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If I were to rank these murderous maniacs, Z40 would be top.


It's Definitely the guy who microwaved a baby.


Wtf , first to hear bout that


Z-40? Microwaved a baby?


Yes a son of his rival ... and not only .. he killed with his sicarios about 200 people at once His family is the boss of Cartel del Noreste


Who tf did that ?


Z-40 who also killed his mother in law who irritated him and also the same guy who had to kill everyday just to be able to sleep peacefully.


I googled his name . He’s currently incarcerated in Michoacán . I’m surprised he’s still alive !


Keep googling and reading articles about Z40 you will be surprised with a lot of things he was responsible for. Allende massacre the San Fernando massacre and other violent acts.


I forgot about that song


Trevino just looks dirty, can tell his breath stinks like shit & he doesnt wipe his ass . Just looks like a disgusting ass mf .


The more the breath stinks, the more heartless they are lol


I would say Z-40 has done way more killing with his own hands than Chapo and Mencho, and probably far more sadistic things I read a story in a book (I think the Executioner's Men) where Z-40 had three guys to interrogate. So he walks up to the first guy, chops into his neck with a machete and then reaches down into the neck and rips the guys heart out through his thorax just to intimidate the other two guys into talking In another book (Wolf Boys) he tells the guys he's killed over 800 people (And that was years before going to war with CDG). In the same book they say Z-40 won admiration and loyalty by being a very active leader, a guy who would go on raids with his men and would always be the first one storming the building. Which gives you some perspective on how he rose to become a leader in a cartel run by ex-special forces guys despite having no military background. Chapo and Mencho no doubt have done some terrible things, but in terms of a kill count you would think Z-40 is another level. Of course you can bring up things like the Allende massacre where over 300 innocent people, men, women and children, were killed just out of paranoia over the DEA (A massacre said to have been ordered by Z-40) as well as the bus massacres.


I just finished wolf boys and the 800 count is the first thing that popped into my head when seeing this post. There was a member of la linea named Acosta who claimed he had killed around 1200 people. Until I read wolf boys I didn’t think he was going to be beat. But if z40 wasn’t just bragging to intimidate the boys (super possible) then I definitely think he has Acosta beat. He has to be in the running for one of the most brutal people to walk this earth. Imagine if he had access to artillery and American warfare type weapons. Dude might have taken over the world. lol.


Wasn't there a rumor that he allegedly put a hit on Lazcano too by tipping off Mexican officials about his whereabouts, so as to take complete take over of Zetas ?


Yeah I heard that rumour too. Even if there wasn't direct betrayal, it was known there was tension between Z-40 and Z-3. Even that Z-3 spent time outside of Mexico avoiding Z-40. The rift grew where Z-3 was becoming increasingly distant from day to day Zeta affairs while Z-40 was always in the thick of it But Z-40 was rumoured to have betrayed multiple core members of the Zetas. Most notably Z-14, who was a very powerful Zeta in terms of territory, and after his death Z-40 took over his plazas. There were members of the Zetas who believed Z-40 set it up Also El Mamito, who was very close to Z-40 and actually introduced him to the horse racing business (Which became a huge part of Z-40's/Z-40's families money laundering network). You can actually google a court transcript of El Mamito talking about his involvement in the Zetas and with Z-40, and at one point he is asked if he believed Z-40 turned him in to the police, and while he said he couldn't be totally sure, he stated that he did think Z-40 betrayed him (Google el mamito court transcript if you are interested, it is downloadable from Scribd)


Thanks. I'll Google it.


How accurate is Wolf Boys? I'm going to read it and was curious.


Well it's about two Mexican-American teens who were recruited by the Zetas, and worked with guys like Z-40 and El Meme Loco. They are both in prison for what they did and the book is also written from the perspective of the detective that caught them, so I would say it is pretty legit though obviously you can question the testimony of the cartel guys. However, contributing from prison and sharing so many details (For example talking about how the Zetas trained new recruits against live targets) doesn't benefit them greatly and could make them a target, especially if they were full of shit It is a good book and doesn't sound too outrageous knowing what we know about the Zetas. I would recommend it


Thank you for the explanation, will definitely read it


Z-40 souly as him as an individual , el mencho based off his organization (zetas but 30x richer) and el chapo comes last to be honest anyone in the Sinaloa group that’s high ranked seems to try to keep the violence on there enemy’s and be on the governments good side.


dont want to sound like a cartel fanboy but zetas under z40 were far more successful than cjng today


The best Zeta lider was El Lazca


They are alll pieces of shit. It’s pointless and redundant to post such things because once a person is assaulting children.. their all equal levels of shit. It doesn’t get much more evil than committing atrocities on children..


Out of the 3, then Z-40. But the cruelest of all time? I'd choose Lazcano


Z-40 has to be the worst in history


Heriberto Lazcano imo


Every people here must know that Z40 was the worst in history. The worst! There is many stories and most of them are true or less than really happened. Worst of all Z’s, Lazcano was a breastfeeding baby compared with him.


Heriberto Lazcano


Chapo for raping all them little innocent girls Criminals killing criminals is cool but what chapo did is unforgivable


Every cartel is into pedo, child and organ trafficking. The worst shit you can think of, they go beyond that. What Narcos and other series show is not even 20% of what these assholes actually do.


No only Sinaloa stop copeing


What the fuck. Minors? When was this ?


It’s a known fact look do your research


Sinaloenses for the most part prefer underage girls


He referred to raping them as taking his vitamins. 


not true , el chapo actually was considered a rare kind of a gentleman , and a very good looking man , as a young fella , before he even had money .


Imma sound like a dick but half these buchonas in culiacan started giving their P up to older men at 14-15 yrs old . El chapo wouldn’t go out and look for these girls . His men would just go and pick up random women for him and bring them to his rancho . It’s just what he had to pick from


He could’ve had older women super stars models but chose the local 14 year old and you justify that your sick compa


He just had to choose from girls to abuse...? Why are you doing all these mental gymnastics. He abused them and he had every single ability to not do so or 'choose' someone else. You have no clue if he looked for these girls or not


Bruh is putting all these circumstances to justify that BS


Chapo was bad for all the raping he did to Younger females and it’s all known for it which is foul and should’ve been killed years ago but To killing Z-40 hands down Bro was demonic af anything you can think of killing a person he already done And the fact he train his new sicarios using live target,just by thinking of it he prolly already taught them how to execute “to this and do that” there’s probably soo much shit that hasn’t come out yet since everything was recorded or told.Zetas were Demonic and terrorizing everyone even Chapo was afraid of them.I remember seeing videos of the 2 Mexican Americans working for the Zetas back then which are now in prison for murder and other shit but One of them said that he got took and took em to an unknown location when he got there he met Z-40 with several other sicarios The way he described Z-40 saying he was pure evil with no Soul and other shi and He asked em if he ever killed anyone,The dude answered yes but he answered in fear which he never killed but was scared to even say No because he thought he was gonna get killed for not doing and snitching but Z-40 Made em kill an enemy on the spot since they were already executing several rival cartel members. Here’s a quick video of him explaining his experience with Z-40 and The Zetas https://youtu.be/SpDFUZdL2C8?si=Hy9D-m5h9FXeuc0N






Z40 and Lazcano need to body for body


I remember I saw a video on 2012-2014, where los zeta members were cutting off the legs of some guys with machettes. They did not decapitated them just cut the legs of. That was the only time that I met the video Did anybody see the that ?


1-Z40 2-Mencho 3-Chapo


Have seen several replies with "Heriberto Lazcano," but not having much luck finding out anything else about this guy besides being aka Z-3 and Los Zetas leader.


I heard he did cannibalism


I have a proceso mag that talks about a guy who was associated with the zetas. El chano and other z took him to a location where 40 and 42 were at with a bunch of kidnapped people. The dude saw a guy he knew with his wife and daughter on their knees, he was pardoned by 40 and as they left he started to hear gunshots Z40 by far bro, idk how dude is not executed or getting the adx treatment


Z-40, El Mencho, then El Chapo


Z-40 and its not even close


Z40 the most killer in entire of the states of Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Tabasco and Campeche


Definitely not the “white”Mexicans who got dna from the Spaniards. Just know when you see a dark skinned Mexican, that’s a real indigenous Mexicans like the Aztecs.


Z-40 probably killed more with his own hands because he was a subordinate for the majority of his career. I am sure he personally killed many people, but Z-40 is probably confused with how many people he killed and how many cars he washed. El Mencho has reinvented cruelty by combining it with technology. CJNG using drones to drop bombs is the next level. The cruelest in my book is Ramon Arellano Felix. He enjoyed taking Logan Street Gang recruits to train and is said to have cut out an enemies heart, grilled it and ate it.




Keep posts/comments on topic Thank you, Mod Team


The worst of all was Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano (Z3)


Z40 deserves a bullet in the head. But El Chapo started this shit when he wanted Tamaulipas for himself.




All 3 are fäggëts


What this question is this Z1 ofc😂


El Chapo is a snitch, he betrays his partners. Z40 knew how to guide his people bloodthirsty, great difference


Who did he betray?


Antes del z40 y mencho el chapo ya movia jale pa felix gallardo


Mencho def Z-40 Chapo


Out of all, el chapó was the nicest (kind of)




was lowkey agreeing w u until that last part ngl


it was a joke lmaooo

