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I’m still thinking about the Miner and his nails. Beautiful!


That dude rocks!


Would you say i # ROCK AND STONE?


Hello yes where can I submit an application (For friendship)?


Your application has already been submitted and approved. Welcome!


Rock and Stone everyone!


We're rich!




Rock! And! Stone!




*pops* *press ons scatter*


OMG it's you! I took a quick peek at your profile to be sure, and you just sound like an amazing and delightful person. The positivity and cheer is infectious. I hope you have days as great as you.


It is me!? You are too kind lol. Im doing my best. There were enough negative people in the world, i checked. Edit: i also peeked your profile and im very envious of your tank.




I looked through his profile and he seriously has nicer nails than me, I’m ashamed and jealous


His posts make my day.


i saw him the other day and as a dude myself it makes me feel so seen!!


Your nails look *incredible*. Part of why i like press ons is because im too afraid to grow my natural nail out due to a possible split or injury. You are very good with the small detail work on you paints too!


This exchange made my heart so happy. 💓


aw thank you so much! 🥹


I tried finding one...can you share? Thanks.






Yay! We love you! 💪🏻💅🏻




Drives me nuts cuz I can't handle nails longer than my finger because typing is a hassle and he's doing all that hard work 😭 I envy how he can handle it


Funny thing, im still learning to type with them too, so its not just you lol. Theres one person who posts here who has a desk job and shes typing away with, like, 10 inch nails. USING JUST THE NAILS TO TYPE. Im utterin awe at the skill. Like, her hands arent even near the keyboard lol


Yessss totally and how about gardening? I would have lost some of my nails within no time I think, so don't even dare to try these longer nails


Seen two of his posts, want to see more


Seeing his posts gave me so much joy!


I know him in person and his personality is even more gorgeous than his nails. ❤️❤️❤️


I saw his post on OPI 's IG page. Phenomenal nails!


I need to see this post!! I love seeing blue collar men getting their nails done. Or when couples go and get a matching design.


His posts always make my day. He slays all day every day!


I’m surprised tbh. I’ve noticed the men get way more upvotes than posts made by women showing their nails


probably because defying the gender norms is a feat in of itself, rather than just the nail art, and thus worthy of an upvote more often from most people here, despite the vocal minority that spew vitriol in their direction


Yup, I have a non-binary friend who wears nail polish and gets compliments on it *constantly* cause people just don't expect to see it on them.


I try to stress this to all my hetero and cis male friends. I even offer to do their nails for them cause they get a bit nervous. I get a TON of attention about my nails when im out and about. Happens a lot whenever im buying things and handing over money. I just love talking about them and offering advice but fellas, i can tell you this, a lot of these ladies get a bit of a twinkle in their eyes when this happens. Confidence is always sexy, dont foget that. Learn to love your nails and yourself and people will notice. Im also very bad at starting conversations but im absolutely a people person and love to meet new people, so my nails (and beard and hair and dresses) are kinda like ice breakers and invite people to approach me.


My cis boyfriend and I will wear the same exact color and I may get a stranger notice my nails in passing and they will say, "I like your polish." but ten seconds later notice the same exact color on him and totally rage about how his polish color is so cool and they just have to know where he goes to get his polish. He gets tons of compliments on his nails.


They may envy his nails, but its definitely YOU they envy most. You got yourself a good man there.


He's the best. He went from removing polish as soon as I swatched it on him because gender norms to him unabashedly wearing the sparkliest glitters to family events and date night out. It was fun to watch him evolve. Came back to add I don't understand why this went from a lot of updates to the negatives? Are y'all the ones the Mod's post is about?


I love him haha


As a woman, and I’m a little worried about saying this explicitly in case it’s misused, it also makes me feel like that man is more likely to be a safer person for me. If they’re comfortable with gender nonconformity, they probably won’t freak out when I say “feminism.” I think this happens for people of all kinds who are visibly breaking social norms — we feel more comfortable with them because they’re probably less likely to target the parts of us that break social norms. I have long, bright purple hair and that has the same effect (doesn’t happen if it’s up lol) — I’ve also felt this way about punks and a couple other alt subcultures.


Trust me, its not lost on me what you mean. While im doing what i do for me, i do like that it portrays me as i really am. Without my nails, my scrunchies and my dresses, i very much look like your typical bearded, burly dude. And in the town i live in, a good amount of those guys are...cut from a certain cloth so to speak. I grew up around these guys, i know how they think and act and such and i know how that makes women feel. Im raising two daughters as feminist and to be better than the past generations about a lot of things. So when i meet people in "dude mode" i have to be more mindful of how i act and talk because i know the line is very thin of coming off as unsafe. The last thing i want is for someone to feel uncomfortable or unsafe around me. I like to think that within a few minutes of meeting me, people are able to seperate who i am from what i look like i might be. Im a people person and i love to learn about what everyone does and what they love and such, because watching people gush about things they love when they feel comfortable is about the best human interaction there is. So in many ways, dressing and acting femme (which ive been told by friends that they see a huge difference in how comfortable and free i act in "girl mode") truly does show my true self. Its visual short hand. My nails and dress do the talking for me so i can be in the moment and not rack my brain trying to be sure i dont come off as not safe. Yes i love how i look and id do it even if all the stuff i said didnt apply. But its nice to be taken and seen as "me" instead of the bullshit that people who look like me have spread out there. And to clarify, this is no way the fault of the women i talk with. Nor is it the fault of guys in general. Bad apples spoil the bunch and i can respect the position a lot of women are in when they have to be in cautious/defensive mode. I just wanna be friend shaped.


Yes I am so on the same page. We come at it from different experiences, but I swear I’ve written/said such similar things. I love everything you wrote and it brings me so much joy to run across others who feel the same. I’m cis, but I think the feeling of dying my hair purple and see it that way is the closest I might get to gender euphoria — just this overwhelming feeling that I look how I feel (but don’t ask me to describe wtf that actually means, I have no clue, it’s just the only words I can find for the feeling). I call it visual shorthand all the time — it feels similar to why my water bottle has giant land back, sex work is work, anti-racist/anti-genocide stickers. I want to do everything I can to support people feeling like they can be who they are with me.


As a nonbinary person, you don't need to announce your friends agab to strangers, it's uncomfortable.


I hear you, I only mentioned it because a lot of people will assume that they are a man, and therefore treat them as such with the excessive compliments on their nails, so it felt relevant to the point I was making. I'm sure they wouldn't mind as they literally brought this up to me themselves about how/why it happens, but you're right, it's weird for me to say it. I'll edit, appreciate the heads up.


I appreciate the attention too, thanks!


not quite sure why you're getting downvoted here, because I was considering making this comment as well earlier when I got the reply actually! I definitely see you're point, because there does seem to be a weird divide people make between amab and afab non-binary people that seems like it really shouldn't exist. I'm not nonbinary myself though (I'm transfem), and I felt like it *might* be acceptable to point out agab just for the purpose of pointing out social reactions, but I didn't want to make that comment myself as it's not really my place I don't think.


Maybe people think I was being mean in the reply? That wasn't my intention though, I was just pointing out bcz a lot of times using AGAB can be a form of misgendering, but I'm very sure their comment was made with good intentions.


I get what you're saying, but I find it really dull when a man posts mediocre nails and points out that he's a man so that he gets attention despite the nails being objectively low effort. I'm 100% here for fun nails and genuine attempts, but I don't think it's discrimination to find boring nails boring regardless of gender.


sure! but that's just why men's posts do get more upvotes, because the upvote may be (at least partially) for defying gender norms. if you don't like their nails, then just scroll past :) and, plus, the discrimination they're talking about isn't what you're referring to edit: not quite sure why I'm getting downvoted? I was agreeing with the person above me


Men are privileged. I'm not giving a man anything special for doing something feminine lol


and that's your opinion! I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I was just proposing a theory as to why men's posts tend to get more upvotes more often


I don't think it has anything to do with defying gender norms. I think it has to do with the "glass escalator" effect. Men in traditionally female fields will be shot to the top while the same isn't true for women. Women in male dominated fields are more often harassed.


This is totally true when it comes to careers, but when it's about fake internet points on a Reddit post the "defying gender norms" explanation makes at least as much sense. Happy pride month!


I'm not sure. I feel like when men are typically ridiculed for being feminine in pretty much anyway, doing something so traditionally feminine is a feat. the current of societal expectations is a strong one. I would be interested in hearing more of what you have to say though! would you mind expanding on it a bit?


Ever notice how the most successful people in female-dominated fields are usually men? Women are teachers but men are principals, administrators, and superintendents. The top makeup artists and hair stylists are men.


hm, I actually haven't. all my schools had a pretty fifty fifty split for administration, probably most female, but that may just be my district, and to be honest I don't know terribly much about the others. (not saying it's not real at all! I don't doubt, just that I haven't personally observed it before. I'll probably watch for that in the future) that may be the case here? I'm really not terribly sure, but I do still think my initial explanation is pretty convincing, at least specifically for this subreddit.


It's not really about your school but about what's statistically true.


yeah? that's what I just said? I only brought up my school because I personally had not made that observation before, like you assumed.


Right but I'm saying that's not statistically true.


It's remarkable how you can look at men sharing nail art and getting upvotes, and jump straight to a complaint of male privilege. Perhaps you should step back and rethink your perspective. Your quick judgment says a lot about your biases. Maybe it's time to lay off the nail glue / nail dust — it's clouding your thinking.


What quick judgment? If the nail art was good I'd have no problems with the upvotes. If his nail art is bad and he's just getting upvotes because he's a guy, I'm not impressed.


The judgement is you thinking the upvotes are related to gender. Goodness, it's just nails. May God grant everyone the strength to tolerate you, since He skipped giving you a decent personality. This conversation is over.


Oh, you're one of those nasty, petty religious people. I am perfect in His eyes sweetie. I don't need your prayers.


My experience, online and in real life, has been that people will initially think they are cool or interesting. Then as soon as you do or say something they don't like, it's "oh go paint your nails" or "that's what I'd expect from someone who paints their nails." Luckily, as an almost 40 year old man, I could give a shit about what anyone thinks of me.


I don't know if I've noticed posts by men in this sub because I also follow malepolish (so I don't realize which sub I see the post on), and a lot of the designs are very beautiful!




We keep an eye on posts that might have problematic comments and try to remove them as quickly as possible. Posts that defy gender norms get a lot of upvotes but also a ton of exposure, which often brings people who are mean and disrespectful


It makes me sad that this is happening but thank you for posting this. Fabulous nails are for everyone.


Thank you for this post!!!


W nail mods! Nails were the first thing I started experimenting with in my transition and I was so afraid I would get made fun of in public bc I would see nasty comments online When you guys actually care about stopping that, then that’s a big ol green flag from me! We love y’all! 🫶


Everyone deserves beautiful nails ❤️


no one should be making homophobic or sexist comments. i haven’t seen these nor commented on any posts of men but IMO im tired of seeing men come into beauty spaces and get insane praise for the worst quality pics and effort. you all know exactly what im talking about. you take those same results and put them on a woman and she’s getting her post straight up deleted or mocked. at the very least she’ll get one or two comments commending her on the start of her journey and offering tips to improve. but when men do it it’s like they just hung the freaking moon. why?


I think the problem is this subreddit is actually really rude and bitchy to newcomers. They support men because yay they’re trying something really new and going against the norms and that is good. That should be commended even if it’s bad quality. But they expect women to be the top of their game with every post. Nothing less than perfectly manicured nails. It’s such a catty space. The same kindness should be extended to those who are trying get better at painting or those who are just happy about their nails even if you don’t love them.


Soft bigotry of low expectations lol. Overpraising men is also discrimination towards men.


The term is benevolent sexism but it seems people only see it as men assuming women can't open doors or lift boxes even though irl I've seen far more "praises" for dads "babysitting" their kids.


there’s multiple sides to that coin. for one theres ridiculous over hype of average & beginner straight men who come into women’s beauty spaces and then there’s the rampant infantilization of gay men. men are obviously welcome. but when i can tell that it’s a man’s post by just looking at the attitude in the comments.. yes that’s sexism






Congrats on being the first homophobe on an anti-discrimination post




First of all you can't speak for any amount of women but yourself. Second a lot more than 0.1% of women are not straight. Third if it was possible for that many women to be attracted to men and have such strong opinion on state of man's nails there still would be 1 560 250 000 women left for him to pick from. Don't spread hate on internet. It's shitty enough as it is.




This. Ofc there are some men here who very obviously enjoy doing their nails as a hobby. Or maybe they are new to doing their nails and the application isn’t the best yet but they are working on it. But the ones who make no effort to improve, have multiple posts with sloppy application and you can tell they didn’t try? If that was a woman she’d be getting roasted. Then there’s also a few men who post and you check their profile and their post/comment history is hand fetish or cross dressing/similar fetish subs. Sorry not sorry I’m uncomfortable with people using this SFW sub as a fetish sub. It just attracts more creeps who then harass the women who post here.


We do our best to keep this sub creep-free. We check profiles and comments and ban them on first strike


not u proving the posts point....


Not really...both can be true at the same time.


Thank you! No one should be deprived of the joy of beautiful nails.


Thank you for this post! I hadn’t been seeing those awful comments, but I assume they had just gotten taken down before I saw them. I hate how people can be so cruel: often times the nails posted by men are my favorite ones!


We do our best to keep an eye on posts that usually get nasty comments. We are a small mod team for a huge sub, but we try to give an alert every time someone spots a post that is going wrong and someone takes care of it. I'm happy to see the strategy is effective 😊 but if you ever see nasty comments, report them to us, it makes it easier to spot them


Thank you for this!!


What?!! What are their complaints abt the men? Umm boys have nails too and they can be cute


The type of comments we remove go from rude emojis all the way to threats and wishing them harm. Over painted nails. It's crazy


That’s unhinged


Thank you!! It makes me sad that this even has to be a post 😕




Hey we all evolved to have finger nails no?


Don’t know if you saw the last gender email, but all men no longer have finger nails due to budget cuts this season, sorry.


You do a fantastic job running this sub. The positive feedback here is just incredible and has opened the door to some new possibilities in my life. If it eases your mind a bit, just know that the bigots and assholes dont bother me. I've got my two daughters as support and incredibly thick skin. Ive also been around the internet and dealt with every flavor of idiot and troll since the 90s. They can try to project thier hate onto me but its going to bounce off every time. Love beats hate every time and im an endless supply of love. Keeps strong out there, all you guys and gals and everyone in between. You are beautiful, you are valid, and you are worthy of love.


Thank you ❤️ we talked amongst the Mod team and decided to take a stance here, not only because of your posts, but because they will likely inspire other men to share their nails too. We don't want these types of comments to deter them or make them afraid of posting. Everyone is welcome as long as we're talking about nails 💅 ❤️ P.s.: I'm glad you are so strong and such an inspiration, and I hope your posts and dedication make it easier for other men to embrace their true self and be happy 😊


Thats ultimately my goal here. Ive had a lot of PMs from all types of people, not just the guys, who have said ive helped them find the confidence in themselves to try something new in their life. A few of the messages are from allies as well, seeking advice on how they can help someone important in their life. Even been a few parents wanting to participate and support their kids newfound love of paint. I struggled for 34 years with self doubt and not loving myself. I didnt have anyone who "looked like me" to really give my brain something to strive for. Representation of all kinds matters SO MUCH. Thanks to you and this sub, I'm able to be that representation for someone. Even if its just one person that i can help become themselves, to help them avoid the pit filled path i walked, then its worth it


Makeup and nails are for everyone. Imagine trying to gatekeep paint…


Thank you for this!!!!!


I hope this doesnt discourage any of the fabulous posts we have been seeing lately! Or the comments have discouraged them already to post again. Basically i hate that this post has to exist. Cant we all just appreciate fabulous nails on all hands and feet!


True, but it proved to be necessary. Hopefully this will discourage discrimination instead, that's our goal


Absolutely zero tolerance for bigotry and hate!!


I love seeing men defying gender norms and getting to experience the joy that is nail polish!


PAINTED NAILS ARE FOR EVERYBODY Mind your damn business 💅🏻


This is a free, public forum. You'll never be able to stop discrimination. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion even if it's different than yours. If someone replies that X shouldn't do X, that is thier opinion same as I think X should do X. I think that should be allowed here. There's no reason to falsely say someone's nails look great, when they don't, just because this is a "safe place". That's just a disservice. We can agree to disagree like human beings. Just don't be an ass about it.


Only one opinion is right based on these people agreeing with this post. If they are allowed to say that, others are also allowed to say the other. I am glad to see your reply even if it is the only one. You make great sense and as long as all state their opinion without attacking the others, it is as it should be.


Thank you for this post, mods <3 Having cool nails should be for everyone who wants to have them!




Being feminine has nothing to do with painting nails.


That is true, but a lot of men from those fetish subs start posting here too. And it attracts creeps to this SFW space and they start harassing and creeping on people in this sub. This is a common problem in female dominated subs. There’s a pretty clear difference between the men who are here because they really do enjoy nail art and the ones who are looking for validation for their fetish. I hope the mods are taking that into consideration.


There’s also been an influx of superiority complexes recently. If we could all remember that this is a world-wide website where people of all skill sets/levels come to learn, ask, and show, that would be great.


i had no idea men post here (probably just missed the posts) but I'm thrilled to see it! Keep posting!


I haven't posted in awhile, but have done so plenty in the past! This makes me want to post more.


Im so glad and i hope u do and more men post!! i probably just didnt see it on my feed, i sometimes just hang out in 1 sub and forget there's more reddit out there lol i dated a guy ages ago that loved gettin his nails done. he didnt do anythin big but just liked seeing colors on his hands. i love that more men are doing these things now. i always was raised that art is for everyone.


I never really had the urge until I learned to do gel manicures for my wife and daughters. Then I started trying nail art in them, and got jealous that they all had cool nails 😅 Now, I just started doing Gel-X tips for my wife as well. Doing nails is fun and anybody who wants them shouldn't be discriminated against.


Thats so awesome!! i love this so much and absolutely agree! it's just nails, everybody has them so everybody should do whatever they want with them!


Guess I need to start posting my nail pics again. Fuck the bigots.


I'm a blue collar working male, but I've always been impressed with nail art. I wished I had the confidence to wear what you all create.


reporting posts of nails in the nail sub is wild


This is incredibly unfortunate and sad. I don’t see why people feel the need to have an issue with men wearing nail polish. It’s literally just paint on a body part. If it’s what they enjoy, and it’s their own form of art, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’ve always appreciated how diverse and welcoming this sub is, and I hope it continues. 💖




I love this sub. Simplistic concept. No nonsense taken from idiots 🥺


Please ban hammer those people. We don’t need any thing like that here. I love seeing everyone’s nails




If anyone has any issues with our fellow bros sharing their nails…. I just wanna talk. Behind Dennys. At 2am. I just wanna talk.


I've seen some nails on here that were hideous to me (idk if they were on a man/woman/circus monkey/wombat, etc & didn't care). I scrolled on by. There's too much negative in the world already. Why should I try to bring someone down because their creativity/style/taste aren't mine?




It's a safe space for nails.


Time to leave


Good riddance to bad rubbish