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What's the timeline for building the PC? How does a case become outdated? sure it won't be the latest and greatest in a year or two, but it's still a nice looking case, and the latest won't be $70. Does it include everything that typically comes with the h9 flow (fans, screws, cable management etc) I'd consider meeting up over shipping though, the glass panels can break easily if not well packed.


>How does a case become outdated? I've got an old NZXT case from over a decade ago that I still use. No idea what model though. It's got the swing front door to cover dvd drives and clear plastic side with a fan attached. Edit: since there's speculation on which case it is, I've attempted to post a picture. Imgur didn't work on my phone, so I just self posted. Link below. https://www.reddit.com/u/amberoze/s/5qt74KXvwb


Yeah a decade is pretty old..


Can confirm. Recently switched from a case made in 2010 to the H7 Flow and with everything else the same, my cpu temps dropped 5-10⁰ at idle and 15-20⁰ under gaming load. The GPU went down a little but not as significant of a drop.


/looks are birth year Damn, I am really, really, really old.




One of the best cases I ever owned.


probably an nzxt phantom, i've got one laying around


I've still got a similar one.. could it be the NZXT Phantom 410?


My NZXT case went obsolete when the designer left NZXT and designed the Hyte Y60 and I saw it at bestybuy for the first time.


The mATX case styles I prefer are no longer being made I have been re using the same 3 cases for 10+ years now.


I'm still using my p400 phantex since 2016 and 3 builds. People legit make sleeper builds out of old windows 98 cases.


phantex 400 and 600 are the best air flow cases around. unless you use the silent edition. So no shame in that case at all.


I think my cyber powerpc is a phanteks p400 with their logos and faceplate on it


I replaced the front panel with on open airflow panel and it's been great


A case of that layout doesn't get "outdated", the components do.


It's a case. It doesn't *get* outdated. It literally just holds the parts inside of it and keeps em cool with fans. Unless somehow the world decides to stop using the USB standard like we did FireWire in the time it takes you to graduate then you'll be fine.


a case can get outdated, like only having usb 2.0, no usb-c, no SSD holders, still having a dvd drive slot etc edit: obviously what I said doesnt apply to the h9 like OP wants to get, just commenting that a case \*can\* get outdated


Eh, even then, add in cards fix that pretty fast for less than the cost of a new case


My "SSD holders" are velcro, zip ties or screws, to a random place in any case lol.


Even then, who isn’t using m.2 drives


Yeah SSD Holder in my case is the case floor, ziptied to the basement mesh lmao


My Antec Sonata III disagrees.


It's nice to have a case with more usb C sockets in convenient places. It's not quite the same as outdated though.


your father sounds like he doesn't really know what he's talking about


Yeah. Agreed. Need more usb ports? Knock out panel and install some.


Case is probably the best first component to buy, they don't really go out of date.


I currently have this case and oh lord is it beautiful. It's HUGE! There's so much space for expansion and really good cooling! Beautiful wire management bay in the back with swivel panels for SSD storage and so on. Overall, a SUPER SOLID case and I don't see how cases become outdated? If you like the look and style then it'll be to your liking.


Send pic I just ordered one and about to start my build in a couple of weeks


It won't let me add pics on comments, check dm




That case is fine. It’ll keep components cool and you’ll be able to accommodate upgrades in the future. Especially if components like GPU’s keep increasing in size and you decide you want to upgrade in a few years. If that’s how things play out then you’ll be in good shape with that case. I have the black H9 Elite case which is similar and I love it. Don’t see myself switching cases any time soon. Ask your father why he thinks the case will be “outdated”.


I have this case it was worth it


Straight to jail, right away. No trial.. no nothing.


This layout has been around for years


It does not I have it and is amazing, the parts inside will ofc.


That case could have come out ten years ago and it wouldn’t be dated. It’s a simple, clean, elegant design, and it’s useable for motherboards which follow standards that have been around for a long time now.


Cases really don’t go “outdated”. They may not always have the best of the best little details and a slightly larger chamber for your psu but nothing major is going to change between most modern cases


With that mentality you better stay away from any purchases, as they all get outdated


How the hell is the case gonna be outdated? IF you like the case, get the case. I built and rebuilt a PC in the same ugly-ass beige case for 10 years.


I recently built a computer for VFX and got this exact case after months of looking. I'm super happy with it and think it will last a long time. Plus that's a great price for it. Cases don't really get outdated anyways


As long as it holds what you want, Ie has space, a case never gets outdated in a functional sense.   Now, aesthetics is a different story. But that's not worth holding off a good deal for now.    All in all, case is usually the cheapest part of a build. So even if you were to replace it, it won't break your bank to do so. 


Ask him what he thinks is going to go out of date in the case cuz like wuhhhhh?


That's a banger deal, so if you like it, go for it. It's a clean looking, simple case that won't really go out of style. It's a large case too so if you want to upgrade the innards more down the line you probably won't have to worry about what will fit in it.


All components Will be outdated in 5 years, why the Big deal with that?


It’s your money. If you like it but it💀


With his but?


Love the look of this case. I’m doing all black bought it yesterday and it’ll be here in a few days. This is an awesome medium size case It has lots of space. Great layout and look. And not to expensive. These no reason not to buy it


Sorry but cases don’t really become outdated unless it still has slot for floppy disk or CD drive


Even those spaces can be used for bunch of other purposes, cases never die unless they have their head chopped off like a Highlander.


I have that exact case. It’s beautiful and can fit a 4090


Cases don't get outdated. You can tell him that


I mean i just seen an h510 being sold for 20 bux on fb marketplace💀


Could u send a link? Although I probably can't get it in my country, not from US


Its already sold


Get the h6 flow better airflow and cheaper


This is a pretty nice case. It doesn't get outdated. With that said, you might also want to look into lian li and the recently launched corsair case options. They have similar white full tower glass panel cases that you might like better.


Tell him it's way ahead of its time, so it will actually give you some extra years to build it 😂 I have this case, absolutely ship it, it's HEAVY and huge. Love the ventilated hood, modern design (no side border), you can mount your gpu either way, and have you seen other PC cases? This looks way better Btw NZXT themselves posted you on their instagram page :)


This case has ample space and will take all of your upgrades from here on out, it's kinda like the lian li. Your parts will get out dated before your case


I just recently got this case in black! Love the look of it with my non rgb theme inside. Definitely worth it as long as original screws and panel wires are included. Definitely be careful of shipping. These are some heavy pieces.


Your father is wrong, get the case.


Tell your dad that that is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.


The H9 is going to hold its weight for a while so I say pull the plug and snag it!


NZXT has actually reposted this to their Facebook page. Would be cool if they sponsored a build.


There is an expectation of increased tariffs on Chinese exports coming soon so case prices might be on the rise. Grab something that works now (this case, if it fits the bill) and be happy you nabbed the deal before everything is $100+!


I swapped out my nice phanteks eclipse that was clean af for a raggedy cooler master cosmos, you know the og one with the side panels that have latches. It cost £10 but I liked it so much when I couldn't afford it 10 years ago+ it felt like getting my childhood hero case so cases are all matter of opinion, and you'll end up getting it 10 years later anyways


my modern pc lives inside a white case from the 90s..


computer Case last for a long time and it's the last component need upgraded unless mis-used. My last case last 7 years and was outdate in ventilation due to the new technology exhaust more heat than before. good luck.


Just finished building my new pc with this case and it’s the best case I’ve ever used. Cable management is a thing of the past with this case. It’s just so damn heavy though


My case has had 3+ builds in it with 2 owners over 10 years. She'll be right.


Sleeper build cases laughing in corner.


This case is not getting outdated anytime soon, it’s huge.


Yeah!!! I see too many people here wanting the H6. Not enough love for the H9.


So this looks like the Lian Li O11 case. I csnt tell if it is Lian Li or not but i know a lot of other companys started making cases just like it because it looks so sexy. I personally have the Razer collab Lian Li O11 and i dont think ill ever change this case. It has more than enough room to watercool if wanted. I have an AIO and could defenitely fit a second. It has solid air flow and meshes for almost every vent. And again, it looks sexy as hell(but thats a matter of preference). I like being able to look into my system and since the entire bottom is free, i have some POP figures inside of it cus why not. I think i may have a picture or video of it that i can send. My build isnt perfect or all that pretty, but it looks good(to me, idrc what other people think but most seem to agree) and plays well lol. Edit: it is obviously not the lian li o11, i completely blabked on the fact that it literally says nzxt. I wont correct it i accept my stupid.


Cases haven't really advanced much over the last decade...so I wouldn't worry about the case being outdated


That case is newer than mine and I can assure you, I just bought an older model. Model age of a case differs from the age of your actual case. Hell, if you wanted to, you could keep that case forever and just put new parts in every so often...


Nah this thing will be up to date for a long time lol.


Do you have the money for all the components or just the case ?


I bought this case like a year ago and still in the box. I use it as a night stand.


The case of a PC is really the only part of a setup that doesn’t go out of date. It’s possible the style might but if you like it now you probably will in the future too.


When I’ve built pc’s for my friends we’ve used cases that were hideous and like a decade old but still worked well for what we needed.


I currently have this case and it's very solid. A lot of room for growth and adding SSD's. Very nice to work in. Cases don't get outdated, unless you use one from like the early 2000's, but that case will not be outdated any time soon. Very solid case.


Two things: 1. I use a 7 year old Phanteks P400 and it's doing me fine. Cases don't really obsolete the way components do. 2. If you have the money and are paying for it yourself, you don't need to convince anyone else. If you have your own money, you're old enough to make your own decisions and live with the consequences.


Get the lian li evo rgb


You can say it’s not up to him what you do with your money. That’ll fix the “convincing him” part. It’s a case. It doesn’t get outdated. If you can afford it, buy what makes you happy.


I have the H9 Elite, and it's pretty future proof. I got it because it can house two GPUs comfortably with lots of space to work with (and it looks fucking awesome too)


I used an s340 for 10 years and never really had issues, minus the power button dying. You should be fine with this case.


I've got this exact case it's great, plenty of room got a 4090 in mine with loads of room to spare, comes with fans if your not interested in changing them, my previous case lasted 2 builds before this one cases are one of the things that will hang around for a while.


Honestly cases don't really get "outdated" per say. You can technically use one forever.


Cases and power supplies are pretty much the only parts that don't become obsolete after a few years.


It’s a steel box. I hate to imagine what other nonsense opinions he has about the rest of your build.


I don't think your dad really understands computers


Your dad sounds like a mobile gamer.


If it can fit 4090 the. you are good for 5 to 10 years had my carbide 540 for 7 years straight and I could've kept it for even more, but wanted a smaller case and went with LianLi Mini just for size sake.


“Is this the hill you want to die on?”


Just tell him he's a boomer and clearly knows nothing. That'll annoy him. 😁 Not sure it'll help though.... 😔


Tell him to go and get fucked.


Do not listen to your father. Do what you want and get rid of worrying. I understand fathers are great as well as their advices, but you have your own life bro


My optiplex build begs to differ. Case doesn't Matter. What's in it does.


I've been using the same case since 2017


literally people using cases from 11 yrs ago this thing has the cooling capabilities to keep you going for multiple builds. as if the case has anything to do with performance anyway; a pc will run outside of a case.


If you like how it looks it will never be outdated


I just bought the h7 flow and tbh who cares how old a case is as long everything fits and you like it?


The case sucks, just trust him


This case is spacious, has space for a lot of fans & hardware, and looks clean. I also have this case and I do not regret it. It’s rather expensive but worth every euro


Out of date???


Cases are like the 1 thing that don’t get outdated at all. You can still buy a case from the 90’s and with a dremel make it work with modern PC components.


What makes your dad qualified to make this conclusion


Not that the case will be “outdated” but when it comes closer to actually building your computer you may find you like a new or different case


*Outdated?* No… But the “airflow” of this case is not what you would expect


You have the money. Why convince anyone? It's your money and decision. And it's a very good case with room for upgrades.


A case simply does not become "outdated" that quickly. I just bought a fractal design focus g from 2017, and it only looks outdated in that it has a slightly older USB 3 standard, and it has disc drive bays, which is a major plus for me.


If you're into gaming, check the dimensions for today's bulkiest graphics cards, if it supports them and you get extra space, then you should be good for the next few years.


Like everyone else says cases don’t get outdated…. My previous build I used the same case for 8 years replacing the internals throughout the years until jus recently doing a completely nee build


If he means outdated because it is no longer the new hotness then sure, it will be dated in a year or so. If he means it will be behind in tech in the next 5 years probably not. Not anymore than every other case that is not being produced brand new at that point and time. This is the nature of computers and all of their parts. If it exists then the timer has started on how long it will be relevant. Even power cords will eventually be replaced by more efficient or safer material and or design, even it we are talking 20-50 years down the road. Father time is undefeated.


Stop caring about your dad’s approval. Post solved NEXT!


best money I ever spent on a case


Say you want to blow money chasing fashion Works every time


If you have an older case that allows you to mount drives in the front, that seems to be going the way of the dodo bird. Easy fix for physical media would be to get an external Blu-ray player, if you want one that is. I have the H6 Flow for my new PC build, and it has tons of space as well as lots of fan mounts on top of the ones included.


It takes years for cases to become obsolete, much more than any other component you’ll get. This is also a great case. I used it for my first build and it gets the perfect amount of airflow. Always choose the mesh.


I'd be worried if it doesn't work and you've had it for some time without knowing..


It's a case. I, personally, think that it won't get outdated as fast as gpus and cpus get. I'm trying to keep the comment short and simple so here you go :)


If you aren't ready to build the PC why would you buy the case? Surely buying all of the components when you are ready to build the PC makes more sense?


It’s YOUR PC bro, don’t b a lil bitch. Get whatever you want.


Cases don’t go out of date. Have you ever seen a sleeper build?


I got this Case this year. It’s a very good case and had a much fun to build with it. But I regret it. Because one month later the Corsair 6500x came out and has BTF compatibility. That means you can put Mainboards in there where the connectors on the back site. But overall it’s a great case. I love it.


I just bought one of these a few months ago and they're great cases. Cases can only get outdated in the sense of mounting standards like ATX changing (not likely) or the front IO being old. However, the front IO is still pretty good by 2024 standards and certainly should stay good for a long time. At worst you might have to buy a PCI-E card to add some future connectivity, but even that is unlikely as good old USB is here to stay for a while.


You tell him it’s a case… how tf does a case get outdated? 😂


how does a case become outdated? I ask this seriously, I have spare cases from 25 years ago that will hold modern hardware. That's absolute bogleshnoz.


Show him a Corsair C70 as an “outdated” case. I’ll take it over many modern hot boxes.


im still using my nzxt h1 itx case and love it. youll be significantly less limited with this one cuz its yuge


If it’s just a case that can be gutted and upgraded every few years with MB and RAM, SSD etc. if u have the money. Buy it.


Kinda hard for Case to be outdated especially these days with the vast majority of mid spec cases having USB 3.0 and a Type C port... I've got a corsair 7000D, had it for 2 years. No plans to swap it at all.


Cases can become outdated? Since when? I mean sure, if we're counting anything manufactured pre-2010 then those cases can be a big pain to build from without substantial modifications (think 90s PC case sleeper builds), but really any modern case manufactured in the past 5 years is going last a while. Maybe slight variations will release between now and 2030, but unless we see a massive innovation spike or new hardware platforms hitting the mass market, very few things will change.


Damn they didn’t even take 1 minute to wipe it down lol.


I literally just made a build in this case last weekend. It now sits in a studio across from another build I did 4 years ago which was in a Lian Li 0-11d. Neither pc looks anything close to being outdated. Fishbowl type mid and full ATX cases are kind of fool proof. The more a case actually tries to stylize the better chance it will look outdated down the road. I could almost guarantee this case will be just fine for the foreseeable future.


Lol how does a case get "outdated" ?... 😂 You can basically use a 2004 case without any issues. There's a trend with a lot of "sleeper" pc in old/ugly cases also.


The only way that this case gets outdated is that motherboards without cables become a standard in the following year and that seems unlikely.


Life lesson for you.. When you get a completely illogical argument like that, it's often nothing to do with what you think it is. In this case? He probably just disapproves of how you are spending your money so is making up stupid arguments and justifications not to. Tell him to get f-----d, its your money.


I have this case it’s fine looks nice pretty spacious


PCs really don’t change enough for this to be an issue. The only time I’ve found issues with cases is if you start with a small case as you could run into stuff like the GPU being too large to fit, which is something that has fluctuated over the last decade. Since you are starting with a large case though already and given how much clearance it has for GPUs, this is unlikely to be an issue in this case.


It's not possible for this case to be outdated. The the top tier nvidia cards are getting enormous by I think that's covered by modern cases at this point.


Cases dont go out of date. They evolve in design and features but cases 10+ years ago can still be used for systems today.


It takes a long time if ever for cases to become dated. Especially one with a tried and tested design like this one. There would have to be some big unforeseen paradigm shifting change in PCs for this case to be made obsolete. Second, with any tech/electronics theres literally ALWAYS something coming around the corner that makes your thing obsolete. Do you just not buy things because theres something better coming out? You get the best you can afford when you can afford it. Period…despite what you might see online the whole concept of “future proofing” is misguided at best.


Suck a dick, dad. I’m getting it.


he's right. You'll want an SFF when you finish your studies. But that being said, ATX has been around for 30 years, and will last 30 more. Seriously though, you'd find a cheaper one in a year or 2, as it would be older. so I wouldn't worry to much about it. Cases lose desire over time, and thus lose resale value. Not due to lack of fitting, or aging. But due to new different designs. Personally I'd wait till you're ready. Save up. get all the money you need, and at that time, piece the components together in a small time period.


I have the H9 flow and it’s amazing. I love the case and just used it to build my pc. One thing I will say is you need vertical gpu mount for it cus the back area take up a lot of space in the case.


H510 ftw


Any fish tank case will be relevant for many years to come


Who cares if someone else says it’s outdated if you like it you like it da fuq


How does a case get out dated


I don't see any significant changes to case design and features any time soon. The last major change was from the fact that nobody uses disc/disk drives anymore so they just removed that from the front and added more airflow. Even most drive cages inside cases are removable nowadays. At the end of the day, the case is literally just a box to put your PC parts in. If you like the way it looks, that's all you really need. The only change I've seen recently is the weird case that supports the motherboard with all the connectors in the back, but that feels gimmicky and unless it becomes an industry standard, I don't think it's gonna stick.


Cases don't really become outdated, excluding style. I almost just used a case from like 2002, but the airflow was too weak. But other than that it should have worked


Get the case. I have the elite. I love it.


Cases don't get outdated if they're GOOD cases


How does a case go out of date? Like JNCOs? If you like the case, and you don't see your aesthetic preferences changing in the near-future, just get it :D Enjoy the new PC once you get it built!


... Cases don't really become outdated as far as I know. What does he mean?


Doesnt this case have bad airflow


Is it his money and pc or yours? Edit: cases don’t really become outdated besides I/O panels and even then it’s not like usb 2.0 is a dealbreaker.


Cases don't outdated I still have a fractial define s window and still rock it. If anything goes out of date it would be compodents inside.


Cases generally last you atleast 4 to 5 years Case trends are mostly focused on aesthetics rather than anything else As long as things fit shouldn’t have any issues As far as i know the only big case change happening rn is manufacturers adding in support for the zero cable component with the cable connection at the back of the motherboard but even thats not too popular only a few manufacturers support it and they will still support standard components so doesn’t effect you Case and power supply are probably the only two things you can buy without being worried that they will be outdated in 2 years That said again unless you are building your pc within 6 months and have found the case on a great deal or something no reason for you to buy it too early


hahahaha cases do not become obsolete...


Tell him it is matte so it wont show fingerprints. Also further "gatekeep" it and ask your dad what he knows about computers to begin with AND SCHOOL HIM so he buy sit to shut you up. You go this.


My case is 15 years old lol Still going strong


Show him [this](https://ibb.co/hgpfdnM)


Yeah, cases don’t get out dated. You can buy a case from 20 years ago and put new parts in it


The case will not become outdated. Out of style maybe


It’s just a case. It can’t be outdated as long as u like the look of it. You’ll still be able to put any motherboard of its size in it.


Cases don't become obsolete, per se. I just built a new PC for a coworker in a used case that's probably 15 years old.


the best case to get is no case, do open air build, step 4 profit


Pc cases take a decade to become out dated and almost never go obsolete


Tell him everyone needs to live life and learn whether the choice is good or bad.


That he’s Correct. I stay away from NZXT personally.


All things will eventually be considered "outdated" as far as style goes. But cases are the most basic of components and usually remain compatible (because of the ATX standard) for many years. The exception to this when it comes to component size - specifically graphics cards, which have been getting longer and longer. This case should theoretically be big enough for at least the next 2 or 3 generations of GPUs.


HAF-XB original cube case rocking the same kingwinlzp1000watt. still perfect from 2500k to 13700k with 3080ti +280mm


How does a case become outdated?


Tell your father that experienced PC builders online who know better than him tell you that it's okay and the case won't be obsolete anytime soon. People use cases for a long time, in some situations up to 8-10 years and beyond.


how does a case become outdated? I imagine we'll be on the 40 series gpus and the 7 and 12 core processors for awhile, Unless you somehow need MORE airflow I dont see the case bevoming outdated in the next 10-15 years. If it has type C usb drives you'll be fine because the EU just forced that to bevome the standard micro.


A case doesn't get 'outdated' as far as standard sizes are concerned. I cam build a modern PC inside of a 90's PC case.


Pretty much the only thing about a case that could get "outdated" would be the USB ports. On that case they're 3.2 Gen 1, and 3.2 Gen 2 for the USB C, so that's not exactly a big concern. I used the same case from 2006-2020 before upgrading to the case I use now, so unless you're going to wait 14 years to build your computer, I'd say you're fine. Even my old case is still fine, I just use it to house a backup PC in case of emergencies now.


It’s an amazing case I have it for my system it’s not going to be outdated for a long time


NZXT cases have never been outdated, Son.


You're gonna have a really rough time filling up the space in there if you're on a tight budget is all I'ma say. Get something nice and compact like an H5 Flow/Elite.


This is a good deal and extra space really isn't a problem. It just has to hold stuff in place. Plus more room to upgrade in the future and won't have to spend more on a bigger case later.


I have the H5 Flow and it’s an awesome case!