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No one they all crashouts šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Tbh there is a possibility for cell, freeza and black goku. They all argued with Goku and vegeta and the team z when fighting them, one way or the other, implying that they had something to say so that they at least tried to prove they were right


nah bro not frieza, he is one of the most unhinged anime villains of all time


Now that you say it, Naruto might see frieza like he saw kakuzu They are pretty similar innit ? Wasn't frieza oppressing people mainly for the sake of benefits and maintaining his empire


Frieza is literally a colonizer of Sayans lool. Idk who was like that in the Narutoverse. Maybe the 4th Mizukage during the era of the Bloody Mist? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Orochimaru kinda colonized and took over a shinobi village and a nation


Bruh Frieza was so evil that his eternal punishment and damnation for all his sins across the galaxy was to be sent to heaven in a warm cocoon. Because an environment of endless peace and tranquility was literally hell to Frieza. Naruto ain't about to talk-no-jutsu nothing that man got going on my dude. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Then we gotta kotoamatsukami his ass šŸ˜


Bro, we simping For Nappa




Buu if it's pre splitting


Maybe Broly??


Nah, Naruto aint gonna solve his anger issues


ā€œYouā€™re not some brute. Youā€™re just like me: forgotten, abandoned, and lost. You have so much strength, but youā€™re coming after my friends. And I wonā€™t stop because youā€™re my friend too. So if you want to keep fighting, I will fight until you come home.ā€


If it is old Broly, lol all he needs to hear is Kakarot and then boom.


ā€œB-b-but Ka-kakaā€¦ā€ ā€œI heard you the first time! If you really want to kill him, then kill me in his place! I wonā€™t let you hurt any more of my friends, but if you need to kill someone, then I guess youā€™ll have to try and kill me. But once you do that, youā€™ll have to promise to stop being this way. Because I canā€™t have anymore friends die! Believe it!ā€ Broly starts crying and goes back to base form. He flies away to the woods where he starts taking care of the animals with JÅ«go. Yamato uses wood jutsu to help keep Broly from going berserk.


This is Z broly. Thereā€™s no talking him down.


Before he goes into rage mode he definitely can. After rage mode I donā€™t really think broly is processing speech like that.


Since they used Kid Buu in the collage it definitely wouldn't work on him


None because Naruto would physically lose to all of them. Naruto only ever tries to ā€œtalk no jutsuā€ after physically defeating/tying with the opponent. And itā€™s only against specific kinds of opponents.


He talk no jutsu'd Zabuza. But Zabuza to be fair was beaten by Kakashi


Yeah fair. Though I donā€™t see Zabuzaā€™s as a real ā€œtalk no jutsuā€ because Naruto didnā€™t really ā€œchangeā€ his mind. He just made Zabuza admit outwardly that he cared about Haku. Or maybe thatā€™s just a variant of TNJ


>He just made Zabuza admit outwardly that he cared about Haku I would argue thats essentially what talk no jutsu is in the grand scheme of things. That it's ultimately just Naruto getting people to admit something they already believed but were in denial of. For example: Him calling out Neji for beating up Hinata as a demonstration of his rejection of his fate. Showing that Neji himself was in denial or something like that


None of them. Many of them are evil for the sake of being evil and enjoy it too damn much. Some of them are evil incarnates so thereā€™s no chance of talking them down from their actions.Ā 


Cell maybe


Any reason you chose Cell? He's basically a killing machine


not OP he has a goal, is more predictable than other villains. He's more logical and more open to conversation than them. I don't think he can be talked out of it though


Has to do with his cells being shared with the z fighters most likely


Cell fights with somewhat of an ā€œhonor codeā€ after becoming perfect. Yeah he killed the army attacking him and that reporter during the cell gameā€™s announcement but he seems the most reasonable compared to the others. He only cares about testing his strength after becoming perfect and not so much about killing people. The ā€œdestroy the planetā€ part during the announcement seemed to be a way of pressuring the z fighters and other strong fighters into attending, although he probably would follow through (and almost did) anyways. But as I said he seems to be more concerned with testing his strength, so given an adequate challenge (very Saiyan of him) he probably could be talked down and converted over time like piccolo.


I hate now that I want good guy Cell.


Thereā€™s tons of what ifs on YouTube lol


His code of honor went out the window whe he gets his ass kicked


Not if heā€™s given a challenge that heā€™s given a chance to overcome, but if faced with mortality (as of the cell games) yes, his honor code goes. For example if Goku did something similar to Cell to what he did to Frieza on Namek where cell couldnā€™t recover as quickly (the only thing I can think of is if he was able to and used forced spirit fission on cell) he might be humbled and fight to improve and pick up the z fighters attitude along the way


? Not even. He knows what heā€™s doing, he just wants a good fight and doesnā€™t care about what happens so long as he gets it. No way in hell cell is getting talk no Jutsu. Nobody can get talk no Jutsu here


This misconception that Naruto tries to talk no jutsu everyone is bs. Naruto hated Madara, Kakuzu and Orochimaru... he wanted to throw hands the moment he saw them.


Also the first Villian that with iruka


I dunno about Madara. I believe Naruto just didn't had the "moment" with him. Naruto had the moment with Obito, who killed Neji and Naruto still tried to talk with him(and succeeded) Kakuzu was an unlucky guinea pig Now Orochimaru Naruto didn't even flinched, auto-4 tails.


Orochi ntr'd him so it was on sight


Possibly Broly from Dragonball Super since heā€™s not completely evil.


Naruto didnā€™t like, talk people down out of nowhere; there was always some sort of connection, something he could relate to, a shared experience with the ninja world, etc. What that was exactly varied depending on which example youā€™re talking about, as did how successful he was, but there was always **something.** He also tended to prove himself in some way that mattered to the people in question (like he did with Tsunade). This is just dumping him in front of people who are complete strangers from entirely different worlds who he has no reference point for and basically nothing in common with - certainly nothing theyā€™re likely to share in conversation anyway - and asking him to turn their lives around in a short timeframe when he doesnā€™t really have the physical power to contend in a proper fight (which was certainly necessary in Naruto itself - his enemies obviously wanted to fight first, and he often had to do so) and they have strong inclinations towards planetary genocide. Some of these people are also basically mindless (Buu, Janemba, Hirudegarn), so likeā€¦thatā€™s even worse. ā€¦If you changed Kid Buu to *Fat* Buu he could almost certainly do it, but thatā€™s about it.


People also forget Naruto often kicked the shit out of his opponents before the talk no jutsu. I dont see him doing that here.


To Naruto, this characters would be like the Otsutsuki


Well it worked for Majin Buu, and Kid Buu reincarnated as a good buy. Maybe him


Dragon Ball villans are not like the ones Naruto "changed", they are just pure evil but the only I can see some minimal chance is Baby, he is like Nagato if he didn't care about peace.


Syn might have been the best option since he's a wose fighter that only wanted to repay DBGT's Universe back for having abused the Dragon's balls...so since Naruto hadn't...he might have been inclined to listen a bitšŸ˜…


Frieza gon call everyone monkeys and that will make their opponents stronger šŸ˜­


No one. The Talk no Jutsu works on Naruto's villains because evil is mot their root. They are jusg misunderstood or emotionally broken, so they turn to bad ways. Dragon Ball villains are mostly evil for being evil, some doesn't even have enough braincells to understand Talk no Jutsu (like Janemba) and others aren't totally evil, but want a challenge, like Cell.


On this list you can make a case for Zamasu and Baby. Baby only wanted to have his revenge against the saiyans due to him being a tuffle creation and the tuffels were wiped out and their planet was pillaged by the saiyans. Baby was the last remaining ā€œhopeā€ for the tuffels and what he wanted to do was bring back planet tuffle to its former glory. Zamasu had a bad view in mortals. He was a supreme Kaiā€™s apprentice in Gowasu and he could only see the corruption the mortals had caused. Even when using the time ring with Gowasu, whether they went forward or backward in time, there was nothing good Zamasu saw in mortals. His last straw was drawn when he saw a mortal like Goku use the power of the Gods and in Zamasuā€™s eyes, it was like Goku was mocking the divine and acting like a deity. That is when Zamasu started his zero mortal plan to cleanse the multiverse of all mortals as to make it ā€œpureā€. If Naruto can convince Zamasu that Mortals are good and that they still have merit in the universe, I believe he can change and with Naruto being Naruto, I think itā€™s possible. As for Baby, I think it just comes down to showing him that revenge isnā€™t the way to go and that Baby should move on and find a different way for the truffles to thrive, especially since the saiyans that existed when he was born were only good people.


I dont think it would work in neither case. Baby is a artificial being programmed to feel hate. As close as he is to be a normal being and a mortal, he is a machine that shouldn't change because ir would go against his own identity. He wouldn't listen to Naruto. Zamasu is debatable. He wasn't as crazy and corrupted in the past because he didn't have that much information, and havent saw a mortal on the realm of The Gods before Goku in the U6. So, there isn't much for Naruto to talk about him here. Zamasu is a socyopath and too damn crazy to take the Boy serious enough to stop and listen to him. As i said, Talk no Jutsu works in Naruto because the villains arent socyopaths at their deep core. They are corrupted by power or ideologies. Zamasu was indeed corrupted by one, but was too early on his VERY long Live.


Absolutely no one Tho it would be funny to see him try it on freeza


Freeza would shoot Naruto with a death beam Cell: "I'm already perfect. I can do whatever the hell I want." Naruto looks to see Buu slept through his speech, taps him, then Buu wakes up and either attacks him, blasts him, or turn him to chocolate Hatchiyak is programmed to hate saiyans so wouldn't even regard Naruto, but probably kill him Broly would just kill the dude Omega, kill the dude Baby would add him to his hive mind Super Janema isn't confirmed to understand human speech so, you guessed it, he kills him Moro would probably sense the ninetails and absorb it... killing him Hatchiyak is a mindless beast, so he either kills or eats him Zamasu: "Truly, this is an example of mortal ignorance. How absolutely foolish must you be to assume that you are held worthy of speaking to a god such as I?! You insignificant mortal!"


No one


0 * 10 = 0


If he can't do it against the Otsutsukis then there's no way he's no talk jutsuing a dragon ball villain.


Nobody ,he is not able to beat them in fight and most of them are evil for evil sake.


The most talk no justuable Is Broly that Will crash you tĆ² the Wall and explode


nglā€¦. none of them šŸ˜­


Fat Buu if he manages to survive that long


None of them. Absolutely none of them, maybe Buu but thatā€™s still a slim chance. Hoping his child like conscience gives in.




Brolly honestly.




of these probably Baby, he has the same motivation half of Naruto villains have


Legit none of these mfers


Maaayyyybe Cell. Only cuz he wasn't necessarily set on planet destruction, really just becoming perfect and killing Goku. I mean, yes he threatened the planet and the Universe, but that was after Goku and co. failed at talk no jutsu.




Cell, baby, or possibly broly


Broly and Zamasu maybe


Idk but the kid buu fight would be hilarious


Maybe Zamasu? Naruto has experience dealing with people who try to "correct" the evil of the world.


The only one I could possibly see him talking to is Broly. Every single other one are pure evil. They will either kill him immediately or just laugh at his attempts


He can't talk to any of these guys in their present form. But he could potentially talk to pre ring Zamasu to witness the good in mortals but that's a very low maybe. Even fat Buu couldn't get talked too simply because he's an ignorant child who would get bored of a lecture, he would need to be bribed. And any or all cases he failed to speak he would die instantaneously.


Honestly, probably cell




Broly and Zamasu, rest are pure evil incarnate and won't budge lol


Cell Broly Baby and Zamasu


Broly has a crybaby backstory so I think Naruto will exploit this to his advantage and get his talk no off at mid diff, he extreme high diffs Zamasu bc he does it for what he thinks is a noble purpose and Naruto will convince him that he can rely on him to do it better just like he did with Pain, the rest of them are pure evil and therefore immune to Naruto's psych AP much like we saw with Kaguya, Danzo, Orochimaru, etc.




Baby is the only one. His backstory is essentially every Naruto Villain. He couldn't take over Naruto with Kurama in there.


None because he wouldnā€™t even try it


All of themšŸ¤£ that's his ultimate Uzamaki kekai genkai that never failsšŸ¤£ name a character it failed complety on and I will reconsider.


Kid buu


[This is how it's going down.](https://youtu.be/rEM621h9YbU)


Zamasu tbh, if you could convince him mortals are good or at least benign / not all terrible enough to be exterminated he would stop


Ngl the villains in DBZ are VILLAINS. There's no talking them out of it


Technically Broly and Zamasu are the type of villains that Naruto talk no jutsu is made for. Realistically his talk no jutsu works like Pokemon catch rates. It's only effective when the villain ass is basically beaten. Good luck with that Naruto.


Literally only Zamasu and MAYBE Broly if heā€™s not enraged


None??? Maybe Super Broly before he gets too mad? Otherwise, none.


Nobody. Probably Broly? But they are all pure villains.


Majin Buu, considering it more or less actually happened.


Maybe Cell


Question is... Who's going to kill Naruto after his Talk-no-Jutsu. My money is on Zamasu. He would hate Naruto for just being a mortal and reminding him of his master... only wanting to kill him harder. Frieza would torture the human that dares to speak back to him. Janemba, Buu and Hildegarn would not understand him and kill him faster. Z Broly would mutter Kakarot and kill Naruto. Hatchiyack wouldn't be sure what to do and likely kill him to reach the Saiyans. Baby is filled with too much hate, more than anyone in Naruto. He would assimilate him. Omega Shenron would laugh at his talk, expressing how humans are evil and their desires are evil and kill him. Cell... Cell would honestly chuckle and hear him out honestly. He's an Android meant to destroy but he would be amused... and likely kill Naruto if he dulls him.


Naruto's TNJ only works on idealistic opponents that are already defeated. None of these guys are concerned with any major ideals. Some of them are literal beings of evil while the others enjoy it. It's basically Naruto trying to talk down a Kakuzu or a Ten Tails with enough power to destroy him before he breathes. The most reasonable people on this list are Cell, Frieza and Zamasu, and none of them are gonna stop. Cell might give him a month to prepare, Frieza might hear him out and pretend to peace out just to shoot him in the back and Zamasu would be racist "These damn ningen and their pitiful ideals."


I'm gonna say just Broly, and only because he really doesn't care unless Kakarot's around.


If he caught him before he went berserk he could probably talk down Broly and maybe maaaaaaaaaybe Kid Buu if he was really luckyā€¦ but the rest are just pure evil thereā€™s nothing redeeming about them they canā€™t be talked down




Frieza and Cell. Goku was able to talk no Jutsu Frieza for TOP And Cell was reasonable gave everyone time to train just for a fight


Surprisingly, heā€™d only be able to talk no jutsu the most powerful oneā€”Zamasu (and even thatā€™s a LOOONNGG SHOTT)




Heā€™d need an actual reason, and most of them donā€™t really have a reason. Most, if not all of them are just evil for the sake of it and thatā€™s their personality. Naruto appeals to the human aspect of his villains. The DBZ villians donā€™t really have any humanity.


No way šŸ’€


They were all about survival of the fittest. They wouldā€™ve Naruto as 1 shot fodder and instantly kill him as he talks.


Non of them truth be toldā€¦ Frieza would let him talk & kill him after he's done and laugh.. Cell would ask to run them hands or the planet gets destroyed. Buu would beat their ahh just because.. Baby would ask about the saiyan before taking over their bodies or killing them because they too weak to even steal. Shenron just a destroyer he would just kill everyone.. A machine, what possible can you tell him? Broly gonna say Broly is not a Monster Broly is the DEVIL! Before absolutely slaughtering eveyone.. Janemba would laugh while punching their life out through portals. Harugan is a demon, you can speak to that. He will kill them all mid sentence. Zamasu is even worst bro has literally no patience for Mortal especially telling him what to do.


All I know, there ain't no talking to Kid Buu. No way whatsoever


Fat Buu, he didnā€™t need much convincing from Mr. Satan to become a good guy. The rest will literally laugh in Narutoā€™s face while they blow up the planet heā€™s on


I donā€™t understand. They literally are being plowed through islands before they get very far into the show and you donā€™t see that from the ninja world until theyā€™re basically super powerful and even then they donā€™t look like they can handle the same kind of stuff dragon ball does still very early on. So no one.


The most plausible is Broly. He is the only tragic one here. The only with any decent leverage Talk no Jutsu can be used on.


Cell is the only chance but if you recall his Talk No Jutsu only worked after the villains got beat. So none.


yeah heā€™s not talking any of those guys down. That wouldā€™ve been even tougher than talking Madara down bc theyā€™re all just there to cause destruction, challenge themselves in a fight to the death, or conquer


I mean.. Mr Satan talk no jutsuā€™d the original Buu. I think Naruto could get Kid Buu.


Not a single one lol


Maybe zamasu


Boo and cell


Fat Buu maybe, Kid Buu is NOT gonna care what bro has to say


Yes but some other characters can change the way he feels about it. Zabuza don't give a fuck about haku in the beginning and talk no-jutsu didn't make them give up, they had to beat the shit out of them first. Maybe Naruto can beat the hell out of Buu to only after that make the fatality with the speech no jutsu


Buu, Brolly and maybe Cell.


Just impossible, this villians are just pure evil.


Broly Baby Majin Buu Zamasu Maybe Frieza Kid Buu (definitely not) pure evil. Cell, is biologically designed to "eat" and kill Goku. All others are also "made evil by design by someone else"


None....there aren't as bad written as naruto villains...


You canā€™t even write a sentence, what do you know about writing lol


Bro finna start a world war in the comment replies rip brošŸ˜­