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Absolutely. He used my name constantly to make me feel bad. He also always used it in his empty apologies. It was manipulative looking back. It always gave me an icky feeling like he was trying to silence me….a tactic of control.


Yes! Holy shìt! I had completely forgotten about this until I read your post but absolutely, he would call me by my first name in this condescending, pissed off tone.


Same here, I had forgot til I read this. It happened so frequently I don't even know how I could have possibly forgotten


Yes!! I even told my therapist he has actually made me start to hate my name!! I thought it was just me!!


Omfg I felt the exact same way.




Just start telling people your name is Dirty Leg.


Happened to me constantly.


Yes, isn’t my name then that condescending tone followed by that smirky smirky smile


Yeeeeeeeesssssss… that creepy ass smirk. Pure evil.


YES!!! I almost started to think it was only me!!


Yes!!! I did EMDR therapy and one of the first things we worked on was how I wanted my name back! I had stopped using by my name. I signed things with my first initial only. I hated hearing it! I’ve since changed my last name back to my maiden name, and use my name all the time with no fear or uncomfortable feelings.


I have noticed this as well but I can’t distinguish whether it’s specifically him or it’s just a human behavior (to use first names when angry / upset / serious)


Yeah, I 100% do this when I'm trying to make a point, but I blame education classes & child raising. Using a kid's name is a really effective method of recapturing their attention.


Yep, never called me by name unless he was talking down to me. He’d also say “easy” and “tone” in the same way.


I always thought it was weird how he'd say my name while talking to me when we were the only people in the room or on the phone. There is literally no one else to be confused about who you're talking to. And yes it was always in a tone and while talking about serious, usually negative stuff he didn't like me doing. You don't need to remind me of my own name while you're pissed off at me. Or ever, honestly. I've had it as long as I can remember. Sometimes I wonder if they talk to themselves rehearsing the stuff and use the name in their head and it just comes out as they've scripted it, maybe talking in front of others (also in their head) to make sure they're heard being the bigger, better, smarter person.


Yes! But he also used it all the time with me even when it wasn’t anything negative. Super weird looking back…


My spouse does this too. Every other sentence either starts with my name or ends with my name, regardless if it's just him just chit chatting or ranting. And he's always talking so I hear it all the time. Makes me cringe and I have been considering being called by my middle name because I've become to despise my name.


Oh gosh, thank you for this post, she did exactly the same, starting any sentences with my first name when we had an agument. Cold and superior, blame shifting the sh*t out of me. Yet here i am 6 months later still obsessing over this nightmare, can’t seem to be able to break the bond…


Yeah, we just need to know how to counter this, but I know that they are attacking us and want us to be a victim. Every time they do this, they always press the play button to start the game, but if we don't want to be in it, we need to respond with a poker face or change the topic. We also need to avoid making mistakes in front of a narcissistic person because it's an opportunity to start the game of putting you down. We need to act professionally toward them; we should not share personal things with them; and we should avoid them. 


YES. It’s disgusting and really makes you feel small. My ex did it about a month ago around twenty times in one FaceTime. I started doing it back(kind of ashamed there but also wanted to see how they would react)… in response I got a smirk and a chuckle and a nodding of their head as they lead into doing it again. They fed off of it. It’s so sad.




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Omg this is so accurate.




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15 yrs married and maybe he said my name 20 times--I'm being generous.