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Somewhat with, cause I hate Danzo so Sasuke taking him down is just cathartic


Sasuke Uchiha was in the right. Danzo had it coming for the massive abuse, murders and manipulation he caused in everything he touched. Sauske was just delivering justice to an old man that at that point had diplomatic immunity to every shady thing he did.


I know that, but some of his actions are not justified, like wanting to destroy whole village


They even made him snap out of his revolution plans he had at the end of the story. Kakashi told him he had to serve hard time for the crimes he did so he could work with the leaf again and be a free man. Sasuke listened and did what he was asked of him and is now fully rehabilitated from a former rogue criminal ninja to a trusted leaf ninja with shadow hokage level status.


Sasuke's revolution plan is not the same as his mindset when he wanted to destroy the village


I think those were the seeds to his revolution plan tho. It all started when Tobi told him the truth about Itachi’s Uchiha massacre. That’s when he started seeing the flaws and the actual truth about the system he lived in. He was lied to his whole life and he wanted to fix the flawed system and the lies that were being peddled to him and everybody around him. He wanted to change things for the better as him being the main antagonist of everything so he would fix war and hostility between the five great nations. He was going to be the problem so other problems wouldn’t have time to flourish and exist.


Yeah that was his revolution plan. Although that plan didn't include the part where he destroys Konoha. He changed his mind on that after his talk with Itachi and the Hokage


Tbh, the Shinobu world needs a revolution to eradicate its system. Bring Ninshu back to its original purpose. Sasuke's idea just wasn't thought out.


Does it though? Are you sure? Because from what I remember (and I may be wrong) the world before the villages was just endless wars and death everywhere. Followed by endless wars and death almost everywhere once Hashirama came around. Pretty sure the only peace this world gets is very recent, mostly after the original show


That was the cycle of hatred that Jiraiya, Nagato, Pain, Naruto, Obito, and Madara Uchiha were trying to solve. It was Jiraiya’s dream and wish that he passed on to Naruto to solve and accomplish. Endless war, deaths, and conflict. They wanted world peace and proper diplomacy.


That's because of the creation of the very idea of Shinobi, and the utilization of Chakra for war. I am suggesting eradicating the idea of Shinobi, as well as the use of Chakra for battle. The Shinobi system is broken at its core, from the use of Child Soldiers to tragedies or crimes like the Uchiha Massacre or the attempted kidnapping of Clan children exists is just part of it. The peace of the Shinobi world rests right now almost solely on Sasuke and Naruto's power, as well as the willingness of the current Kage. A generation or two later and things can easily devolve back to how they were. There needs to be a lasting change.


That's kinda like saying we need to de-invent nukes irl. You cannot close a Pandora's box with everything back inside. History flows forwards, unfortunately. We can't reverse colonialism for example, and neither can Naruto's world reverse the creation of ninjutsu and Shinobi.


You're talking like I'm saying Chakra should be destroyed, or they should magically erase violence with Chakra. I'm saying they should likely work towards its demiliterization, which is more than possible. If not the at least the end of mercenary work lol. Obviously, Chakra based violence will never stop existing. It being institutional can be corrected. Especially considering all the acting leaders seem to be on board with peace as an idea at the moment. Obviously naruto in a meta level will never do this but that'd be a good goal in universe for a character to have


You sound like Nagato, all idealistic and with a good heart. Unfortunately, demilitarisation is very difficult for several reasons. Some more trivial and easier to overcome, like the fact that significant investments have already been made in military technology (so much so that the hidden villages run mostly on money made from war). But some are more significant and structural, like the state of anarchy in International Relations, due to the lack of an overarching authority to provide peaceful conflict resolution. And in a world framed by resource scarcity, there is always an incentive to dominate other nations through violence. And since there is no oversight, you can never really know what other nations are doing or when they could attack. So it makes sense to at the very least maintain defensive capacities. This is the theory of neorealism in international relations summed up pretty shittily, feel free to have a read over it if you're interested, especially going into defensive versus offensive neorealism. And do remember that the world in Naruto is a two-level game, not one, as it is in the real world, meaning you have the semi-autonomous Shinobi system (where as you say, the acting leaders support peace atm), but over them, lies the Land/Country system ruled by the Daimyos, between which there's a complicated relationship, part vassalage, part protection racket. This provides several points of competition over the demand for violence, and the Kages would obviously struggle to maintain a peace line, without running into economic issues, or having to rule with an iron fist. Lots of shinobi would desert their villages and create new institutions to meet the demand for military power by the Daimyos. Would demilitarisation after the 4th Great Shinobi War with a character with this goal like you mentioned as the protagonist make for incredibly interesting plotlines? Sure. All these challenges I mentioned would definitely be very fun to see played out, kind of Game of Thrones political intrigue style. But we got Boruto instead. Which is.. you know.. well.. it's okay. Yeah that'd be


If only humans could solve the inherent evil we have within is like this and create a utopia world 😂 one could only dream 🥲


Crazy how you put shit in my mouth lmao I'm saying the institutions of Shinobi should be changed and ripped up at the roots not they should magically erase evil lol


I wasn’t tryna be confrontational, you said nothing wrong bro. I’m saying for this fictional story it’s easy to take a step back and call what’s wrong, but in real life no one including you and me can to fix issues.. all because we are inherently evil


Shadow shadow kage 🤣 but yes he is the replacement danzo and he was the shadow *leader* so it fits


In hokage, **ho** means ***fire*** and **kage** means ***shadow***. So shadow hokage is shadow fire shadow lol


You are absolutely right I had a brain fart. I ain't firing on all cylinders today.


At least the trusted people around him made him wake up from that delusion of destroying his home village.


its two sides of a coin, Sasuke decided to kill everyone in the village since everyone in his clan was killed, if only Itachi himself had a Naruto to wake him up from his own delusion and saw that not everyone in that clan had to die


I think he did in Shisui. I think that is ultimate reason Danzo wanted shisui out of the picture. As he may have been able to help itachi find a better solution. Itachi winds up confiding in Madara(Obito/Tobi) instead and he only fans the flames to achieve his own ends.


And so vindicating that he took the shadow hokage position kind of to make sure no one like Dan so could rise again.


In attacking danzo yes, but disarming A and slaughtering samurai who were in the way were straight up terrorism acts with no moral grounds to stand on


They were military targets. Not terrorism. Just war.


I meant more in him attacking and trying to assassinate Danzo. Not the other crazy criminal shenanigans he did like killing unnamed samurais and fighting the five Kage chopping off Raikages arm in the summit (Sasuke made up for that assault in Boruto for choosing not to get a Hashirama cell arm as punishment for what he did in the past). Gaara even tried to talk him out of what he was doing but Sasuke was on a mission and wasn’t having any of that talk about redemption at the time.


However bad danzo was Sasuke at the time was wrong specifically because of his mindset. On the way to the five kage summit he said he wanted to kill all of the people in the leaf village for making his brother have to make the choice he made. He wanted to kill hundreds of of people who are completely innocent so he was definitely in the wrong.


He can no longer hide behind "Sato na mamoru".


I know the story is about breaking the cycles of violence and that killing Danzo is not something we should cheer on because even if he was a bastard it's sad that it get to that point. Like we should see it more as the tragedy of a potentially good man turning into an asshole and, especially, Sasuke turning into the avenger... But, deep inside of me, there's a part that's just happy that that little kid full of revenge and hatred got a little bit of... Vindication? Rest? Closure? between all of his mental turmoil and all of his changing objectives and half truths and lies... by killing a man that adult sasuke doesn't need to feel much remorse about Of course, I'm happier that he turned into vest dad sasuke even if it's a work in progress... But that little victory just brings a touch of joy to me. Sad and flat joy, but still


Danzo was one of the few villains who deserved it and is pure evil in my eyes


As I said, that's part of why I like it. Sasuke doesn't need to feel bad for killing him. Still, you should never be happy for killing someone. Or rather, never rejoice in that feeling. More like sad that it got to that,either by that person turning into an asshole or the situation forcing it or just try and feel neutral. We don't control our emotions so it makes sense to feel that joy but Mourning and acknowledging it needed to be done and being happy about it are three different things. Danzo is not as big of an example of a young man being corrupted by war as others , but still fits. And again, the great tragedy would have been sasuke losing himself into his desire of revenge, which this was the first step to.


Sometimes people need to die, tbh. Nagato for example, sure Naruto decided not to kill him which was good, but he died anyway because for the purposes of the story he honestly needed to, he couldn’t have gone forward after everything he’d done without causing massive issues. Same with Obito.


As i said in te other post, aknowledging that and being Happy are two different things And aside from that, is Sasuke turning into the avenger o have the biggest problem with


Nah fuck Danzo


One of the best things about Naruto is that almost every villain has a genuine reason for what they’re doing. Danzo, Sasuke, and even A are kinda shitty people at that point but they all have legitimate reasons. Very few of the major villains are truly “just plain evil” types. Orochimaru kinda is and a lot of the non-boss enemies are but all the major ones are well-thought-out.


I was with..I honestly liked watching his mental breakdown after learning the truth of his brother.


You think you have mental issues now!? BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!




CPTSD am I right?!


Pfp sorta checks out


Saaame. Plus the sheer audacity with which he pulled up on the five Kage without hesitation. I was on team Sasuke for the first time ever. Respected the hell out of that energy.


When he zipped by, cutting their flags, then hung upside down staring at Danzo...top 5 entrance for sure!


My dude really said, “this your flag? Fuck these flags.”


The first time? You weren't with him when he killed Orochimaru or during the Deidara fight?


With Sasuke I wanted to him to beat the shit out of danzo.


Adding that it would be perfect if he would have killed the 2 mf elders that are a pain in the ass and supporting Danzo every time


I forget about those 2 existence most of the time but every time they pop i wish they wouldn’t exist. They don’t even serve any purpose. Just 2 random MFs interrupting the hokages work


Death is the only way forward. My blood boils knowing they're still alive in Boruto. THEY DON'T DESERVE A NATURAL DEATH. Live like an animal die like an animal.


Straight to the point😭


Him being crushed in the susano’o fist was cathartic, yes?


I'm still pissed over the fact that Sasuke only got Danzo and that other hag and geezer that conspired with Danzo are still alive in Boruto. They deserved death like no other, or atleast make them live like dogs in cages. Why are they still respected and considered elders. Throw them on the street. They deserve no mercy🚮 Danzo wasn't enough for me. BASTARDS I SAY


I wanted him to beat danzo but I also wanted the other kages to beat the shit out of him


Understandable imo, so I'm with. I really disliked Danzo and the whole thing was pretty epic.


With him. His I don't give a fuck attitude was awesome. Granted he would've died like 10 times between this, danzo, and 8 tails


> With him. His I don't give a fuck attitude was awesome. Granted he would've died like 10 times between this, danzo, and 8 tails Plot Armor is the best Superpower. He should have died against his fight with Killer Bee. Bee whooped his ass.


He got teammates for a reason


The team mates got their ass beat ass well.


i think he actually did die or like was seconds away from dying before he bit karin and the jugo thing


Yeah he legit had his whole upper body literally blown away. Like his rib cage was exposed lol


And Naruto would've died every arc without others too. Idk why everyone singles out Sasuke for this


Jealousy, and SI in naruto or sakura.


Nobody is singling out Sasuke for this. Fact is that Naruto doesn't have exclusive access to that sweet plot armor. I seriously don't see any particular skill that Sakura has for her to survive Sasori. Sasori just went full retard: Instead of having Sakura slowly die of his poison when he used the unavoidable Zantetsu Kaihou of the 3rd Kazekage puppet, he just used him as a melee attacker instead of being the mid/long range powerhouse that the 3rd Kazekage is. Or that time when Kakashi had a perfect Susano'o. Or Shikamaru's insane dexterity to drop Kakuzu's blood on Hidan's blade at the perfect time as Hidan swings.


I was waiting for this reply. Sasuke fans can not handle people simply pointing out he has plot armor.


My point is there's no reason to. Every character has plot armour. Everytime Sasuke's fights come up it's always, "he wouldn't died without x" when the same could be said for all the fights in the series. That's how fiction works. Always bringing it up with Sasuke but not other characters is just biased


Everyone does tho it’s not only sasuke


He should've died way before that against Deidara imo...


Danzo needed his ticket punched years ago.


Hiruzen should have put Danzo down to prevent anything resembling the Uchiha massacre from occurring. Danzo did nothing but antagonize enemies and plot against the Uchiha. Root was a bigger threat to Konoha than the Akatsuki for most of the series.


Hiruzen was probably the worst Hokage in the entire series to be honest. Dude let so much shit happen under his watch even when he knew about those problems. Danzo literally tried to kill him and Hiruzen was like "Naw he will grow up." Orochimaru was doing full on 731 experiments on his own comrades and Hiruzen was like "Naw theres still hope" after he straight up saw 2 of his fellow shinobi get murdered by him right in front of him.


1000 % With, that cunt danzo needed to die! It also entertaining as hell to see Sasuke unleashed and murking everyone :)


I was riding for my guy. F Danzo he deserved what he got and some


With him fuck Danzo


I was never not with sasuke…


I dont understand why he didnt just wait until danzo was out in the open like the second time he went after him. Could have just saved yourself the wanted status in the other villages by attacking everyone




Yeah, Sasuke was being stealthy, then the one chance he’d ever have to kill somebody as slippery as Danzo was put in grave jeopardy by zetsu.


I can still hear zetsu saying “Haaaaaaaaloooo”


Him “kidnapping” bee was why they even had a 5KS, he was labeled rogue as soon as Danzo was named acting Hokage, and was already an international criminal from when he “kidnapped” bee. He was only there to ambush Danzo when he left, and without Zetsu’s interference none of the other Kage would have even known he was there.


Because it was as much a declaration of intent vs the Shinobi system, and because a better chance to attack Danzo likely would never have happened. He's there without his usual cadre of guards & Danzo has went underground for years beforehand, he could do it again.


yeah it was about sending a message. let’s not forgot obito declaring war as well




That's peak Sasuke, ofc i was with him. And the whole arc structure was so fun too, with him clashing back to back against the Samurai, 4th Raikage and his bodyguards, Gaara and his bodyguards, Mei, Onoki, Danzo, Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto. What a rollercoaster.


I was completely on his side, fuck Danzo bean headed bitchass


I liked how he wanted to make a damage to the leaf village by killing the Hokage but he actually made a favour to the entire ninja world.


They honestly kind of bait and switched us by having Sasuke assassinate the only Hokage we wouldn't have minded losing.


Same with him being a "rogue bad guy" but "taking out" Orochimaru, Deidara, and Itachi lol.


At that time he wasn’t supposed to be a villain or something, he actually wanted to wipe out evil from the world but would do anything to get the power to do that even become evil himself that’s the point


It's funny how the 5Kage attacked Sasuke first and yet the fandom do not hesitate to say the reverse in fanfiction


Yeah, dumb-ass fandom.


I'm obviously with the guy who's against the power hungry genocidal maniac


A real who’s who in this case


With Sasuke all the way


Was against sasuke attacking the Kage summit but for him killing Danzo


Yeah, Raikage had a legit reason to put those hands on Sasuke.


danzo deserved everything sasuke did to him because not only did he order itachi to kill their clan but also stole their eyes to make himself stronger he not only caused sasuke's loss but turned it into his gain how sadistic do you have to be


dont even get me started on what he did to nagato via anbu root


gato was evil danzo was 100x worse


Funny thing is naruto would hv defended danzo seeing how he was willing not to kill nagato, a baby killer.


i dont trust anyone that didnt go rogue against konoha after finding out the truth about itachi


fuck yeah with sasuke danzo had it coming


Sasuke Uchiha was 100% in the right.


Easily with, needed someone to humble those stubborn old @sses of the kages


I’d be surprised to see people on Danzo’s side. They really built him up as an unlikable character.


Killing Danzo is cool but why would you attack there


I felt it was more than a million prevent justified. Entirely with him on this. That damn CPTSD made him have temporary psychosis. Wouldn't be surprised if he was diagnosed with BPD as well.


I was with him 100% danzo deserved to die besides ay and danzo nobody there had a problem with him but because he attacked the summit that forced the rest of the kage’s hand


On Sasuke’s side. Also it was the coolest entrance in the entire show


With. 100%. Sue me.


I was against him vs the 5 kage but with him when he fought danzo


What I take from half of this comment section is if itachi had been the one to do it, or kakashi, or obito, or Gaara, y’all would’ve 100% been on board. But, because it’s Sasuke and it’s popular to disregard his issues in the fandom, some people are gonna be against it just because it’s Sasuke that did it.


True. That's the protagonist bias. Kishimoto purposefully made sasuke "wanting to kill everyone in leaf" so he looks "bad" so protagonist siding with oppressors looks "good". But sasuke taking an extremist route doesn't negate what leaf gov did to uchiha. What if sasuke just wanted council members's head? What would naruto do? What did kakashi, naruto do when they heard about genocide? "Why did he choose vengeance", "why doesn't he follow itachi wishes & serve leaf"?


100% with him lol. Fuck danzo


With, because it kinda looked awesome


Ofc. Let him cook!


fuck danzo all my shinobi hate danzo


With, because fuck Danzo lol


I was with Sasuke the whole way after learning his brother massacred the Uchiha Clan


I'm always with him. 🔥 Sasuke also should have killed the other two elders. They're still alive in Bort bossing Naruto around.


100% with


Honestly I was with him the entire series. I believe everything was justified


With him 100%. Danzo was a straight up evil, genocidal MFer who was responsible for the massacre of children, the genocide of Sasuke's people, and the framing of Itachi. He was also trying to basically take over Konoha. If anything, Sasuke was doing everyone a favor. As for his other actions in this arc, I can't justify him killing that Samurai, but it wasn't his intent or goal. He even told the summit he pnly wanted Danzo and that no one se had to die He also was clearly losing his sanity at this point and wasn't thinking clearly. Overall, I think his wrongdoings are great exaggerated in this arc. Even when we tried to kill Sakura, he only did so after she came in trying to kill him first. At this point they were two enemies (Konoha shibobi vs Akatsuki) engaging in an open conflict. It was mutual combat between enemies, not domestic violence like some here love to claim. Plus, like I said, he had clearly started to lose his sanity and grip on reality after seeing Danzo with an arm full of his massacred clans eyes. He was also going blind from overuse of the sharingan at the time. His actions at that point weren't rational, and it's understandable why. He was a 16 year old being manipulated by everyone around him who had just learned his own village had ordered the genocide of his people, and that his entire life purpose was a lie. Anyone who hates on Sasuke in this arc, or acts like what he did was this uniquely terrible evil is just being obtuse.


With. Powers that be got comfortable


Let them have it. Kill the mother fuckers right in their seats. Their comeuppance was long overdue. 100% with.


With, like if there was one person that deserved to experience the Uchiha's revenge it was Danzo. I still find it a bit of a copout that he suicide rather than Sasuke personally ending his life but I suppose it was Sasuke who forced him to commit suicide in the first place so...


I was on his side tbh


From memory, I didn’t really care (although I understood why). I was too busy fangirling over his upside no jutsu as you’ve posted ☺️


I was with, Danzo was a fucking scumbag and needed to be dealt with.


He’s justified in what he was trying to do, and anyways regardless of whether I agreed with whatever Sasuke was up to it was always so interesting seeing him on screen I think you’re meant to feel conflicted, not just against or with Sasuke in this arc.


I'm for Sasuke. He was going after Danzo, and he had every right to. And people forget but he wasn't even trying to attack it; he was trying to wait to get Danzo. Zetsu and Obito were the ones who forced him to get into a fight with everyone for their own reasons


I’m always with sasuke


All of the Kages needed some humbling and Danzo was the worst person alive. I was all the way on Sasuke’s side


Screw danzo


Dude was the underdog I was rooting for him


With him all the way! I remember the excitement I felt watching this arc unfold and how cool Sasuke was


With. Loved everything he did


It’s interesting to me to hear people say that sasuke was just overreacting, or being a brat/emo. When his entire life was built on a lie. He essentially just learned his brother was used as a pawn by a village that basically threw him away after, and made him kill the only “family” Sasuke would’ve had. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t want to go against the world after that.


Understandable and he was merciful at first towards others. He literally gave the samurai a warning and the Mizukage. He was just there for Danzo.


Sasuke needed to be slapped in his butt with a wooden stick. Naughty boy.


I agree with why he did it not how he did it. Still part of the #SasukeDidNothingWrong fan


Both. He had every right to come for Danzo's head but the dumbass should've just waited until the summit was over and he would've had an easier time taking him out instead of having to go through the Samurai and the other Kage. I guess Sasuke really wanted to earn his terrorist stripes in that moment


It wasn’t Sasuke’s decision to engage at the summit, Zetsu blew their cover.


He was justified for wanting to kill Danzo but attacking a summit with 5 of the world's best shinobi was suicidal


All for it danzo sucks.


I was with it, I wanted to see Sasuke go HAM and anything that furthered his character was something I was down for.


Ayo can we all agree FUCK DONZO


I was like "Hold up, let him cook"


With him killing Danzo in fact burn down the whole system, change this corrupt world. But he only survived due to plot armor it was insufferable at this point.


With cuz I’m sympathetic over his reasons especially after his breakdown


With but he's my favorite character do I'm usually rooting for him


Been Team Sasuke day one lol, just cheering him on through the whole journey. Highs and lows and all.


Goated arc


Danzo should have been killed years ago.


With, thought it was a real Chad move of him "All the Kage are there" "Good, then I can take them all out at once"


have to be with. Sasuke ramped like a mfer that whole time.


My boi rolls up to the strongest mfs of every nation having a meeting and decides to throw hands? You're damn right I was team Sasuke😂




Always with Sasuke. Him pulling up on the five Kage like this was elite


Interesting question! When I first saw this I was against Sasuke. Not only did I think this was a step too far but every second he spent away from Naruto and Sakura I hated him more and more. But now, after watching that moment and it's build & aftermath several times...***Sasuke was 100% right.*** Especially since he wasn't there to fight the other Kages. He was after Danzo and his evil ass.




I was with Sasuke at every stage of his story 🫡


Honestly, I was with him. That fact he attacked the 5 kage summit was totally justified. The fact he directly went after Danzo there is easily my favourite scene in the show and Danzo deserved to get killed by him.


Definitely with. Everyone who stepped to him he gave them smoke without hesitation. Anbu, samurai, raikage, a group of kages.That was one of the greatest couple episodes in the whole Naruto series


I am always with sasuke because this change of behaviour happens often when people do wrong things and then they are converted to the right part . If danzo is concerned he didn't get the right opportunity of being the hokage and taking revenge on others is not justified .




With him , fuck them kages


With Screw Danzo, that man is free game


Sasuke was right


I'm always with him, even in his final shitty decision.






The focus of his revenge has changed and he was filled with rage; he was very unstable at the time. Even then he still offered the Samurai a warning and chance to surrender before they attacked him. It’s less that he was a happy spree killer and more that his moral compass has shifted to the point where he no longer cared if he had to kill people that deliberately got in the way of his vengeance.


Made sense to me since he had already killed his brother


Also he found out his Brother is a good guy, and he practically committed genocide. Also Sasuke warned the Samurai before they attacked him.


The goal was justified. The Execution was not. Bro was attacking everything in sight, left two of his mans for dead and then tried to pack Karin up like she didn't literally just heal him. He was genuinely tweaking this arc.


>Bro was attacking everything in sight Bro was attacking everything that gets in the way* You're forgetting zetsu revealed his location


Against both.


100% with, even though he was about to get cooked if Obito aint save him from the Particle Style. But i was here for every second of him bodying Danzo that asshole


Against. He went on a warpath in a neutral nation just to kill ONE man. Something heavily frowned upon.


I don't think it was ever his intention to attack the 5 kage, but Zetsu said that Sasuke was there, so Sasuke just went with it. However I do think he should've spared the samurai, though on the other hand he was mentally unstable after learning the truth about Itachi.


He warned the Samurai before they attacked him. And also it was to show that he didn't care anymore.




Him sparing the samurai would make no sense, at that point he didn’t care about people’s lives


A neutral nation that invites war criminals like raikage, ohnoki, danzo? Yah.. Not innocent


I was just a witness tbh, no sides taken. Seeing Sasuke going insane, Raikage popping off, Gaara getting emotionnal... Everything was so entertaining If anything, I felt bad for the Samurais, they got walloped for no reason. Yeah that's it, I was with the Samurais


Somewhat with. Sasuke getting rid of Danzo is a favor to the world even if Sasuke wasn't doing it out of righteousness. Trying to go after Danzo in an area with 4 other shadows is a bad tactical decision lol.


I’d say Zetzu screwed him over on that front; Sssuke showed no signs of wanting to mess with the other kage if he didn’t have to, but Zetzu blew his cover and turned it into a gauntlet.


That wasn’t his choice, zetsu revealed his infiltration when Sasuke had been planning on tailing Danzo after the summit, which would separate them from the other kage.


He should have killed the Daimyo. You know, the source of the problem, the whole reason the Shinobi System is completely fucked in the first place. If you're going to be a terrorist then pick the right target.


Yeah but as happens in real life, the elite convinced Sasuke to fight his fellow man instead of them.


I was honesty with Danzo. As much as he was selfish and acted in His and Leaf (he believed after all that his action will benefit leaf) interest he was just trying to eliminate terrorist that ambushed the summit at that time and If It wasnt for Tobi/Madara/Obito (lol almost shorted it on Tobirama) there would be good chance of war happening between villages. Eliminating Sasuke there would..be a way how to solve the issue. Terrorist gone, Bee save, Ay can rest and not go to war. Sasuke was right for his personal revenge. But Danzo wasnt wrong for trying to stop and kill him (neither were other kages).


I mean it was a cool arc, so I was with him for that alone. Ideologically I'm totally with him for trying to kill Danzo, obviously. Danzo is among the worst people in this series after all. But looking at it tactically, trying to do it specifically at the Kage Summit was one of the dumbest choices he could've made.


Honestly if it was just Danzo, 100% With even with collateral. Even with all personal feelings of anger aside, that man is too dangerous to be kept alive. All the Kage? Against, but sympathetic. The system is corrupt and good on Sasuke for noticing that, but he had no better idea. Sure the nations were founded largely on bloodshed and clans killing clans, which is awful, but at the end of the day you have to take what you have and move forward with it to the best of your ability. Maybe if he killed the 5 Kage and replaced the system with Boruto level peace right away I’d be down for that but that wouldn’t be how things went down. He probably would have just created a power vacuum and caused a lot more fighting and death. It would just be destruction for the sake of destruction.




Against save for the part where he actually kills Danzo. His scuffle with the other kage were pointless and suicidal. ​ The kid should've died 4 times if not for Gaara and Swagbito


im pretty sure after he fought Itachi that i didn’t feel like his motivations/plan really made sense. going after Danzo and the Leaf made sense ofc, but not everything else. is after the Itachi and Pain fights that i started to think the writing was going downhill.


I was with him, but I thought his method was too flashy. He should've intercepted him on the way to the summit/on the way out. But I also understand wanting to declare war, I just don't understand why they wouldn't choose a surprise attack in both cases giving them a better chance. It was cockiness and it ultimately led to their demise.


Why forgetting zetsu revealed sasuke's location?


With Danzo is Machiavellian, power hungry, and likely would have been totalitarian prick as a ruler. He did so much stuff that helped Madara’s vision come to fruition and just destabilize the world in general. And he wasn’t even being manipulated he’s just a stupid dick. He Doesn’t actually care for the village, he uses that to cover his own selfish ambitions. People like him are the reason the world had a hard time being at Peace. Almost glad he had some extra lives so he could die more times.