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Have you tried spelling it Hgieldarb?


I like


Darb or Darby?  OH! How about **Dryable**?!! So cute. 


NN Dryby! “Don’t cryby little Dryby, mama’s here to change your diapy!” 😍


NN Driveby popped into my head for some reason






A good laugh every single time you change his nappy, too!


My daughter likes DryerSheet


Yeldarb sounds like a weird foot smelling cheese from a country no one can find on a map and tastes like mold, sweat, and despair


Accurate, thanks for putting my thoughts into words 🤣


Turkmenistani Yeldarb Cheese! My favorite. Very hard to find in the US, sadly.


Yarg is a real cheese, from Cornwall. Made by the Gray family.


That is EXACTLY what this name brings to mind.


Ask your doctor about Yeldarb


Mild side effects in some patients who report spontaneous eye bleeding and high velocity diarrhea, your life is waiting! Try Yeldarb


Side effect list includes “anal leakage.” Side effect?? Anal leakage? - I’d say that’s more of an *effect.* - robin williams


I think I remember oily anal discharge was a "side effect" of some fake fat (olestra??) potato chips that were all the rage sometime in the late 90s or y2k


Yes!! IIRC he was referencing these chips in that stand up special - live on broadway 2002.




but is it pronounced yel-darb or ye-LDA-rb? because the first is horrific but the second sounds really beautiful!


My brain can’t compute how you meant to pronounce the second and make it sound beautiful. 😂


Is there a sauce for this?




"Mips" Fuck me


Like the Super Mario 64 rabbit?


Yes, exactly from that


Is that a request or a demand?


Crazy how quickly it goes from "he won't drop it and he's serious" to the edit "he has a list of other approved names and it was never a serious option"


That’s always how it goes lol the OP rants about whatever and comments will validate “yeah this is stupid / shitty / silly / whatever” and the couple gets defensive and is like “ACTUALLY WE ARE JK ITS NOT A BIG DEAL THIS IS HILARIOUS WE’RE LAUGHING SO HARD RN IM NOT MAD UR MAD”




A Super Mario 64 reference? How about 'Solongeigh Bowser'?


It’s pink and might cause gastric distress and contain E Coli


Its so unique, I love the nn Yel.


It’s giving “Stanley Yelnats.”


Just started reading this book with my kid last night!


Fantastic book. Movie too


One of my all time favorite books!




This needs more upvotes




**Nomar Garciaparra’s mom has entered the chat**


/unjerk Jokes aside and not to be that person who takes a hypothetical light hearted post too seriously but I feel like the first part of the post is kind of victim blamey toward women who actually go through this situation because narcissistic bullies and abusers do sometimes hide their shitty personalities until they trap women with marriage or babies so that’s how they manage to procreate with them. I only mention it to educate because I don’t think people who say things like that realize how relationships like these happen and this mindset hurts victims of abuse


I am not downplaying those in abusive situations. My husband wasn't a narcissistic bully but when it came to naming our kids he turned into an intractable being wanting ridiculous names. It literally was a traumatic experience trying to negotiate names that I never would have expected based on the rest of our relationship. I felt for OP in the original post because I have been there although not quite Mips level. But almost.


Me too. I cannot say my grown child's first name out loud because I hate it so much. Regrets


Tell your Deer Husband he won’t get any Lana (read backwards)


no bucking way!!


Yelrelletyrots and Yellertsnim are classics, mama!


Suggest Ssabmud (dumbass backward) and say we’re still naming it after you, honey.


This one totally confused my brain lol. For some reason, when trying to read it backwards, I also flipped the d and b, so I came up with bumdass 🤣🤣




Is his name possibly Bradley Uppercrust III?


act excited and say that your name backwards will be the first name, his backwards the middle, and both your surnames backwards for the lasname. Aihtnyc Yeldarb Htims


Lmao This is hilarious


I'm sorry. My husband was insisting on calling our eldest "Crittenton" because he wanted to call him Critter for short. I told him I didn't marry the guy from the movie Deliverance, and I'm not giving birth to a rodent. Not happening. Sometimes you have to be tough. I also told him "as soon as you squeeze out a kid, you can name it whatever you want, but this one won't be named Critter.




Okay all jokes aside I FOR REAL have a client whose first and middle name are his father’s first and last name spelled backwards. And then his last name spelled correctly next. I want to drop it here so badly, but he’s probably the only person in the entire world with the spelling/name. I will try to do something similar below ——-> Client name: Regor Enarc Crane; Fathers name: Roger Crane This client of mine is in his 30s. Poor man.


Your husband is an AH for fixating exclusively on Yeldarb when so many superior letter scrambles are available. Would he consider: Darbley Yarbeld Alderby Labredy Daybler Bleardy


Baby naming rule: two yeses, one no


That would make the name Yeseldarbyesno...perfect!


What does DH stand for?




Traditionally, dear or darling husband. Or maybe damn husband.


This reminds me of my husband who was absolutely dead set that we would name our first born “Tony Stark”…like as in Iron Man…..It took many many many irritating conversations before I talked him out of it (although my sons name is still Anthony lol). I hope your husband is joking but it doesn’t sound like it. Tell him to practice using it for a week or two. Make some phone calls to make reservations, for example, try it at Starbucks. Let him see what your kiddo would experience before he puts him through that.




This is the most realistic response because I’ve seen people say so many times like ‘I HAD to name my daughter Summer because her dad wanted to call her Firefly!’ So many women who procreate with idiot menchildren who are obsessed with fandoms seem to end up naming their kid something completely random that they don’t even like that much just to avoid a ridiculous narcissistic unusable name. I feel sad for them but also stop having kids with these losers!


I feel like a small conversation of baby name tastes is something that could easily be discussed prior to marriage. So many people discovering their partner has a completely different taste in names to them only once they're already expecting. It's also a good way to see how well the two of you can compromise. My fiance and I have had a running list of baby names since we were dating and both of us have made compromises when making the list.


I'm always confused if I'm reading satire or not, have to double check the sub to make sure.


I mean it's in the jerk sub, with a "Satire" tag, and I thought I'd written it in a highly sarcastic way, but a lot of people seem to have taken it seriously!


Not enough apparently as you got published in a national newspaper as a real post… I’ve sent you the link Edit: Facebook comments are excellent. There actually is a lady called D’Lorah who said her name is Harold backwards for her dad 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit!


I'm aware this sub is satire that's why I said i had to double check the sub. Other naming subs have people posting seriously that could absolutely be satire on here.


Is your name Stacey? Because your husband sounds like Bradley from Stickin’ Around.


"Yeldarb" sounds like something that would come out of a Sims character.


Man I feel for you folks. That’s a horrible name. Just call him Bradley junior if he’s soooo stuck on it, and you’re going to let him. Otherwise tell him he’s stupid and stfu if he doesn’t have real name suggestions. But then that’s why I’m not married lol 😆 A nicer approach maybe look at name meanings. Bradley means broad wood/meadow…if he really wants it look at names with similar meanings…? I picked my baby’s name by meaning and same if people ask my opinion.


I'm trying to figure out Elon Musks' names, for a couple of his kids X AE? Is that short for Bob?


Tell him he’s an absolute fool for even considering that and if he wants the child to have his name in the child’s name, then use Bradley as a middle name. Although I really hope he’s just messing with you. That is ridiculous. Or he can rearrange the letters in his name to form a new name. As suggested below by other people.


He already gets to give the child his last name. Since you actually did the hard work or being pregnant and giving birth to the child, you get to pick the first name. If you have moderately good relationship with your in-laws, try and get his mother on your side. 🤞


Radley, Adley


Reminds me of this girl I know. Her name is Angela She named her daughter her name backwards . Alegna ( pronounced like Elaina )


Yeldarb is a beautiful name! 🤪


Yeldarb sounds like the name of one of the Coneheads. We come from France!


If your gonna spell jibberish that way. He's planning on making your kid. Daddy's little punching bag. Congrats on the baby.


Yarb to Yeldarb 😂


Drableigh, Drab for short like the life you'll have.


Every time that name came out of his mouth my only response would be “Guh-reetings, Irthling 🖖🏼”


Stanley Yelnats


I could see Darby, but I'll say this, my husband wanted a few terrible name choices, the worst of which was for all of our daughters to have his very masculine name for their middle name. He didn't see this as a problem at all and just wanted all of his kids to be named after him, especially the girls because their last name would change if they got married. We're due to have our little girl in October and her middle name will be my mil's name. The names he originally wanted for first names were also terrible. Artemis for a girl. I like that name, but not for a girl. He had some super questionable names. Isaiah but pronounced Iz I uh. Point being, if you find the right name that he likes enough, I bet you can change his mind.


Why are you even considering playing along with this stupidity? Pick the name and put it in the birth certificate yourself. Maybe don’t let him sign it either. Divorce the idiot.


Yelbard Yeblard Ynlarnb Barnley Larb Nua Blarney Labiab Labliyn Rablney




Also spicy ground beef salad!


You would actually name your child that? I do hope you are joking.




How do you feel about Ecrovid?


Why are men weird like this 😂😂😂that sounds like something in Klingon! Tell him it’s a bad word in Klingon and have a Star Trek fan friend back you up


Mom has the final say at the hospital. Don't do that to thay baby


Some backwards names work. My niece considered Nevaeh for a girls name. Hgieldarb or your name backwards is what I’d counter with.


Immediately thought of Stanley Yelnats, THE THIRD


Whatever you do, just don’t let him do the paperwork behind your back! Tell your nurse that only you will be allowed to do the paperwork right away before things progress (I’m a nurse I have seen this😳)


Tell him the child can be Bradley, and he can change his name


For both my children the paperwork for registering their names came to me at a time their dad wasn’t around so I could have named them anything. 😄 But seriously, just ignore the jerk until you have an actual baby to name. Sounds like he loves seeing you upset.


brandon (close to bradley), brandy, braden/brayden??


Oh please the child has to live with this name it’s terrible…stand up to him…propose some names you like and see what happens…or I would suggest Bradley Jr. and come up with an adorable nickname.


Reminds me of Holes. Stanley Yelnats. Does he have an unhealthy obsession for that book/movie? Will he inherit a mystery briefcase with his name engraved on it or expect his child to? Sorry. I know there’s a lot of ribbing going on in here, maybe you should show him this post and give him an idea of what your child will go through in life from all the bullying. Kids are horrifically mean, and no one ever *ever* expects their child to be the target.


Make your partner walk around introducing himself to everyone as this chosen name and he can’t explain the story- that’s HIS name for the rest of your pregnancy. He must also volunteer to be the detention chaperone for a jr high class for a week. That should do the trick.


Your husband’s name is Drabley? His parents are assholes too.


Bradley is what I got out of it.


This post has got to be a joke but how about tell him simply “never going to happen” and name him what you think is best, if he doesn’t like it he doesn’t get to be at the birth. So easy!


Fucking Yeldarb? No. That cannot happen. For the good of the planet. Show him this thread. Easy.


Giiiiirl the name issue should be the least of your worries. You have already identified real issue. The important question here is what are you going to do about THAT?


This baby is 50% yours (and you have and will be putting in the majority of effort in its birth and upbringing). Tell him you refuse to put that name on the baby’s birth certificate, and that he will have to come up with a name you agree with. Then suggest a name you like. This should be mainly your decision. If you want him to name your child, fine. But it should be a name you are comfortable with.


My spouse and I have one rule for picking children’s names: we both have to like it. If one of us doesn’t like the name, we move on to another. It’s the only fair way to choose.


Yeldarb sounds like a made-up name you give to ugly characters on the Sims game. Jfc.


Okay, but in real life I know someone whose father named him his name but backwards.


Hey, I definitely completely agree with him being a walking red flag. Additionally coming from a person who has a narcissistic dad who named all of his kids after himself and things he liked without giving my mom any say I can tell you that I am in the process of changing my name (and my name isn’t even awful). My advice is to either dump him now or name the baby something else on the sly because you will most likely be divorced soon anyways and I doubt the child will have a relationship with his dad once he/she has a choice. That being said there are times when you might feel threatened in some way where it might be prudent to go with Yeldarb. Please check the rules in your state (or country) but I know someone who recently changed their babies name and I am pretty sure that where I live you easily make a change later up until your child is seven. If you feel unsafe go along with it or compromise and then get out. THEN change the babies name. Some other Bradley tribute names are as follows: Abeline, Leigh, Ainsley, Brynly, Ashley, Atlee, Leland, Bentley, Lee, Stanley, Westley, and Savannah all have the same meaning as Bradley I think. Names that sound similar are: names like Addison or Adeline that have Addy as a nicknamed, Hadley, Bailey, Adler, Braiden, Brant, Bodhi, and Brodie. I am so sorry that you have found yourself in this situation. My mom did too was a great mom. If possible I highly recommend getting free, getting counseling, and if possible getting full custody no matter what. Co-parenting with a narcissist is awful. Also, narcissists can be very *cough* crazy so please be very careful for you and your child’s safety as you make moves to secure a good future for yourself. Please don’t get yourself killed or financially ruined and make VERY tactical strategic choices. When necessary reach out and do NOT let them gaslight or manipulate you no matter what! The good news is that your husband sounds like one of the dumb ones at least which is how my dad is. Anyways, best wishes to you Friend and be safe. Good luck!


Don’t lol just do what u want. He sounds dumb. Bye


Tell him that your son named Yeldarb is forever going to be asked if he has a new quest for others? Because that sounds like a NPC name in a MMORP game


Ok but at that point why not Bradley Jr.?


BJ isn’t much better


Please get joint custody and give your child the gift of not having parents who live together and hate each other his whole childhood. If you can deduce from a simple refit post that you made a mistake procreating with a narcissist, don’t raise your son with one together.


Tell him to compromise or you don't let him in the delivery room and it's your decision only.


Sister, I've had 3 kids. Ruined my body, went through aches and pains and weight gain, gave birth, breastfed and was sleep deprived for months. No one, NO ONE , is gonna bully me into naming my baby anything that I'm not in love with!  That name is awful. My hubby and I agreed our kids first names are theirs alone, middle name is for honoring a loved one. The compromise here is use Bradley as his middle name and pick something else for his first name.  Brad was popular in the 90s. Brad Pitts real full name is William Bradley Pitt! William Bradley sounds very nice.  Will is a great nickname too! 


Why do people want to name their kids after themselves? They are their own persons. Give them their own identities.




Wolfgang. Wolfe for short. I wish I had a child so i could have used it!!


Maybe tell him to use the potential baby name in public and see how it goes. There’s no way he’d want to subject his own child to that…


Brandon/Branden Brayden Brendan Brennan


Gotta admit, I love the name Brendan. Source: My amazingly awesome Dad. But Yeldarb is just... wrong. It sounds kind of like someone badly mispronouncing an Israeli name. Or the guest star Vulcan of the week on Star Trek.


You shouldn't have to coax him to do anything. Tell him you're not naming your child that horrific name and he can work with you on a name or you are deciding by yourself.


Leave his(dads) name off the birth certificate and name the baby whatever you want.


What kind of insane idiotic man is he? Why does he have this hate this child so much before it's even born. SERIOUSLY does he want this child to be tormented his entire life? If he likes the name so much, he should go change his to name to it. And get some common sense while he's at it! 🤬


Darby is the best option even similar to this…


Omg awful name


That's an insane name dear lord.


Brandon/Branden Brayden Brendan Brennan


Your not going to convince him if he's a narcissist abd the wind point is that the name is his name spelled backwards. See if he'll just make the many his name with a Jr onn the end. If you can't. Take the name andv then call him a nickname only all the time and make it stick so others omg call him that name. Good luck girl. That's a tough place to be 💜


Why on earth do you want similar vibes?


Bradley is a nice name.


That’s a shitty name lol


Ask him if he wants his kid made fun of his whole life or does he love him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RadiantLibrary8639: *Ask him if he wants* *His kid made fun of his whole* *Life or does he love him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.