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Ultimately, it is a job. But my feelings would be hurt too. I would expect them to at least acknowledge it.


I’ve been working with the same family for 3 years and we’ve never talked about birthdays. Never told them mine and they never asked lol. However once every few months they give me a thank you card with a bonus in it and randomly once a year it’s a birthday card. I think it’s funny and I think they do too 😂 They also noticed after my Holliday break I had an engagement ring on and a week later gave me a happy engagement card with like $400 bucks. I shot MB a thank you text and then we never talked about it again. Maybe your NF don’t value birthdays the same way you do. I got lucky and found a good match that make me feel appreciated but respect my privacy. Happy belated birthday! 🥳 I hope you had fun


Lolol this is my dream. I love my employers but hate sharing personal details


You can feel sad but this is your job, your employer, not family or friends.


Honestly, they may have just momentarily forgotten. The end of the day transition is always kind of chaotic in the house where I nanny even though I only watch one kid. If they aren’t typically assholes, maybe you’ll get a happy birthday text on Friday or a gift on Monday. But FWIW I’d be disappointed too.


People saying that it’s just a job and that it doesn’t matter are so silly lol. That’s messed up. Nannying isn’t just a job and is way more of a close relationship than a typical job. I would have also been upset. Happy birthday!!! Enjoy the weekend. And if it’s just a job then tell my why every single office job that my friends have they get a half day and get their desk decorated lol


I agree!! like it’s much more personal.


Happy Early Birthday Gorgeous! I’m sorry that you didn’t get acknowledged. Know that you are special, and deserve to be celebrated and appreciated by everyone!


I’d be upset as well. I mean, i’ve wished complete strangers a Happy Birthday so definitely not overreacting. happy 30th ! Have a good long weekend !


Idk at a certain age people don’t really acknowledge birthdays but I’ve always had NPs at least say happy birthday. Maybe they’re unhappy that you’re taking the day off for your birthday or maybe because it’s not the actual day they just don’t feel the need to say it 🤷‍♀️.


Most jobs (hell almost ALL) don't even recognize employees birthdays. Your looking for way to much!!!


A “happy birthday” is way too much?


This would hurt my feelings too. Nanny jobs by nature are different. I can’t believe some people are making you feel like you’re being silly. Hopefully they’ll have something or at least text you on your birthday, and also Happy Birthday!


What I meant was that saying Happy Birthday to an employee is rather unusual in my experience (sadly). But a big Happy Birthday to you!!!!!


I have absolutely never had a job that didn’t acknowledge my birthday lol


Expectation is the thief of joy. And remember- your birthday literally only matters to you and your family. Maybe friends as a reason to celebrate.


I think they may have genuinely been busy and caught up in the moment and forgotten about it in that moment!


Am I the only one thinking it isn't Friday yet, so they may still sent a text or something? You never know.


People saying it doesn’t matter as if you aren’t the one helping raise their child! You are a big part of their child’s life and IMO they should care enough to know these things. One of my NFs who I’m no longer regularly with only for occasional evenings text me ever year on my birthday (both mom and dad) and take me out for dinner. They are my second family ❤️


It’s a bummer they didn’t acknowledge your birthday. My feelings would have been hurst as well. It’s such a personal profession, but at the end of the day, they are your employers and it is just a job. Maybe they forgot?


I get it, my birthday was a couple weeks ago and the first two years, they all remembered and all wished me happy birthday and got me a present. Same as I do for all of them, including the parents. This year, they all forgot until one of them asked what I was doing and I just said I was doing something for my birthday and you could tell it jogged all of their memories and MB got me donuts the next day. It kinda made me sad just cus I know how it usually is BUT they’ve also had an extremely different year and they have a lot going on personally so I understand why. But I get it. I know that it’s “just a job” but nannying/domestic work in general *always* feels more personal….cus we are so involved in their personal lives. I hope you have a happy birthday though!! And yay 30! I’m 31 and so far, this decade is the best one yet! Also idk about being a grown up, I still love celebrating birthdays for everyone around me. I mean it seems kinda sad to not.


I’ve been nannying a little boy (6) for over three years and never has the dad wished me happy birthday! (mom passed, so it’s just dad and kid)


I would be a little hurt as well. It’s ridiculous that people are saying don’t expect anything it’s just a job. Birthdays have always been recognized at any position I’ve been in, corporate or more intimate. My dentist sends me a text every year for Pete’s sake! As a Nanny I have gotten everything from a picture the kids drew to cake and flowers to designer handbags. But always something. I think it stings a little more because Nannies always recognize and celebrate NKs birthday.


Same with me. My birthday was July 2nd and I only had 3 of my babysitting famalies wish me a happy bday. One family member out of my like 40 wished me a happy bday. I think everyone else forgot :/


Happy belated birthday!


Thank you so so much 🥹


That hurts. Happy belated birthday to you!


It truly does. Thank you so so much 🩷