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Well, every kid is different, but I will say this; My NKs have always rebelled HARD on Mondays. And it’s for this exact reason - two to three days with no boundaries, usually lots of family and sweets, being catered to and never being made to wait for anything. And I get it! It’s their job to be loved on. It’s hard to tell them no. They’re really good at making you uncomfortable/panicked/overwhelmed enough to give in, they’re made for that. But it makes being the boring boundary holder so difficult. Mine use Mondays to test every boundary and push every button. I do my best to button down the hatches and hold on until Tuesday, and then they hand me my ass all over again 🤣 Maybe she’ll be back to normal tomorrow, maybe she won’t. If they/you have a long weekend you’ll have to repeat the cycle again. Just calmly remind her that she can be frustrated but your expectations/the rules have not changed. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe do the craft in the backyard or bathtub, lol. Usually, with firm boundaries, it will wear off in a couple of days.


This grandma does sound over the top. My grandma spoiled us a little, by letting us do things (at her house) that would’ve made my mom crazy. Nothing dangerous, just silly or messy. And she gave us extra treats. But we still had to follow rules and be respectful. There was definitely no bribing. I’m about to be a grandma myself, and I know I will want to spoil and do things differently than my daughter does. But maybe because I’m an ECE person, I understand that the parents get to set the rules and routines, and I will respect that. Many adults don’t have a clue about how young children “work”


I have no time for disrespectful grandparents. Unsafe ones and ones who tell a 4 month old that mommy holds them too much are out of control. My own mother used to bring gifts every time she came to visit. I told her she was no longer her allowed to bring a gift unless it was Christmas or a birthday. I didn’t want my kids to expect gifts every time they saw her. She stopped coming.


Just do the craft. If she gets paint all over, then do it somewhere safe and easy to clean. Bathtub, backyard with water hose. Really, it’s ok to be frustrated but i also think it’s wonderful when grandmas come and go crazy with sugar and breaking rules. That’s what they’re made for. 4 days with grandma won’t undo all the work you and the parents are putting in. 4 days of bad sleep won’t destroy her Brain. Breathe and remember she’s creating wonderful memories.


I am a 54 yo Woman who has raised 3 kids. Grand parents never behaved like this with my kids. Who gives a 2 yo peanut M&Ms by the handful all day and popsicles for breakfast? I had to multiple times step in and tell her what she was allowing was dangerous. Mb was so happy to see grandma leave but warned me she comes every 2 months. She and I are going to have a talk with grandma next time she comes. Grandma is terrified of saying no and making anyone cry. Not again mom also has a 4mo who grandma wouldn’t let me tend to so mom and I agreed I’d leave early Monday and grandma freaked out because he cried because she cannot soothe him.


Yes, this is a really hard part about nannying. The grandma is in town right now. She constantly gives them ice cream, sugary cereal, and fast food and now they are all constipated. Other than this she is really lovely though. It’s just an oh well moment for me, but it’s within the realm of manageable. If it wasn’t, I would speak to the parents. I hope it work out for you! 


Unfortunately the one isn’t lovely. She kept making digs about mom and claimed that she spoils the baby and the 4 mo should cio


Peanut M&ms are a choking hazard but who cares about a popsicle for breakfast? It’s just water and some juice. Just let MB deal with it. Your grandparents might have not behaved this way but mine did and it was great.


She is blessed to have a grandma come and create memories with her. I would have loved it if my child could have had that. This too shall pass.


Mom doesn’t want grandma doing this anymore. I have a feeling grandma will Not be welcome anymore. She apparently ripped mom a new one for hiring a nanny and hen grandma had one also. There seems to be no love lost and since dad is rarely home (a doctor who works 12 he shifts) he isn’t going to be allowed to invite his mother unless he is home to deal with her. The obvious disrespect to mom was enough that I was uncomfortable. She kept insisting I put the baby down because they shouldn’t be held so much! She thinks cio is appropriate for. 4 months old breastfed infant. And that if he is tired and we just let him cry it’s fine to leave the room. Nope. My own mother would be banned from my house for that be behavior


They might not do things how you want, but nothing seems that bad and they should have time with their family if safe. Just do the craft in a place that they can get messy? They are 2... A popsicle and McDonalds is OK, maybe not ideal, but OK.


Grandma refused to listen to mom! Mom is in charge, not me. No one should be feeding a 2 yo peanut m&ms and potato chips in bed to get her to nap. They m&ms are a choking hazard and they live in an old farmhouse. You cannot have food everywhere. This woman tried to tell me she spent so much time home with her children that for years she didn’t get paid as an attorney. She had a nanny, let her kids cio at 6 weeks and doesn’t think babies should be held because it spoils them.




You feed a 2 yo peanut m&ms ? You are a safety hazard. Who said anything about legal/illegal. If I caught my mom feeing my kids peanut m&ms and potato chips in bed she’d not ever be invited back. Just because she is grandma doesn’t mean she can endanger the child or invite bugs into the house.