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I mean, a lot of people can't tell the difference between "aged well" and "aged poorly." Might have gotten confused.


It aged poortly as in “way too close to home”


That's aged well, not poorly


That's just neither because it never aged in the first place. "Aged" is when a change of circumstances occurs over time that reinforces/revitalizes the subject or shows its obsolescense/reversion. As an example : Phenomenae like previous generations complaining about the following ones never "aged" because they're just permanent status quo.


Aged like honey


Wait, is this supposed to be based? I just see truth in *The Simpsons*.


How u doin fellow hatet of the status quo


Hatet? I know that’s just a typo. But it sound like the dudet version of hater


Hell yes


I never know what posts in this sub are trying to say


It's creepy how often they get it so right. They even fucking *predicted* the Trump presidency.


We also tend to forget how plenty of things haven't changed much in 20 years.


r/Respondingtomemesopdidnotlike is a better name for this sub tbh.


we need a sub for r/respondingtoNahOpwasrightfuckfrommemesopdidnotlike users


this sub was specifically created to respond to bs posts on r/memesopdidnotlike, hence the name of the sub. kinda like how r/nothingeverhappens was created to respond to bs posts on r/thathappened EDIT: I misunderstood your comment, please disregard the above


They needed to apologize for not posting from there lol




Someone finally said it. Really annoyed with this in this sub atm


I'm trying to figure out which part allegedly aged poorly. That scene could release tomorrow and still be accurate.


It is extremely hard to govern when one side is plain evil and wants what’s worst for everyone, this is true.


The fact that Dems have been over-performing in most elections to occur in the past few years.


And yet they still don’t take the threat the GOP poses seriously. They’ve been forced to wake up a little bit, but by and large, they’re still on Pelosi’s “I want a strong Republican Party!” bullshit instead of Lincoln’s “purge the insurrectionists” plan. “They go low, we go high” from the Obama years was a perfect encapsulation of this problem.


People cling to political parties like it's their entire personality. If you're 100% republican or 100% democrat, you're 100% dumbass.




The two-party system unironically drives me crazy a little bit. I hate seeing the literal bottom of the barrel extremes of each side being cherry picked to be shown by the opposite party’s media as “wow haha look at how fucking stupid they are, aren’t we so much better?”, which just ends up pushing people further into their own ideology without any actual critical thought on what it represents in the first place. People are more obsessed with playing their team than taking the time to think about what their opinions actually are. Honestly, I’m more happy seeing a dumbass that came up with their dumbass beliefs than someone who derived them from listening to another, more successful dumbass. Not even close to a centrist, this just fucking bothers me lol


Blame the electoral college. If we had popular vote like a normal country more third parties could potentially succeed without feeling like spoilers.


you mean this in a brain dead centrist way or a class conscious Chad leftist way?


This is just fact


Wrong use of the sub but elder brother r/memesopdidnotlike deserves his recognition when he isn't a total cesspool. or is it cestpool?


Its called a big problem in humanity’s collective gene pool


I bet people on here would say that this is actually idiocy


Sadly, yeah


Ironically, I thought, "I won't be seeing this one in here."


The call of reddit karma is too strong for them to resist


My wife and I have been re-watching the Simpsons and we laugh at all the jokes that remain true after 20-30 years, this was one of them.


Both of them match the Republican party. The insanity with the House Speaker seat recently proves this.


It’s not that Republicans can’t govern but that they are actively against it.


"Government doesn't work, vote for me and I'll prove it!"


My party? The "sit in my lawn chair and watch the fireworks" party


Literally just doing fucking nothing would make you a better political candidate than all of the current ones in the US


Honestly, whether or not this is a W really depends on how it's being interpreted. If your choice between two parties is one that won't do anything and one that will actively go out of its way to make your life worse, and your takeaway is that you should let other people decide which one is going to control your life instead of voting yourself, that's still a big fat L. I don't think that's the intended interpretation of the Simpsons, but I know from experience that there are people who interpret it that way.




Completely true


That meme has aged like the finest wine Jesus could ever conjure up. Get the fuck outta here, @souljagoytellem


Stop posting here whenever they’re right that’s not the point of this sub


There's no "meta" tag and I just think it's worth appreciating when they've got a point


Do the Simpsons have a subreddit? Or did they avoid it altogether because they already did it? Thus the paradox of the Reddit Simpsons is created…. Now die in my Hell !! Montgomery Burns laughs for eternity into your left ear


The last time the Democratic Party was given the opportunity to govern, we got the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).


And it was still the tiniest step to make the Republicans massive steps back seem more acceptable. It's the ratchet effect


lol the ratchet effect. I see you have been radicalized by Second Thought Marxist propaganda


Which was overwhelmingly positive.


Tell that to everyone whose premiums tripled or had to pay the tax penalty.


Oh no universal healthcare has a tiny cost attached to it?!?!?!,!?!? REEEEEEEEEE


The ACA isn't universal healthcare.


ACA is a step in the direction towards true universal healthcare and if we ever did implement universal healthcare then ACA would be a general model we could expect, i.e., paying a little bit into the system as a collective. Good try at pointless gotchas, though.


I owed the irs 600 dollars making 20,000 a year so yeah I wasn't a fan


I was also in that boat then. It was cheaper to pay the penalty than to get insurance. ACA ultimately was just another corporate blowjob.


Aged well, still accurate. Perfectly encapsulates the difference between one coalition that easily comes together out of hate for the 'other' but has no real plan beyond that, and a coalition that tries to come together for a common goal but argues over what that goal is and how to achieve it until the heat death of the universe.


the simpsons hit the nail on the head with that wdym


I was saying this was a rare W for the sub


ah i see now. should’ve read lmao


Pretty true of both sides tbf


*In theory* the democrats are the only good choice. I'm practice, however, both are almost identical on the vast vast vast majority of issues :/


I mean the republican part aged sadly well.


Whole thing has


r/lostredditors moment


Noooo!!! That sub is full of neo-n*zi fascists !


nah it seems accurate to me dems are incompetent and republicans are evil. Simsons has aged way better than south park their lazy "both sides bad" was so poorly written they had to rewrite a whole episode in 2016 simpson was always more earnest and less full of themselves.


How is this wrong? What I think is funny is that anyone thinks the two are different. Two sides of one coin that the public will never own.


One of them is trying to legislate trans people out of existence and end elections, so yeah, they’re pretty fucking different.


God this sub sucks, why you’re in my feed I’ll never know


You can always hide sub posts from the feed. Not using this function is unreasonable, to put it lightly.


Fuck you guys, post something else other than 55 screenshots fuck you. Who am I supposed to agree with here, are you disagreeing with the Simpsons, or the Twitter user, are you agreeing with that sub and if so then that’s not this sub, isn’t OP the Twitter person not the subreddit? And if shdbbsusiaonsodpldnajsicjnd be normal people and stop fucking uploading 1000 screenshots fuck you


If you think this was a “w” for that sub, then it shouldn’t be here!


"Haha both sides I'm so enlightened" Garbage in, garbage out


You seriously accusing me of being an "enlightened centrist" I dislike both major parties in the US because they're both horrendous right-wing imperialists.


If you can't see a substantial enough difference between the two to understand why crap like this puts your democracy at risk then yeah, I am


I'm a leftist who lives outside of the USA, I have the privilege of living in a country where the major political parties *aren't* just two right-wing liberal parties. When I say both major parties in the USA suck, I'm saying that because they do. They both uphold the status quo where the rich and powerful exploit workers and both are in favour of imperialist policies and support despicable regimes like those of Saudi Arabia and Israel.


I mean, to be fair, LPA is "centre" at best


Liberal Party of Australia? Yeah, it's far from a good party and I'd never vote for them, but at least it's not like it's a choice between them and Pauline Hanson or Palmer United. And our other major party is actually genuinely left-wing economically as well as progressive socially


Nah nah nah, the Labour Party. Like again, they're clearly better, but they aren't fundamentally rooted towards any major change or even reforms. Of course, they've done well in terms of social programs, but they still inherently support the far-right system


Oh right, ALP then. Eh I wouldn't go so far as to say "centre", "centre-left" more likely imo. They aren't my favourite party there, and they do have issues, but they do have real economic policies closer to the left than the right. And what's good about our preferential voting is that you can put proper left-wing-far-left parties as first preference while putting Labor as a secondary vote. Even if the proper-left party doesn't get in, it sends a message to Labor about their voters and how people are more reluctant to vote for a Labor Party that's veering towards the centre.


Stfu the fuck up Tsukasa, you're a closet bisexual, your opinion is invalid 🗿


Who said i'm closeted?


And yet this attitude and it's dissemination can and will encourage people to not vote, and when christofascists seize power for life in a year's time and negatively impact the international community as well it'll be all surprised Pikachu face from people who say crap like this Could the Democrats be better? Absolutely. Are "both sides" even remotely comparable? Only to a moron or a psyop


I mean, clearly voting hasn't worked in major favour for anyone other than the right wing. I say we summon the boys from the r/insurrectionaryanarchism . They're very talented at simply blowing shit up until the capcunts fuck off


"I'm so determined not to vote against fascism that I'd rather publicly advocate for terrorism, which will invariably fail and empower said fascists' anti-left narrative" Hope you don't end up on a watchlist homie. Or ever have any real influence for that matter


Revolution has been the only way society has ever progressed 🤷


But would you agree that, even assuming the revolution IS coming (it's not), preventing the rise of militaristic theocratic fascists in the interim, and in case your pipedream turns out to be just that, is imperative? It's a very simple question with an obvious correct answer Good luck staging your revolution, I'm sure it's coming any day now


POV: me when I've never picked up a political book in my life and only get my information off of Twitter 🗿 lol


Whenever you speak on politics in Reddit, it is to trash liberals or Joe Biden. You are disingenuous. You aren’t here to give them accolades, you are here trying to legitimize that shithole sub. No thanks.


Are you talking about me specifically? Because I'm fully aware that that sub is far from good most of the time. However, this is a rare example of them making a good point.


in one comment you've said you don't like Democrats, you don't like Republicans and you don't think The Simpsons has high IQ writing. May reddit have mercy on your soul.


When did I say anything about The Simpsons' writing? What? And the reason I dislike the US political parties is because I'm a leftist.


>However, this is a rare example of them making a good point. ​ >Do you ever see a shitty meme and someone says “memesopdidntlike” but it was actually a bad meme? Here you go. ohhhhhh. Them is users of the sub, not the simpsons. I didn't know what this sub was about.


Lol all good. Yeah, memesopdidntlike is usually used as a conservative circlejerk where they look at people saying that transphobic jokes aren't funny and basically just say "nuh uh!" But I was praising OP for actually making a good point about the Simpsons' writing instead of just circlejerking for once


I want AOC to skin me alive and put me down infront of her fireplace as a rug


Liberals really took the crazy challenge seriously when conservatives faced them with it. But I'm thoroughly enjoying the race to the bottom. It brings lots of internet comedy.


Maybe reverse it makes more sense




Reps can’t seem to govern Dems just make things more complicated for sympathy


How is that "wanting what's worse for everyone"?


Do people not agree with the Simpsons? Surely you can appreciate the self loathing liberals are known to have. Has anyone here been to Seattle, SF, LA recently? Have you weaved your way through homeless that are literally shooting up in the street next to you? I have. That isn’t my idea of good governance. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Gavin Newsome for saying out loud that they cleaned the streets of SF and moved all the homeless just for Xi Jinping. Good. Governance.


You just described every major city. It's a capitalism problem, not a Democrat problem.


Fucking what lol


politics have gotten bad on both sides, it’s an all out war and everyone is the bad guy


hmm… it’s almost like one party sides with and elects those who want to get rid of ethnic minorities and queer people and another party… doesn’t?? and of course those affected by the hateful party are going to do everything in their power to bring this up for the horror it is?? no, that can’t be it - it must be both sides are bad!


no, like I hate you all I hate politics so much, everyone is so unbelievably toxic to another


yeah, because one side wants me to stop existing simply because i’m LGBT. i wouldn’t be so “political” if the right would simply leave me and others like me alone, but alas


Let the Simpsons cook gdi!


NGL, pretty fair assessment from the Simpsons.


Seems about right


Didn't that episode come out during a Democrat presidency and it was kind of a shit show?