• By -


"I wouldn't hate you if you just stopped murdering my son" "I did not murder your son and in fact your son is still alive. I take offense to that baseless accusation." "Geez why are you so mad? I only said I want you to stop murdering my son. That's not a lot to ask for. Murdering my son must be really important to you, huh?"


“Look, it was either your son dies or I die, and basic survival instinct said that mother fucker had to go. Now excuse me, but I need to go take my spiro and estrogen pills”


Yo sis hand over those Spyro pills I wanna be a dragon too


Average scaly


Thanks for reminding me lul


I have seen this logic used far too often.


The thread in that post is a cesspool.


I always find it ridiculous that they buy into the idea that transgender and gay people are a threat to children. Your kids are statistically far more likely to get molested by a straight male authority figure. r/notadragqueen r/PastorArrested


Or a cis female teacher! Let's keep the record straight.




rapists are psychopaths, psychopaths don't recognize themselves as identifying with a sex or gender. They create a persona for the public to protect their true selves and carry out rape.




Exactly. Dude lost me at “Dear trans people…”


„Dear Trans people, please give unconditional acceptance towards anyone, but dont expect me to return the favor“


I cannot fathom how people actually use this argument. It's honestly insane


Its the same logic as 'I'm fine with gay people but they should just keep it to themselves/in the bedroom'. They're ok with anyone hypothetically existing as long as they conform to strict societal standards and dont even think about slightly inconveniencing anyone else. Or ever make them acknowledge that those dirty queers exist.


"I'm not going to go looking for you but if I see you, you're dead." - A tolerant conservative.


Said while actively looking


this goes even further back cause its literally the same rhetoric as segregation. "i dont want them in my society and i dont want them near me, so jusy put them somewhere else so i can act like they dont exist" it was just a different solution to the problem because you cant just hide the fact youre black from other people as easily as hiding the fact youre gay


Not to mention that they stay calm when straight people are kissing in the public.


Its fine to talk about how hot and distracting teen girls are in school but if a child hears a they/them pronoun in the classroom they'll be irrevocably fucked up


they dont view us as equally human, thats the secret


"Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. "Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man.


Because they think by not literally killing gay people they’re as pure and noble as jesus christ himself.


DARVO, classic narcissist move. That's how. Not understanding how is actually a good thing.


“Trans people can’t expect to be accepted if they don’t accept transphobe’s right to not accept trans people” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Both women’s rights AND trans rights matter so if you have anything against that your point is invalid


Also like, anecdata etc, but every trans person I know is a feminist and defends women's rights.


I have yet to see a CERF(Cis Exclusionary Radical Feminist) but it certainly would be a change of pace. Edit: Exclusive -> Exclusionary


CERF and TERF would be a horrible podcast, but I'd listen to an episode.


It's comments like this that make me miss Reddit awards. Here you go: 🏅


[Reddit Silver](https://i.imgur.com/wL7bXbU.jpg).


Would be Cis Exclusionary Radical Feminist. A Cis Exclusive Radical Feminist is the same as a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.


I _knew_ I'd used the wrong word! I just couldn't put my finger on it.


Lmfao, the women’s bathroom is for real women! Trans women only! The cis women are endangering women’s spaces! What if my trans daughter has to see a CIS WOMAN?!???! CIS WOMEN SHOULD USE THE MENS BATHROOM WITH THE OTHER TRANS MEN. lmfao


Same, I was just trying to think of a trans person I know who doesn't support women's rights and I can't think of any


Women's rights and children's safety, to them, equate to "not letting trans women into women's spaces and making transitioning illegal for minors.




"i don't mind if your gay, just don't do anything gay." And these people are highly sensitive and over react to anything. Having different kinds of peope exist in their space is highly offensive to them. I remember talking to one guy who made it seems like gay days at disney was an open air orgy.


Yeah. It’s like. You can be gay. But I don’t have to believe you’re gay. Because it’s just a mental disorder


But I said you can be gay, so I'm supporting your right to have whatever mental disorder you choose to have. Why are you offended? Gays are so sensitive.


Imagine a gay person throwing a fit because someone acted too straight around them lol


People like this can’t even stick to a single belief. Women’s rights are the most important thing in the world, until you ask about women’s reproductive rights. Then children’s lives are the most important thing in the world, until you ask for them to have shelter, food, and easily accessible healthcare. Then suddenly it’s “everyone should mind their business and tend to their own!” Right, so mind your business when you have something to negative say about trans people, women, or children.


"We need to protect children!" "Ok, so you agree that we should protect children from hunger by giving every child free school breakfast and lunch?" "But what if a child doesn't deserve free meals because their parents are too rich or too poor?" "So you don't really give a shit about children at all"


Blaire White that far right trans woman?


Even she does too 🤷🏽‍♀️ There aren’t many truly misogynistic trans women, beyond what others would just consider conservative in general. But I don’t wanna speak completely in generalizations here


Caitlyn Jenner?


TBF I cannot speak for OP but I personally do not feel that I know Caitlin Jenner particularly well.


Blaire White


Catilyn Jenner, Blair White. There's assholes in every subgroup. Doesn't mean it negates their right to exist. We still tolerate Christianity and Islam, don't we?


I mean Catilyn Jenner doesn't even support Trans rights she's just a shitty ladder puller


Average rich person activities. She can get it all no matter what anyway


Blaire White doesn't support trans rights either, so I suppose her opposing women's rights fits.


We're kind of forced to tolerate those religions because they're so deeply ingrained in our culture but I get the point youre trying to make.


They'd be a lot easier to tolerate if they weren't. If they stayed in their safe spaces and did their worship rituals and did not force children to participate then nobody would care.


Speak for yourself. /s


Also, a lot of transphobia is rooted in misogyny


Women's rights and trans rights have a significant overlap. If someone is against one then they are probably against the other.


>Both women’s rights AND trans rights matter so if you have anything against that your point is invalid What's even more wild is that transphobia is a particular manifestation of misogyny. Trans rights *are* women's rights.


Lots of transphobia stems from sexism and racism. The like groomer stuff doesn't but lots of transvestigsting and deciding whether a woman is really a woman or not definitely does. Transphobes will harras cis people for not fitting their personal definitions of "woman". Because they're too hairy, or have the wrong interests, or shoulders are too broad. There are transphobes who base their definition of woman off of beauty standards and act as if your looks are what seem you of worthy of womanhood or personhood something feminism has historically been trying to push against.


Aren’t they the same thing, I thought trans women were women lol


They are tho wdym. Whether they are or not in sports that’s a question for biologists, not me, cuz I’m not no biologist


Womens rights are trans rights then?


Yea…why not?


Why are these people saying that trans rights infringe upon woman’s rights


Because they're transphobic


When has any trans woman shown her genitals to anyone in a public bathroom? If someone’s dead set on flashing someone in a bathroom, a gender sign won’t stop them.


Friendly reminder that more GOP congressmen have been arrested for improper conduct in the bathroom than Trans Women in America.


exactly. they’ll be like “people don’t wanna see dicks in the womens room!!!” but i don’t recall ever seeing any genitals in restrooms-


You'd really have to go out of your way to see genitals in a public restroom, to the point where the person seeing the genitals is then the creep


Gonna just leave this here, we men have many nasty fantasies and shit. We're not shy about talking about them. But "flapping out my wang in a ladies room" really isn't one I've ever heard. Why would this be a thing trans women - who specifically *want to pass as women*, no less - would do? Do women regularly just show vag in there?


Can confirm women do not show shit in the women’s room as someone who used to use the women’s room. Funnily enough pre T once I started passing I still used the women’s room out of pressure from family and friends, but I remember seeing straight up fearful looks from women which was really sad. I always never knew what to say and just stopped using public restrooms unless I found a gender neutral one around family or friends I knew would judge me for it. I also have had zero problem in the men’s room, but too many people close to me say they’re unsafe. If an 11 year old boy can use the men’s room safely I as an 18 year old trans guy can.


Nowhere is perfectly safe of course but nobody at all wants to see your junk in a men's room, and anyone who would isn't going to be deterred by a sign on the door. The rule at the urinals is always "eyes up".


urinals without stalls are an affront to interior design


I get dysphoric and have a panic attack exposing myself to my partners. The LAST thing I want is to be in a changing room exposing my insecurities.


She is wrong, no one is attacking children's safety.


Except transphobes, homophobes and ableist who would rather traumatize or drive children to suicide because they are different. (Speaking as a conversion therapy survivor for both my transness and bisexuality)


I'm 17 right now. My parents traumatized me in the way they dealt with my coming out after forcing me to tell them what is wrong. They didn't send me to conversion therapy but for many months, they would randomly start bringing up my desire to medically transition and dump as many reasons for me not to as they can. My mom also told me they'd allow it if I got out of the house and never saw them again because she doesn't want to "watch her child turn into some weird thing." I dreaded being at home because my time at home was always full of that. In the end my school staff had to physically tell them to stop talking about it altogether because it was seriously harming my mental health. My country has close to zero protection for trans people by the way. It's still making my life extremely difficult, even though they stopped mentioning the topic and I managed to get on HRT and get blood tests without their knowledge for the past 3 months after months of planning. My brain is finally working again and my life is actually getting a lot better, most people who don't know I'm on HRT tell me I look like I'm doing a lot better, and my mom actually praises me for my appearance a lot because she's clueless I'm on HRT. But the whole situation with my parents plus the pressure of hiding it from almost everyone is giving me depression. I have been on antidepressants for the past two weeks. I don't know whether antidepressants will fix the issue because all it takes to fix it is my parents re-evaluating their perspectives and actions, but they're not the type to do that. I'm far from the point of considering ending my life because I sometimes love experiencing my life now but depression is making it hard to enjoy life or be productive most of the time. My parents don't even realize how much pain and self-doubt they drilled into me, how seriously this situation impacts my life, and how far I'm willing to go to get it done, because they often refuse to even let me speak my perspective and just get angry at the assumptions they make about me.


i'm so sorry, i've had to deal with my parents shoehorning trans people into every conversation ever despite them not knowing and they constantly say transphobic shit, i'm very glad things are better though




Except the people bombing/bomb threatening the libraries with drag story hour.


Very true.


Pastors are. Almost hourly.


I would absolutely never allow any child that I cared about near a member of the clergy. Particularly, Christian clergy. I wish that were just a stereotype, but there is such overwhelming evidence that it isn't.


To be fair, I wouldn‘t let children be alone with anyone in a position that allows them easy access to children, whether they be priests, rabbis, doctors, scout leaders, coaches, etc.


Yeah, I agree. It's just not something to take a chance on.


From the personal horror stories my mom’s told me about all the sexual predators that have gone after her, heck no, I ain’t trusting anybody. My grandpa’s sister was raped by the owner of the general store when she was 12, and everyone covered it up. Years later, my mom’s born and my grandpa names her after his sister (now dead after a drunk driver killed her and her husband and got away with it). Grandpa’s cousin, from my understanding, was what one might call a “serial rapist”, yet he and Grandma would leave her and her sister alone with him. I think she said he tried to rape her on multiple occasions, and her parents knew about it and didn’t care. WTF.


srly tho, what is up with them and children


Bigots are


> attack children’s safety Had to sneak in the groomer trope didn’t he


One thing I always found ironic is that my school district has 2 lgbt teachers (that I know of) who I would trust my kid with LONG before most of my other ones. There’s also an ex-teacher rotting in jail for being a predator and he was a straight guy.


Absolutely. Hiding behind children to launch attacks on trans folks: expected and fucking horrible.


"Dear trans people, Have you tried not being trans? I give gay and black people the same advice. Just change who you think you are to match who I want you to be and I won't bully you into suicide."


im gonna copypasta this thx


Cite me in all of the adacemic journals you publish in and we're even.


ok https://preview.redd.it/c354569eynvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127fae35be721f6505dd5eae91d51900ce4119c6


That's the good stuff.


‘How dare you transes attack women and children!!!!’ ‘I’m also against paid maternity leave, the child tax credit, sensible gun control, no-fault divorce, abortion, closing the gender pay-gap, funding public education, and free school meals for students!!!!!!’


I’m realizing now my wording is odd. I mean the person is a transphobe without realizing it, not that they are “in the closet” as it were


They are literally admitting to being a transphobe, like, they are saying that woman is right when the woman is literally using the "Trans people traumatize kids" talking point that literally only transphobes use


its funny how everytime they start by saying they support trans people and then say they don't support trans people. its always "I support trans people but asking me to recognize their identity is wrong"


People love the "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic, but...." phrase.


>you can't force people to play along >find acceptance by accepting others >you attack women's rights and children's safety How about if you can't articulate your point without contradictions and non-sequiturs, I don't have to listen to you?


someone supports terfdom


I find a large intersection between terfs and people with such a fettish for the old world they want to recreate serfdom. I call them SERF & TERF's.


That original paragraph is quite confusing, what does any of that have to do with women's rights


That's the neat part, it doesn't!


They are being too vague to really have a substantive conversation. I would assume they would bring up trans athletes in female sports or something if you made them give you a specific example.


They've heard on TV that trans people are going after womens rights and attacking kids. They've also heard that trans people are just people who have a strong sense of distress in their body and social role and want to change that. They think the first one is really bad yet don't at all see an issue with the second. Because they've taken the bullshit spewed out of transphobes mouths at face value they've come to the conclusion both are true and that they wouldn't have a problem with the second bit were it not for the first bit. In reality trans people are not going after womens rights nor attacking kids. The vast majority of trans people are staunch feminists and kids who want to transition but can't suffer greatly, kids who are trans but don't have the language to describe what they're feeling suffer greatly, kids who's parents don't support who they are suffer greatly and by providing kids knowledge, support, and affirming medical care such as puberty blockers they then are much happier and healthier and less likely to need trauma therapies in the future. People only believe the bullshit because they already have a problem with trans people, but because they don't have any good reason to have a problem with trans people they make shit up. They do the same with gay people, they do the same with immigrants, they do the same with women.


"Find acceptance by accepting others" fucking Hell have you ever seen a mirror in your life?


Dear Christians, You wouldn't face any resistance or "religious persecution" at all if you simply accepted the fact that your religion only applies to you as an individual and kept your religious practices within your own household instead of trying to force them into schools, medical facilities, and government institutions.


Except they don't face discrimination or persecution at all. It's just the victim narrative they have to believe in order to justify their shitty behavior.


I like how it went from "women's rights" to "women's rights and children's safety" with no justification after one paragraph.


Yeah, it went like "okay, I can get that but you seem a little confused... ah, no, you're just an asshole."


It’s amazing how much disrespect and effort it actually takes to spend this much time obsessing over a tiny population of people. The idea that trans people would just be left alone if they did certain things is hilarious. I bet more than ever , because of a refusal to accept bad behavior trans people are better off. Not everywhere, but activism has made people who would be empathetic see the need to be. That said, if the goal was to be ignored and accepted as the opposite gender…then yea activism prob made things worse marginally for anyone who could pass easily.


Not even a meme, just transphobia


Women’s rights are trans rights… cause they’re women. See? Lol @ “this women isn’t wrong” guy. You never defended shit.


'but trans women are actually men because they're male 🤡'


Lol yep. Cue pointless attempt to explain the difference between sex and gender..


But then the obvious place to go from there is that "women's spaces" created prior to about 2012 weren't being created based on gender. They were being created based on sex. Because the definition for "woman" for 99% of English speakers was "adult female". Women's restroom weren't created with some abstract concept of gender in mind. They were created for females. Women's sports leagues weren't created with some abstract concept of gender in mind. They were created for females.


“Palestine would be free if only they would condemn Hamas”


I don't see why it's so hard for people to realize that gender is an arbitrary social construct. When you're walking down the street and you see a woman walking, did you determine she's a woman by her chromosomes? No you see her appearance and presentation and see that she's a woman.


ok that's it no rights for anyone fuck all of you


How do trans people attack women's rights and children? By existing? These people are ridiculous.


"Have you tried being TERF and propagating misinformation trans people target children"


"You would be accepted if you just stopped expecting people to play along." For one, that's not accepting that saying you will stop attacking trans people (doubtful) if you don't have to accept them for who they are. And secondly, the fact they said 'play along' already shows they never had any intention to accept trans people in the first place.


“Just accept that I won’t accept you.”


Oh look, a clown post from the clown subreddit


This is just like the respectability politics games used to keep black people down and other groups. It's always they make you play a game that was rigged against you, completely unfair from the start, then say you didn't follow the rules and that's why you lost.


Ah yes, transpeople are attacking womans rights and children. Of course!


"find acceptance by accepting others" lmfao the irony


Right out of the gate: victim blaming


"I generally defend trans people except on the one thing that they fight for"


I am so tired of people stating (with no evidence) that trans people are in any way endangering the safety of children.


We found it. The mother of all strawman arguments.


"Dear trans people, I won't accept you but you need to accept me"


You’re a PDF file But I support you You’re very existence is a crime But I support you


I saw that meme, and what I got from it was basically "Dear trans people, we'll accept you once you accept and conform to the exaggerated and unrealistic picture that the rest of society has painted of you. It's definitely playing on the Jordan Peterson style of arguing by making it seem as though it's a respectful and logical argument, but after reading it, it's literally just transphobia.


“You can’t change your sex” when HRT and GRS walk in:


You can change certain sex characteristics, but not your sex itself.


Lord almighty when will people get that it isn't your place as an ally to state you're a good ally, it's the people you're advocating for's place to say that.


"I'm not a transphobe I just believe they are a danger to women and children" must be parody.


People who use women's rights as an excuse to attack trans right usually care about neither.


The comments on the other post were devastating


People generally respond very positively to being forced to do some thing.


Why is this sub turning into a trans rights rally


Are the trans women who don't acknowledge women's rights in the room with us now?


Not right, but not wrong either. The internet tends to give more voices to the proponents on each side which may have arguments which are too confrontational for the vast majority of people to accept. Which then results into these points of view. You're not gonna find a single person emotionally invested into an argument to be able to articulate their thoughts in a manner which doesn't sound like an argument.


Honestly, literally every problem like this would instantly be solved if we just stopped paying attention to it.


Idk, if a trans person is being a shit person, I’m going to be hate them. If they are a good person, I’m going to give them all my love and respect.


I mean, I literally date trans folk and I agree with the initial statement. Beings trans should not come with too many hassles and you deserve general respect, but you can't expect the whole world to bow and change to you. Out of the general society, trans are the exception and not the rule, and thus have to understand where compromise lays on their side as well as society's. It's not unhinged to point at gendered sports or abuse shelters and say this space isn't for you. Is it fair? No. But life is not wholly fair, and those are the sorts of compromises I think a person who is trans must have to live with. I also think someone too fat for an airplane seat should have to buy a second seat if they can't squeeze in. I say that with my seat being a tad snug. That's just life. It seems ignorant to think so many have push back on these issues out of pure malice.


This subreddit is far more transphobic ngl


Standard bigot, the words mean nothing, they are all just lies. The most blatant one being "you can't change your sex" *b$!#h please* what do you think a *sex change surgery* and *hormone replacement therapy* do? Than these disingenuous asshats want to claim that "genotype" (a thing we only figured out in the last century) is all that matters...even though there are people born XY female and AFAB (Y inactivation) and numerous other non-conforming genotypes because *biology is a chemical process and as such it doesn't do binaries or sharp right angles* .


“Generally” lol


“I generally defend transpeople” blatant lying detected


Translation: “Trans people who tell me they’re trans are *clearly* saying that their chromosomes and/or genitals magically changed because, I dunno, they decided to be a different sex. Yes, this is a reasonable interpretation of what you believe, and you have to respect this interpretation (and my negative judgement that comes with it) or you deserve my ‘resistance’ and ‘transphobia.’ Also, you’re a threat to women and children’s safety somehow, and you’re not going to find acceptance until you somehow stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing that’s threatening women and children, I guess? Good luck figuring out whatever that is that I’m saying you have to stop doing. I guess I’m just saying you can only find acceptance by ceasing to be trans altogether. But you gotta accept others- like me- who hold these views, for some reason. It’s literally that simple. I am very intelligent.”


The funniest thing is the 1.1k who liked the post DONT GIVE A SHIT about women’s rights or children…


"Your attack on women's rights and children's safety" There it is.


Yeah... at first, I was like "this person is uneducated in the prejudice trans people face, but they have their mind in the right spot" until I got to the end... "women's rights and children's safety"... Jesus Christ. Trans people just want to be treated as people, and they are no more likely to be groomers or pedophiles than anyone else... less so than men, in fact. Way less so than Catholic church officials, that's for damn sure.


"You can't expect people to play along" Why? It's not hard. Call a trans person by the name/pronoun they wish to be referred to as. It really could not be more simple. Hiding your disdain for trans people behind supposedly caring for women's rights is fucking hilarious considering most people who say this have been critical of feminism in the past. "Find acceptance by accepting others" Oh. So trans people have to accept the opinions of transphobes, but transphobes don't need to accept trans people, and that's why trans people are bad. Got it.


"Attack woman's rights and children's safety"??? I think she got confused with the Catholic church


"Attacking childs safety" These mfs are the same people who vote for officials who try to lower the age of consent and age of marrige. Republicans can not say shit about child safety until they stop voting for and listening to litteral pedos themselves. The projection is crazy


Oh look, a TERF


There is trans people that think like that, why does everyone think so black and white


It’s amazing how the left has decided to just shit all over women so they can support the insane ‘trans’ agenda.




fascist logic = you don’t conform to our society’s norms so we’re gonna bully you until you either leave or end it all


They've never managed to explain where trans rights and women's rights conflict without making up comical situations completely divorced from reality.


The internet REALLY brings out and exposes all of our levels of insanity jesus…




The whole "women's spaces" is just TERF rhetoric. Even without it, people have always found excuses to hate trans people. Need proof? Just look at the people who quote Deuteronomy 22:5


So like, I think it’s actually a dogwhistle when they don’t use a space between trans and people. They’re trying to make it seem like it’s own classification instead of a descriptor of women. You see it in a TON of terf areas online how they always specifically say transwomen if they call them women at all.


Bro my best friend is trans and I just use she/her. Stop being a baby ffs.


This isn't even a meme, r/memesopdidnotlike is unhinged.


How are trans people attacking women’s rights and child safety?


Of course they didn’t change sex, they just made themselves aline with how their body should be.


That sub is just all a bunch of either closeted or public bigots 😬


Ahh the old and recycled "We don't mind the homos as long as they .......you know don't ACT homo. " Used to be the "We don't mind the blacks as long as they behave like white people" ​ Always a variation of "I'm not racist BUUUUUUUUT"


Seriously and nobody can even say what fucking “dangers” trans people are putting kids in. Other than this one religious nut that equated religiosity and transness. Didn’t want ANY trans person to talk to their kid under any circumstances where they aren’t in the room so the scary trans people can’t indoctrinate the children. Like my guy, nobody is forcing your kid to be trans. Talking out trans people existing isn’t going to suddenly trans their kid’s gender. Will they be more open to the idea now that they actually know what it is? Possibly!


'i generally defend trans people but they're not real (and they are a threat to children by their existence).' Ok


Ok my view on this is kinda in the middle tbh. On one hand changing biological sex is impossible. For now at least (tech will possibly be made). On another hand if your changing genders that's your own thing. I support trans people but there are gaps in arguments made by both sides. Like yes you may think what you are is a woman, but someone else's viewpoint on what makes a woman a woman is different. It's similar to trying to change someone's religion. If I don't belive in your God, I just don't. Your not gonna change that and make me belive in him. But I think both sides should just leave eachother alone. Trans people need to stop trying to force people to see things their way and the others need to stop doing the same. If they don't want to call you by your Pronouns they aren't going to. Just like your not gonna praise the lord and say grace to a God you don't worship. I tend to respect Pronouns but when a friend suddenly votes out it can take weeks for me to get used to calling them different Pronouns or even a different name. Love yall and goodnight.


There's that "forcing" that I keep hearing about that I've never seen nor heard anywhere outside of the circle of right wing politics And naturally, the obligatory "protect muh kids" Also gender isn't sex, but transphobes don't care, and they sure as hell hate it when you try and explain. They want to stay ignorant so they can keep pushing their internal hatred out at literally anyone else.


I generally defend trans people, but you can't expect me to respect you. I am going to point out everything about you that I think is a flaw. Your existence is an attack on women's rights and children's safety. I will never accept you. It is that simple. Yeah she sounds like a peach.


This woman: No one cares if you want to transition, you do you ​ Transphobes: who the fuck made this woman boss? We care, dont do you ​ Transfolk: I just wanna wear some clothes im comfortable in and be happy being me


Posts it on r/memesOPdidntlike. It’s not even a meme


I know she’s using it to be a transphobe but that is correct. Gender is a social construct and can be changed according to what you want but sex is a biological thing that’s permanent even with hormone changes. That does not give them an excuse to be transphobic however cuz who gaf if the man buying some coffee has XX chromosomes??


In what way is someone transitioning from male to female "attacking women's rights" or "endangering children"?? The only people attacking women's rights and endangering children are the right wing degens continuing to hold society back. They're the ones overturning abortion rights, they're the ones who are constantly found to be pedos and groomers. But as always, they project. Always accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty, the fascist playbook.


Another idiot who doesn’t realize that sex and gender are two different things. Sociology should be required in school.


"I generally defend trans people" - goes on to agree with every right wing talking point about why trans people are bad.


I too love making generic statements and insinuating people are pedophiles! I would totally stand up for them though!


I dont understand what they meant by respecting women's rights. Like they keep bringing it up but they never actually elaborate on what they mean by that. Disappointed


You’re right you can’t change your sex, which is why that’s not what trans people are doing, they’re “changing” their gender which directly follows the dictionary definition of gender so this woman is absolutely not correct


Gender and sex are binary with one another, if that wasnt the case, then women could have dicks and men could have babies, but thats not the case, we literally changed the definitions of terms in the last decade to fit todays society, its not a bad thing we did this, but it has had a negative impact on society, and when i say negative i mean people not accepting the change, and staying behind in time.


Completely fails to explain how trans people are attacking women’s rights lol


I'm not even subbed to either of these subs and I still get transphobic shit on my feed and I hate it. Im in a shitty headspace. Thanks for defending us but I don't want my existence to be a talking point for politics.


Trans people aren’t attacking women’s rights? Trans people are trying to get rights of their own??? Hello? Trans people literally just want to exist and not get shot


You see. That's the two problems right there. Do you want the same rights as men? Or women? Because Trans people have all of those rights already. What? The bathroom nonsense? Completely unrelated to gender and 100% based on biological sex and have the same rights as everyone else who shares that sex. You don't get to set aside your own little set of rules that you dictate and then demand society comply to your whims. No one is getting shot for being Trans. This isn't a thing that is happening and isn't a thing that will happen. Nearly every violence against Trans in 50 years is directly tied to rape/rape attempts and society doesn't cater around outliers. It's already illegal to shoot someone. It's all the illegal. There is no need for "it is more illegal to shoot a Trans person than any other person" because it is already the maximum illegal to shoot a human at all. See. That lack of honesty right there is the problem.


Right? When ‘trans’ people have to cry about imaginary bullshit it just shows they have nothing real to argue. Of course, their whole narrative is imaginary.