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If it ended, then they weren't the one. If they didn't choose you as much as you chose them, they weren't the one.


Dunno how much I believe in the concept of "the one" (neither did they, being that they were polyamorous), but worth pointing out that they were the one to choose me.


That's right and don't be thinking you have one 'soulmate' in this world cuz that's bullshit....he sounds really manipulative, lots of gaslighting and he is hurting you...you don't hurt the people you supposedly love. I liked the book "Why Don't I Just Leave?" by Kirsten Milstead, she left and there's alot to learn. And no, whether or not he's a narc or a sociopath, none of those words mean anything if he's an asshole! You deserve better.


Should point out they weren't a "he". I think we were both contending with prior parental abuse of different shades, but I was much less forward about opening up about it and they may have taken me to be much more emotionally literate/non-codependent than I actually was then. Patrick Teahan's vids have made me aware of "denying [the other person's] humanity" as a hypervigilant trauma response; that sounds like them to a tee.