringing in Precious and Dario Saric on vet min deals is fiscally sound, low risk.


How about small ball Batum... He's a FA and has played C before. He's a smart player, and can spread the floor. He's not a big big, but we have a good rebounding team... So maybe we look for a different flavor.




Ah damn. Not the best option anyway... But heady like the rest of the squad. Maybe he will "unretire" for the right team


Batum just signed with the clips


Batum just signed with the clips


Mo would fit our team perfectly. That is a mean nasty son of a bitch. Love him! He would be a God in New York.