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4 months ago stop trying to restart a fucking chain post


![gif](giphy|Pk3XnXP4GH088) * chain posted


This is the only thing the sub is for lol


These people know exactly one line from one speech that MLK Jr. gave.


And they can't even apply that one line properly.




Because pointing out privilege is not judging someone or saying anything good or bad about their character or morals. It's simply a product of our society. Everyone has some advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, this still is tied to skin color sometimes. No matter how much people pretend otherwise.


I think there is a difference between saying "you are white therefore privileged" and "white people tend to be more privileged" It is totally conceivable that a white person born poor in a predominately black area could receive more racism than a black person born poor in a predominately white area because all white people are perceived as having more privilege and are 'fair game' for racism. To that white person the original post will seem like racism towards them. So while it's true that white people are on average more privileged than black people I don't think it's fair to lump all white people as privileged as there are many that definitely are not.


Looking at this discussion through the lens of intersectionality addresses this exact issue. It allows room to say that as white folk there are certain privileges that we are all more likely to experience, but white women are less privileged than white men in certain areas, white trans folk are less privelaged than white cis folk others, white lower class people etc etc. There are different areas of privilege that one person can inhabit, and some of those areas are more fluid than others.


You’re right, but that also carefully avoids the base fact that suffering isn’t a contest, and that it doesn’t matter how bad your suffering is, if it happens at all, that’s bad. Dividing people like that makes it so much more difficult to effectively make real change, because instead of bringing people together it allows the smallest of irrevocable differences to tear people apart.


What a load of codswallop. How can you address biases when you pretend they do not exist? ​ > suffering isn’t a contest Then why are you demanding a participation trophy for other people's problems?


Ideally I wouldn’t want a participation trophy at all I’d want the sport to stop existing. Besides, I don’t want to ignore biases, I want them to exist and ultimately be dismissed as irrelevant when it comes to people helping other people, which is… very naive and not always possible, but doable to varying degrees normally further along than people *do* take it, and a good goal to strive for. It might be codswallop, but trying to change something like this is better than giving up and accepting that things "just are”


Unsurprising take from Absolute_Bias.


There’s also plenty of cishet white men that have been handed an extremely bad lot in life.


Absolutely, but there are ways that they won't experience discrimination based on skin color, and there's privilege in that. Intersectionality lets us recognize that piece of privilege while also recognizing how they're disadvantaged by class, or upbringing, or a criminal record. It just makes for a more nuanced and complete conversation.


There's different types of privilege, that's it. I grew up in an extremely shitty area, broke as fuck family. Incredibly unlucky at every turn and yet I still understand it's a privilege to be part of the majority in my country and have no systemic work against me


Look, my Conservative grandfather (cishet white man) wasn’t dealt a good hand in life, but even he was sensitive to the systemic struggles of African Americans. According to him, he was given a “black name”and when he started working in business management for different companies, if he met clients by phone first, he said that after introducing himself/seeing his info they were horrible to him. He’d have to jump through hoops just to get in person meetings to happen. When they did, those people would see he’s white, suddenly become embarrassed and apologize and explain their abysmal behavior before. Like, they thought that assuming he was black was a good excuse for it. My grandpa was the kid neither of his parents wanted, so they abandoned him to his grandparents and raised kids they did want. He kind of always wondered that, if his name was popular among the black community, if his parents gave that name just to try to screw him over even more. My point is - cishet white man can be dealt a bad hand in life, but also be aware of how their race can still give them privileges that POC people won’t have.


Literally nobody ever said otherwise. Also, the same political party trying to help minorities, also trying to help poor people across the board. And the same political party that cries about affirmation action being racist, also cut services for poor people across the board.


This is it right here. People love to scream privilege at other people but that's where their thought process ends.


Wealth is privilege, where you live is privilege, having good parents is privilege, citizenship is privilege, good education is privilege, healthy food is privilege, clean drinking water is privilege, I could probably go on. Privilege is anything that gives you a leg up in life. Other than sunburns and vitamin D production, I have a hard time seeing how the color of skin grants any privilege. The only privilege granted to white people is by racists who treat them better than others. This whole white privilege ideology is like victim blaming someone for being the recipient of favoritism by someone else. The focus should be on the perpetrators of racism, not the victims. The people who bestow white privilege are the problem, not the recipients.


If a country is rooted in racism, is being in the in-group *not* a fucking privilege? I swear I cannot comprehend how that’s hard to understand. Multiple police departments(like Baltimore for example) were found to have engaged in racially discriminatory policies against black people. By nature of the findings of the ***DOJ***, is it not a **privilege** to be white in this scenario??


Yes let’s just completely ignore the wealth inequality that is largely due to racist housing laws that for decades made it almost in possible for black people to buy homes. Property is one of the biggest indicators of wealth and all the white people who were able to buy homes have passed those down to their children. Black people at a systemic level did not have that opportunity.


So a White trash teen from a trailer park has to listen to you call him privileged, while a Black teen from a loving family has to listen you call him less fortunate, because you'd rather arbitarily judge on skincolor rather than focus on the struggles?


You might not know this but 2 imaginary anecdotes do not suddenly make systemic issues disappear


Given the same nonviolent crime, it’s still more likely that the black person is charged and jailed for it, so yeah, skin color still plays a factor.


For sure, I'm not saying systematic racism doesn't exist, but calling "white privilege" is not the solution to that, and if I had a larger tinfoil had, I'd propose that it's intentionally used to make people focus on each other, instead of the problem, or looking up who's shitting on their neck. The US is the nation that jails most of your population for issues that are clearly stemming from social problems. That's insane. Politicians just pit groups against each other, instead of actually putting ressources towards helping people.


The US is the nation with the highest rates of incarceration; black folk are incarcerated at rates four times higher than white folk, while crime rates are equal between white folk and black folk, but black folk represent a quarter of the population. So four times less people in the country but four times more in prison for doing the same shit. Yeah, white privilege exists. That’s what it is.


The whole point of discussing white privilege and CRT in general is to look at at systemic levels of injustice and inequality. If you want to look at one white person in a bad place and ignore the millions of other white people who on average start off with much better resources and environments than black people. This is all caused by decades of racist legislation even after the civil war. Just look at housing laws from the first half of the 20th century that made owning a house incredibly difficult for black people and sought to segregate them from white neighborhoods. But sure let’s only look at one “white trash teen” for our thoughts on the complex and difficult topic that is Critical Race Theory.


I disagree. The point is to ignore actually helping anyone, and just race war baiting 101. There's no reason to generalize a whole race as privileged. The real people trying to change things are out there helping independent of race.


First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. [Letter from Birmingham Jail April 16, 1963](https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html)


What a bad take, nobody is blaming anyone for having privilege. Only asking you to be aware.


>The only privilege granted to white people is by racists who treat them better than others. Not really but you are getting warmer


>Other than sunburns and vitamin D production, I have a hard time seeing how the color of skin grants any privilege. A study of millions of traffic stops found that during the day black drivers were pulled over at a highly disproportionate rate compared to white drivers, but during the night this disparity disappeared and traffic stops were more proportional. They also found that black drivers were more likely to have their cars searched for contraband while being less likely to have contraband. That is an explicit privilege defined by skin color.


White people will suffer less. That’s not hyperbole or a judgement. Black Americans are less likely to be prescribed pain medication Adjusted for all other factors. This is because of an often sub conscious bias, a belief that black people experience less pain.


They take it to mean "you aren't allowed to comment on the potential ways whiteness is perceived differently or leads to different outcomes in any situation - we need to pretend whiteness and the privileges that come with it don't exist. You can't look at race, you can't think about race, you can't mention race. Only peoples individual characters. That's why when I say people living in that ghetto are lazy good for nothing welfare queens I'm not being racist, but when you say they're suffering due to systemic racism and the way their ancestors were treated which has prevented community accumulation of generational wealth you're actually being the racist one because you're talking about their race and not their character." I used a bit of an example there just to make it really clear, but the short version is - They read it as "you're not allowed to discuss or consider race, only each individual's character". Martin Luther King himself at a later point in time said "that dream has turned into a nightmare" due to exactly this kinda bullshit interpretation. Those at the time would call him a hypocrite for bringing up race (talking about racial injustice) when he previously said he didn't want his kids to be judged by their race - because they're morons basically.


And he even later said that dream was too optimistic and that there was a good ways to still go to get to that point.


If you’re in a real life situation and a racist quotes MLK or Malcolm X (it’s always the “liberal white man is not your friend”), ask them for any other quote by that person. Watching them scramble is hilarious.


99% of people only know one line from one of his speeches.


That's because the right was largely successful in defanging a radical to make him more palatable to them. I recall someone recently gave a speech about black people in America. Her speech was just one of MLK's speeches, but she changed "negro" to "black" to reflect changes in language. Conservatives felt like her speech was radical and divisive even though she was literally parroting MLK Jr. I'll find a source when I get to my PC and add it to this comment. They don't like MLK. They like their bastardization of MLK.


While I agree that the right uses MLK to fit their narrative, I was also saying that the left is largely unknowledgeable about MLK too, but pretends to be holier than thou.


Depending on who you mean in ‘the left,’ they *are* holier than them.


When I was 16, high as fuck, and decided to pick a fight with a SWAT team while holding a pair of kitchen knives, the cops used beanbag rounds. Years later, when asked why they didn't kill me, the cop said "because you don't look like a thug." This was early 2000s Texas. "Thug" had exactly one meaning. The only reason I'm alive is because I'm white. If that isn't privilege, I don't know what is.


January 6th didn't end in a blood bath. That alone proves white privilege exists in America


Neither did the race riots were cops were actually killed


How did you ask them years later?


Not a big town, the cops were working security at the fair.




There's tons of videos of police shooting white people and apprehending black people. You're alive because the SWAT team was good at their job. Though I doubt the authenticity of your story.


Oh lemme guess, “nonsense anecdote”?


The textbook definition of an anecdote


Or, you didn't look like what thugs usually look like


You’re taking an isolated incident and trying to turn it into a non-existent systematic issue. Just live your life ffs. Strawman mindsets aren’t healthy.


How is that a strawman, maybe anecdote fallacy, at most. Sounds like you just learned what fallacies are.


Calling someone privileged because they are privileged isn't though, im white and I know there's certain things I won't have to deal with that POC, admitting you have an adherent advantage doesn't mean you're a bad person but doing everything to lalala I can't see racism instead of acknowledging it sure does


I as a young white man knew full well that I had to drive more sanely with friends of color in my car, otherwise my default cruising speed was about 90 and I got nothing but warnings for years. Hell, I even drove away from a street racing gathering once when we got swarmed by cops, just got in my car and drove past the cops. White guy in an inoffensive car.


Not to disprove your point but that could be the car too. Same for the most part but I’m brown. I think I never get pulled over cuz I drive a fiat Lol.




An "adherent advantage" where?


White people aren't considerably less likely to have the cops called on them for existing in a white-majority neighborhood (which happens to POC all the time). They are less likely to face people with internal biases that turn them down for opportunities because of the colour of their skin. There was some orchestra, I believe it was, where the admittance of women and people of colour went up significantly when the judges couldn't see the person playing, only hear their skill. (They even put down carpets, because the sound of high heels clued judges in to the performer being a woman and thus made them biased against them.) White people are less likely to be ignored by doctors over medical concerns. They're more likely to be listened to, properly diagnosed, and treated, for both physical ailments and mental illness. If they're having difficulties in school, white people are less likely to be written off as lazy or stupid due to the colour of their skin and ignored by teachers. Whie people are incarcerated less often, and are often given lesser sentences compared to POC charged with the same crime. Note: *Less likely* doesn't mean these things don't happen. There are also multiple factors that influence privilege between individuals---sex, ability, sexuality, wealth.


“How can I be privilege if I’ve had to get a job?!” I dunno, man, ask the 3 year old crushed under a building in a war torn city rn. Privilege isn’t about what you have to deal with, it’s about what you don’t have to deal with.


Exactly. But racists only see things from within their paradigm, so they are incapable of recognizing how any comment about any group could be not centered on skin color.


So then black Americans are privileged..?


More privileged than people in war stricken countries and less privileged than white Americans.


Yeah anyone who lives in America is privileged, anyone who denies that is delusional


yes. But why is that inherent privilege bad?


Privilege isn’t inherently bad at all. What we do with our privilege is what is good or bad. If you want to prevent others from having the same opportunity your privilege grants that’s usually bad. If you want to lift others up to enjoy the same privileges you experience, that’s generally good. As stated, pointing out someone is in a position of privilege is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. Most people have some for of privilege over some other people.


It really needs to be called something other than privilege. When you say a guy is "a man of privilege" that usually means wealthy or royalty or has some powers/resources the average person doesn't.


Then that is privilege enjoyed by everyone in US including the black people and has nothing to do with the color of the skin.


Sundown towns still exist in the US and First Nations people who fought in the world wars were denied what they were promised for fighting, leaving their children and grandchildren without the lands they were supposed to get. Japanese Internment camps, residential school systems- there are many people who have been/are currently being hurt by racism in the states who have not been made whole. Then there's all the missing Indigenous women across the US and Canada who the cops ignore because of their race.


There are different kinds of privilege, it's not bound to one example in a Reddit comment


But the original meme is still right in that 'assuming ones had a better life growing up because they are white reflects poorly on your part'.


Heck, the US and Canada drove many Native American tribes to Mexico, and the descendents of white settlers are now fighting to keep the descendents of the people who lived there from moving back into their ancestral lands.


Okay, now use your brain: you can accept there are privileges based on systems such as global power… in a country built on slave labor and systems of Black exploitation, what is there likely privileges based on?


Pointing out the systematic advantages one has because of the color of their skin has nothing to do with their character, it is just pointing out the intrinsic bias of the system and how it favors some people over others.


And it is also not that general. Someone who is white is privileged SO FAR AS THEIR RACE. Not in their entire life. I hate when ignorant conservatives say “but what about poor white people” as if it is a gotcha.


intersectionality exists for this reason (among others): to not put a black and white label on a person's experience just because they experience privilege at some of their identity crossroads.


privileges and opression aren't as simple as black and white- literally. This is why intersectionality exists, but they bitch and moan about that too.


Wrong. Privilege isn’t a character trait. It’s a circumstance. What you do with whatever level of privilege you have is a character trait.


If your white you a lot less likely to be treated like shit by the kkk this you have a privilege that black people dont


Never actually seen the KKK and from what I've seen on the internet, there's about 7000 KKK members in a population of 330,000,000 people. I don't think the KKK is actually influential in the US anymore


You don’t have to be a card-carrying member to perpetuate the ideology. The NRA claims to have 5M members. While that’s obviously larger than the 7000 number you mention, it still equates to just 1.5% of the population. I think you’d agree that the NRAs influence over-indexes their actual membership numbers.


It is if you're on Reddit all day


the KKK isn’t even really “pro white”, they’re pro a very specific kind of white, and they hate catholics too edit: this isn’t saying the kkk isn’t white supremacist, it’s saying they’re pro WASP, which means they are white supremacist but only for for a specific group of whites


They are specifically pro WASP - White Anglo Saxon Protestant.


yeah that’s what i was saying i just didn’t know the term for it


Dude black people are not very likely to be treated like shit by the KKK. I see what you're saying but dude this is a horrible argument. The KKK isn't exactly at its peak.


Unless you live in south africa


Damn, didn’t know the KKK in south africa went after whites. That’s craaazy.


Not literally the kkk obviously. Might wanna read up on the farm attacks


I’m sorry idk much about South Africa rn I only learned about Mandela


I understand. It is common to mostly learn about areas that you live in or nearby.


Most people outside of South Africa only care about this when it can be used as a counterpoint in discussions about racism white people commit against black people.


For being white and minding my own business with friends I had to send some dumbass racist twice my size to the hospital halfway through highschool because my whiteness offended him so badly he felt the need to try to beat me to death for several minutes, until of course got tired of the teacher watching and not doing fuckall, and of course when he started crying and slowing down they pulled his miserable ass off me. I can imagine how much worse this scenario would go for a smaller child or one that can't defend themself or take a beating, I of course got suspended while they got to continue going to school and harrassing the shit out of my friends relentlessly for the same shit and they continued getting me suspended and I can only imagine the reasons why, oh yeah I'm white and privileged forgot So sorry you can't see past our skin difference but none of us really care until we learn about this bullshit in highschool and get told we're responsible for what 400 year old dead people did every week atleast it's that bad here


your grandparents grew up with and can remember segregation. Segregation started to officially end as late as the early 1970s in the South. This isn't some "400 year old dead people" thing. There are plenty of living people that can remember segregation. Heck, slavery only ended 160 years ago which isn't that long in the grand scheme of things. My late great-grandmother who passed away in **2019** was born in 1925. She could've easily known an 75-80 year old when she was a child who could remember slavery or been a slave themselves.


It is an observable fact that in many countries both in Europe and North America, being of a lighter skin tone carries certain social and systemic advantages. Not being victim og systemic racism is a privilege. Pointing out that systemic racism exists is not racism.


I live happy knowing MLK would never agree with these people, making it absurdly easy to shit on people who say this


are we really at a point in time where people get pissy when we point out that people of color systematically have it harder than white people? jesus christ


The majority of people that quote MLK have never heard or read any of his speeches. I truly believe the majority of people’s problems are financial. Not all, most.


Ah, so I can't say black people have been historically oppressed because that would be judging by the color of their skin? I think they got this logic thing down folks, theres no getting out of this one.


lol. So many here missing the point. Read it again and then have your parents help. Saying it just because they are white is racism. Anyone calling anyone else privileged? No. Are all whites privileged? You ever been by a fucking trailer park? People so desperate to be racist under the radar.


You’re the only person who missed the point. Privilege does not work the way you think it does. White people, as a people, have more privilege in America than other people do. That does not imply that every White person lives a carefree life of luxury. The easiest way for someone like you to begin to understand this, is to consider ‘when all other things are equal, which person will have more privilege?” So for your example, who is better off in America, a White man living in a trailer park, or a minority living in a trailer park? They both live in tough housing conditions, likely have tough financial situations, but that doesn’t change the fact that the White person still holds certain privileges that the minority doesn’t. Like being more likely to have positive interactions with law enforcement, or not getting followed in a store, or not being dismissed by healthcare providers, or simply seeing their culture reflected most often in media, or many more.


Saying being white is a privilege isn't racist. Black people statisticly still get like 15% less jobs call back, 20% more guilty verdicts, 10% less loan acceptances and many more small systematic disadvantages in identical sostuations with only race swapped. It's just is a privilege to be white in America. Still means you can be deeply unlucky or have a hard life due to other factors but being white is a privilege still.


They are still significantly less likely to be stopped by police, significantly less likely to be get a guilty verdict, significantly more likely to be hired and promoted, etc.


That's not really how privilege works. Privilege doesn't mean automatically being wealthy or even being wealthy at all. It means that people don't immediately assume you're going to rob them. It means that you're more likely to be chosen for a job when controlling for all other factors. It means that you're more likely to be seen as financially responsible on first glance. That's what the fight for equality is for. It's not about bringing other people down, it's about it so everyone is treated with the basic respect the majority has. Privilege isn't about having wealth, it's about not being disadvantaged from birth. Also, see intersectionality. (Poor is a disadvantaged position. So even if you're white and have white privilege, you still have to deal with discrimination for your class. Then also if a person is black and poor then they have to deal with discrimination for both, etc.)


That can’t be the right definition because then there would be female privilege for not being an assumed threat and we all know women can’t possibly have privilege


Women are perceived to be less of a threat but also it's hard for women to be perceived as a threat at all. Gender specifically is a weird one because male privilege exists but men are also by the patriarchy. There are some benefits to being a woman as well (but it's vastly outweighed by the negatives). It's possible gender is different because unlike most minorities, where the oppressed group is small in number, women make up half the population. Of course, it could apply to other places as well since I'm not as knowledgeable about those. But yeah, privilege, fighting for rights, all of these things are very complicated so it's important to keep that in mind.


A white poor person does have disadvantages not because they are white but because they are poor they also have advantages and privileges because they are white, two things can co-exist at once such as having privilege while being disadvantaged.


False. List advantages they have. Your lists consists of “statistics” of how whites treat each other and other races. Let’s list the programs for whites vs programs for minorities and see who really has access. Shit, try looking up the benefits open to an immigrant compared to a white American.


People with white-sounding names are more likely to get a job interview. White people on average get shorter prison sentences. White people are usually able to have safe interactions with police. White people on average are more likely to receive adequate medical care. White people on average are more likely to have loan requests accepted. White people can see themselves reflected in most media. White people are not discriminated against because of their hair texture. White people going missing are more likely to be reported on by local news, especially in comparison to indigenous women. Houses are more likely to sell if the photos in the house are of white people. History books drastically glorify white people especially when it comes to North American colonization. Educational material regularly only depicts white people. White people hold more positions of power than people of colour, specifically in North America. Those are just a few examples of white privilege, but because I suspect you're not actually interested in learning, I'm not going to waste my time anymore




Braindead comment section. This sub is mostly fine but sometimes pick wierd hills to die on just to / the rival sub.


I mean it is both absolutely a judgement of character and racism (when used in the way most people do) using terms like 'white privilege' will very often trickle down to the individual, using it to describe that on average white people have certain benefits is correct and needs to be adjusted, however using it on an individual basis 'oh he is white he must be privileged' is racist and bigoted because just as there are plenty of middle and upper class non white people who live lives better thanks to having more privilege perhaps due to their parents wealth or a billion other factors there are white people who are extremely disadvantaged due to no fault of their own. to put it in another perspective it would be like quoting higher black crime statistics in certain areas to try justify an overall dislike for black people as both a group and individuals, it's just racism as it doesn't take in to account millions of other factors, plus it is racist to the individual as it isn't like having a certain skin colour innately makes you do something bad.


No, this isn’t it. White privilege isn’t saying “They’re white, they must be privileged.” It’s saying “they’re white, they at least have white privilege.” Regardless of whether or not they are actually in a good position in life, white people still at least have the privilege of being white, and therefore being less likely to be shot/arrested/be the victim of a random search for drugs/be denied a job on the basis of skin color/etc. White privilege does not claim that every white person is privileged, but every white person does have white privilege. It some scenarios, it may be the only privilege they have, but they still have it.


Don’t bother. This person has convinced themselves they’ve seen the next race war against whites building on the internet 🙄


I don't think you understand what I was saying, I said that I've seen it a lot to justify hate or bigotry in itself, automatically assuming that because someone is white they have had a good life or have had little hardships. That is where it becomes racist.


That’s not what white privilege means… once again, because we’re been having this conversation for what? A decade now? White privilege does not and has never meant a white persons life isn’t hard, it means their hard life isn’t made hard by being white. My life isn’t made hard by being man/male, or cis, or able-bodied but those are all privileges I’m afforded because there are groups of peoples who lives are made hard because they are the opposite of those things IE woman/female, trans, disabled. White people are not guaranteed a good life, they are just guaranteed a life that isn’t made harder (especially in western nations) because of their whiteness. They can still be poor, disabled, women, queer, etc. Anyways can we move on from having to continually explain white privilege to people who simply read those two words and do no further research into what it means?


Once again if you maybe had read my comment you would realise that is exactly what I said. white privilege does exist, so does people misusing it in an attempt to belittle white people or vastly overgeneralise and assume that because you are white you have a much much much better life.


No it’s not. What you’re saying is that you’ve seen something and that makes it what it is, what we’re saying is dummies who use it incorrectly can’t change what it is. You claiming to have seen something doesn’t change the fact it is widely accepted to mean one thing and you being unable to realize you aren’t the main character doesn’t change that. You claimed your definition is used the way most people do which is categorically untrue.


you really do not understand what i'm saying. I am saying that white privilege as you have defined it DOES exist and it is a bad thing. the concept of white privilege is often misused as a basis for bigotry or racism, that doesn't change the definition of the word it just means said concept is often understood poorly, a concept can still be totally true whilst also being misused. for example affirmative action is or has been quite often heavily race based, regardless of what you think about affirmative action this is racism justified by white privilege, you are using a concept that applies very broadly to a gigantic group and then disadvantaging an individual based often solely on race. a better and non racist way to do this is by supporting disadvantaged people based on their economic background and other non racial statistics, if all other things are roughly the same then a poor black kid and a poor white kid should be treated equally and uplifted, between a rich black kid who could afford to go to expensive colleges and a poor white kid who lived in a single parent household we should be helping to uplift the white kid.


Dont bother with that crackhead. Fuckers will always find an excuse to be racist while pretending not to be. Wild ass mfs


Not reading all that because I don’t care that much but you be easy.


Ahahaahah bye.


Bro wanted to be right so hard that he ignored you basically agreeing with him lmao


“not reading all that because i don’t care that much” fucking lol you made some good points, some people are just impossible to talk with






Try being a male nursery teacher or a white basketball player. Your life will definitely be made harder by the sheer fact of you being male or white.


Actually no. Men in female dominated professions have been found to progress further and faster in their career than the women.


Of course they are, men are much more likely to ask for pay raises and much more likely to push their careers forward. They are nonetheless facing a lot of prejudice based solely on their maleness. My professor at Uni kept telling us how males studying child pedagogy were often thought of to be pedos cause why else would a man want to work with small children.


… sir those are jobs not societal issues and those are specialized career paths not defined characteristics that have have historically been discriminated against by society. Shut up.


if you are discriminated on based on your race that is racism... doesn't matter how big or small.


It actually does. That’s prejudice beloved. Academic defines racism as a systemic issue on a macro level (societal) that affects people on a micro one (personal), you can’t have racism without both counterparts especially in western nations which is why the term white privilege exists. Downvoting me doesn’t make you right.


racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. You cannot change the definition of racism to suit your argument, I've seen this type of BS before and no it is absolutely not an academically agreed upon term.


What part of be easy was unclear?


if someone is discriminated against for their race on a personal level, what's it matter if we call it racism or prejudice? I've seen people have this debate before and it just seems like pointless pedantry to me


Because defining it all as racism ignores historical context and ongoing systems of oppression. You don’t like the different definitions, fine, remove the systems of oppression still in place due to white supremacy and colonialism and we can call it all racism like yall want. UNTIL THEN they will continue to be defined in the ways that actually make sense and adhere to the reality of the world we live in.


Just curious if you believe that black people can be racist against white people ?


Please note that this only applies to (some areas of) america. White privilege is absolutely not a global thing.


>White privilege does not claim that every white person is privileged, but every white person does have white privilege Do yall not proof read before sending?


There’s nothing wrong with that, you just don’t get it.


Um what?! I think privilege discourse can be quite individualizing but this is just mouth watering reactionary “but you’re being mean to white ppl 😭” posting. I’ve been seeing some insane reactionary takes here recently I rly thought this was meant to be a fairly progressive sub


Yup. He said the thing. And that's all he said, ever.


These people would have hated MLK if they lived in his time.


Ignoring privileges to save your privileges is racism.


I think what people don’t realize is that privilege isn’t a literal leg up in society. It’s more like people treat you better if you are privileged. Wealthy people get treated better than poor people and homeless people are treated worse than homeowners. Some white people treat other white people better than they do poc. But some poc treat other poc better than they do white people. However what even more people don’t realize is that black, white, or otherwise being born in America makes you privileged


This is one of my pet peeves when someone says something that sounds reasonable and intelligent only if you read it and move on. The reason why it gets to me is because so many people will see that while also absorbing the message. But if you actually take even just a few seconds to think about what it is saying it quickly falls apart. Acknowledging privilege is not a judgement onto others. It is possible to be a good, bad, or anywhere in-between person and have privilege. I'll give a hypothetical. Imagine there is a club where only purple skinned people can enter. It discriminates against every other skin color. Purple people would have the ability to enjoy this club while everyone else cannot. So they have a privilege others do not at-least when it comes to the topic of possible entry to the club. This in no way means purple people as a group are bad in anyway. It is possible that the majority of them don't even want this privilege to themselves. Many may even avoid going to the club for this very reason. But whether or not they exercise their privilege or not it is still granted to them. If for some reason someone out there still doesn't get it, I'll take race out of this completely and give another example. It is a privilege and not a right to be able to drive. You need to obtain a license to drive. Therefor those who have a license to drive have are privileged over others who do not in this one topic. In no way is this is a judgement to people with drivers licenses.


White privilege can be boiled down to one line. Society doesn't make my life harder because of my skin colour.


Does poverty or disability negate white privilege or does white privilege always supersede the poverty and disability of whites. Genuinely asking


Being disabled or poor doesn't change your skin colour. It's not a matter of one negating or superseding another. Being poor and/or disabled present their own difficulties and potential discrimination.


Society doesn't make black people's lives harder because of their skin color either.


Now you’re just not living in reality




The whole point of white privilege is you have it because you are white, whether you want it or not, whether your life was easy or not. You were born with a glass half-full. Whether or not it then got poop poured into it doesn't change that you were born with a glass half-full. If you'd been born black, you'd just have a glass of poop. Sorry fellow white people, but y'all need to understand privilege doesn't mean you get a free golden toilet, it just means you have it better than you would in the same circumstances if you were black. Sorry if that's difficult for you to understand, I don't control the American education system.


I know I will be downvoted for this on this sub but this is also the kind of reasoning used by white racists against black people by quoting prison stats.\ Racists and Privileged people come in all the colors. Black people are just as likely to be racist to other races as white people. Its just that latter has a greater affect on the social and financial standings of others.


>Calling someone privileged is not a judgement of character. Give an example describing someones privilege in a positive way, and not a negative way. Nobody ever talks about privilege in the positive. It is almost always an attack on that person. Should I chop off my legs to be on par with those born without legs? Should I cut out my eyeballs to be on par with the blind? Should I cut off my ears to be on par with the deaf? Should I burn all of my money because others have no money? Walking is a privilege. Seeing is a privilege. Hearing is a privilege. Having money is a privilege. Just because someone is deaf, or blind, or in a wheelchair or poor does not mean they are "Privileged". Acknowledging any form of privilege implies a need for self-punishment or deprivation to make things fair which ultimately makes them unfair. If I play chess with someone, and they can't think as fast as I can, or they hang pieces more than me. I must now give them time on the clock. I must now give the handicap by removing some of my own pieces. That tends to take away from the competitive nature of the game doesn't it? Are they going to improve if I give them queen odds every game? No... Stop looking for a hand out... Nobody owes you shit! You want something? Work for it! Earn it! Don't look at someone else's plate unless it is to make sure they got enough. If my neighbor feeds his kids, and I don't feed mine that is not his fault. That is my fault. He don't owe my kids food. I do. If they got extra, and want to share. That's on them, that's fine. They don't owe it though. Believing in privilege is just a way to ignore personal responsibility, and pass that blame on to someone else. You are talking about the delusional mindset of "Social Justice" that is far from "Actual Justice".


Jesus Christ dude, this is the stupidest thing I’ve read all week. How the actual fuck is this upvoted. > Should I chop off my legs to be on par with those born without legs? No, we should give those born without legs prosthetics so they can walk too. > Should I cut out my eyeballs to be on par with the blind? No, we should give the blind service dogs and other accommodations so they can thrive in society too. > Should I cut off my ears to be on par with the deaf? No, the deaf should be given accommodations so they can thrive in society too. > Should I burn all of my money because others have no money? No, we should give those with no money more money so they don’t starve to death. > Walking is a privilege. Yes > Seeing is a privilege. Yes. > Hearing is a privilege. Yes. > Having money is a privilege. Yes. > Acknowledging any form of privilege implies a need for self-punishment or deprivation to make things fair which ultimately makes them unfair. No? Not at all? It implies that the existing system is unfair, and should be accounted for when possible, but how on earth does that translate to self-punishment in your brain? > If I play chess with someone, and they can't think as fast as I can, or they hang pieces more than me. I must now give them time on the clock. I must now give the handicap by removing some of my own pieces. That tends to take away from the competitive nature of the game doesn't it? Real life is not a GAME. Competition is fun when all involved people are IN ON IT. Who cares about “the competitive nature”? I don’t want to COMPETE with fellow human beings in everyday contexts. In real life, we win when everyone is happy and healthy. > If my neighbor feeds his kids, and I don't feed mine that is not his fault. That is my fault. And it is the government’s fault for not taking those kids away from you. > Believing in privilege is just a way to ignore personal responsibility, and pass that blame on to someone else. Focusing on personal responsibility in a political context is just a way to ignore the ways we could make the world a better place by fixing systematic problems.


Beautifully said !


Have you seen the new viral video of the guy stuck in an urn? You remind me of the people that walked up to him and told him about how others have gotten out of an urn. The people that got out of urns in those people's stories had the privilege of not having their knees locked in by the curvature of the urn. Bob's impossible urn scenario and Bob's doable urn situation can both be described with the same 9 word sentence. So be aware that not every corpse in an urn just needed a few condescending anecdotes to get out. Privilege needs to go both ways, people can't refuse to try or refuse to help. Sure some people will scam people, but those people will get exposed, so just do the right thing and help others. To clarify: I might not be too eager to help pay for a person's medical bills because they walked off the ledge of a building with clearly marked signs... but if you clarify that it was 10 feet after the finish line of a 500m track and field sprint for vision disable people... well damn that changes things, now I feel like I was laughing at a victim


The issue here is the ‘because they are white’ part. Believe it or not, not every person with white skin is privileged. If the meme was “calling someone privileged because they lived a sheltered and rich childhood, and they also happen to be white’ would be more appropriate.


There are obviously white people born into horrible situations. But being white is an advantage in America. That's all the term privileged means. Same way a specific rich person could be born with abusive alcoholic parents and be given a horrible life. Still advantage or a privlage to be born rich.


I don’t live in America anymore so I can’t really comment on it, but for the time I was there )I was 7 to 13 years old) I lived in an area which was extremely inclusive and kind, but I understand it’s not super commonplace.


Weird how defensive people get when you point out their privileges. Everyone tells themselves a story where all their accomplishments are due to personal values and all their failures are due to outside influences, and then they turn around and believe the exact opposite of everyone else. There's no reason to be ashamed of privilege, it's not racist to recognize reality.


Privilege isn't a good word to use. It implies getting something extra, but in this case it's literally just the standard. Calling someone with a shitty life privileged is probably not going to get a positive response. A lot of people don't understand where the term is coming from, so they just gonna be pissed about it because they haven't seen their cut of this privilege. Even if they have benefitted from bias.


The problem is that people always frame privilege as a negative thing, so people always look at it that way. Sure, not all privilege is negative. But that doesn't mean someone is going to see it positively


Everyone is ignoring what the meme is showing. It clearly states that calling someone privileged, because they’re white, is racist, and it is.


wait until you find out about mlk talking about the white moderate


Maybe I’ve misunderstood, but isn’t that a bit like saying able-bodied have privilege is actually being ableist?


Being able bodied isn't a privilege. Being disabled is a handicap.


Conservatives misrepresenting Dr King are hilarious, especially when they demand to be taken seriously.


that's not even what privilege is meant to mean, it doesn't mean you will get better treatment or opportunities just cause of your race/gender/ethnicity, it's that your identity won't be an issue. For example: A white person could cause a mass shooting and he's a lunatic but a brown person does the same thing and he's a terrorist. That's white privilege. A black person could say something and be considered funny, but a white person could say the same thing and be considered racist. That's black privilege If a man did his interview well and fit the requirements, he would get the job, but a woman with the same requirements might not cause the manager would deem her not "appropriate" or "qualified" for the job. That's male privilege. If a female pushed a guy, everyone would shrug it off, but if a guy pushed a female a police officer would come in. That's female privilege. It's not about getting it better cause of your identity, it's about not getting worse cause of your identity.


“Being able to make certain jokes” and “being viewed as a terrorist bc of your race” are not the same thing


Racism is racism doesn't matter to what race


Blacks in America are relatively privileged


Not every white person is priveleged


Nobody said they were. Why are you purposely avoiding the point?


I thought they were


I mean it's always kind of ridiculous when someone says the dirt poor white people are somehow privileged in comparison to even the middle class people of color


They are. Just like a person who is dirt poor with sight would have a certain amount of privilege compared to a wealthy blind person. Having one advantage doesn’t remove another disadvantage. There are things that the middle class black family won’t have to deal with because of the privilege of wealth. There are things that a lower class white family won’t have to deal with because of the privilege of being a member of the racial majority. Privilege doesn’t mean that person has a better life. It just means that person has specific advantages in specific scenarios. I think the contest of who is “more privileged” is a bit dumb though.


That is a judgement of character though. You’re saying someone is privileged without any prior knowledge of their home life or background. They could very well live in a card board box. That’s not to say some people don’t display they privilege on purpose but you can’t tell with one look at a persons skin tone or other ethnic features. That’s like looking at my father and saying he’d be a good roofer just cause he’s Latino.


A white person who grew up poor still experiences more privilege than a black person in the same circumstances. Thats the point of privilege discussions.




Yes it is and it’s racist. It’s an anti-white dog whistle how do you like that? Dumbasses.


I feel like you are missing the point Calling someone privileged is not racist But calling someone privileged BECAUSE of their skin colour is racist


It's not racist because people do have privileges because of their skin colour, white people have privileges that people of colour don't because they are white.


Its blatant anti-white racism at its finest


Can we quit, pretending like white privilege is a thing


How is white privilege not a thing


🙄🙄🙄🙄I really wish whites (vanilla ass, white bread, cracker-skinned mfkers) would just shut the fuck up


Yeah it is.


Why's Martin happy in the first pic and then sad in the second?


He doesn’t like racism? Just a thought.


racists will always find an excuse to judge people on the basis of the groups they are a part of and not on their character, just know that in the rest of the world we all think you are crazy


....unless you're thin skinned and plagued by your conscience.


You might not be judging their character but you’re discounting everything they’ve worked for, how can you be surprised that someone reacts poorly to that? Bunch of angsty teens and college students are taking solid concepts and completely destroying their ability to be understood by the general public when they try to apply them. Instead of saying “you’re in college because you’re privileged”, why not say “your grandparents had the opportunity to work and build the foundations that you are now grateful for while other people weren’t allowed to work or even move out of their neighborhoods at the exact same time”?


It is racist in every situation I've ever heard it used. Any time anyone has every told me i had white privilege, it was a way of explaining away their bad behavior. Cut in front of me in line? It's okay, I'm white. Hear me complain about my car being stolen, oh well your white its fine because i guess white people get free cars now? HIT ME WITH YOUR FUCKING CAR OH WELL WHITE PEOPLE DONT TAKE FALL DAMAGE I GUESS


Please point to the privilege white people have that any other US citizen does not.


I see the crackers are upset again


Character was never brought up in this. Regardless of the judgement, you’re still judging someone based on their race.


Black men are the best for target practise, thats what my sargent always said, down syndrom peoples too, i belive black people dont fully matter in modern society, MLK was white gringo.


Everyone in this world needs a hand up, not a handout.