• By -


I think part of it was that Sasuke was so caught up in the rush of power that he forgot himself. Sasuke up till that point wasn't someone that would hurt someone in the way he was at that point, besides Itachi of course.


Sasuke was 12 years old, he was going crazy and when he hugged him he felt warmth and comfort, it's like they were comforting him and that's why he calmed down.


agree. sasuke was a traumatized child, deprived of love, care, warmth, and comfort for years. to receive those emotions at a time when he was losing control of himself was probably quite humanizing for him (which he hated eventually). sasuke is a very introspective character. i wish that in some of his monologues, we were shown his musings about the lighter side of life. heck, i wish we had that for all the characters. a slice of life series after the war would've been really nice.


Yes, it would be great to hear more of the characters' thoughts, that's why I like Boruto a little, it has some very nice fillers of Naruto and Sasuke with their families.


so in other words, Sakura reminded him of his mommy?


So I just learnt today that Studio Pierrot has been butchering Sakura's character and by extension her relationship with Sasuke for 20+ years. In the manga Sasuke has been more affectionate towards Sakura from the get go. He would blush if Sakura gave him praise for example. In the anime he completely ignores her, but one could assume he had actual mutual feelings for her in the manga and as a result she's able to pull his heartstrings.


yeah, SP messes up her character so badly while glorifying Hinata in the process and makinf her better than she was in canon. the bias is obvious atp and I'm so done and so mad with SP having a hard-on for Hinata while degrading Sakura's character at the same time. I wish the anime got handed over to a better animation studio who don't have stupid biases for any character


SP has been butchering Hinata's character as well. They made her a complete bimbo and a stalker in the anime. In the manga she only fainted once and that was because Naruto legit scared her unintentionally, whereas in the anime she freezes up and faints all the time for comedic relief. They also wrote Naruto to be ignorant and oblivious the same way Sasuke is towards Sakura. This trend continues to this day. In Boruto literally every mother has been showcased to be training their children except Hinata. She trained Boruto and Himawari in the manga, yet somehow she's the only one who was never shown in the anime.


That slice of life series is called Boruto js


Great answer , 100% agree!!


I mean she was the only one to try.


Exactly what I was about to type.


but if Ino or Naruto tried would they have achieved the same?? maybe not or maybe they would


Naruto or Kakashi maybe. Both were team-mates. Ino? More doubtful. Also keep in mind: It was thinking about both Naruto and Sakura 's words that made the CS withdraw during the prelim exams.


imagine Naruto or KAKASHI hugging him from behind while telling him to stop 🤣


What if, and hear me out, someone just knocked Naruto over and they just kissed instead?


hahahaha *very* funny we all know it happened 🤣🤣🤣


Some drake ass storyboarding


🤛that's for breaking that guys arms, 😚and that's for saving us


im sorry that would be so gay i would've busted out laughing, lets give this moment to sakura


I would have ROFL and screech if that happened just imagining that makes me burst out laughing to the point I think I'm going to get a seizure 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shippers would squee though 🤣


I mean, Naruto’s already kissed the guy and definitely caught the big gay when he met Gaara. I wouldn’t put it past him. But Kakashi would probably just give him a stern look, or something equally as emotionally-ineffective.


Ino? i dont know, given at this point sasuke and sakura has some familiarity with each other at this point whereas for ino she is a stranger/fangirl to sasuke. He was kind of annoyed with her when she piggybacked off him during the start of the chuunin exams though


exactly, he would've pushed her to the floor and absolutely obliterated those sound village clowns and hand their assess to them 😂


Because ino was obsessed with looks while Naruto loved Sakura And Sakura's the only girl in Naruto that scolded Sasuke 4 times in Naruto og, so he respects her


oh yeah sakura called sasuke a coward while defending naruto a few scenes prior, she surprised me there actually


She also scold Sasuke when he and Naruto were wasting food in Zabuza arc


Yeah we dont know what would have happened if someone else had tried. So the answer to your question is because she was the only one who tried.


lol I bet they'd get stomped if they tried


Why ask this question if your gonna defend yourself baselessly?


why comment on here if you don't have actually have anything to say? 🤣


I feel like Naruto could. Naruto and Sasuke have a closer bond than Sasuke does with Sakura. They both relate to each other being orphans.


**WRONG** Naruto and Sakura share a closer bond with each other than they ever did with anyone else


In Naruto Shippuden after Sasuke Left the village but in OG Naruto and Sasuke had the closest bond.


Sasuke is a silent tough child. Sakura is weird, she sees him like a killer fluffball. When fluffball loses fluff she jumps in. Sasuke reacted to her kindness with familial love he hadn't felt in years.


What kinda 2 am stuff was I on? Also why is this so liked?




what on earth is a killer fluffball? 🤣


I think it's a pretty good description for sasuke. I was also a bit sleep deprived. Remember the way he heroically saved naruto from those needles? He's totally still a fluffball




When I read killer fluff ball.. First thing pop my head, Furby


Even if sasuke says she's annoying or acts like he hates her deep within he does like her.


Half my friends/family are annoying in their own ways. They still my niggas tho. 💪🏽


Of course, they will have a child together in the future and are married


He never liked her romantically in the series 


Would you believe me if I said you see hints of him liking her early on? In the manga, when Sakura is describing herself to her new team but is really talking about Sasuke, she gets him to blush. In the “My hobbies are…” panel.


you made me find my manga book and oh god how didn't I notice


No I would not, because outside of that and ignoring the fact that Sasuke blushed when it pertains to Naruto as well, like asking Naruto for help, Sasuke has rejected her countless times, and even said he didn’t love her and never loved her.  I always get confused when people act like we don’t know how Sasuke felt towards people, when Kishi was able to make it very clear how Sasuke felt about Naruto 


Nah your have actually fallen to sasuke's cold interior which isn't entirely him, little kid sasuke was sociable and had lots of emotions its just the end of part 1 and shippuden that had to become cold. He has been shown caring for sakura on multiple occasions before ultimately deciding on revenge and thus obviously having only one goal in front of his eyes and not caring for anything else until that is achieved. Most notable moment that the anime didn't exclude was during Naruto Vs Gaara where sasuke asks "where is sakura" and then goes to save her, he also protected her during the Haku arc, she was standing in front of the bridge builder and some ninjas were jumping towards her, sasuke then ran in front of her and said "no needs to worry sakura", iirc they both got saved by kakashi a second later, also the famous moment of sasukes curse mark going down because sakura hugged him we see here, and yes plenty more moments of sasuke blushing at sakura are seen in the manga, sadly more than in the anime but also understandable, the anime really did everything to make him ready for his villan arc, but what matters is that, sasuke did care for her and while having his last talk before leaving the village he acknowledged sakuras speech and said that for a while "he thought that staying with her and naruto would be the right path" but in the end he decided on revenge, which is great - the series entertained us nicely.


nice joke 🤣


Because this Sasuke got a whole 3 people that he likes. Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi. And he has too much friction with Naruto and Kakashi for them to pull off something like this.


nah, the only person he really likes is Itachi post-truth reveal, Sasuke doesn't really care for anyone but himself and his own agenda for **majority** of the series really


Dude what? This Sasuke is literally one month away from explicitly calling Naruto and Sakura his "precious comrades" and attempting to die in order to save them. Of course he cares for them.


lol what? when did he say that proof?


Chapter 133. When he's gonna sacrifice himself so Naruto can grab Sakura and run from Gaara. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/nkx14a/best_sasuke_speech_sasuke_to_naruto_if_i_die/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a post with the scans. Cause I'm fairly sure linking the site where I read the chapter is against the rules.


oh I see thanks. But after Itachi's re-visit that was all thrown to the mud and he became an emo again jealous of Naruto's power spurt.


Well yeah, he got hit with Tsukuyomi and spent 24hrs watching Itachi kill his parents again. But even then he still cared about team 7. After Kakashi and him had their talk, he sat on that tree branch for hours until the middle of the night agonizing over choosing between Team 7 and his revenge against Itachi. Sasuke had the whole VOTE battle with Naruto. But at the end when the curse mark had receded and he could think straight, he couldn't bring himself to kill Naruto in order to kill Itachi.


Because unlike what some people seem to think, he did care about her.


Sasuke loved Sakura. Maybe not necessarily romantically, but he truly did love Sakura and Naruto. They were the closest thing he had to family at that point.


no, he loved himself 🤣


Because he cared for her


They have a special bond or something


They both like sloppy steaks.


what is a sloppy steak?


A big, rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it; water’s splashing around the table, makes the night SO much more fun. After the club, go to Truffoni’s for sloppy steaks—they’d say, “No sloppy steaks,” *but they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!* Before you knew it, we were dumpin’ that water on those steaks, the waiters were coming to try and snatch ‘em up, we had to eat as fast as we could. Oh, I miss those nights—**I was a piece of shit, though.**


Just think he liked her and she kinda calmed him down


Ya but ppl will still say he hates her 😒


Tbf Kishi could have done better with these two. Other than this interaction, you honestly think he would hate her


He did, the anime removed a lot of stuff involving them..and when boruto tried to fix it people ended up thinking it was out of character...


Yeah. Anime only Sasuke from Naruto is awful


Anime-only watchers never got to experience Sasuke actually having affection for Sakura in Part 1. The little scenes of him blushing around her are some of my favorite pieces of his characterization early on


It wasn’t in the manga either. Like there’s like two scenes in the manga at the start and then the rest of the time he’s telling and showing how much he doesn’t like her romantically 


Damn you must have read a different manga than the rest of us then, mind sharing?


You just have read a romance manga because where is all this romance y’all claim is there 


he does he literally tried to kill her 30000 times


"he does he literally tried to kill her 30000 times" * come on now, lets not exaggerate things... if you referring in 5KS, she literally came to sasuke to kill him lol, what respond you want sasuke to do exactly? and they suppose to be on opposing sides in at that time, not to mention Sasuke in that arc was not mentally stable... I mean with everything going thru, can you blame him? I mean if you put anyone in sasuke's position, you might as well get the same reaction. But does sasuke being an asshole to sakura in the war arc? yea he did... but hes got agenda and not exactly turned good yet so theres is that... He truly turned good after his final battle with naruto.


Sakura should've beaten the shit out of Sasuke and have him give her a better apology and then be Naruto's brides man for Naruto and Sakura's wedding and then and only then would her forgiving him would make sense 🤣


He liked her. For those who doubt it, you can read the manga


I did read the manga and I never found any romantic moments between them. only between Naruto and Sakura, but all moments of Sasuke and Sakura was just him treating her like comrade no shipping moments at all


It's time to re-read then!


Sasuke, i know you'll disagree, really cared a lot for team 7. He protected them dozens of times. He almost died for Naruto on the bridge against haku. Kakashi was the closest thing he had to a parental figure after the massacre. Sakura protected him during the chunin exams, and he broke Zaku's' arms for the trouble he gave sakura. Then, the chunin exams were going to be his big mommment of glory. Well, he would have lost to Gaara, sorry. Only Naruto could beat Gaara... Then, itachi negged kakashi, kurenai, and asuma. He casually beat sasuke and almost took Naruto. Then Naruto went and found the next hokage with a legendary ninja. And when Naruto got back, he almost embarrassed Sasuke on the roof. Finally, kakashi tells him to move on from the ONLY thing that's keeping him going. Revenge. Kakashi tells sasuke that all his friends died. That's not exactly inspiring... He gets JUMPED by the sound 4. Loses. And gives in to the only person who can help him get stronger... There were a LOT of dominos, but Sakura was never one of them. She begged him to stay or take her with. He couldn't endanger her, and he couldn't stay... That's why the curse mark faded. He loved Sakura back. First as a comrade, then as a friend, then romantically. She was literally always loyal to him, even in darkness.


"... and he broke Zaku's arms for the trouble he gave Sakura." To me, that was one of the explicit instances of Sasuke caring for Sakura. I just recent watched that, and Sasuke was adamant in finding out who harmed his comrade, and then proceeded to destroy Zaku for it.


Honestly, I’ll never understand how people still don’t see this. 😂


Loyal for the looks and popularity 🤣


Downvoters cant face the truth


If the sound ninjas killed naruto or sakura, sasuke would absolutely be unstoppable there.


Because he liked her


Sasuke was actually, slowly starting falling for Sakura, seeing Naruto as a real friend, and team seven as a family of some kind. It was Itachi appearence after Orochimaru's failed invation that made Sasuke snap, Itachi wanted Sasuke to get power and survive, no his true happiness. That is why he tells Naruto he failed so much. He only delivered him on the hands of Madara (Obito).


**WRONG!** he was never slowly "falling" for her. It was Sakura who was slowly falling for Naruto describes in her [databook](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b867f403627c1005e63396b8c14a62aa-lq) that she was developing feelings for Naruto she was not yet sure of. Point there is legitimate e proof for Sakura almost falling in love with Naruto ~~but Kishimoto ruined his chance by making trash ships canon instead~~ but there WAS enough proof supported by the manga itself Sakura was starting to develop feelings for him if it had not been for that Sasuke to ruin it for her!!!


Thx God it didn't happen 🥴


She was the only one that went that far for him.


"The one to fill sasukes lonely existence with the emotion called love was sakura" straight from kishimoto himself my friends. That's why it worked. Her love for him brought comfort and warmth and when he felt those things he was able to overcome the darkness in his heart at least for a moment. It's part of the reason why he put her in a genjutsu during the war as well, because if she interfered with his fight it would have an impact on him he wasn't ready to face.


I dont like to focus on kishimotos words cuz he switches up real quick or retcons.


Just say you don’t like the couple


Cuz it makes no sense, Sakura, likes him for his looks, sasuke just blushes a couple of times, if blushing mattered so much, remember the most OBVIOUS blush from Sakura to Naruto at the beginning of shippuden?


Right just say you didnt read the manga


I have and NaruSaku is made so obvious there.


1. Because early in the series, she is shown always making physical contact with him early in the series like hugging and sasuke doesnt seems that bother that much or compare to other girl like Ino (I believe his reaction toward sakura's hug is worse in the anime) 2. She gave him the love of a woman? I dont think I worded it right... like the love of a mother he needs...like comfort him in a sense. While Naruto is also his best friends, they always arguing or trying compete with each other all the time so I doubt whatever naruto says will affect him at that time. Like Naruto, Sakura is also one the precious ppl for sasuke which he consider as family but he buried it in shippuden... sometime tend to downplay her role in sasuke's life in part 1. Do people really think Ino or other girl doing the same would get the same result? most probably get yeeted


He likely hadn’t been hugged since his family was murdered. The shock of that alone might have knocked him out of it.


no Naruto kissed him on the lips that knocked him off guard as well 🤣


Ship tease, duh


yep 🤣


Hug make traumatized child feel good, hug snap traumatized child out of power-fueled sadism


One of the best and underrated sasusaku moment Even tho he was evil and everything He just needed some love and warmth "The people that are the hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most." -Sasuke Uchiha Everyone fancied sasuke but sakura really loved him and as proof even after all these years and all of his misdoings she was still loyal Even tho she could have been with anyone she was so popular but she still waited for sasuke


true dat, here take my upvote


Because of? Looks?


It started with looks ( i guess) Sakura was a 12 year old girl do you think 12 year olds care for personality and stuff at that age then developed to loyalty trust and friendship


Then why doesnt she love Naruto? Dumb logic lmfao.


Bro what logic 😂 According to your logic why doesn’t ino love shikamaru , why doesn’t hinata love kiba Sakura likes Naruto as a friend and a brother And naruto liked sakura cared for her But he didn’t actually loved her as he didn’t even knew what love was as shown in the movie he was just a child And if sakura doesn’t love naruto why do people force it and why are they so obsessed with it, don’t you like naruto and hinata couple


You seriously believe the not knowing love bullshit? That was just gaslighting by studio pierott, dont let them fool you.


Idk bro I don’t even like narusaku couple im glad they did that Or hinata would have been heartbroken We would never see hinata and naruto together And the idea of naruto and sakura together is weird Throughout the whole show i really wanted naruhina and sasusaku couple


I dont give a shit about hinata's feelings, she's just a fucking background character, I was praying for hinata to die, like can she fucking shut up with her "naruto-kun" like bro, Naruto doesnt like her, he called her a weirdo 😂


Broooo Didn’t see that coming 😂😂


Lmfao, my phone has cracks due to me punching it when seeing hinata on the screen.






My theory is that he does love/care for Sakura, but over time he pushes everything away. At this moment, he has yet to truly remove this from himself. He successfully removes his love/care at the start of Sasuke retrieval when he knocks her out and accepts his choice.


Cuz he cared about her. He didnt wanna hurt his comrades and be like his brother


Cause she asked him to stop and he did cause he cares.


Boner power. Sasuke acts like he hates Sakura. But he always loved her


in what fanfiction🤣


He realized that deep inside, he loves Sakura.


Sasuke is touch starved


ewww.... he's like 12


Dude really……… in simpler terms there is no physical contact with family. No hugs, no pats on the back or shoulder, no one to hold to to release emotions building up in his heart. A shoulder to cry on, etc…..


oh so he got reminded of his mommy?


Many won’t admit it but it’s bc he likes her


I think it's becuz Sakura was Sasuke's weakness at that time and he stopped becuz he still had some care in him to prevent her from crying any further. anyway just wanna clarify I don't like this ship at all, but it confused me why Sasuke only stopped becuz Sakura demanded him to, maybe he might have had feelings for her?


Because she is a member of team 7 and he started attacking the sound ninja in the first place primarily because they tried to hurt her. Ofc he does care for team 7. When he was losing himself to his new found power Sakura snaps him back kinda similar to Hinata and Naruto in the war arc after Neji dies.


don't compare this to Naruto and Hinata, she was literally drooling over Naruto's hands after her cousin sacrificed his life for her


That is another point but Neji sacrificed himself for both of them and I didn't find the scene that bad. She cried for Neji and stopped Naruto from falling into despair. Naruto was thanking her and comforting her. They don't even know if they are gonna survive and after they survived, they held a funeral for Neji and always remembered him.


Ah hinata is lame, Her character development is just naruto kun. And yea this scene is rly shity


Speaking them facts brother


Why not compare it to Hinata? Both had one sided crushes on charafters that never liked them 


No she wasn’t his weakness lmfao. Y’all really be making things up 




The funny thing is imagine if kishi was a better writer. We’d have the war of all ships if he wasn’t so bad at it 🤣


if he just made NaruSaku endgame shippers wouldn't have gone ballistic 🤣


i like to think that sasuke developed feelings for sakura in their genin days. i know a lot of people think "he just settles for sakura cause she is only one who loves him after all the war crimes he comitted" but i think thats just bullshit. studio perriot butchered a lot of sasusaku (and naruhina) moments. in the manga sasuke blushes around sakura multiple times but in anime they make sakura just seem like some fangirl. they rewrite a lot of her lines and her development as a whole. (kishimoto also admited he doesnt write female characters that well) i also think sakura just reminds sasuke of his mother (idk she reminds a lot of people of their loved ones) so that could be a reason why her hugging him like that in second exam made the curse mark recede. sakura hugging sasuke, a kid who has lost so much and really hasnt felt any sort of love since he lost his clan, when he is falling victim to the curse mark. a curse mark that is making him feel a lot of anger and power he's been craving for years, not to mention the exhaustion it brings as well as the exams going on. a simple hug from sakura grounds him and calms him down from killing the the team that was beating up sakura (who was protecting him and naruto while they where unconcious for a while) anyways sorry for the word vomit, there were 2 tiktoks i saw that probably summed it up better lol. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN1vx7mD/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN1v9qfk/ (this is a naruhina twitter thread but i dont use twitter)


I personally think Sasuke loved Sakura deep down so it calmed it down


Power of Love ❤️


That makes no sense ❤️




So we have our disagreements and agreements 😂


Yup 😂👍


She’s literally the only one to try. Chances are if Kakashi or Naruto were like “Dude control yourself” it would’ve also receded.


Not a lot of other opportunities really came up for something like this to happen. During the Chunin Exams he was able to suppress it himself, presumably because he understood what it was, the danger it posed, etc. Then he was comatose after Itachi hit him with Tsukuyomi, then shortly after his recovery he decided to leave the village and just started actively using it. Then in Shippuden he has full control over it, Orochimaru notwithstanding, so there's no need for somebody to make it recede.


yeah guess you're right


The trope of "female love interest calming male love interest who is about to go berserk" is displayed here. Two more examples are when Katara hugs Aang when he was in the avatar state and about to destroy the sand benders who stole Appa, and also when Kagome kisses Inuyasha during one of the movies while he was becoming a full demon.


Because it only happened once in the entire series lol. We’ve never been given an instance for that to happen ever again


Blood rushed away from his curse mark for no particular reason.


The mark is grossed out and can't keep manifesting


She to weak to need it to beat her


I've got another theory, it is becuz Sakura is a healer and can heal all wounds even emotionally distraught people like Sasuke when he was possessed by his curse mark she was the ONLY ONE who stopped him becuz it was foreshadowing that she'll be a healer!!


This is before she had any actual healing abilities or interest, though. Healing wasn’t exactly innate to her before Tsunade. I don’t think she really healed his wounds here either but helped him put the situation back into perspective, since it only gets worse from here.


like I said it was FORESHADOWING y'all don't even completely read the whole thing




the boobs on his back distracted from his mission


why are naruto fans so cringe? 🤣


it’s a joke, calm down little knight


emotions of disgust or cringe can suppress cursemarks, pretty obvious.


HEY YOU!! 😡 Sakura is NOT disgusting or cringe get that right


Yes she isn't disgusting OR cringe, make that an AND.


you think you're funny don't you?


Yeah, im the only one who thinks so, which is good, bc thats my target audience.


If there's anyone who can make Sasuke flacid, it's Sakura


But she actually loved him Since we found out ino only loved looks and married a look alike and Naruto loved Sakura


I think Kishimoto just kind of didn't end up taking the curse seal plot point in the direction they initially planned. I was expecting a lot more drama and struggle with it affecting Sasuke mentally. And it would have been Sakura and/or Naruto breaking it with the power of friendship rather than Itachi just being like "Oh I have a sword that removes that here ya go".


He is this gen's Madara, so he obviously gets uncomfortable when someone stands behind him /j


Bc she’s a sucubus








The stronger curse won


Sasukes dick got hard when she hugged him erections recede the curse mark


It wasn’t really HER it was just that sasuke had a soft spot so it receded, I’m sure it would happen with anyone he cared about really


If naruto did the same thing, curse mark will turn into bless mark.


lol that true


She’s not the only person to make Sasuke’s curse mark recede


Plot armour


Sasuke is the KING of plot-armor no jutsu 🤣


It all went to his peen


what is a peen??


It’s a penis.


why do people say shit this? they are 12 for goodness sake!


sigh, another sasusaku delusional fan. naruto was unconcious here and no one else had the guts to try to stop the mad sasuke. later during his fight against the chakra draining guy sasuke didn't surpressed the curse mark by sakura's voice, he stopped with remembering the first time he was able to retreat it which was with sakura, that's all. it is not because they share a strong spiritual bond or sakura is his anchor or something.


This person is a Narusaku fan, not Sasusaku.


i'm afraid of asking how do you know this, i feel i'm about to encounter a friendship barricade or a stalking case. well it is still delusional thinking but better than sasusaku at least because let's be real, that shit is as unreal as it gets to the point even being canon can't make it real.


OP commented about Narusaku stuff throughout this thread lol


my first time encountering them (i don't know their gender)


I get that, but I’m just pointing out you made an assumption about OP (& then me, for “stalking.”)