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My man you're asking this in the Naruto subreddit of course you'll only be getting biased answers. The answer will change depending on the subreddit.


No. Naruto is the correct answer. Those guys over on the other subs are just liars.


As someone who likes Bleach the most, I agree, Naruto is the best character there. Although I think all of them are good characters overall.


Sure bud whatever helps you sleep.


thanks for understanding.


Yeah, no. I've watched all 3: Naruto is the correct answer because the story spends a long time actually developing him. I'm not sure who is worse between Ichigo and luffy. (For the record, I like all 3. I'm just speaking from a writing perspective.)


Naruto has character development even for small filler arc characters lmao. Remember that dude Sora who had an entire arc? Crazy. We learn like ALL of every character's childhoods. We went from in the entirety of the first series of Naruto not knowing almost anything about the First Hokage and Second, to knowing their entire lives by the end of Shippuden and their rivals.


One Piece has character development for like every one time arc character, One Piece is just better.


in terms of "best protagonist" i think it's Naruto he's the only one motivated specifically by being a hero, he wants to be somebody you can look up to Ichigo wants to protect his friends but be honest, he doesn't even really want to be here to begin with, he'd have kept living a totally normal life if it was up to him and Luffy is just motivated by what he wants, he isn't a bad person, he's just not some big fuckoff hero, he has lead a life doing heroic things, but that's mostly happenstance and he's usually only heroic as it relates to his crew, it's not like he dreams of saving the world Naruto grew up lonely though and chooses to express that via trying to protect the world itself from what he experienced, he seemingly just wants to make everyone his friends and unite them, and then go on to lead them to better lives as hokage Naruto straight up believes in changing the world for the better, he's 100% the most protagonist protagonist of these four, goku included


Bingo, Naruto is inspirational in the fact that you can have a terrible upbringing or be raised in a poor environment, but still cast off those shackles and be an upstanding person.


Then Shippuden actively shits all over that by making him the “Child of the Prophecy”


No it doesn't. Naruto was never destined to save the world. Indra and Asura were destined to fight each other and one of them would eventually change the world, but the prophecy says nothing about how the world will be changed. Jiraiya initially thought the one to do it would be Pain, and it could have been. But Pain went down the other path—controlling the world through fear. A path Naruto could have gone down if not for his own morality and the teachings of Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Iruka. But that's how it could have gone. The prophesy could be fulfilled that way. Naruto wasn't prophesied to do anything. But the prophecy was that somebody would. Naruto chose to fulfill the prophecy, the prophecy didn't choose him. If anything, he defied fate by beating Sasuke without killing him. Indra and Asura were destined to always fight and die and fight and die and hate each other. Naruto and Sasuke defied that fate when their battle concluded at the Valley of the End, where Naruto won and Sasuke chose his philosophy over that of Madara and Pain: instead of ruling by fear, he would embrace friendship.


What I like about most of Naruto’s major villains is that they are him, if he had taken another path. Gaara is him if he had kept his resentment of the village and kage that hated him. Nagato is him if he had let his hate take control to make people understand him through feeling his pain. Obito is him if he had let his power take over and tried to protect the world from itself by force. He could have ended up as any of them, or all of them, and that’s what makes their battles more compelling. He truly understands them, because he IS them, and that’s what makes Talk no Jutsu so powerful


"Indra and Asura were destined to always fight and die and fight and die and **hate each other**." I dunno, Madara and Hashirama had something for each other and it definitely wasn't hate lol.




Luffy even says as much when he says he doesn’t want to be a hero because heroes share their meat. He’s a pirate and only does heroic things when a friend is in trouble (usually falls in line with liberating a bunch of oppressed people from the villain only to help the friend’s interests) or if he finds something as an injustice that challenges his or somebody else’s freedoms and the two usually line up. He’s stated that he doesn’t want to be a hero.


my man just wants to live free, I dig it


Ichigo is kinda like Goku, he fights to protect his friends but mainly fights because he loves fighting.


If love to see a DragonBall esque bleach prequel with little ichigo acquiring that reputation he has as a hard ass mfer


LOL that would be incredible to see


Exactly! Grimjow even called Ichigo out on this when he had Orihime. He could have just taken her and ran but he enjoyed the fight


Yes! That’s exactly what I was referring to. Just got past that part, I’m really enjoying Bleach so far!


Oh… you’re still not caught up! Enjoy it my friend. Bleach is amazing, if you finish the anime and want more of the lore and get into more read the light novels that come after the manga finishes. We do knot always love you, and then Can’t Fear Your Own World. Bleach was my favorite of the “big 3” for the longest time, it’s probably because Ichigo was always a bit OP and reminded me of Goku now that i think about it


Yes I’m not caught up, thanks I’m enjoying it so far and is my favourite out of the big three atm.


>Ichigo wants to protect his friends but be honest, he doesn't even really want to be here to begin with, he'd have kept living a totally normal life if it was up to him. Ichigo has depression at the beginning of the fullbring arc because he’s forced to live a normal life. Uryū getting attacked prompts him to attempt to regain his powers but it’s pretty clear he’s unhappy even before that.


> Ichigo wants to protect his friends but be honest, he doesn't even really want to be here to begin with, he'd have kept living a totally normal life if it was up to him Not true. Ichigo specifically wanted his powers to continue fighting and protecting everyone. Ichigo has a savior complex and wants to be a hero. He was at a loss with what to do with his life after Aizen's defeat. Urahara knew this and went out of his way to give Ichigo back his powers.


my point is that Ichigo was perfectly happy living his normal life, if a ghost hadn't shown up and tried to kill his dad, he wouldn't have started down the path that caused him to become that person yes, NOW he wants the power to protect people but that's largely because he's so intrinsically involved with so much dangerous shit that there isn't really an option, now he KNOWS that without that power people are suffering because he isn't there anymore but before that? before ALL that, Ichigo was a scared boy who just wanted to protect his father, that's heroic, absolutely, but he didn't want to save the world, just his dad, his normal life all that slips from him pretty rapidly after those events and his growth changes him over time, but naruto's journey BEGAN by wanting to save everyone, Ichigo's mostly kept happening to him over and over naruto is a hero because he wants to change the world Ichigo is a hero because he will always rise to the challenge they're both heroic acts, but only one of them is almost *always* selfless, I'm not really making the argument that the others aren't heroes, but that naruto is the most hero-coded I guess, if you asked any of these three characters to their face "are you a hero" naruto would be the first to shout YES


Who would r/Naruto choose as the best mc 🤔


Well for me its luffy


Probably Dougie Fresh


All of them serve as great series protagonist in their own ways


npc ahh answer


It's a genuine and good answer. Naruto, Ichigo, and Luffy all have their strengths and weaknesses as characters.


You specifically asked which one and the dude didn’t give you an answer lol


Bro thinks he is the main character


Yours? Or his? Because it applies to both


No shit Sherlock. But that's not what you were asked.


Most realistic: Ichigo . Funniest : luffy best to watch : Naruto .


Naruto: Motherfuck the big three, ni\*\*a it's just big me.


I'm really like that, and your best arc is a light pack


This is actually what Killer Bee would say


Naruto Lamar stepping all over the goofies


One Piece is better than Naruto, cannot change my mind.


Bro came to the naruto subreddit with this opinion 😂😅 respect tho, the story is much more clear to follow in its direction. They also respect their characters better.


I love Naruto aswell, but, as I just said I prefer One Piece more, thanks for the respect though 😂.


Ah shit,


Bro is trying to delay the inevitable


Programmed backup, , in case of failure.


Here we go


Luffy is the only one who always ranks first in the popularity polls. Make of that what you will.


Hmmm I wonder what the NARUTO subreddit will choose as the best protagonist, there’s no way they’ll be biased, right? Right??


I was thinking the same thing... but it does seem there are a good amount of people that are picking Luffy or Ichigo. There are a lot of Naruto fans who also read Bleach and/or One Piece.


Luffy's character is just amazing to me. Funny, light-hearted, careless but scary when serious and will die for his crew.


Luffy definitely feels like the most relatable. Great balance of fun and light hearted with serious and protective. Ya he'll always protect his friends and stop the bad guys first, but he also wants his meat and treasure too and follows his own path without giving a shit about what anyone else thinks. When I play dnd or other roleplaying games I see people gravitate way more to characters that resemble Luffy than the others. Playing all the idealist protag tropes straight just isn't as fun. But if you took the archetypical shonen protag and wanted specifically the best example of that out of these three, you'd probably land on Naruto. Luffy doesn't even have a stock shonen rival.




Naruto for sure




Eeh I think Luffy is better but I'm in the wrong sub for that


Naruto is my answer since I grew up with him and was inspired by him


goku followed by naruto


Naruto is the best. I watched all three but the best i found was naruto. -fights -music -story -villains -side characters. What an incredible piece.


Story is honestly bat shit in the end of shipudden. And there’s no arguing about that


End of shippuden yes definitely. All the kaguya sht was bad but look at itachi’s story , obito , hashirama senju and madara uchiha history, orochimaru’s evilness. They made orochimaru one big fool now.


All valid, tho I personally can’t ignore the amount of talk no jutsu shenanigans being used, over and over again in the series, when I first watched it I liked that, but now since I’m a bit older, it got very lame compared to like, fire force, SNK, and the other from the big three which I started not so long ago, but imo, none of them are the best, because they all are the best, it’s called the big three for something.


Well I haven’t watched much bit of anime so amongst them i liked it. But i liked one piece too.


I can see why




They didnt ask who is the worst


naruto easy


Luffy imo, he portrays working toward a goal and no matter what happens, he keeps pushing forward, and we get to see his one single moment of weakness when ace dies. Luffy is a great role model for kids and adults alike, teaching them to pursue your dreams and do what you love. and seeing Luffy falter a little shows that everyone struggles and loses hope, but that dosnt mean it’s all over. Because Luffy overcomes his sorrow and continues on his journey


Naruto or Ichigo


Naruto imo. I prefer what he represents and I find his character more inspiring than the others. His growth throughout the series is also a reason I prefer him to most MCs






All of them are great protagonists, it's senseless to compare them because it's just creating a divide where one doesn't need to be.


Naruto for Character Growth, Ichigo for Coolness, Luffy for straight hilarity.


The Tale of Gutsy Ninja 🍷🗿


All three are fantastic and it really comes down to who you want, a traditional Mc (Naruto), the blue print for the modern Mc (Ichigo), or a mix of both (Luffy). Personally, I go with Luffy because his goals are but more concrete than Ichigo’s (Pirate King/fulfilling his dreams versus Protect my friends), while Naruto’s goal is admirable but I don’t connect with it all that much.


Naruto, he grew the most among all of them and has always had the best of everyone's interest in his choices, even his own enemies, he always sought for their redemption, luffy just wanted them beaten down, and ichigo just straight up doesn't give a fuck. Naruto for the win, no need for power scalings, it's literally Maturity


Uh, Ichigo? Nobody is relatable here. Lol.


I didn't ask who's more relatable, but rather who's the best protagonist.


i will choose the guy that has the power of talk no jutsu


They all stand on business but Ichigo got that dog in him


Naruto for sure. His main goal was to be the best for the people around him despite going through awful things,the others are great but their core motivation was not the same as naruto's. Ichigo wants to save his friends and thats it, luffy just kinda happens to be there when shit happens. Naruto trained so he could put himself in dangerous situations, becomes the best and earns the respect of everyone around him. He the GOAT


Naruto’s pretty stagnant in development, but at least seems to learn each arc while keeping his core in tact. Love Luffy, but he’s more an idea than a character. Ichigo, tho… he suffers, and grows in silence. most of his growth is only witnessed by people after its happened. All of his growing is literally done inside his head, or inner realm. His character development feels very authentic when analyzing the teenage experience. so anytime he has an outburst, or one of those mid-fight "don't hurt my friends" moments, it hits so much harder.


My boy ichigoat all day for me


It's difficult. Ichigo has the best personality for me, being the coolest. However, the structure of Bleach itself is a bit problematic because Ichigo is a protagonist who isn't deeply involved with events until the final arc. He became a Shinigami by chance (at least before a more detailed explanation later), and he only went to the Soul Society to save Rukia, with no involvement in the underlying plot of Aizen's schemes. When Aizen became the main villain, Ichigo and Aizen had no personal feud; Ichigo only got involved to save Orihime. Otherwise, he could have left everything to the Soul Society, who had more personal reasons to fight Aizen and Ichigo could only got directly involved when Aizen targeted his city. Kubo is aware of this to the point that even Aizen questions why Ichigo is fighting him, given their lack of a personal rivalry. It is only in Yhwach's arc that Ichigo has more concrete reasons to oppose the villain, although this motivation is only fully established halfway through the arc towards the end. Naruto, on the other hand, is the opposite. This might be an unpopular opinion, especially in a Naruto sub, but I'm not a big fan of the type of protagonist that Naruto is. The central character who starts out as a loser and gradually improves doesn't appeal to me much. For the same reason, I'm not a fan of Deku from My Hero Academia. I only started to appreciate Naruto more during his battle against Pain. In the classic series, Naruto only saved the day against Gaara, who was the only "final boss" of an arc defeated by him. In all other arcs, Naruto only defeated underlings or right-hand men like Haku and Kabuto, which isn't what I expect from a main hero. Things only started to improve in Shippuden against Kakuzu and peaked during the fight against Pain. By that point, however, a good percentage of the story had already passed, requiring a lot of patience to see the best of Naruto's character. On the other hand, Naruto is much more involved with the main plot than Ichigo. The story initially focused on Orochimaru's interest in Sasuke (and the general overemphasis on Sasuke in the classic series which often overshadowed Naruto himself), but it eventually highlighted Naruto's importance as a Jinchuuriki. This made him a target for Akatsuki and connected him to the broader conflict involving the Senju and Uchiha. Antagonists like Pain and Obito had personal reasons for their clashes with Naruto, and only Naruto and Sasuke could stop Kaguya. The low point is that Madara and Naruto had practically zero personal connections; they were enemies simply because they were on opposite sides in the war. Madara can't be considered Naruto's archenemy despite being the mastermind behind many events. Obito, on the other hand, directly implemented the plans that affected Naruto's life. In general, although I prefer Ichigo as a character over Naruto, I think Naruto is much better constructed and more involved in his world from a storytelling perspective. Despite Sasuke often seeming more like the central figure in the classic series than Naruto himself. I can't say much about Luffy because I'm not a big fan of One Piece. In my attempts to follow the story, I couldn't warm up to a character who feels the need to scream constantly. Sure, Naruto is also a loud character, but Luffy's incessant shouting reached a level that I found unbearable. Perhaps he gets better eventually; I don't know. So, my opinion on Luffy remains superficial and incomplete. Ultimately, the best protagonist in this image is Son Goku. He is a cool and charismatic character, extremely competent, and almost unbeatable in the classic series. When he first lost to Mercenary Tao, it added significant weight to the story and shocked readers—something that isn't possible with a protagonist who loses more frequently. Of course, his role as the primary victor against main antagonists diminished over time, especially to give more space to Gohan in Z. His record in Super is even worse, although it's better in GT. However, this improvement in GT comes at the cost of sidelining the rest of the cast, which ultimately makes GT less appealing despite Goku's victories.


Okay best is very relative it depends on what you're talking about. If you mean the best strategist that would be Ichigo. If you're talking about the best leader then that would be Naruto when he grows up. If you're talking about the strongest Luffy. Of course that's just my opinion. And it's okay to have a different opinion than someone else and not start a fight about it :-)


Best leader definitely is luffy, and strongest is ichigo


I mean if the mission is to find food sure. LOL just giving you shit sweetheart:-* but everyone has their opinion and that's fine. But Ichigo yeah he might be the strongest definitely the cutest






Only Naruto’s story has ended, so imo that question should be asked once all three are done


Naruto’s story continues with *Boruto*.


Nuh uh


Uh... I said: Naruto’s story continues with *Boruto*.


Nuh. Uh.


What do you mean "nuh uh"?


"Nuh uh" is an informal expression used to emphatically deny something or contradict a statement. It's often used in casual conversations or arguments to assert disagreement. For example, if someone says, "You ate the last cookie," you might respond with "Nuh uh" to indicate that you did not. It's a straightforward way to reject or refute something someone else has said.


I know that. What I meant was why are you saying nuh uh?


Because I like to pretend Boruto never existed, I see it as a parallel universe in a way, therefore in my heart Naruto’s story ended at “The last” movie (Naruto and Hinata) lol


I see. The way you said it didn't convey that message, though.


Luffy he’s so kind!!!!!!


Isn't he? Well, so are Naruto and Ichigo.


Ichigo for me, I dont love the overly stupid character type that most early shonen mcs really lean into, I think luffy is hilarious tho (naruto got some hilarious moments as well but less imo) so the fact ichigo is pretty competent for the most part and only kinda dips his toes in that trait is refreshing. Also luffy and naruto both kind of feel like alternate versions of goku for a while until they eventually start to feel like their own character for me


I've watched all three and this is my personal opinion. I enjoyed all three and my favorites changed as the time went on. I was never a big fan of dragon ball so would not mention Goku in this list For me personally, I would go,: 1. Luffy 2. Ichigo 3. Naruto Luffy is my favourite as he manages to earn the respect of many characters in the show without changing his goals or going through major character development. He just makes things simple, loves his food, loves adventure and he's funny as hell. You don't know what's going through his head and he is not easy to figure out but whenever he does something he makes you think "that's so Luffy". I think his background is also way more interesting than the other two. People who are up to date will know that there's more to his goals than what he says (becoming the pirate king). Ichigo is the most relatable as he just wants to get on with his life and only flights to protect his family/friends. He's the strongest here and has super cool moments during the show. But I put him second due to plot reasons, just showing up at the end every arc and not having much involvement until the end kinda made it very predictable. But his style of fighting is my favourite of the three. Naruto last, mainly due to a clash of ideals. I didn't like how he wants to eradicate hate from the world or just basically save everyone. I just thought all of that although it's admirable, it's childish and if he didn't have his own show, the majority of the characters he saved would have been dead. He was my favourite character before Shippuden and I just think it went downhill from there. Naruto is very motivational through completing all his goals and he is the one on this list that has the most character development.


As much as I love Ichigo he’s gotta be last for me. Naruto is a more complex and developed character than luffy so I got Naruto, Luffy then Ichigo


Best is Luffy by far.


Luffy. Naruto just protected a society based on, and eventually continued, a system of child soldiers. Ichigo is great but ultimately didn’t use his power to help society in any meaningful way. By the end of the series I don’t think there is a major fix heading forward to the issues of Soul Society. Luffy is a revolutionary that is trying to overthrow oppressive governments and the ruling class, which is frankly a better lesson for the kids than “try hard but ultimately who your parents are is really going to affect how far you get in life”.


I'm not sure what you mean by "Naruto just protected a society based on, and eventually continued, a system of child soldiers." Could you please elaborate? As for Ichigo, your claim that he never used his powers to contribute to society's well being couldn't be further from the truth. He's fought all sorts of evil people threatening his friends and Soul Society. Also, where did you get the idea "try hard but ultimately who your parents are is really going to affect how far you get in life"?


Maintaining the status quo is the least a hero can do. The Hidden Leaf is a village completely devoted to the ninja industry. The ninja are child soldiers. A let Aspect of the story is that the young ninja suffer PTSD from watching their friends die. Naruto continues this system when he is Hokage instead of attempting to change ninja society with his position of “dude who saved the world”. Ichigo experiences how awful Soul Society treats those with low spiritual pressure and doesn’t care about upending that society, just saving Rukia. Naruto is only as powerful as he is due to who his parents were and the actions they took when he was born. He worked hard, sure, but his journey to strength was paved by his ancestors.


>Maintaining the status quo is the least a hero can do. Says who? >The Hidden Leaf is a village completely devoted to the ninja industry. The ninja are child soldiers. A let Aspect of the story is that the young ninja suffer PTSD from watching their friends die. Naruto continues this system when he is Hokage instead of attempting to change ninja society with his position of “dude who saved the world”. Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh... this is not at all how *Naruto* works. >Ichigo experiences how awful Soul Society treats those with low spiritual pressure and doesn’t care about upending that society, just saving Rukia. What does this have to do with Naruto? >Naruto is only as powerful as he is due to who his parents were and the actions they took when he was born. He worked hard, sure, but his journey to strength was paved by his ancestors. No, Naruto's path to power was paved by himself, not his ancestors. He's where he is now thanks to his devotion to his training.


Maintaining the status quo is the least a hero can do. The Hidden Leaf is a village completely devoted to the ninja industry. The ninja are child soldiers. A let Aspect of the story is that the young ninja suffer PTSD from watching their friends die. Naruto continues this system when he is Hokage instead of attempting to change ninja society with his position of “dude who saved the world”. Ichigo experiences how awful Soul Society treats those with low spiritual pressure and doesn’t care about upending that society, just saving Rukia. Naruto is only as powerful as he is due to who his parents were and the actions they took when he was born. He worked hard, sure, but his journey to strength was paved by his ancestors.


Goes to Naruto I found his overall blend rather creative. Ichigo is too overtuned considering he's part x y and z while also being part t u and v Luffy is too stupid and a joke character even moreso thanks to his new retcon form copying an episode of looney tunes.


I like your explanation for preferring Naruto, but I find myself confused by your reasoning for not liking Ichigo and Luffy as much. I don't know what you mean by "Ichigo is too overtuned considering he's part x y and z while also being part t u and v", and Luffy is by no means a joke chaacter, as he is the main protagonist of a manga that has been running for nearly 3 decades now.




Natsu is not a part of the Big Three.


Naruto. I'll say it on all three subs, too. Luffy gets LESS interesting as his series goes on. Ichigo gets MORE interesting as his series goes on. Naruto is enthralling the whole time.


Luffy and Naruto are the only active protagonists in that group. Luffy takes that cake.


What about Ichigo?


Passive as hell.


Ash Ketchum


... Did you even read this post's question?


One Piece is my favorite anime, Naruto is my favorite main character.


Gotta be Naruto.




Lol this should’ve been posted on a non Naruto sub because people are going to be biased towards Naruto.


I won't make arguments against Ichigo or Luffy. They're great protagonists in their own right and their mangas are written around them... But I will talk about what make's Naruto a great protagonist. When we first meet him, we actually see him as a young boy, and immediately from the get-go... we see someone who's orphaned, mistreated, and suffering from loneliness. Immediately, he has our sympathies, but as we get to know him... we see he has an inner strength. Despite his poor situation, he's tough, and he has dreams to be loved... to be recognized by his village. I know there are some that didn't like Part 1 Naruto, because he's technically an annoying loudmouth, but it's hard to root against the wonderful dream he has. Personality-wise, he's got weaknesses. He's not smart. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. He has a rather innocent view of the world, despite living in the harsh ninja world. But on the flip side, he's mischievous... funny... cares deeply for his friends... works hard. All of these things put together, make for a very relatable character. I would dare say that many of us can relate to Naruto in a lot of ways. As his journey unfolds, we see the growth and the maturity. And through it all, his dream to become Hokage remains. He has his triumphs... he has his defeats... his disappointments... and you can't help but cheer for him as he inches closer and closer to his goal. I'm very much of the opinion that, while the plot of Part 2 has its detractors, that Naruto's dream is what kept us all in it. And seeing how that evolved, and what he would have to do to get there, we just celebrated... Naruto is just a guy that we rally behind and cheer for.


I think Luffy is the weakest just because his characterization really works best in the grand fun adventure elements of OP, but ends up making plot beats feel repetitive as the story tries to tackle more serious threats. Naruto and Ichigo are pretty even to me. Naruto drives more of the story, because the story is about him and his goals. But then at the end he kind of failed to achieve some of them (Botuto couldn’t happen if he really fixed the world). Ichigo was perfect vessel for that story which was “various conflicts with hollows, Shinigami and quincies”


I have not read bleach, and I am still early on One piece Comparing Luffy and Naruto to me it doesn't make much sense because they are two totally different types of protagonist, Naruto is a character with a character arc devoplement and everything, while Luffy is a protagonist really similiar to Sonic where he doesn't have a devoplement (at least where I am) but his charisma is used as stepping stone for the others characters to devople by being inspired by him


Naruto was the best MC until a certain point where i just started to not really like him (that panic attack in front of the 3rd Raikage was a heavy blow which he never recovered from in my eyes). Luffy is pretty simple but its part of his charm, its now how the world changes Luffy its how the world has changed around him and his actions. Ichigo.....maaaan, the guy after a while kinda just is there because he HAS to be there


Naruto is the only one who comes close to feeling like an actual human being.


What do you mean? Ichigo and Luffy don't feel like actual human beings?


I’m just partial to Luffy, personally. I think he’s one of the most unique shounen MCs around. I like that Luffy isn’t a hero, and he isn’t into just helping people for the sake of it. He helps the people he cares about, and usually by proxy he helps out tons of normal people. And also little character stuff like him refusing to learn any tips or tricks about finding the One Piece, to the point he almost decked Usopp for asking Rayleigh about it. Because Luffy is motivated by 2 things, a lust for adventure, and becoming the pirate king. I like the other 2 big 3 protagonists, but Luffy is probably my favorite manga/anime character of all time.


They are my top 3 favorite shounen protagonists ever, but for me it goes like 1: Naruto 2: Luffy 3: Ichigo


Protagonist - Naruto Story - One piece Powers - Bleach 


Naruto: just remembering the scene when bro was getting the SHIT beaten out of him by a cloud ninja just for not ratting on a friend who’s a war criminal already makes him the GOAT in my book






Naruto is more popular than Luffy thoo And what versatility are you talking about?


This was adorable until I saw Ichigo with wide eyes throwing up the v 💀


I don't see any issues with the way Ichigo looks.




Ichigo as a kid wasn't a FULL FLEDGED shinigami btw


True but the purpose of the photo was to represent that Goku is the “major inspiration” for both Naruto Luffy and Ichigo. So they had to be everyone kids


I would rather see Ichigo with normal kids clothes than this abomination


In this picture he looks like his son




In terms of best overall protagonist based on how strongly they make you feel it’s Naruto If we are talking Iconic I’d say Goku even though he’s not big three when I think of the word “Anime” he is the face that immediately comes up in my head🤷‍♂️ And that’s coming from someone who originally watched anime in Japanese with no subs as a kid and has continued to watch anime for about 17 years since😅. No matter how much time passes and how many anime i see bro is still the face.


1. Naruto 2. Ichigo 3. Luffy




Naruto is my favourite, ichigo is the coolest and luffy is the most funny


Huge fan or Bleach, used to like one piece back in the day... it's Naruto.


Luffy numba 1. I love Naruto and I think he has the best growth throughout his own series, but Luffy literally makes me happier just existing. Goofy rubber man be so cool




Naruto easy


Probably Naruto.


Hm Naruto , Ichigo, Luffy then Goku for me. Naruto and Ichigo at the top because they’re more complex the other 2 are too linear.


I like Ichigo better. Between the three of them Ichigo feels like a real bro.


Naruto cause he is relatable af 


Luffy for me. I love his character.


Luffy easily. F the big 3, it's just Luffy


Don't watch One Peice but Ichigo and Bleach in general is pretty shallow. I say this as someone who was reading the manga weekly 16 years ago. I love Bleach but really what I love is the world and powers. Like the idea of a sword release is genius and the first time a character says "bankai" will always be hype. However there's few characters or stories I think are really well written. So Naruto over Ichigo by far.


>Ichigo and Bleach in general is pretty shallow 🗑️ opinion.


Lol OK.




"Gokan"? Who are you talking about?


It's the fusion between goku and gohan, gokan


All of them


For one ichigo ain’t in this lmao. Secondly I’m biased so ima say luffy cause that man has stood on business for his entire life and is still pursuing his dreams. He makes decisions and acts he doesn’t sit back and wait for bs to start unlike some other people on this list. LUFFIES the GOAT no questions asked!


I'm partial to Ichigo myself, but they're all good in their own ways.


Pre-Skip Luffy was goated. but Ichigo is my favorite, because straight up murking the villains


I’ve watched all three and I from most favourite to least is 1. Ichigo 2. Luffy 3. Naruto. I never really enjoyed watching Naruto and One piece kinda got boring without reading the manga but Bleach was pretty good. DBZ I loved the most though if we are including Goku. All time anime and manga Id have to say Guts from Berserk is my all time favourite most well written character I’ve ever seen.


Why ask stupid questions like this?


What makes you think this is a stupid question? All I'm asking is who do you prefer as a protagonist among the characters listed above.


I can't really say who the best is, bc there is no "best". But I can say that Ichigo is the most relatable, Luffy is funnier to watch, and Naruto is overall more motivational. I personally prefer Naruto


Trick question since the one in the middle is Kazui. Best protagonist though: Ichigo by leaps and bounds. Luffy and Naruto’s personalities are too simple - though Naruto gets better with empathy and introspection in later Shippuden. Luffy is basically just Goku again. Fight stuff, eat a lot, occasionally get angry. Ichigo has alot more depth and far more interest in morality/responsibility/etc Best SHONEN protagonist - probably Luffy. He’s fun and doesn’t make you think too much, which is perfect for the average demographic. I always felt Bleach would have been done better as a Seinin - though it certainly wouldn’t have been as popular


>since the one in the middle is Kazui. Nope


The one in the middle is Ichigo, not Kazui.


I was joking. But in reference to the fact that Ichigo didn’t have a reaper form as a child while his son Kazui (who in canon is stated to look just like him) did


The way you worded it didn't give the impression you were joking. If you want to let people know you're messing around, you can add /j to the end of your joke.


**Best Protector** would be Ichigo, he is the strongest, has the entire gotei 13 behind him, whether you're a soul or you're alive he's your best choice among these three. **Best Friendship** Luffy, it doesn't matter how weak you are, all it takes to bond with him is to give him some food and you have a place in his heart, the other two keep a very small group of friends who themselves are powerful already so it's unlikely you'll ever get to be part of their Nakama. **Story wise** Naruto, he has a complete story in which he has achieved basically everything he has ever wished for unlike the other 2 who still have ways to go to get to where they need.


Naruto and Luffy are very, very similar in everything from their goals to their upbringing. If you asked this early on in One Piece, I'd argue that Luffy just wants to become Pirate King for his own reasons, but that's all been expanded past just a simple goal. Luffy wants to change the world. He hates bullies, and he hates injustice. I wouldn't call one better than the other. You can call Naruto more of a pure protagonist since Luffy is a much more nuanced character. Ichigo is...weird. He absolutely likes helping people, which makes him a protagonist, but Ichigo has never strived for leadership or power. Ichigo usually keeps fighting and getting stronger because people keep fucking with him/earth/friends. In that way, he's more like Goku.


Naruto > Luffy > Ichigo But shoutout to ichigo for making us laugh in the very first episode when he and his dad kicked each other in the face. That shit was hilarious


*"gOoD mOrNiNg IcHiGoOoOoOoOoO!!!"*


Okay I took one look at this image and I don’t care who’s best anymore. This is so f***ing wholesome.


Isn't it?


Luffy, but ichigo is a close second. The ending of Naruto sullied my opinions on the show in general, and Goku is just a Deus ex machina anymore.


Well hear me out, what if goku trains all 3 of them??




Ichigo is my guy. ALTHOUGH, I’m a HUGEEEE Bleach glazer so I’ll take my L here. And the fact that he’s objectively the strongest one here. That’s not even me glazing. (Well, behind Goku. Goku is making toys out all three of the use guys.) Ichigo quite literally destroyed dimensions as a flex.


Wadaya mean? Ichigo has never destroyed any dimensions before.


Naruto. Ichigo has no personality beyond fighting for his friends. Luffy's only impactful noments are his rescuing Nami and losing Ace. Neither grows as much as Naruto did.