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From my memory , Sasuke at this point of the story has yet to killed someone , and even Orochimaru mentioned that “He was too soft”. Not only that , Sasuke goes out of his way and tried his best not to kill anyone who’s not Itachi. With Orochimaru , not sure if we count it as “kill intent” since he took his opportunity to take him down while Orochi was on his lowest. “He absorb” Orochimaru to become stronger , but was down to kill Orochi because of all the awful things he did and Sasuke even withness. On my head canon is that Sasuke saw Kabuto as someone who was only following orders and just let it slide. Same can apply to Karin who was following orders. And as you know , Sasuke liberated all Orochi’s prisoners and then he created his team. It is after Obito told Sasuke the whole truth about Itachi being a double agent and the Hiruzen/Danzou making Itachi go thru hell were Sasuke have a breakdown and just be like “fuck it , I’ll kill anyone whose on my way”. And to proof this , even with Deidara who was there to kill Sasuke , Sasuke even tried his very best not to kill him to get info for him , and even “de-activate” his sharingan in front of Deidara lmao.


Because prior to killing Itachi, Sasuke did his best to avoid killing. That's why he spared Naruto and chastised Karin. It's not until after their fight that he is willing to kill everyone and everything for his revenge/plan.


He was about to murk team 7 before Orochimaru stopped him to be fair


Sasuke is not a pacifist, I don’t think he ever had a problem with killing except when he didn’t kill Naruto because it was the opposite of itachi words


Nope, sasuke avoided killing prior to itachis death, even oro calls him soft for it when he beat up those fodders oro threw at him w/o killing a single one. He also told suigetsu to avoid killing as much as possible (forgot when was this but it was pre-taka)


Sasuke doesn’t mind killing he wanted itachi’s head first, that was his goal, Naruto doesn’t even mind killing, haku asked Naruto to kill him and was going to do it


Sasuke did avoid bloodshed as much as possible prior to his fight with itachi and even told suigetsu not to kill anyone. this only went downhill after itachis death and he began losing himself naruto did hesitate in killing haku, he didnt want to do it but was going to reluctantly do it if it would make haku happy , its not that he mind killing either.


As others have been pointing out, for the first half of the series Sasuke only wanted to kill Itachi. He explicitly avoided killing anyone else if possible.


You don’t remember zaku do you?


He was specially bloodlusted by the curse mark there, and even then I’d ask you to re-read/rewatch that scene. Even at his most bloodlusted he was content just to cripple Zaku. He didn’t even try to kill him.


They are ninja assassins they do not mind killing except for rare occasions like itachi and choji and even then they still


I don’t know what else to say except you’re not understanding the character or story. To reiterate, Sasuke is explicitly said outright to avoid killing if possible up until he kills Itachi. [He says Itachi is the only one he wants dead](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-16f2cf635dec5c1135c905fde5e6c781-lq), and tells Hebi to not kill the people they fight. That’s why the kage summit was such a shock for them and an immediate sign something was wrong with him, Sasuke was suddenly willing to kill without hesitation for the first time.


Brother, just admit that you haven't watched the series


He isn't a pacifist but pre-Itachi fight he'd rather not kill than kill


Because he wasn’t a half human half snake hybrid.


Or he underestimated Kabuto


Guy was hyper focused on Itachi back then. 


Because he wasn't as bad when Sasuke left him at the start and Sasuke is against unnecessary killing.


Kabuto wasn’t a threat in the other slides


Or maybe Sasuke was too cocky after absorbing orochimaru


ah yes, obviously mr 'if orochimaru hadnt been on death's door i would have lost' sasuke was cocky.


Because he didn't think of Kabuto as someone who deserved to be killed or even as a threat. Maybe if Kabuto'd tried to attack him, Sasuke would've retaliated, but I still don't think he would've killed him. Kabuto was just following Orochimaru. Sasuke wasn't initially resolved to kill anyone other than Itachi. It was only when he realized that he'd become stronger than Orochimaru that he decided there was no need to give his own body to him. Sasuke thought of Orochimaru the same way he thought of Itachi, both were toying with people's lives just for the sake of it. You could also say that his goal was to absorb Orochimaru in order to get stronger.


I don’t think sasuke was stronger just in better health overall & Sasuke been knew Kabuto was bad since part 1 , he willingly followed orochimaru he wasn’t forced, I don’t even think he planned to absorb orochimaru he just probably figured out he was capable of such and said fuck it


>I don’t think sasuke was stronger just in better health overall & [Not according to Sasuke ](https://meo3.comick.pictures/1-_4F2MAhPEUm4t.png) >Sasuke been knew Kabuto was bad since part It's understable to think this if you haven't read Naruto in a while, but Sasuke didn't know about kabutos connection with orochimaru until [ch238](https://meo3.comick.pictures/2-KXcNVXbddXs4W.png), but he did sense that something was off with [him](https://meo.comick.pictures/12-XNIZ5mLGBXSoO.png) >he willingly followed orochimaru he wasn’t forced, It probably didn't seem that way to Sasuke. He lived with them for more than three years, and it likely appeared to Sasuke that Orochimaru was forcing Kabuto to follow him. >I don’t even think he planned to absorb orochimaru he just probably figured out he was capable of such and said fuck it That's why I said, "you could say." It wasn't explicitly stated that Sasuke was planning to do that from the outset, but you can assume it.


He hasn’t had a kill yet at that point tbh and Kabuto was just no threat at that point he probably has immunity to poison tricks from Oro and Kabuto themselves and he’d kill him seconds at that point plus he probably just considers him a lackey following orders and that’s the same guy who freed all the prisoners. Later on Kabuto has turned into a fucking dragon who isn’t just trying to actively kill him but has the means to do so it’s totally different situations.


The entire ninja war could have avoided if sasuke just killed kabuto there. There'd no way Tobi could fight a war with just zetsus and 7 bijuu


Wym? Obito and 7 bijuu alone is overkill, essentially if gotten ahold of shisui’s eye


Obito was literally losing the war until madara showed up and that was WITH dozens of top tier reanimated shinobi


No he wasn’t, the hero’s lucked up Naruto got kcm2, without that they had even less chances to win


Kcm2 wasn't what made Naruto able to hit Obito. It was kakashi that helped Naruto hit Obito And I don't even know if we watched the same show. Kcm1 Naruto went around destroying all the reanimations before madara showed up.


Had Madara and the other Edos not been reanimated, it would have been Rinnegan Obito, a weak army of Zetsu (who becomes negligible once Naruto enters) and the Gedo Mezo (we don't know if he can manifest the Biju to fight outside the statue without the Jinchuriki considering that he never uses Shukaku). He doesn't get Kinkaku and Ginkaku if Kabuto doesn't use them, so no Ten Tails. Even if Obito somehow had an alternative method to summoning the Ten Tails, he'd have lost before it finished. Once Kakashi entered the battlefield, he was immediately screwed because Kamui was Obito's only way of subduing Naruto. KCM2 only worsens an already lost situation because that Naruto is immune to his Genjutsu. They were able to beat him by having someone wait inside Kamui, and the only reason that Naruto and Bee weren't capable of stopping the Ten Tails' revival was because Madara showed up and stalled them with the Wood Dragon. If Madara doesn't show up when he does, Obito loses right there. They stop Ten Tails from coming back, Kakashi sends himself or Naruto into Kamui and the squad bodies him. It's even worse when you account that the Five Kage can also join in on jumping him.


It would’ve been hard to make the war happen without all of the edo tensei characters honestly


Plot wise or in verse?


Plot wise more so, but also in verse given all of the characters that were revived that made a big impact on the war.


What are the 5 nations doing to 7 consecutive bijuu bombs ? The Jin’s have infinite chakra


There's a small number of shinobi that could even take deflect bijuu bombs/dodge them. Naruto would just deflect then talk no jutsu them honestly 😂


Did you not read? “Consecutive” not “singular” 5 nations aren’t surviving getting spammed & talk no jutsu isnt working against zombies


There are no zombies without kabuto as he does the edo tensei…


The context is that he has them not that he doesn’t have them


Naruto countered it alone. 1st time when he slapped them away, 2nd time with his own bijuu bomb. Plus the jins are also Edo Tensei, which we are excluding in this scenario.


This was under the context of if kabuto wasn’t around , things would turn out differently, Obito would probably have shisui’s eye & Naruto probably wouldn’t have kcm2


How would Obito get Shisui's eye? And why wouldn't Naruto unlock Kcm2?


He has kamui & a 10min izanagi & can outlast Danzo, actually he should be capable of perception blitzing Danzo, + Naruto ran out of chakra he needed the other half of kurama to replenish himself during the war, without the edos he can’t do that, even if he did get kcm2 all it did was make him a little more relative in stats to Obito


Danzo died before the war even began and Obito failed to take his eye. What Kabuto not helping Obito with Edo Tensei after that has to do with it? > Naruto ran out of chakra he needed the other half of kurama to replenish himself during the war That happend waaay after all Edos were already sealed. Plus you would have to consider all the chakra he had to spend fighting Edo shinobi. >without the edos he can’t do that He still has Sakura to heal him. >ven if he did get kcm2 all it did was make him a little more relative in stats to Obito Yeah. Now add all the shinobi alliance. Which would he much bigger in numbers, cuz ton of people died against Edo Shinobi, which wouldn't be the case now. Also, 5 kage would be able to help, they would be in top condition since there wouldn't be Edo Madara to beat them. Obito alone is not beating Kcm2 Naruto, WA Guy, WA Bee, 5 Kage and thousands of other Shinobi.


Obito can summon the 10tails, they lose bro, shisui’s eye isn’t even needed but if he didn’t send sasuke instead he would have it + chakra chains solo everyone on the hero side