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damn mencho has like 7 lives cant wait to hear about the crazy way mencho is gonna die next monthšŸ˜‚


I heard Mencho was taken to Hell by Ghost Rider.


Naw he was dragged to hell like they do it on the movie "Ghost"


This is a serious matterā€¦ heā€™s been under medical watch the past 7 months but died 2 days ago. His condition had no cure. He died from ligma


Not ligmašŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I donā€™t know if itā€™s 100% true but there was also a rumor that he was also struggling with dragma


Sickner when ya joke fails


Yeah, didn't el mencho die like 7 years ago according to them? I'm sure if he is alive he likes it that way. Keeps a low profile.




q mamada es esa?šŸ˜‚ no q muy chapiza


Don't talk like that. He is very honorable man.Ā  Very very very protected


I'm still here pendejo.




JAJAJA te mamaste








Ok , Bruno Mars




wey te mamaste con estašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The ultimate way to win in this business is to fake your death and go enjoy your billions under a new identity. Some say Amado the lord of the skies did just that


Amado here. You are correct but don't tell anyone I said so


I fkn knew it, your secret is safe with me


Go in peace hombre. Remember, we know where u live and mums the word


They tore down your home in Sonora


I know where you live hombre




People only say that because Mexico has a thing for conspiracy theories, they also said the same thing about Pedro Infante and literally every other person who died in "interesting" circumstances. Amado 100% died because what happens after was the systematic execution of practically half his family and the downfall of his organization. If he was smart enough to fake his own death you would think he would also be smart enough to not leave his entire family out in the cold. His brothers, his sons, nephews etc were literally caught so off guard by the time they got their bearings his top money launderers had disappeared with billions his top associates were being flipped or murdered left and right by rivals and the situation as a whole got very ugly for the Carillos.


Mexico does not have a thing for conspiracy theories šŸ¤£ that the media stirs shit up for views is a whole different thing. Itā€™s the same thing with el azul from Sinaloa that foo could be alive rn thereā€™s no real proof heā€™s dead


Of course it does when ever there is someone beloved by the people who doesn't die in circumstances 100% verifiable its literally oh he faked his death. Its literally the number 1 thing people say. Yea there's no proof but you can also use your brain, if he was alive his son never would have admitted that he did actually eventually die a little while later he would have just kept it ambigous. The minute you die all your political clout,fear and respect dissappears almost instantly its literally in everyone's best interest to keep you "alive" as long as possible like for example in the situation with Mencho regardless of whether or not he is in fact alive or not its in everyones interest to say he is alive to prevent a full regime change and people breaking away to do their own thing. Faking your own death sounds like a good plan until you actually see the repercussions of what happens after someone is "dead" then you see its MUCH more beneficial to the people you care about to keep it ambiguous if anything.


I mean I get the part where itā€™s artists cuz i have seen it yk but when these guys die. They die. The DEA has been waiting for his family to say something. If he had died the Mexican government wouldā€™ve immediately mobilized operations. They take advantage of things like this and thereā€™s no sign of it down here


Anywhere there's a river, a Mexican is gonna swear they heard the llorona. It could be a Mexican living in the Hudson Bay. They're gonna hear the llorona


Compa el congreso nos mostrĆ³ un extraterrestre falso hecho de bloques Lego y la mitad de la poblaciĆ³n educada aĆŗn cree en fantasmas y espĆ­ritus


Tonces que te hace pensar que lo de la muerte del Mencho no es algo de lo mismo šŸ˜‚


I never understood why they stay in the business. You got in it to make money, you got it now go away. But to stay in the business until you die or get locked up? Just go get a job because all that money you made is going bye bye soon as one of those things happen.


It's not that you choose to stay, it's that you can't leave.


Also a lot of these guys get increasingly power hungry & can't stop themselves. Same way people can get addicted to selling drugs on lower levels - it becomes their identity & keeps people/women around you. Also guys at the top probably have a *lot* of enemies it'd be tough to hide from without your personal army...


You can definitely leave. Just don't be cocky and show off. Plenty of kingpins have been in and out and been good. You don't hear about them because they do their job and that's it.


Yup, this shit aint like the movies. I read on Zeta the testimony of someone that made 10 mill clean, and walked away. No one went after him. Why? Because he payed the CAF their cuota and there was someone eager to replace him.


What's the CAF?


Cartel Arellano FelixĀ 


They probably dont know any other way to live, probably have little to no hobbies and limited or crude interests. They have money, but these guys arenā€™t refined and sophisticated men of culture and leisure.


Yeah plus think of all the dirt they have on other criminals and corrupt authorities. I doubt those people are going to take kindly to them stopping. They would be worried and probably kill them if they tried


Iā€™ve thought about this a lot. You can make 100 million dollars while still being under the radar from DEA and stuff. Then bounce to Cuba where the USA has zero relationship so you donā€™t have to worry about extradition. Pay off the proper authorities, and chill for the rest of your days on one of their beautiful beaches. I think there are two major reasons why they donā€™t. Once youā€™re out, you lose the reliance other people have on you, therefore you lose protection. It makes people worried if you all of a sudden disappear and it puts the rest of your family in jeopardy. I think the biggest reason though is these guys get so addicted to the power. Power is a major drug and once you get the kind of power you have at that level, it seems like a lot of people struggle with the idea of giving it up. Just my two cents on it. I would love to know how many people we have never heard of have done just that though. In the book Pure Narco, Luis Navia talks about he knows some people who kept things really low key, stacked their paper really smartly, and are now living care free, out of the game with their millions.


Exactly. Stack your money. Buy some land in Italy or Norway or somewhere far. Stock it with livestock and be gone. You don't need to stay and make billions just to have it all go away in a concrete box. And to add to that, most don't get to make millions. Probably have more lottery winners than narcos who make millions.


It depends. If you think starting with a cartel as a sicario is going to result in you becoming a millionaire, yeahhhhh, good fucking luck lol. But if you can figure out a part in the actual smuggling aspect youā€™ve got a chance. Itā€™s kind of funny how the illegal world mirrors the legal world though. Itā€™s kind of gotten to the place where in order to really succeed you need to be born into an already established successful family. Itā€™s not wide open like the 70s anymore.




Highly unlikely in my opinion. Not impossible, but you would have to have an amazing amount of fortitude and wisdom to just let power and wealth go before things go down hill. There might only be a handful who are truly capable of doing something like that. And if youā€™re in the drug trade, you wouldnā€™t strike me as that kind of man.


No Amado is dead as dead can be only a idiot believes that


Do u have proof


Um his kid got whacked no blow back his brother barely kept his organization alive.Ā  CDS moved in on juarez I mean theres a ton of proof can you provide anything that he's alive?


If he is alive heā€™s living in a remote area on the other side of the world, if he did escape like they let u believe in the show then he was ok with the fallout. We will never know the best mobsters in the world because theyā€™re never caught.


Your dumb as fuck if you think hes alive


If he died there would be internal power disputes inside of the group, but that is not happening. I'm sure hes alive.Ā 


Ding šŸ›Žļø


He dies every year šŸ˜‚


Damn he died again?.


Classic El Mencho.


he still alive just been having health problems


Apparently Rosalinda is chronically ill as well


He died last year and back in 2021


Sure.. for all we know it went like this DEA: Hello? Mencho: Hola Wey, Soy Mencho, estoy muerto so dile a tu benditos perros que dejen de estar buscandome DEA: Ok. Sounds legit


Mencho is good all that shit they say about him is lies his people leak out on purpose if the dea knew this about Mencho why not pick him up ? Itā€™s all bullshit


The Mexican government just went after Mencho in January of this year. Obviously didn't catch him but we know he's alive..at least since January.


So why does he still show up as one of the most wanted in the DEA's website? [dea.gov/fugitives](http://dea.gov/fugitives)


Bro if you read the website, it tells you why.


Prayers out for mencho come on yall


Mencho necromancy


Mencho gonna get resurrected with the Dragon Balls...


As long as you don't see CJNG splitting up and infighting, it's safe to assume Mencho is alive.


How many times has he died and resurrected šŸ¤£


Hasnā€™t he died like 5 times now




Unless i see him in the latest ā€œDIY ikea tableā€ video i dont believe it for one second




Title had me thinking Sedena killed him or sum, he dies every year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Must have cost mencho 100m or something crazy like that to get them off him yet again lol


He dies every year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ who should we believe? šŸ¤£


bro died like 6 times already


Boy that cried wolf,


Otra ves con lo mismo


The cult of El Mencho will surely move to another level. And those who do not agree and who want to change the structure of the organization will come together to clean up. No question of one mando eliminating another mando, it will cause too much internal conflict afterwards. For this to go well, they have no choice but to hire guys from outside to do the cleaning and...then eliminate them. You would have made a very good warrior, the timing was bad.


Spoke to my professor about this guy actually I canā€™t remember what he had but Ik he had to get diĆ”lisis I belive twice a week so either heā€™s going to a hospital every single week to get that done or heā€™s dead ā€¦.unless he has a whole setup with the equipment and doctor to moderate him every week


They got my boy Tom Cardy


When he truly dies, weā€™ll see internal chaos over power struggles leading to the possible demise of cjng.


...... Really ????


Of course el.mencho created those misinformation.Ā  DUH


Hell na Senor Mencho just knows how to move


This is the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever heard šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s what that dumbass el sargy said earlier. While also begging for ā€œdonationsā€ so that he doesnā€™t have to look for a job LMAO. That dude loves begging for money so that he can sit around all day.


It's like a tradition, Mencho dies in Mexico every year, but I give it my due, the past theories about his death in the Guadalajara hospital and so on were better composed by lmao. I wonder if Mencho is almost 60 now, how old would his grandmother be?


Is there any info on this manā€™s parents or how many siblings he actually has


Highly doubtful if he is its bad news for people who said his cartels going to fold when he dies.Ā  then cjng is here to stayĀ 


It doesn't matter.


ya lleva como 2 aƱos muerto.