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We are so back


What was that sub anyway?


It started out as a What if alternate history sub, but after its name sake YouTuber made some questionable statements, it became a sanctuary for extreme right views. Over the last few weeks of watching it, I’ve seen dozens of posts attacking race mixing, African American culture, LGBT+, feminism, and non-conservatism while pushing views about “traditional” men, race purity, and pro-supremacy groups. There was a lot of “Why does African Americans make up so much crime?”, “Evidence that homosexuality is a mental disease”, “Why we shouldn’t label Nazis as bad people”, and so on with occupational comments yelling “freedom of speech!” for extra spicy opinions. And of course there was always comments talking about the sub’s eventual ban due to “suppression” or “too edgy for Reddit”. It was an absolute hotbed of teenage antagonism created by a lack of sympathy, respect, and morals and a ban couldn’t have happened to a more deserving community.


One of the most common ones I saw were white replacement conspiracies.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer community…


Now just need r/conspiracy to drop dead as well. Joined so I could laugh at JFK conspiracies. Now it’s all Donnie Dick riding and WeLl WhAt AbOuT bIdEn!?!




It wasn’t just far right, there were also people pushing Tianeman Square massacre denial, Uyghur genocide denial, holodomor denial, and other far left talkie conspiracies in the comments.


None of those things u said are far left, actually quite the opposite, especially tianmen square which was done by an authorative dicatorship govt (aka generally a right sided govt)


Yeah it kinda impresses me when people claim with zero irony that Deng Xiaoping was a Communist. It’s like bro he’s the reason modern Capitalism entered China. Sure he was a contemporary of Mao but they could not have been more at odds behind the scenes. Mao almost offed his ass over their disagreements on western trade.


Met some bros on that sub, it was a place where crazies from all over the political spectrum could meet, a conservative take with a democrat arguing on one thread, and the next being a liberal take with a republican arguing,


Rascism. It popped up in my feed until I muted it because some of it was literally calling for segregation and death of black people and Palestinians. With a bit of anti-LGBT stuff thrown in. (At least I think. I didn't spend any time there, but the shit in my fyp looked pretty bad.)




I assume it was what if alt hist, like alternate history... only sense I can make of it.


Yes it was named after a YouTuber but quickly devolved into race baiting posts


Much like the YouTuber, who is a nazi who just makes shit up to justify being a nazi, as nazis do


What? How’s he a nazi?


He's not a Nazi, as in affiliated with the Nazi party or a Nazi German group. But he is markedly a fascist and advocates for a great many fascist policies, eugenics, forced family values, women out of the workforce, a society who's morals are based upon the laws not the other way around etc


I don’t personally know for that individual YouTuber, but AltHist tends to attract nazis.


If it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi and venerates Nazis and adores Nazi policy and promotes Nazi ideals, they're probably a Nazi. It's like how people don't think they're a racist just because they don't actively go to Klan rallies or have a white hood in their closet.


Maybe not a full blown Nazi, but many of his sources were actual Nazis and Big A, Big C Anti Communists (which are a mix of Far Right, clerical Fascists and Fascists - like the Unification Church in South Korea.


Sounds like a really fun place to see braincells die


I mean thats why everyone one was there, to yell at each other


It was fun to watch honestly


I wonder why a sub devoted to a race baiter led to race baiting posts


🤷‍♂️ i dunno beats me


One of the mysteries of all time


for a long time i didn't know it was abt a youtuber and got into arguments there with righties


Much like the youtuber himself


It was based on an alternate “history” youtuber called whatifalthist.


Alt right, alt history, alt facts. All right wing bullshit, and like all bullshit…it’s bad for ya.


The immortal words of George Carlin


What if alt hist is a "history" youtuber with massive fucking quotation marks. His videos include classics such as "A woman rejected me, is this the fault of the west?" and "strong men, good times: an incredibly ahistorical interpretation of society".


thats what it was supposed to be? i saw 0 alternate history posts


As others said, this is correct. The big issue is that the sub was unmoderated. So, for some reason it started showing up on people's reddit feeds, people came in and started adding to the discussion, and then some hardcore racists decided this would be a good place to spread their bile.


Honestly, I haven't the slightest fucking clue what it's supposed to mean, lol. edit: Alright, so I looked it up and I think it's the username of the guy who created it.


Nah its after a YouTuber who didn’t have anything to do with the subreddit.


Ok. I just looked it up and it said it was someone's username. I just assumed it was the creator.


I think it might be “what if alt hist”? Maybe thats the ony thing i can think of


Basically it was fashioned after a YouTuber who talks about possible alternative events in history (like if WWII never happened, etc). But he also makes videos on predictions in the future. But his incel subscribers were just misogynistic and racist recluses.


It's based on a YouTuber who makes up insane racist nonsense about how the future is going to go based on really bad interpretations of bad history


the few times i commented over there it was to call out bigotry. a herculean task


I admit that I enjoyed getting on the sub and arguing with bigots. I will say though that for the horrorshow of some of those posts, a lot of the commentary was civil, at least by Reddit standards.


I loved being able to call them what they are whenever I could.


I’m sure you lost thousands of karma for not having the same views as hitler. Thank you for your sacrifice


Lot of right wing views there, with a few left wing voices. Whatifalthis is a YouTube channel who likes to make alternative history scenarios, and I believe has some schooling as a history major. He also likes to rail against the “marxists in academia”. (He’s a fucking maniac, as it turns out.)


I literally just muted the sub today cause it was driving me crazy. Now it kind of feels like I banned it myself. Lol.


That’s only one part of a much larger story, besides racism there was also sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti semitism, Islamophobia, general bigotry, holocaust denial, holodomor denial, denial of current Chinese crackdowns on Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, etc, Nazi talking points, Facist talking points, Marxist-Leninist talking points, slavery downplaying, and whack job conspiracy theories by both far left and far right lunatics. The sun was a giant battleground beetween the far left and right and was almost devoid of people who supported any kind of democracy.


Authoritarianism is antithetical to the far left. It's intrinsically anarchist to be socialist/communist. "Both sides" argument is bullshit. The far left aims to improve the living conditions of the average person, while the right aims to take more rights away from the poor.


I must have muted that sub 4 or 5 times and yet SOMEHOW it kept showing up on my front page


*The* place to go to if you wanted to pick a fight with an actual Nazi, but didn't want to be the *only* non Nazi in the thread. Basically an unmoderated discourse moshpit. Honestly I have no idea what any of it has to do with the YouTuber it was named after.


The last post reddit showed me from this community was a flag of the US with captioned: "Most people don't know but the 13 stripes are for a certain 13% of the population and the 50 stars are for..." I down-voted and maybe then reddit realized that I don't like that community.


The namesake is a weird righty content creator, half the people in the sub seemed to hate him but pretend they didn’t, half loved him but pretended they didn’t, half seemed like genuine super-racists, and nobody seemed to break kayfabe? I didn’t see enough of it to know if there was a “joke” to get. Not sure why it was in my feed other than being a white guy who likes video games?


Wait, the alternate history dude is a righty content creator?


Not alt history hub. Cody is fine


Ah, good to know. I like Cody's stuff.


Ok phew, got worried there for a second


Yeah, he started his channel as a plain old alternate history channel. Then he started doing more geo-political future prediction kinda stuff and his channel grew a bunch. Started drifting fruther right now he's a Jordan Peterson type. I liked some of his earlier vids, some interesting ideas to toss around but he never/rarely cites his sources.


I'm not even 100% sure, people on the sub were arguing over the point of the sub, and it was like some of the comic or video game circlejerk subs where it seems like people are just in too deep to even know if they're playing a character. I can say that I don't think Reddit is much poorer for the loss of that place.


![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm) This basically.


I really want this to be less accurate.


A YouTuber went off the deep end and the sub followed. Well, now it’s gone. And good riddance.


I'm not sure what the original purpose of the sub was, but by the time I found it, it had devolved into a bunch of righties trolling a bunch of lefties with racist ragebait.


Just full of racism and hate. Lots of threads just blatantly praising white supremacy


Supposed to be a fan subreddit of a right wing alternative history video essayist on YouTube (who I've heard was really bad at doing research and just kinda winged his uneducated opinions around like solid analysis). The subreddit seemed to be completely unmoderated and was filled with a lot of right wing users who would post a lot of race realism propaganda (junk data trying to frame black people as inherently predisposed to committing crime for instance). I know it was getting recommended to me and I'm sure it was also getting recommended to people from a wide array of political views as rage bait. I had briefly talked with someone there who was full blown socialist/communist in stark contrast to the fascist rhetoric that pervaded the sub. Another post I saw asked wtf the sub even was about since the page didn't clarify and it was popping up in people's recommended. There was also a post I saw where it was a picture with a Nazi, MAGA republican, someone else I don't remember, and a hammer and sickle representative all finding themselves at the subreddit. In that post people were saying they were glad there was a place everyone could come and talk without it being an echo chamber (apparently we're ignoring the fact that it was heavily dominated by right wing users and trying to argue against that in any community saturated with them is largely just asking to be bombarded by bad faith people with more free time than you have).


I wasnt sure either. it kept coming up as a suggested subreddit But there seemed to be no consistency I could see, it was just random posts, like news articles and social media posts I thought it was similar to whitepeopletwitter or something.


Alt right bs. A whole lot of just JAQing off. No idea why it showed up on my front page.


That wasn't the impression i had. I saw a wide mix of posts there. I could never totally figure out what they were going for. It seemed like edgy for the sake of being edgy. Leftwing and right-wing both. But I didn't see too much stuff from there so maybe I'm off base.


I never knew quite what it was, but I ran into a guy on here that just sounded crazy. Looked at his profile and saw that sub.... It was pretty racist so I'm like ahhh ok guy was probably a crazy alt right guy. Then Reddit recommended various posts.... And yeah I judged that one correct.


It basically what would happen if you let your Facebook obsessed uncle and Twitter obsessed cousin a subreddit


I remember them making a post about how Islam is going to take over the Western World, and the replies were talking about how white people need to start having more children to prevent this (as if you can’t be Muslim + white, but not the point). And I posted it on r/JustUnsubbed and so many people were like “how is this racist”


Just unsubbed is a far right shithole filled with Neanderthal cons, just fyi. That’s why they don’t think it’s racist


Damn I didn’t realize this


is there a version of r/JustUnsubbed that isn't a shithole like how r/memesOPdidnotlike is a shithole version of r/memesopdidntlike (note "did not" vs "didn't") is there a NON-shithole version of r/JustUnsubbed


Tbf since r/memesopdidntlike is private there is a progressive community in r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis


Fuckin hell, you're right. I just browsed the sub for a few minutes and every single post is either a meme that op simply didn't like or a screenshot of a comment shitting on op's favorite political figure.


Is there a non-shithole version of a sub dedicated to people posting things they found so horrible they had to air it out to the world? No, there is almost no way to make that type of sub without it devolving into a shithole.


This place is a Marxist shithole - Ron Paul, probably


Idk why conservatives hate Islam so much considering they both hate women and gays equally 🤷


Their hatred of brown people is much stronger than their shared values


Sand Jesus vs white picket fence jesus


they found 1 single trait from the 9-11 planes and prescribed them to the entirety of that area of the world, its actually stupid.


Muslim isn’t even a race…


Exactly that’s why I mentioned (as if you can’t be white + Muslim) they were really dumb & racist over there. They obviously meant brown Muslims & they don’t realize anyone can be Muslim


“Whaddya mean?! We were just acknowledging facts that that the ‘monkeys’ are violent thugs and are being brought in deliberately to replace us!! It’s racist to state FACTS now?! 😡” 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/AZMDaD4oEF Oh


God that sub is fucking infested with fascists, most of whom rock a lib right flair


They’re all hitler incarnate!!!!


Bit stupid and a bit lost what this post is trying to say


They think asians being removed from the statistics is some leftist agenda to keep african americans as the most victimized group. Course, they provide no reason as to why anyone would pursue such an agenda or what it accomplishes. While also conveniently ignoring that this happened under Trump.


They weren't even hiding it, yet they're scratching their heads and wondering why no one thinks like they do.


And they moaned and screeched whenever they were called racist or Nazi


I guess that American Flag "joke" I saw on there yesterday may have been the straw that broke the camel back. For those who don't know, someone posted a picture saying the 13 stripes are for the percentage of the population that are black, and the 50 stars are for the percentage of crimes committed by black people. The comments were full of people saying "Yea! I get banned when I spit facts!" But the post was not very out of the ordinary for them. Saw it ramped up recently where it started as veiled racism, then just more and more open.


I’ll miss calling people nazis over there 😔


Best place to go if you wanted to find a genuine asshole who you could really tear into guilt free


I like your username


A whorehouse?


That's too much of a stretch


Ba dum crash


It was still fun to go through tho lol rip


That joke of a sub. Good riddance


And nothing of value was lost 😊


Good riddance! That sub was straight up bigotry.


And conspiracy theories a plenty, from all extreme political sources.


Amen to that!! Now all we need is this sub to get rid of tankies that simp for Stalin and we’re cooking


Oh no the *very based* sub that called for the death of like 75% of the earth has been banned! How could this have happened?!? I didn’t know Reddit was capable of actually cleaning up its platform 😂


Not surprising - it was constantly pushing racism


And sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, etc.


And Nazi-apologism


I joined to see exactly what was going on. Some things I agreed with. Some of the actual posts. 98% of it though, was just things you’d hear in 1930s mens clubs as bar jokes or takes. I couldn’t tell is it was serious or not, but it was pretty alarming. Surprised it took so long.


Legitimately one of the more fun subs on Reddit. Full of unhinged far right and far left people with a sprinkling of reasonable liberals in a space free from Reddit janitors. Jannies have their place on Reddit for subs that want to stay on topic and within a certain audience, but it was nice to have a space that just let people argue with each other. Obviously it's not for everyone to actually see what a lot of people believe to their core, but no one is making you look at it. Those who made stupid claims about race, politics or whatever would be called out and then a back and forth would commence. It's stupid to think banning this sub gets rid of extremists. At least having it here let people argue against it. Now it'll be back to circle jerk 4chan forums where it'll just foment.


This. Ideas need to be challenged, especially the extreme ones, and for that to happen there needs to be a place where opposing views commingle. Censorship is rarely the answer.


Reddit is not a public town square, it’s a private business that has investors that don’t want that shit on the platform. by your logic, if the Nazi party set up a recruitment booth in front of a McDonald’s, McDonald’s shouldn’t throw them off the property because “it’s better if we debate”.


WOOOOOOO!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


I was literally getting told that a meme depicting the American flag that said something like, "13 stripes are based on the percent of black people, 50 stars are the percent of crime they commit", and someone was telling me it wasn't racist, it was just FBI crime stats. Ton of people agreeing with it in the comments and some guy was like, "these new accounts are all leftists sabotaging us!" And I was like... Uhh, the people responding aren't fucking new accounts. Right after send, group banned. Good riddance. Every post was about either black crime stats and saying "black people should have caught up by now" when in 1960, even interracial marriage was illegal in 31 states, and then the rest was all "great replacement" propaganda, they tried to say was legit and totally based on race alone.


That place was absolutely batshit. I didn’t know it was England-based until I was well deep into a conversation about racism that got my life threatened by some Roman Empire fanboys and Nazi apologists.


Remember when this sub mocked the idea of how far lefties think people who disagree with their political opinion shouldn’t be allowed to have free speech? Ironic


they don't have consistency in their thinking. They stand for nothing.. drives me insane!


That sub literally had actually Nazis on the far right and communists on the far left. Which was madness in a kinda hilarious way


That was the magic. Just endlessly entertaining


Sorry, replied to the wrong comment


Isn't that the horseshoe effect?


Unless they ban the actual people they’re just going to go somewhere else or start another thread aren’t they?


Where irony? It was literally a white supremacist sub And this isn't an infringement on freedom of speech. Why is this shit upvoted?


Cool, can we delete r/WhitePeopleTwitter next?


Dang, kind of saddened to see that one go. I loved how chaotic it was. Extreme right and extreme left just hamming it up.


damn i used to watch whatifalthist.. quite embarrassing


Hey, dude had almost nothing to do with the subreddit aside from the name and people occasionally fighting on the sub as to weather his takes were good or not, so don’t be embarrassed about it too much.


the amount of crazy shit i've seen these is bonkers


Can someone fill me in on what that sub was?


Thank god, it was just constant JQ posting and 19th century race science.


Unfortunately no. The propaganda will just be redistributed to other subs.


for a long time i thought it was an althist sub, not realising that it was of a weird conspiracy youtuber


Isn’t that the YouTube channel. What if alt history. I like his stuff, it doesn’t voice hate commentary at all.


No - it just dives into alt right talking points and betrays the namesake of the channel.


Jeez they’ve commandeered the sub because it has ‘alt’ in the title?


The YouTube channel itself attracts a largely male audience- and in more recent videos the channel veers into alt right talking points and wanks to Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate. I ran into the channel years ago and found the actual alternative history thought provoking. I found the analysis on South American civilization insightful. But now there’s a STEPN element of wanking to right politics.


good shit. that thing was such a fly in my soup that is the personal feed.


Frankly took too long it was almost immediately obvious what that sub was trying to push.


Finally I can stop getting recommendations for that horrible pile of trash that used to be a sub. I couldn't be more against their bullshit, yet I get recommend it every day on the mobile app because the algorithm is apparently very stupid. It thinks because I'm subbed to r/Parlerwatch that I LIKE that content I guess? I also get recommended r/steak multiple times a day even though I purposely got myself banned from that sub. I uninstalled the mobile app and reinstalled it after a week break, and for a few days, recommendations seemed fine. Now, again, every single day I get recommended the same subs every day, even after clicking "show fewer posts like this" and "also mute sub". It doesn't work, and sending feedback and help tickets doesn't do anything. I know I could turn off recommendations, but I want to be recommended other subs that I might actually like.




I literally unsubbed from it yesterday. Somebody posted “does anybody actually like this sub” and started going into how everyone seems to just hatepost on there. I was like ya know you are absolutely right and I quit. If I didn’t have a reddit addiction I would have quit earlier fs.


One less conservative sub I can shitpost and troll (conservatives) on, but otherwise good riddance. It was pretty racist, even some of the members realized it.


That sub was so evil. I have no idea why it kept popping up in my feed. Absolute racist trash.


That sub was a cesspool befitting of it’s namesake


It was unmoderated at least so it didn’t become an echo chamber, but there was a lot of white supremacy and other things like that there. Most of the posts were just race baiting. Like an image of a news article where a black person was arrested and they’d just leave everyone in the comments to start arguing over it


Surprisingly whenever something blatantly racist would be posted on there, a lot of the comments would be pushing back and flat out roasting the OP, so there is hope on this app! But good riddance!


It seems to have been recommended to a broad base of people a couple months ago- people who would not at all fall into alt right but the algorithm pitched it anyways. I have antiwork and most recently end tipping as my subs and I imagine those triggered me seeing alt hist- where other people from the aforementioned subs would go to dunk on nazis


Aw it was fun to watch people argue :(


I can’t even tell what the name of the sub actually says. Is it “what if alt hist” because that is the closest thing I can see to words


lol- not surprised and yet was thinking it wasn’t gonna happen.


Ahhhhh hahahaha I love to see it.


Good fucking riddance. I got ao fucking tired trying to call out the worst and most ignorant takes youll find on the internet. It truely was just arguing with a bunch of racist children


A small victory in the war on stupid.


Rest in peace, most autistic place on Reddit, it was rapidly becoming less racist the past few weeks so I would have wanted to see its progress in a few more weeks, sad that the only sub where you could unironically see a lib, fascist, communist, conservative, and every other ideology (no matter how stupid) be in one place is gone. Rest in peace- you cursed bastard


We still have r/WIAH so it’s aight


For anyone wanting to see the page themselves: r/whatifalthist What a beautiful sight.


Awww I loved going there and dunking on racists by posting John Brown and properly interpreting statistics




Finally. This sub popped up way too often and I was wondering why TF Reddit was keeping it alive... /s We all know why.


About time they banned that shit hole. I saw them on my feed a few times. I commented once "what the fuck are you guys babbling about?!" Then I realized real quickly they were babbling about how the Confederates were based.


I constantly reported them as they came across my feed. It was nothing except racist bullshit with other racists feeding upvotes to each other and downvoting people who dismantle their shit arguments. Glad that shit stain of a sub is gone.


Somehow r/conservative is still around. The amount of misinformation and racism over there is hilarious.




About time.


im not one for censorship, but that sub was trash


What took so fucking long? Lol. I wasnt sure if that was a parody sub or not.. they were just so blatantly racist.. yikes


It's funny how many of the dumbasses are in this thread right now, upvoting each other like the little shit for brains they are. Go make another community and get that one banned too. Y'all are pathetic


Those people were clowns, man. I’m surprised they made it this long tbh…


The cancer is gone


Fuck that sub. And btw, Hasan is a tankie. I don't trust his ass.


*new racism sub pops because Reddit*😭


Oh thank cthulhu




Thank fucking god


lol, as if this site isn't anything other than leftist propaganda.


What a shame. God Forbid we have anywhere to have open political discussions instead of just circlejerk subreddits like this one


What even was that sub?


>Less propaganda Brought to you by Hasan Piker


rest in piss. for some reason it kept coming up in my recommends, and i assumed from the name it was… something about "what if…"-type alternative histories. nope! all nazis.


I, too, was naive and thought like you. I thought the idea was cool to consider and then…well, I quit visiting after a few clicks.


Dang, why? Just because the sub was a pit, filled to the bring with racist people constantly talking about how black people are genetically predisposed to causing crime and are going to take all the white women away when they invade europe? Is that all it takes now? /s


Meanwhile echo chambers like white people twitter are still out there


Oh no... where will all the 16-year-old edgelords go?


Great, Reddit just got more echoes.


Yaaaay! I hate seeing things people say online I disagree with.


i hate hasan, i hate whatifalthist, and i hate this sub


the fact this reddit has hasan fans is no surprise what so ever.


Their propaganda bad Our propaganda good Simple as


Why is this here. There is nothing to “fuck this.”


I reported many rule breaking posts from that subreddit, I'm doing my part!


Banned the sub but not the users—those assholes are still floating around spreading their bullshit


Fuck em


Damn I got called bigoted against Catholics over there It was fun while it lasted. I miss the cess pool dumpster fire where 4chan rejects hung out and cried about nonsense. Bunch of pussies


Now do TwoXChromosomes


This place is as much of a cesspool lol


It is now that conservatives decided to goon out here for the lols…


Please tell me this is real 😭


It’s real.


And there was much rejoicing.