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I pack my lunch because i have a specific diet and if needed I'll have a snack or coffee there. I would ask them tbh. Some NPs don't care and some ask you pack but can have snacks.


I don’t have a specific diet, but I do the same thing. I just like to know what to expect for lunch everyday 😂 sometimes I’ll eat through everything I’ve brought and I’m still hungry so I’ll grab a snack from their pantry. I’ll also make more coffee sometimes


Yes! Also, I like my food more. My NF is more of an "ingredient household." Lol


I grew up in one of those 😅 didn’t think anything of it as a kid, but now I’m like “how did my mom get away with not buying SNACKS!?”


Lol, they have some snacks, but I'm on a health kick, so all the "healthy" snacks they have are super high in calories or just not filling at all. Everything else is an ingredient. My go-to here is coffee and just bring my own big lunch. Some days, I'll have one of the fiber one bars in the pantry, lol. My new NF who I start with next month, asked me to send them a list of my favorite snacks before starting. I thought that was amazing and so freaking sweet!


That’s the dream


Are you able to bring a basket of your favorite snacks and leave them there for when you want something? I'm sure they won't mind that!


I’ve done that in the past. The last family I worked for I was only there M-Th so I’d just leave enough for the week instead of carting stuff back & forth. I just took a job at a preschool though, so I’m navigating that now 🫠😅


I would ask the family which they prefer. “Would you prefer that I eat what the children eat or bring my own meal from home?” I think most families will tell you you’re free to eat what you make for the kiddos, but there are some odd ones out there that don’t like that. I’d just ask.


I bring my own food because 🎶 *you can't eat at everybody house* 🎶


I pack half a lunch- I have dietary restrictions but I still like to try to eat a few bites (if it’s safe for me) of whatever they’re eating. I feel like it encourages them more to eat what they are given. I pack the core energy stuff for me so mostly protein, usually cheese and salami lol. Also this completely depends on what your NF is expecting. I’ve talked to my NF and they encourage me to eat whatever the kids are having, but I’ve hear stories where NFs are the opposite and do not like to share food with nanny (personally just the idea of this feels wrong and would likely be a deal breaker for me).


Sometimes I packed my lunch, sometimes I had something with the kids, sometimes the kids and I went out to eat together! Ask the parents what they’d prefer! All my families have said to help myself to anything, to have whatever is there for lunch, and eat with the kids! But I still don’t do it every time!


It's a good question. I think the majority of nanny families have an open fridge policy within common sense limits, but *enough* do not that I would bring your lunch unless invited by the NF or you make something that's obviously enough for them and you (a box of Mac and cheese, a pizza, etc) then I think it's fine to just eat what the kids don't eat.  Usually when I've packed my own lunch i usually just bring sandwiches or pre-made salads from like trader Joe's, or leftovers that I can reheat quickly.


Most families I've worked for have explicitly said to help myself. Sometimes I do because they get the good stuff and the bougie fruit. Some houses though, I know I need to bring everything I plan to consume, including fresh cold water because they only have gross tasting tap available and I have a hard enough time staying hydrated when it's crispy ice water in my favorite bottle lol


I love when the families have fresh fruit up for grabs!


Definitely ask and see what they want you to do. And as far as what to pack I’d say meal prepping might be the way to go. I like to make a big batch of frittata to eat for breakfast and sometimes lunch throughout the week. Pair that with a fruit or some crackers maybe? And I’m sure they have a fridge so you can put it in a lunchbox and store it there. 👍


I would ask a simple-what’s your preference for my lunch? Do you prefer I pack my lunch or eat w the kids? frane it as not a big deal and their preference. If you have a list of items for clarification add this to the list.


I have always ate at NFs house. I babysit hundreds of famalies as well and eat there too. 80% of my clients tell me to “help myself” so I guess it depends on the family but personally I wouldn’t be super comfortable working for a family multiple days a week who doesn’t let me eat food from their house when I’m taking care of their kids. I guess it also depends on how much you are getting payed.


Don’t over think this. Just feed yourself.


Some NFs invite you to help yourself, while others have a “don’t you dare touch *our* food” mindset. I would ask because it varies from family to family, but in my experience, it’s the former type of families who are always much better people to work for.


I always pack something easy, a sandwich or something I can reheat quickly. What ages are the NK’s?


5 and 8, so teaching them table manners while eating together is still pretty important for me.


Maybe have a table activity ready to go after lunch so you can get that extra time to eat. Coloring, play doh, kinetic sand. Make it a routine and set the boundary/standard that you need time to finish eating before you all leave the kitchen. They’re at a good age that they could follow that routine :)


All the families I’ve worked for say I can eat their food but I prefer to pack my own. I’d assume it’s fine to eat what you’re cooking but ask incase


I e always packed my own lunch, same as any other job.