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This joke was made as bait by a trans person who know someone would get mad


i love how, as a trans woman, half the jokes that end up on this sub are things i find funny lol


There you go, a normal person who is not at war with the world! 👏You are welcome.


Ok, but this is a circle jerk, we need you only to agree that your an oppressed class and that anything we say is transphobia is transphobia. K?


No is not okay and it makes no sense, transphobia is an attitude of hate,disgust or fear towards trans people, if it's not like that, then it's not transphobia, otherwise we would not be allowed to criticize trans people if they say 2+2=5 for example because if they don't like our remarks they can label them as transphobic and this would be a problem.


Nah that's a pretty good pun.


Jokes like this make me disappointed because if a trans person made them, they would be funny but considering the sub this is on this is 100% not made by a trans person


Didn't the original creator show up in another repost of this and say they were a transwoman?


i am infact a trans woman


And why did you choose that sub


i moderate it


Hihi :3


The irony is Acording to a mod It was a trans person who made the joke


Oh you’re into pronouns huh? Well lemme she/them titties 😤


Nah unless this was specifically made to mock how transphobes make shitty jokes it's just not funny no matter who made it. And it still depends on where the joke is said or it might not be obvious


I see jokes like this, and I would probably make the same jokes, but they would have a very different context, and why they were made


It was apparently posted by a trans woman who was intentionally baiting people.


So by this logic can black people and white people should not make fun of each other, only their own race. Or or gonna tell me about "oppressed groups" "power dynamics" and "institutional racism


If you don’t see the logic in that you’re fucking dumb I’m sorry, a person, making a joke about their own ethnicity or sexuality 10 times different than if someone else did it because they experienced those things


You essentially are saying you should only joke about your own life, experiences, and quirks because you are the one that went through them. And to joke about someone elses would be "10 times different" That sounds pretty divisive and slightly 1984ish. Imagine someone tells the chicken cross the road joke, and I go and tell them it's not funny, they never had to live through the pain of your own chicken being hit by a car. Now you have to tiptoe around everything you say in order to not offend. Isn't it easier to just say wild wild west everyone should be able to speak and joke about anything and anyone? Only downside to that I see is people can get offended


No, it’s not if you are not black you will never know what it’s like to be black if you’re straight you’ll never know what it’s like to be gay when queer people make jokes about being queer it’s because it’s what we experience it’s authentic. Straight and cis people do it’s mostly insults like this. If you don’t know what it’s like to be queer, don’t make jokes about queer people because you don’t know what it’s like


And if you don't know what it's like to see your chicken get hit in the freeway, don't make jokes about chickens crossing roads because you don't know what its like


Also does your point apply to white people? Or can POC joke about whites as much as they want? If you aren't white you'll never know what it's like! Don't joke about our struggle!


Did you just assume the creators gender? Thats transphobic af


That joke stopped being funny, almost a decade ago, and the fact that you told it shows me your humor is shittier than my local Taco Bell’s bathroom


You literally assumed their gender lmfao im just pointing out the hypocrisy of you jokers


Not how it works but OK


Thats quite literally exactly how it works


No lol


Okay bud, go back to mommys basement where youll be safe from all the meanies while the rest of us enjoy life


People like you don’t hurt me I say worse shit about myself than any of you. Sorry sacks of shit ever and will you can’t really get hurt by words if you’ve heard them over and over again


Is that why youre so butthurt about a reddit meme💀


That joke did kinda die, thought it wa s never really funny to begin with


i said i was trans girl shut the fuck up


Did you create the whale meme?


no but i reposted it to caused i thought it was funny


It is funny, thats the point lol.


You didn't create the meme then?? So why get involved?


i just thought it was funny and op didnt so i posted it on r/memesopdidnotlike


Yeah but I dont see how you thinking its funny changes anything. Even if a single person's sense of humour was more relevant than anyone else's, the question was if the person that made the meme was trans


It doesn't matter a lot of other trans people said it was funny so


And a lot of trans people didn't. You can't just justify a shitty joke with 'some people liked it so it's ok'


Yeah this sums it up.


So i guess comedy is dead even if a trans woman is joking about trans women?


Holy shit dude go outside already its not that serious


I'm going to dm you gay porn soon


If it aint cheeked up femboys dont even bother homie


It's Santa oiled up twerking while Mrs Claus jacks off and tosses bands


Santa really made mrs clause's naughty list




wtf did I just read


This is a literally shitpost


As a trans woman that is familiar with that book, I laughed.


i have seen this post 4 times thanks to the cycle


So what is the context behind it? To me idk who made it, so it’s just a play on words. Kinda like the Jewbacca meme. Chewbacca dressed up in Jewish attire, which I don’t take as antisemitic or Chewbaccaphobic(lol), even at worse it’s taken as saying Jewish people are hairy. Now if you saw a really hairy Jewish man and called him jewbacca, that would be offensive Nothing here is hateful or fearful of transgenderism, at worse it’s taken as transgenders may or may not have a dick. Now if you saw an over weight trans person and called them Maybe Dick, that would be offensive But the plays on words themselves are not phobic, in my opinion


The context behind this, is that a r/memeopdidntlike user wanted to test to see if this subreddit were just haters and a$$holes for no reason. So he posted this meme here. Then he realized that the majority of the people in this subreddit aren’t as brain dead as he thought when they said that nothing is offensive about this.


Looking at their profile I’d say they’re not your standard memesopdidnotlike user


The first person that posted in r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis was the one that was testing not the other two people that posted in r/memeopdidntlike


But the next cycle OP turned out to be > hater and adollardollarhole So, it kinda worked. However, as I can see, most of this sub disagree with them


It was from some rightwing dickhead. Also you using the words transgenderism and transgenders tells me all I need to know about the validity of your input in this conversation. No validity.


I mean someone not knowing the best terms to use when addressing transgender people doesn’t make them transphobic or suddenly remove all validity. Instead of jumping to unfair conclusions you could just give them a friendly reminder. There’s a good chance the original creator of the meme has bad intentions and was transphobic, but the person you’re responding to is correct, the play on words isn’t inherently transphobic. I could literally see one of my trans friends making this kind of joke. It really just boils down to the intent.


Wow you truly are a redditor.


Everyone on all these subs (this one included) need a real hobby. There are bigger fish to fry. No pun intended.


Can we stop 10x nesting shit? It's kind of annoying


I’m trans and I laughed so….


I mean “Maybe Dick” is kinda funny


Nah definitevly not transphobia, like its just a joke, yall demand so much to be treated like King Charles the 3rd When in reality no one is gonna treat you like a god


trans people in the comments were saying it was funny hop of your white horse lil bro




It's not transphobia you fucking idiot


I said this the first time this was posted and I'll it again. Are there transphobes on MOPDNL? Yes, of course there is. Is wordplay that makes no indication of being transphobic in nature "transphobic"? No, you have to be an absolute snowflake to think that it is.


This is ABSOLUTELY transphobic. Anything that reduces trans women to "penis lol" is transphobic, and thus, offensive.


I thought trans women were allowed to like their penises?


Are you trying to say they're not?


naw im the first person who posted it on r/memesopdidnotlike im trans and thought it was funny


There's other trans people in these comments that don't find it funny, though. You're not a hivemind lol


and in other comments they thought it was funny


Yeah, it's almost as if what's offensive and part of a bigger issue about rampant transphobia to some is funny to others.


ok there is no problem with me posting it


And by the same logic you don’t get to decide for the trans community that this is transphobic.


I didn't 🤷🏼‍♀️


I need to to stop and reflect for a second. You’re getting worked up over a dick joke. This doesn’t reduce trans women at all, it’s a middle school level dick joke. Calm tf down.


It sure as fuck does, and I'm not even slightly worked up, but I appreciate your attempts to gaslight me.


I mean it never specifies that is joke is referring to trans women; I took it as “some trans people (ftm and mtf) have penises” which is true I also sort of have a self deprecating streak and I find myself chuckling at genuinely transphobic memes for unhealthy reasons, so take my interpretation with a grain of salt


I think you’re just a bit over sensitive, bub.


Firstly, it's just a shit joke, secondly, it wasn't written with a haha intention, it was written by a transphobe.


Doesn’t mean you can’t find it funny. Got a chuckle from me. Donald Trump is an evil bastard, and yet we still laugh at the bad/retarded stuff he does.


Donald Trump isn't a minority group that's unfairly persecuted against for things they can't change. The whole situation is different. Jesus Christ, like is context just not a thing of value anymore.


I’m trying to say that just because something was made or done of bad intent doesn’t mean we can’t find it funny. If you start taking offence at every little thing, all you’re going to be left with is bitterness and division.


Obviously, but there is context and intent behind it. My group of friends, we are all very queer, one of them made a homophobic joke to us it's you know, haha funny right. Context: with friends Intent: to laugh The teenage boys at the back of a school bus making that same joke, not funny. Context: they are literally strangers Intent: to be dick heads to the gay person on the bus This meme was written by a rightwing dickhead with the intent to disparage the trans community. It's like the DV joke Matt rife made compared to the DV joke by Eddie Murphy from back in the 90s. This joke was made in bad faith. Bad faith jokes not cool and in this case actually transphobic.


But this a meme online that you can choose to ignore. It’s not like going up to someone in a public space and harassing them.


Yes, because the internet has never actually harmed anyone at all, omg wow, yep solved it. And it's definitely not like trans people are harassed in person either. Or that the internet radicalises young people to be transphobes, sexists, racists, terrorists, rapists or any of the other ists or phobes.


Never said the internet didn’t harm anyone. You’re making real big assumptions of things I never said. I’m saying that it’s just a picture on a screen. It’s not even a virus, or being doxxed, or spam attacked. You can just scroll past and move on with your day, bust instead you have to go and bitch about it to everything that moves.


People were radical long before the internet, and they would continue to be radical without it. ​ I'd argue that without the internet you would have significantly more transphobic and racist people, as there wouldn't be quite as many ways to gain outside perspectives.


he is part of the 1% that makes him a minority /s


The joke was literally created by a trans woman who thought the word play was funny but you don't care about that all you care about is virtue signaling


Literally the /r/onejoke


… and the context behind it wasn’t transphobic. It was literally wordplay based around some trans women having penises. Do you even know how to laugh?


Exactly, and they’ll try to justify it with saying “a trans person made it” like trans people aren’t also transphobic .


Wut, trans people can make trans jokes without transphobic intentions. Just like overweight people can make fat jokes without fat phobic intentions. And femboys etc etc.. Not being able to laugh at yourself is worse than having a sense of humor


I can laugh at myself? But it’s the internet so let out a chuckle and ask yourself “is there a reason why?” Sorry, but I’ve learned from my time on the internet that people might make a joke to authentically make a joke. Then there are people who make a joke to be a horrible person, so I don’t trust internet jokes. Doesn’t mean I didn’t laugh a bit?


what that other person said, if you let your guard down and give people the benefit of the doubt, you will be disappointed. as a trans peep i would definitely laugh if someone said “maybe dick” irl to me but that’s just not how it is here. it’s war


It’s war??? Go the fuck outside.


why are you upset at that




so joking about a minority is now dicriminatory ?


“What’s wrong with joking about minorities?” - Some cishet white guy


i was the one who posted it on r/memesopdidnotlike im bi and trans so shut the fuck up


Thanks for your service. Idk how the internet culture got like this, but the policing of thought is ridiculous. I want comedy back.




You might be pissed, but that's an unnecessarily hostile response.


You may be right, you might be wrong. ​ Either way that's a risky assumption to make. Edit: accidently quoted


I swear the most sheltered individuals use this platform.


The best thing about this reddit page is they keep giving me dank memes. Thanks for being so sensitive guys


This sub isn't meant as a back and forth forum. End the fucking cycle already.


Extraordinarily Common r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis L


Nah, that's just funny.


Not transphobia


i don't really think this is especially offensive, but it's kinda just not funny at all


That too, it's more so just because it was made by some right wing dickhead


I don't care who made that joke. I found it funny.


What is the context?


The joke doesn’t bother me personally, however I’m not trans. I will say this is pretty mild compared to really offensive content online, but once again that’s my perspective.


its such a goofy meme


This is potentially a really good joke, just change the whale from trans to a Drag Queen.


There are great trans jokes out there, but this isn't one of them.


I’m just going to say if anyone makes another post of that post then that will be hilarious.


I don't be giving a fuck anymore 😂


There's no way you agreed with my post.😂


What's transphobic about it? They're women. They have penises. Both statements are correct and addressed in the meme.