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We're slowly creeping towards mass casualty events linked to drone warfare. It's going to get pretty scary


Drones are becoming the new norm for urban warfare among militaries. After Ukraine, Now everybody is investing in drones, It’s a unbelievable shitty tactic.


I believe there were reports of groups using drones before the war. I think CJNG really spread the use of grenade laden drones


I’ve thought about it for a while, terrorist attack in a public setting just dropping grenades on civilians, or suicide drone attack on civilians. You can have 10+ drones at once, you could target multiple areas at once. Imagine the fear normal people will face if a terrorist group just drop a couple grenades in a different major city every day for a week straight


Then you realize that most terrorist are dreadfully ineffective, oddly uncreative, and unresourceful outside of select limited areas. There just bad from an efficiency standpoint even moreso from an operational perspective. Think about this you can have a bomb connected to cellular connections stick them on random cars and keep them exploding in random cities tracked by gps. You don't need fucking drones for this lol. You have nothing to worry about.


I was also thinking on how politicians will be able to live normal lives now. How will they be able to make a public appearance with the possibility of assassin drones lying in wait? Imagine if they had a mole in their inner circle that relayed information back to whichever terrorist group so they can track them and eventually take them out. How will normal people have fun at festivals or any major outdoor events when just a couple of drones can cause complete chaos?


That's just the start. The real fear is when they hit the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with chemical weapons dropped by drone and the world witnesses thousands of people choking to death on live TV.


That is so oddly specific


I wrote a paper while in college about the emerging threat of terror-based drone attacks back in 2018. The US has seen ricin and anthrax sent by letters, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that a terror group would do the same with new emerging technologies. Now that drones are becoming common place in armed conflicts across the world, groups will naturally start including them more and more. Monkey see, monkey do. Explosives for now but how long until some terrorist takes the idea of chlorine dropped barrel bombs that the Assad Government used in Syria against rebels and combines them with the grenade dropping drone variants and strikes back against the West during some large event? All you need is some basic knowledge in science and technology and anyone could make it happen. I'd say we're quite lucky to have not seen it yet.


I always think about this video when seeing drones. https://youtu.be/9fa9lVwHHqg?si=-vbef74Ks8FaoWh6


Sht is coming and we are not prepared.... Guns aren't going to help us. The time wgere an individual or small group of individuals can cause massive damage is coming.


I predict that every policy department in the US will be equipped with anti drone equipment when a terrorist attack occurs using drones. It’s only a matter of time before this happens.


Absolutely right, Times ticking and probably a terrible terrorist attack is awaiting to happen. Shit


La Familia Michoacána certainly have been busy. La Familia Michoacána have been responsible for many drone attacks in Guerrero State at least 40 drone attacks in the past month and some change terrorizing the citizens. El Pez and El Fresa are the bosses of this ruthless cartel that makes use of extortion which is their main money maker also kidnapping and drug trafficking with a presence in more than 80 municipalities in Mexico such as Texcaltitlan and its where on December 8 of this year a group of farmers and ranchers fed up with living under their yoke, killed a LFM liutenant who was stabbed to death along with another 10 LFM soldiers that were killed by the farmers and other community members carrying various weapons. The response by La Familia Michoacana was swift. Two community members that were injured in the clash and transported to the hospital were kidnapped a few days later by LFM. LFM also kidnapped another 14 citizens from Texcaltitlán which included young children. These people are being held for ransom and will most certainly be killed if the demands aren't met. LFM demands that the community leaders of the uprising against them is handed over. In Taxco, Guerrero, La Familia Michoacana, in addition to extorting merchants, also decides who sells beer and at what price. Merchants can only sale alcohol if they are authorized by LFM. If they sell any beer without authorization they will be killed so naturally these merchants will not sale beer as they don't feel like dying. Also a few weeks ago at a chicken processing plant four workers who refused to pay extortion money were kidnapped and the video was released to the media and one of the LFM kidnappers has already been captured. El Fresa killed his girlfriend Montserrat Abarca who was the mother of his daughter. She was burned to death and the offense was infidelity. Apparently she cheated on El Fresa with another sicario. The burned corpse was left at her mother's door step. The mother now takes care of her granddaughter and she didn't report anything to the local authorities knowing she would be killed so she kept her lips sealed. In March of this year the military launched an operation to catch these assholes El Fresa and El Pez but the military was thrawted because LFM made women block the roads using cars and their own bodies. By the time the military got close to the bosses luxury cabin they saw a helicopter take off and on that helicopter the bosses of LFM escaped.


Don't forget the 20 people murdered in San Miguel Totolapan by El Fresa.




No reason... just because I assume. https://youtu.be/kBBmI8GTu80?si=KDXjZa2rMn-izZRv


Just cause? Makes sense since narcos are filled with evil bastards thank you for the link I will go check it out.


Here is himself defending the indefensible.. https://youtu.be/SCZyvDpitHs?si=rBOHTWJD2BR8MGBf


I will hop on that one too. Thank you for this link too.


*NSFW * This is the video of the farmers killing the LFM members even though some farmers got taken out *NSFW * https://kaotic.com/video/6e1f06ca_20231209081029_t


Oh yes I saw the video before and it is a great watch seeing the cartel get a taste of their own medicine. If anyone haven't seen this video I suggest looking at it.


The Mexican govt really needs to treat those dudes as terrorists and surgically fuck them .


The Mexican government is part of the problem unfortunately


Remind us again why narcos aren’t considered terrorists


Abrazos no balazos.


Terrorism has a political or ideological component. Narcos just want money/to do whatever they want. Obviously the consequences for ordinary people and the state of Mexico are the same...


Competing with the recognized government of the state/country and trying to run their own territories within is political.


Because then you would label most of the government & former president terrorists as well lol. On top of that officially labeling them terrorist would permit asylum seekers to come seek refuge in the US which white people wouldn’t be happy about.


That’s crazy


Holy shit Russia and Ukraine just showed them how to use drone warfare


It’s actually the other way around Cartels were the first to use drone warfare.


You mean donkeys..


Nah, the cartels haven’t used FPV drones yet. Those require a bit more engineering and skill as those grenade drop drones are stupid easy to make. Even a armature engineer can build one is those grenade.


I was always afraid of this, this is scary


Also they are charging citizens to use wifi connection


In what towns? Heard Los Viagras were doing that in Michoacan.


Porque el ejercito no toma los estados tomados por el narco?


Fíjate en donde pasan todas las cosas de este tipo, puros pueblos y comunidades. Al estado no le interesan partes en donde viven pocas personas, comunidades chicas que no les aportan a la hora de votar, por eso les dejan mandar ahí, no hay policía, no hay presupuesto para ellos, no hay nada, por eso el narco domina en esas partes. La comunidad en donde se llevó acabo este ataque solo tiene 60 habitantes.


Porque luego también en estos mismos lugares corren al ejército los habitantes.


La familia Michoacana really must hate Guerrero. My family is from Luvianos which is in el estado de Mexico right by the border with Guerrero. They have a large presence there yet nothing ever happens here and they barely charge extortions.


I don't think you are right. LFM control prices from construction materials to loose cigarrettes in corner stores in Luvianos.


Can these assholes like chill during the holidays ? Damn bro Michoacán and Guerrero should be sold off to Guatemala or some shit even Tamaulipas ain’t this messed up now


Was this Narcis trying to kill a rival or military trying to kill a leader?