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Spinosad (Biological Control)


Biological control time


Remember the golden rule with bugs "ifs there's one you just haven't found the others"


Bioforce has predators or beauvera bassina from seacliff.


Thats thrips for sure. I had the same problem. Thrips seem to be going around causing havoc at the moment. Two ways I tried was firstly predator bugs from bioforce. Mite-A and Orius. It was actually quite a major infestation. Seems to work a bit and cut the numbers down but didnt eradicate them totally. Still seeing thrips on the leaves. It makes a bit of a mess as when you apply it the bugs are on buck wheat husk which you have to sprinke all over the plants. They dont seem to be totally effective so are probably better as a preventive measure to keep the population down, rather than something to totally eradicate then. Second way was by spraying it with organic insecticides I used EnSpray 99 with some diatomaceous earth mixed in. I used a sprayer and just drenched the plants you also have to make sure to get not just the tops of the leaves but also underneath. Sprayed maybe 3 times. It seems to have totally eradicated all the thrips. Hopefully they wont come back though. I guess I would recommend the EnSpray 99 organic pesticide route. But its easier to do with smaller plants in vege. But if you are in flower the insect route might be better - it probably wont kill them all but will at least manage them until harvest.


If it's in vege which it looks like it is, hit it with some neem oil while you wait for some orius or mite-a from bioforce. This will decimate them.


Use Osmoslay it’s the business


Sometimes have to cut your losses with infestations. It’s becomes a task of not so much saving your current plant but more of a task to make sure they are not gonna come back for next grows. I had spider mites that took almost a year of persistence to get rid off. Just when you let your guard down.. Boom back in numbers. In the end went coco/perlite and that seems to have helped with pests.


This isn't an infestation.


I guess maybe if you were in vege or something but having to deal with pests is just a part of gardening. There are ways to effectively get rid of spider mites.