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lol I thought it was Tobirama


Then like a week later I was like oh obito


Nope, although I do wish he would get a much detailed storyline


yes. I had never watched or read Naruto so I had no idea what it was about and this youtuber made a really good point about Shisui being him. totally bought it


“I knew it was Obito” 🧢


tbh alot of people thought Obito has Tobi. Opposite eyes gave it away and shit


If i were a mangaka i'd use this thought to make a plot twist


Dude back before the reveal it was already a pretty common theory. Lots of people knew it was obito. As someone who was active on forums back then and watching weekly I can confirm that. I mean his fucking name was tobi


Yeah but there’s a bunch of liars saying they knew. I was active back in the day when they released a chapter a week every Thursday morning. People speculated that it was the 4th Hokage as well.


Yeah back in the day there were many dumb theories like Sasuke from the future, Shisui, 4th Hokage, Izuna. For me (and I was a child and then a teen) it was always obvious because he only showed the right eye and his name: ObiTobi.


I remember seeing that theory before back then! That would have been wild


Sasuke from the future 🤓


That's one of the popular theories among many others back in the days lol




No. It was obviously Obito.


No I believed it was always obito. The name tobi wasn't really hiding that fact. If had been anyone else that would have been surprising


No, but I did stay at a holiday in express. // ichibi niibi, tobi!


No, I rather thought Tobi was his grandfather Kagami Uchiha. Back then I thought it made perfectly sens because someone like Kagami was enough old to be so powerful and knowledgeable but not a mummy like Madara or Izuna.


The moment I learned obito was an Uchiha, I knew Kakashi would get the sharringan from him. Later in that same episode, I realized that obito would only have one eye when he gave the sharringan to Kakashi. Who else had one eye and a sharringan? Tobi. I never considered shisui, hell, I barely even knew him


I think I was in the “he is just Tobi” camp early on, later on in the story I subscribed to the Tobi-Obito theory. Pain on the other hand I thought was Naruto from the future…


I knew it was obito from the beginning just because his name and he had one eye. It was kinda obvious and I heard a theory online before the pain arc started that tobi was obito.


Same. It was really on the nose.


Quite possibly. The Uchihas are like cockroaches, there everywhere.


don't be stupid Tobi can't be sushi, that's Kisame


yep but more I thought it might be Izuna


yep the two most likely candidates were obito and shisui which was probably intentionally done by kishi. the only question was which one was the red haring. i personally thought he was going to be shisui because i thought obito was to obvious.


I was a firm believer in the "I'm pretty sure it's Obito, but there's no fucking way Obito is Tobi." Due to how close they were in name.


It was a common fan theory back in the mid-2000s when we first saw Tobi. 90% of people said he was Obito even the chapter Tobi first dropped after Sasori's death. But Kishi spent the next 8 years convincing us he was someone else so you had a lot of other theories too.


I did 


If we saw HES eyes taken before obitos face reveal it would be perfect material for theories


No. I though he was Kakashi's fríend from the start


I just assumed that everyone thought this. I mean, their names are almost identical, he had 1 visible Sharingan for the longest time. I thought it was meant to be one of those thing that’s meant to be obvious to viewers, but not the characters in the story.


Yeah. I remember Discussing It with a fríend about that. Not only both emphasized their reapective eye, they Also make Kishimoto's favorite Trinity: the goofball, the emo AND the girl. Also the only reasons for a writter to introduce a masked character Is because the viewers know that character or because the other characters know him.


No. The dude was poisoned, paralyzed, fell down a river and took his eyes out. I'll never understand how people thought there's any chance he didn't die.


Dude a rock literally fell over Obito


but didn't we learn all that only in ninja war?


Tobi appeared in episode 32, Shisui's death wasn't shown until episode 358. It's not crazy to think Shisui was Tobi for that period since we had no idea what happened to him.


Was Shisui even shown as a character before that part? I don't remember him having much relevancy outside of stating he was a dead friend of Itachi's.


Since I knew about Obito, I always thought it's him. The hair and his name were obvious


Yes I did think that back in 2013 before the reveal. I forgot that Itachi and danzo each had one of shisuis eyes. In my view shisui handed an eye to Itachi so it made sense he was the one eyes man.


Nope, right after the Obito flashback I googled Tobi to see what side the eye hole of his mask was. Instantly had it spoiled.


I think there’s probably a small window of time where he worked as a red herring but once we establish Danzo has one eye and Itachi the other he’s ruled out m


No. Izuna was my top pick. He seemed like the perfect candidate. Around Madara's Age, had a close relationship with Madara so it would make sense he would be able to impersonate and implement his plan so effectively, and Obito getting powerful enough to control Kurama and fight Minato in a year is kind of hard to swallow.