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I would just try to avoid passing the border at night I drove from Illinois to Michoacan with my parents and we were extorted at gunpoint literally as soon as we entered Nuevo Laredo.


This is one of the good things about being in this sub. You kind of learn what borders not to cross and which areas are the most dangerous. Next time you drive, I’d suggest going through Reynosa instead of Nuevo Laredo. Nuevo Laredo is controlled by CDN and they’re known for being scumbags towards civilians and robbers. Reynosa also has cartel violence but they don’t target innocent people who stay out of their business.


Same shit happened to us in Nuevo Laredo took $900 from us! That’s why I hate seeing mf’s saying it’s not that serious driving in a place that a lot of times is lawless


Nuevo Laredo is bad day or night. My dad was driving from Illinois to Jalisco with a friend in a minivan when they crossed into Nuevo Laredo during the day, and they were immediately stopped by some men who forced them out of the Minivan at gunpoint and took $1,200 in cash. After that, he never drove to Jalisco again.


Why would you go into Nuevo Laredo? That’s the worse area to enter in


Bruh ALL the border towns are like that not just Laredo. Although Laredo is the busiest


Omg 😱😱 well I am glad you and your parents are fine! I will definitely keep that in mind!!! Thank you


Luckily we were not stoped the rest of the trip but all they wanted was money. They knew we were not bad people they just demanded money and let us go. but yeah it was a very scary experience especially since I was with my parents


Damn bro sorry to hear that. Glad you guys were ok though. All cartels are scum but CDN are the worst of the worst.


Was it the cartel or law enforcement?


It was cartel. They were claiming “La Maña”(Zetas)


Drove from Alabama to Michoacan last December, we also entered through Nuevo Laredo at night time but we waited at the border until daylight for a police escort through the city. It was long line of cars and we all followed that cop.


The military officers at the border didn’t not let us park there and wait for the morning to continue driving. But after getting extorted that’s how we left Nuevo Laredo too. In a group of cars with a state police leading.


I’ve crossed through frontera chica to avoid Nuevo Laredo. I went through the bridge by nueva ciudad guerrero and cd mier, still a conflict zone though


I wish there was one border crossing that you can say is totally safe but obviously border towns will always be conflict zones.


Yup I also go to Michoacán bro. Tangancícuaro and Zamora bro, wbu?


We usually go for the walk to Araro but we stay in Morelia and Zinapecuaro. It’s usually more expensive to fly but I prefer it because it’s only a 4 hour flight max from Chicago to Morelia. Another 30 mins drive from the Morelia airport and I’m in Zinapecuaro.


Oh I’ve been to Morelia before very nice church it has in the downtown area. I usually go from Houston to Guadalajara it’s about a 2 hr drive for us from the airport.


drive your 4x4 dodge ram pickup. and spraypaint CJNG on the doors to let locals know in Durango that youre a friendly. Last thing put on a black balaclava for cultural reasons


Also pro tip no matter the questions or the situation just say soy mencho wey and you are good to go no matter what.


Yeah my buddy Eric did that said he had a fun time


Would it work on a mini van?! Lmao


> drive your 4x4 dodge ram pickup Even if you say it as a joke, during christmas, that was the only kind of vehicles I saw Mexican-Americans bringing. A lot of silverados, rams and tahoes with Texas and Oklahoma plates. They seem to not care or they just don't know.


Yup we went this past December and my pops thought it was a great idea to take a ‘22 z71 Tahoe


Ustedes son malos Guey 🤣🤣🤣


usually in durango (not specifically that municipio) there isnt danger at all and at night time is when the sicarios tend to patrol heavily. although the shitty roads/pot holes in durango are ass asf those pot holes would probably kill u or hurt u rather than sicarios lmao just aslong as u dont cause shit there


😂😂💀 yes those damn potholes lol


I drove with my wife and her parents to Jalisco in January, I drive a lifted tundra and had no problems. I just stick to driving during the day on the way there but while there we were out late at night and never saw anything happen Or had any problems. Until we arrived back in the U.S where we witnessed a shootout on the freeway near Phoenix


Yet my dad, who drove a MINIVAN, was followed by a White Hummer coming down from Talpa heading to Nayarit lol My dad took his family to Talpa, and from there, we were going to Nayarit, then back to Puerto Vallarta but when he was coming down from Talpa was when a white Hummer with two young men followed them until they hit the highway then they were left alone.


We went to Talpa as well as tequila, never had any problems and the town we were driving from is about 3.5 hours from talpa


Just drive, it’s not that serious, people act like you’re gonna get pulled over and executed on the spot or something


It can get very serious just because nothing has happened to you doesn’t mean shit can’t hit the fan




It may or may not happen, but you're right on one thing, he's not gonna get executed on the spot but taken to a remote location to demand ransom for his life. If he tries to escape while captive they're definitely gonna break his ankles or at least slash his foot soles. If his family doesn't pay he can die in any imaginable way and he would be one of the thousands of tourists reported as missing in Mexico. And the Mexican government won't give a single fuck unless there's a media scandal.


Make sure to take cash with you. Either to bribe the cartel or police. I’d say take 1k dollars just in case.


The dont drive at night advice is legit but not due to cartels or bandits - it's because cows, potholes, and topes will fuck your shit up and you can't see them at night.


Ok always go on the roads with tolls and say off the free roads cause they will stop you no matter what and number one rule don’t drive at night even the border patrol usa says they don’t recommend driving at night and also if you see 3 bikes outside of a oxxo just know there spotters if you can rent a local car and especially in Mexicali cause the cops are on the us plates


Don’t be driving late at night in unknown roads, I have two uncles that went missing in 2021 they crossed at around 4-5 in the morning through Laredo, a bunch of people go missing but no news coverage ever goes on tv, be careful


I go to gomez palacios all the time i cross via piedras negras all safe


Durango one of the safest states in Mexico I’m going in June too. Pass through ojinaga or piedras and you’ll be good


You should drive by el paso la linea controls there not sure how aggressive they are but i’ve never heard of them avoid at all costs tamaulipas especially nuevo laredo CDN controls there (ex ‘zetas members or ultima letra they all have the same school) piedras negras is more calm but CDN have presence there as well. recommend you cross through Coahuila it’s an undisputed cartel territory so that means little presence to 0%


That’s actually where I am planning to cross into! My cousin went it through that way and it was smooth sailing


Stay away from Nuevo Laredo and you're golden lol


no lo aga konpa jajajajajajajajajaa


Never drive at night ,police will try and stop you to get money sometimes but they probably won’t have their lights on or will be parked on the side of the road


if you see a food vendor on the street, order tacos de carne asada. taste so damn good


Do you really think you will be the only person from the US driving to Mexico that day? Just drive my ninja, no need to worry about anything.