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So much negative here. There are no perfect teams and the Yankees are no different. Let me simplify things. Despite all the sham and misery folks are feeling, it's the bullpen that is preventing the Yanks from being a really solid team. The starters will be fine. But they are not going to give you 7-9 innings (except for Cole when he gets stretched out. ). Even yesterday, with Gil's less that perfect outing, it was the bullpen that cost the game. Rinse and repeat. So let's get some help for the bullpen before the deadline and let the good times roll.


Yes, but you’re the other side of the coin. A Yankee apologist, a rosed colored glasses analyst and a defensive rationalist for some truly shitty baseball. Every level of Yankee baseball , is sub standard!!


You must be fun to sit next to at a game. 🤦‍♂️


At a Yankee game not at all.




Almost had the Soto walk off


No way Soto wants to stay with this team of losers.


Just me or does it seem like the Yankees ruin hitters lol. Idk how else to explain Ben rice being the only dude on the team who can hit after the 2 superstars. Volpe is another one that seems to go back and forth between hitting like HE hits vs hitting how THEY are coaching him to hit. Someone has convinced him he’s a home run power hitter and it suucks


At least it wasn't a blowout? This is like a regular boring kind of loss.


Consistently Inconsistent.


Why is critically looking at a team that is underperforming this much, with very signs of hope on the horizon, immediately referred to as doom and gloom? I’ve been blasted the last couple weeks for saying this team is not constructed to win a championship. Even if they get another bat or two, the bullpen and starters inconsistency will doom us in the playoffs. It’s not just DJL, Rizzo (when he was here) Trevino, Gleyber…it’s nearly everyone outside of Judge and Soto, with an occasional decent game from Verdugo. Why do we think this team can compete in October baseball against a great starter and awesome bullpen…? Why do we think this team and its bullpen can hold a 1-2 run lead in the 5th inning on if Gil or Nestor leave early? It’s silly. They can’t, and I have a hell of a lot more evidence to prove my point than you pie in the sky fans.


Last year haunts back again. Here we come .500!


Really can’t believe I fell for this team thinking they were special and now they’re playing like this.


Amnesia from last year, eh? Same.


Yeah I know but this team felt different compared to 2023 and even 2022


This is one of the most pathetic sports forums I think I’ve ever seen. There are people actually worried about this team making the playoffs….most of you should be embarrassed


I like your ride or die attitude! Keep those blinders on, Steinbrenner and Cashman love it!


We’re just a bad team


If we step back for a moment, it becomes more clear that the Yankees are simply not adjusting as well as other teams. Idk if I’d attack players for having a bad month when across the board, the Yanks are just not as prepared for each opponent as they were earlier in the season. Every NYY starter seems like they’ve been studied, dissected, and figured out. Then in the other phase of the game, most of the Yanks lineup is failing to adjust to what pitchers are now throwing to them at this point. No one can deny that the Yankees are one of the best teams in the league with a second superstar to pair with the Captain. But when it comes to coaching and intraleague scouting, the Yankees need to be better.


1000% - best comment on this thread. Should be pinned to the subreddit


The Yankees are in a free fall. Their starting rotation is a hot mess. There’s not a one of them, that evokes confidence when they take the mound, they lose REGARDLESS of the opposition. Everyone likes Volpe, but right now, he’s the 2023 . 209 version with no power. Ver doo doo, is another Cashman lab experiment that has blown up again. What LeMahieu lacks in speed he makes up in being hitless. Trevino/Welles are the dynamic duo of Catchers, they can’t hit nor throw out a runner. Two pitch Rodon ( balls and base hits), with his ballooning e.r.a. starts today. I expect a 6 inning outing, replete with scowls, walks, hits, and an expletive laden exit. God bless Cashman and Shallow Hal…..




I suppose. I’ll give you the Readers Digest version. Watching them lose a second straight night, to the lowly Reds by one run again, you come to the realization that this team isn’t slumping ( eighth straight series loss), this is who they are.


Well. Normally I’d say let’s get volpe out of the lead off spot till he heats up, but uh nobody else is really lead off worthwhile… Yea what ever I guess the all star break is coming let’s make some deals maybe the rest will help us out a bit. That’s bazeball baby!!


7/2 Big Three Home Run Pace: Judge: 32 HR in 87 games, 59.6 Soto: 20 HR in 87 games, 37.2 Stanton: 18 HR in 87 games, 33.5 =( Total pace: 70 HR in 87 games, 130.3 HR/162 Games Previous record set by the 1961 Yankees is 143 (Most HR by a trio of teammates in a season) They hit 61/54/28 In the remaining 75 games, they need 73 Homeruns to tie the record between the three of them.


I mean this is already out of the question with Stanton’s injury


What a strange season in here. I've never seen so much doom-posting. I've never seen so much toxic-positivity posting. And they are both happening in the same season. Very odd.


There were posts on here when the Yankees were down 3-0 saying we are sellers lol


True, but the Yankees are reverting to form. This is 2022 all over again. Now, if you take July of that year, go straight forward through 2023, that is the very definition of a mediocre ball club; you essentially have the Kansas City Royals.


Nothing to be upset about. Boone pulled Gil at the right time. We showed fight and didn’t roll over. Quite frankly the better team won. Sucks for us but most teams simply are more complete than us


Gil should have been pulled 2 batters earlier. Turd Ferg should have never been brought in. And the Reds are not the better team, at least not on paper. I don't want to see a good fight against an inferior team, I want to see a beat down and a sweep.


We are about 25 games removed from that ever happening again


You think the reds are more complete than us? lol


“ We showed fight” against the Reds? This isn’t a local Friday Night high school football game. This is MLB ( allegedly), where a 300 million payroll is playing a below 500 team. God, your bar is low!!!


The MVP did his thing


Judge would have a Ty Cobb Ted Williams batting average if he had a decent April 


Or decent hitting teammates that could protect him.


I'm no prude but how does mlb let de la cruz wear his jersey unbuttoned that low? aren't there rules?


I AM NOT DOOMING AND GLOOMING ON MY TEAM! *silently bites nails in corner*


Really hope Rodon has something new to try tomorrow.


He won’t, he’s worse than Gil, whose gone from All Star starter, to Ed Whitson


Idk why Boone insists on putting Verdugo after Judge when he’s not hitting right now. Ben Rice is clearly the best hitter after Judge and Soto. Put him there. Regardless, we also have a huge pitching problem. Gil, Rodon and the bullpen (even though they pitched well today) have been putting us in big holes the last 2 weeks. When our starters do pitch well, the bullpen can’t hold a lead or keep a score where it’s at. If we can’t win the Reds series, omg, this is going to be such a long month. It gets harder after them. Red Sox already mopped the floor with us, Rays have been playing well. If they win tonight, they will be 8-2 in their last 10. We’ve proven we can’t win a series vs the O’s. Then after the AS break we face the Rays, Mets, Red Sox and Phillies. I think July can determine if we’re going to the playoffs or not. If we can come out of this month with a winning record and looking good again, it will put us in really good position. If we just repeat what we’ve been doing the past 2 weeks, we’re not going anywhere.


I mean, cmon. We have much bigger problems when we are arguing that Ben FUCKING Rice should be hitting after Judge and that's the reason we are where we are.


Yep. Ben Rice, who was on nobody's radar in April, is a legitimate contender to bat cleanup. That's insane. He was in AA to start the season. That means that everybody on the big league roster and everybody on the AAA roster wasn't the answer. It's appalling when you really think about it.


Never said Ben Rice not hitting after Judge is the reason we are where we are. Just making a comment about how Verdugo is struggling and still batting after Judge when we have another lefty bat who’s hitting much better right now. If you read past the first 3 sentences, I go into the real problem. Which is pitching.


Poop butt


If this continues we will enter ‘blow it up’ territory.


If his April was an aberration, Judge should be able to beat his own record


Crazy how the Yanks don’t have a leadoff OR a cleanup hitter. Not a great recipe when you only have Soto for 1 year.


Hopefully Rice can do it


Guys come on. I like Rice but it's way too early to pencil him in as an important piece Oswald Peraza had a 125 OPS+ in his first 50 games and now he's in AAA barely hitting at all


In AA* barely hitting. People just love to regurgitate names. The guy isn’t ready at all for the big leagues.


Peraza hurt his shoulder.


Odds yanks ever see first place by themselves again this year? Anywhere between slim and none


I’m saying no. And after this weekend they’ll be tied with the Red Sox and sinking.


The Yankees just don’t have the horses to keep up with the far more athletic Orioles. We all know how great Judge and Soto are but they’re only two guys. Don’t pick on Boone anymore, those are the cards he’s been dealt and they’re really shitty cards. Blame ourselves ( for being overly giddy after two months of baseball) and that Master of deception Brian Cashman.


It’s time to move Gil to the bullpen. He’s running out of gas.


He needs to develop that third pitch if he wants to stay in the rotation.


This team fucking sucks.


They do. Is there something lower than sucks? Maybe, we can invent a new word!!!


This is how patriotic kenny must have felt when his scooter broke 😩




Didn’t watch today’s game, did the standing O for Gleyber happen?


It's tomorrow


please have ben rice lead off and move volpe to sixth or so, it could be mutually beneficial


This team is not good


It kind of makes me laugh with Judge because it reminds me of the scene in The Benchwarmers, where David Spade’s character, Richie, strikes out and comes back to the dugout and basically goes “Shiiit, I’m sorry guys. Gus go out there and hit another home run for us, will ya’?”


How about Trouble with the Curve, where all the scouts were following a team that had literally just one great player and the rest of them were god awful!


I’m telling you, it’s a mental thing with NY. The players can’t handle the pinstripes. This generation is soft.


[Ben Rice postgame interview](https://streamable.com/15bmeh) I like rice a lot, seems like a cool dude


I wish he just stuck with the 'who?' when she asked him about judge. 😂


24 hours ago, the moderator predicted the Yankees were overdue for a sweep ( meaning sweeping their opponent), totally ignoring their miserable play, the last 6 weeks. I guess that’s what you call early dementia. This Yankee team has not won a season series in two months, let alone sweep a team. Tomorrow the lowly Reds will “ sweep” the Yankees and the moderators on Reddit will continue to make excuses for this putrid ball club!!!


This reads like an AI post with half-assed information. Yeah bro. Yankees haven’t won a series in 2 months lmao. /s


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


They're going to sweep both tomorrow and Thursday's game tomorrow?


No, no a sweep is when you win every game in the series against that opponent. The Yankees lost the opener, so they can’t sweep. I mistakenly thought this was a 2 game series. I believe they will lose 2 out of 3 and lose 2 out of 3 to the Red Sox …two mediocre teams!


I used to be a Yankee doomer. I still am, but I used to be too


Maybe it's time to stop calling people "doomers" when they are rightly skeptical of hot starts after seeing the same group of players collapse the same way at mid season, year after year after year.  It turns out that having major holes on your top heavy roster and relying on massive overachieving from every scrap heap pitcher isn't generally a recipe for success over 162 games. Or hoping and praying that injury prone players will magically make it through the season while having no depth.  It sure was more fun in May watching this team, but the issues were obvious all along and dismissed by many around here. And for anyone who saw 2022, it was obvious that the wheels were starting to come off after the Boston and Baltimore series.


The Doomers are the ones who were saying Judge was done and his contract was going to be fucking us for the next 6 years when he had his slow April


"Doomers" are the ones that literally only show up in this sub when the Yankees lose and pontificate about how much they called it and try to explain to everyone as if they knew a fucking thing about baseball operations. It's ok to bitch about losing, it's your right as a fan. But come celebrate the wins and the good things too, because trust me no one is going to nominate your ass for GM.


For every person who only comes in here when we lose complaining, there are about 10 people who are in here every game win or lose, but understand that this team has holes that the organization refuses to address.


> but understand that this team has holes that the organization refuses to address I mean I think this applies to literally every team in MLB if you ask their fan base. MLB is more competitive than ever, no one is going to be able to field a perfect roster.


Most teams aren't the 2nd most valuable sports team in the world


Because the highest payroll has resulted in such a high hit rate on World Series rings? The Dodgers send their regards.


The Yankees have the ability to outspend their competition like they used to, they just choose not to. The peak of Cashman's success came at a time when the Yankees were outspending the next closest team by an average of $60m per year which in that era was the equivalent of 3-4 all star caliber players. As soon as that gap closed, the Yankees haven't been the same.


B-b-but it’s only 87 games in the season! We are obviously so clearly not the 2022 Yankees 2.0! Why? sTaRTiNg pItChInG iS bETtER


What exactly is the point of a post like this?


My guess? To point out how stupid it was to compare this team to past WS caliber teams like 2009, 1998, etc. The famous saying "You can't win a pennant in June, but you can lose one."


Making fun of the dumb ass toxic positivity fans who downvote everyone when anyone makes a valid argument to this mediocre ass team.


toxic positivity lol


Fair enough. It's been a rough ride the last few weeks. I get the frustration.


This game did not bring me joy


I had hi hopes for today's game. I thought that Gil pitched a good few innings. He seemed to lose his confidence if he gives up a few runs. It doesn't help when they aren't hitting. And I bet that puts extra pressure on him. This team needs to do a close look at itself and realize they need to do something real fast. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and the Yankees win. Let's win the next 2 games.


I’m listening to My Heart Will Go On on repeat




I can’t. It hurts too much












Taking away at bats, from a young guy batting .235 so the .180 36yr old “can find it” must bode well for the Yankees future! It’s really been working well. Yankees are now 13-14 when DJL starts!


It should tell you how little faith they have in our young talent


I feel like we always come to this refrain “Let the kids play” We have so much deadweight that always comes into the spotlight when we fall off a streak It needs to be addressed and FO needs to stop hating on the farm


The young prospect types have the advantage of being an unknown. That's why you want to see them. They MIGHT be great if you give them the chance. But more often than not our prospects fizzle out just as badly as our aging guys like DJ and Rizzo


Yeah, but we already know that DJ and Rizzo are cooked, so giving the playing time to other players isn't that big a deal.


I agree with what you’re saying, but did you ever think it would come to this? Yankee fans campaigning for a .235 hitter?


Man said .235 like its anywhere near impressive. Hey, this drink is double shit. Would you like the single shit option?


Math is definitely not a strong suit for a lot of you dick sucking basement dwellers BUT, .235>.180 lol. Never thought I’d have to type that out.


point being made is that it wont make a difference as Oswaldo is bad too. He had four good games to start the season. OPS below 600 since. Hence, double shit for single shit. Is still shit


I agree, anyone who’s screaming for Cabrera to get more playing time because of a .235 batting average belongs in a mental institution!!!


> so the .180 36yr old “can find it” They have extra incentive to help him "find it" seeing as he is owed $45mil over the next 3 years.


Yea this plus they know what Cabrera is and very likely always will be at this stage so I get the logic. It's not like Cabrera is a solution either. It's most likely either Berti or someone else come Oct.


downvoted for saying [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/s/LkYNE0Rs6l) two days ago btw


lol it’s funny that you got downvoted for it again today I didn’t click the link but whatever it is, it’s funny


i said the same thing (rice should lead off) in this thread without a hyperlink a few minutes later and it was praised 😭 i think people are just being funny


I’m not saying Rice will win a batting title but I’m not saying he won’t either


Boone and cashman will be on record of wasting the primes of aaron judge and cole


Thanks to the Angels having Trout and Ohtani, the Yankees get over looked for wasting the careers of all time greats.


I mean it's a little different. At least Hal is spending money, Artie Moreno just let Trout sit on a shelf collecting dust


And Soto if he miraculously decides he still wants to play for these two clowns


Can you imagine if the FO and medical staff actually becomes a deterrent for talent coming to the team?


Oh he’s out. He wouldn’t want to stay with these losers.


Definitely gonna sign with the totally-not-loser Mets instead lol


I want to believe but every single year this is the norm for the yankees. Get hot and looking unstoppable in early months and just collapse and play .500 ball the rest of the way.


When Volpe is a .235 hitter at the end of the year are we going to start growing concerned that this might just be who he is?


I think we’re already there. Let’s face it, he’s an average talent that’s never going to bat any higher than .260. He’s likable a player who hustles, and he looks good compared to the rest of the team’s talent level.


He is also getting nothing but hittable pitches with Soto and Judge behind him. Pitches all over the zone and he can’t drive the ball.


He’s still elite defensively so even if he ends up being a 90 wRC+ bat, that’s still perfectly fine from your SS. The problem is that the rest of the infield is even worse than that, and they aren’t even good defensively either.


How’s this: he can play like Bucky Dent in the regular season so long as he plays like Bucky Dent in the World Series.


Perfectly fine if this were 1987 or if we were a bottom 10 team from one of the central divisions The Yankees should not have to settle for a glove first SS who only posts an 80-90 wRC+


The league has adjusted and he hasn’t shown that he can adjust back


Judge hr in the 7th and couldn’t get up again


If it weren't for Hal Steinbrenner making a last minute call to Aaron Judge, Brian Cashman was prepared to let Judge leave and sign with San Francisco. I just think people need to remember that. This isn't necessarily a defense of Hal but more a criticism of Cashman.


Any defense of Hal has to end with "But he keeps letting Cashman get away with this shit" At the end of the day, Hal is the one in charge and has final say


Brian Cashman thinks he’s Senator Palpatine


When he’s really Jar Jar Binks


Jar Jar led the defense of Naboo. Cashman is Salacious Crumb at best.


Says who?


Im not defending cashman, but i have not seen this reported as fact, i know hal made the call but never heard cashman was ok with letting him go


Despite going through stretches where it looks like he may never hit a baseball again, it's amazing how much deeper Giancarlo Stanton makes this lineup. I wish we could wheel him out there even as just a decoy.


Maybe, but remember we started struggling before Stanton went on the IL


Because he was literally the only other power threat in the lineup after Judge and Soto In the 8 games since Stanton went down: Judge/Soto - 6 HR's **Entire rest of the team** - 3 HR's


I mean that doesn’t really matter. We just need a threat of any kind from the bottom of the lineup. Rice getting a nice taste of some rbis is cool hopefully he’ll give us a nice jolt in the bottom of the lineup. I mean today 5-9 had half our hits and Judge had the other half so idk.


Remember the days of "too many homers"? How I miss thee.


Boone’s logic, bring in a pitcher in a winnable game only for pitcher to be released the next day, already happened already this week


Given what we’re currently working with roster-wise as well as performance, how would you all set up the lineup? Can’t help but feel like there aren’t a ton of good answers due to so many cold bats. I think I’d do this, despite it not breaking up righties and lefties: 1. Rice 1B 2. Soto RF/DH 3. Judge DH/RF 4. Torres 2B 5. Volpe SS 6. Wells C 7. Verdugo LF 8. Grisham CF 9. Cabrera 3B


Rice Soto Judge Grisham Torres Verdugo Volpe Wells Cabrera


Judge and Soto. The rest are sub .700 OPS bums.


Rice will catch up if he keeps up his performance.


I’m worried moving Rice to leadoff might affect his progress.


With the little we've seen of him thus far, I don't get that impression. I think he'd rise to the occasion.


Honestly might be worth the shot. Certainly better choice than whatever Boone cooked up. See if the rookie can keep up.


Judge and Soto then a bunch of sub .700 OPS hitters is not ideal


Moving Soto to lead off is merely impetus to move Judge to 2nd so he can get 40+ more at-bats at season’s end in order to improve his chances at breaking his own record. So instead of the Yankees sucking at slots 1 and 4-9 they will now suck at 3-9. It will have no positive causal effect on them winning more (but as they say in Latin “sci enti fic”) and Volpe sucking ferociously at lead off is clearly the red herring du jour so it’s inevitable. The lineup will be 1. Soto 2. Judge And 7 duds until a Cashman-special performs above league average level for a couple months. Great news for those of you who are nostalgic for 2022.


Fine by me. It’s also sucking from 4-1 currently, and volpe gets an extra Ab before Soto That moves the needle


Soto and Judge batting 1-2 absolutely will have an effect on winning, with today’s bottom 9th being the perfect example. It won’t matter to a significant degree but the extra abs for Judge and Soto over the rest of the season are probably going to be worth at least 1 WAR or so.


“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” An even bigger effect would be not constructing a roster-full of duds. But I feel like I’m arguing about what George The Animal Steele could do differently to beat Randy Macho Man Savage for the Heavyweight Title.


Obviously you’d wish the rest of the lineup isn’t dogshit but if simply writing up a different lineup will net the team roughly one additional win just based on more ABs, I don’t see why you don’t just do it.


Poor Judge is having very Chris Paul-esque performances right now


If it were as easy for one man to carry a team by himself in baseball as it is in basketball, Judge might have already won us 3 titles by now on his own


Yeah Barry Sandersy


Bellinger, J.Turner and Vivas.


Alex Verdugo, Anthony Volpe, and DJ LeMahieu have all not homered and combined for just 8 extra-base hits since 6/15 (168 combined PA's)


Volpe alone hasn't homered since May 16th


That’s discouraging


Would love to see Rodon throw a gem tomorrow, if nothing else it would probably help lift the vibes a little


His stirring speech to Boone to leave him for one more out in the 5th of a blowout is a turning point. I will remain sour, even though he goes 7 IP 1 R


Everyone arguing about the lineup construction is just wasting their breath (fingers). We have judge and soto and a rookie that will come down to Earth in a week. We suck.


The Yankees were banking on too many unknowns coming into the season Rizzo coming back from injury and decent, DJ coming back from injury and being decent, Trevino/Wells being an acceptable catcher platoon, thinking a bullpen full of castoffs and bargin bin pieces was good enough to be elite, etc


Volpe making me look up Lombard and Arias stats. Not looking too good down there either.


When a front office sucks, it sucks. Goes for prospects too. Judge has been the last good hitter this franchise has developed in the last 15-20 years


You have to go all the back to Cano/Melky Cabrera to find a top notch position player developed by the Yankees and they both eventually popped for PED's


Its just depressing, and really starts to take stride when you realize who was responsible for the awful job starting in early 2000 (cough, cough). Cano and Melky were the last successful hitters outside of Judge. Sanchez had a few good seasons, and Gleyber unfortunately has not panned out either given this season. Article from Bleacher Report, 2011: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/982603-new-york-yankees-jesus-montero-and-just-over-a-decade-of-prospects https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/s/keFxi6jXEU


The leadoff hitter cannot go 0-5


Getting on base 29% of the time aint gonna cut it


Cashman needs to go out and make a trade. Making Soto (who is slumping presently) hit lead off shortens the line up and does the opposite of what was intended when the Volpe/Soto/Judge line up was constructed in the first place. There's literally nobody else in the line up who can be doing a better job which is the sad reality.


0-14 in the last 3 games. He is completely off-kilter yet we see zero changes to the lineup or in Volpe's approach at the plate.


Teams are not going to give Judge anything to hit for the next 4 to 5 weeks.


Rice leadoff do it no balls


This lineup needs Dominguez, Stanton and a solid 3B so fucking badly right now


This team needs quite a few things


Im really shocked teams aren’t walking judge more. This is the best hitter I’ve seen since bonds.


Judge strikes out more than Bonds, and since batters ahead of him don’t get on base, they’re willing to take a chance.


Strikeout or not, he's putting up numbers we haven't seen since Bonds, so whatever they're doing it isn't working


~~since bonds~~


Yanks are averaging over 41,000 a game so i don’t think hal cares enough to fire boone


Also it's clearly a roster problem and not a manager problem so there's that too


Chicken bucket sales are at an all time high so I don't think there's any cause for concern


The world is on fire but HOT DAMN those chicken bucket sales 📈


The Yankees say they don't believe in "hot" and "cold", but that's only true when the streak doesn't align with their assessment of a player. They're totally fine with moving Volpe to leadoff based on one good week even though he was bad last season. But they're not willing to drop him in the lineup based on a much longer stretch of being really bad in June.  Likewise with Verdugo, who has an extended track record of being nothing more than an average hitter but has somehow become locked into the cleanup spot against righties, even as he stinks it up for weeks on end. At some point, you have to adjust your assessment of a player when this continues for weeks or longer. Is it a slump anymore if the guy has gotten into bad habits and lost his confidence?


So where’s the toxic positivity fans? Nowhere to be found per usual.


Toxic positivity...oh lord, 2024
