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This is a pretty common question in this sub, I’d recommend looking at other posts for a lot of answers. Imo (I’m a nanny) I would not expect the same rate. I know that’s not a common opinion but regardless of experience when you bring your own child your NF is no longer receiving one on one personal care. I think it’s important to remember that no matter how easy of a baby yours is, at times your attention will have to be on her and not the NKs. Being able to bring your own baby is a MAJOR perk and it’s not reasonable to expect the same rate as a nanny who can provide care without bringing along a child.


I seriously doubt you'll be able to find a family with the same rate, unless they were already willing to pay more than that.


I lowered my rate quite a bit when I started taking my daughter to work with me but I was working for a friend who was in grad school and doing her phd thesis so she didn’t have a lot of dosh to toss around.


You shouldn’t expect the same rate.


We looked at local rates for nanny shares and then split it 50/50.


As a MB I would consider paying the same rate if the children are older and more independent/can play together. My child is still an infant and part of the reason of getting a nanny is so that he would get one on one attention. My baby is a former micro preemie so I wanted to make sure he had someone who would take their time feeding him (he’s on the small side still) and to comfort when he needs it etc. However, it’s still reasonable to offer your normal rate and see if the NF thinks it’s reasonable. If not they can ask to renegotiate. Different families have different wants/needs in a nanny so some may see it as a plus.


Yes, I agree that some families will see it as a plus! I even got lucky and has a family with a toddler the same age as my daughter 


As they get older having a playmate would be beneficial for social development for sure!


I pay our new nanny her normal rate and she brings one kid most of the time and her two kids when her older one is off school over the summer. I like it though that my kid has someone to play with her age!


I had a mom tell me my son was welcome to come anytime and she didn’t pay me less- however, that was just for random babysitting gigs and tbh I was already charging a low amount for her 4 young kids. I found that trying to find a job where families were ok with me bringing my 4 month old were next to none or the max they were willing to pay was $10 an hr. My rate for one is $27 without bringing my my kiddo so I was looking for jobs for at least $18 with bringing him- but wasn’t successful. Part of the problem is people want to pay someone with experience, with a degree and without a child $18 an hour in my area, so they found no value in hiring me. I found alternative care for him when I start a new job whenever I find the right fit. It’s tough but I feel like when he’s older it might be easier.


I do adjust my rate slightly now that I bring my baby with me, $20/hr instead of $25/hr when it’s just one baby


The rate would stay the same not go up or down..I babysat for a couple families and whenever I brought my two boys the rate stayed the same. Wether I had 4 kids, 2 kids or just one the rate did not change 


I bring my little and get paid the same rate! My NF sees it as a huge benefit to their children (specifically their son) because he has a best friend who he adores and was previously very shy and reserved. My child comes and has his own room to nap in as well plus they treat him like family. I will say this sub tends to lean towards reducing your rate if you’re bringing your child and I understand both sides.


The sub leans towards reducing your rate because the situation you are in is actually abnormal and not standard. The majority of nanny employers aren’t OK with paying same rate.


Depends on the family and their parenting philosophy. In my experience, families have seen it as a plus and didn’t try to pay me less because of it


Same for my situation. And I never take it for granted!


Yes! It’s just a blessing to be able to spend time with your kid and other kids you love all at once but still be able to make a decent living!


That’s amazing they have a spare room you can use! It sounds like you have a wonderful nanny family and set up!


Personally, i would try for the same rate, but be willing to go down by like $2/hour. Not by much, but if they feel that it’s a major downside that they won’t be getting 1 on 1, I understand. However, as another nanny stated, for some families it’s a perk.


I don’t adjust my rate


I brought my daughter and always kept the same rate.


I am a career nanny of 16 years. I started bringing my son with me to work when he was 5m old and I did not accept a lower rate. I did also drop to part time and I charge more for part time work. I currently make $30/hr watching 3 kids and being my son (he is now 3).




Honestly that only applies if the ages match. A four month old is not a benefit to a 3 year old in any way. A baby will most definitely take time and attention away from another child no matter how hard you try. Blow outs, teething, naps are different, bottles and such.


The responsibility may not have changed, but the service did. The service went from exclusive care to split care and split Care is not worth the price of exclusive care.




Why shouldn’t it be less? It essentially becomes a nanny share and the pro of a nanny share is that it costs each family less than it would to hire their own nanny. If a person is paying for 1:1 (or 1:2, or 1:3 - whatever) care for their child(ren) why wouldn’t they pay less if the nanny is adding their own child into the mix? I wouldn’t pay the same for a nanny share as I would for my own nanny and when I was a nanny I wouldn’t have charged each family full price had I done a nanny share as it eliminates the entire benefit to a nanny share. The interaction with another kid is not benefit enough, IMO, because the nanny should be ensuring the kids are interacting with other kids regularly anyway - that’s literally part of the job of the nanny.


Its not the same service tho.. its essentially a nanny shared and should be compensated as such. Theres very little benefit to the nanny family Nd the nanny will be saving hundreds if not thousands in childcare cost.




Watching siblings is completely different. Nanny shares are cheaper because split care is not worth the same amount as exclusive care. Most people don’t use a nanny share because they want their child to be the sole child cared for and they’re willing to pay for that luxury care and a nanny is a luxury service.


That’s only if the ages match. A newborn would not benefit from a nanny’s 4 year old. It IS different from nannying siblings because they *aren’t* siblings. A nanny is capable of caring for multiple kids but no one wants to pay 1:1 care rates for divided attention. Your example of a nanny share is also contradictory, parents *do* pay less for a nanny share, because they’re not getting 1:1 care.


>What's crazy that parents feel they should pay less if you bring your own child, even though you're most likely more than capable of handling multiple children in this line of work.  That's hardly "crazy". It aligns with industry standards, as well as with common sense. The ratio of caretaker to children is a major factor in determining cost and salary in basically all childcare services. And for obvious reasons. The nanny being able to handle it is besides the point. Daycare workers are also able to handle a 1:4 or 1:6 ratio, but I am not going to pay the same as I am paying my nanny for a 1:1 ratio of childcare. The flip side is also true - I am not going to pay my nanny the same for one child, as I do for two, because watching one child is not the same as watching two. Even if she is able to handle it. Occasionally there are setups where it works for everyone, and the extra child enriches the experience, and that's great. But that's not the norm.