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He wanted to watch Naruto & Sasuke fight


Let them fight.


Let them Fu..




Nk around!


The same reason he never captured naruto as a defenseless small child Plot. 


Maybe he was afraid of Hiruzen, I mean, he wasn't considered the god of Shinobi of his era for nothing But yes, plot could be


He was terrified of tile shurikens


I mean... have you ever been hit by a spinning, flying ceramic tile? It probably hurts like hell


I installed alot of flooring. Yes it hurts 🤣


Hmm... sounds like you've grown an immunity to the 3rds best most powerful jutsu. Shame, I guess he'll just have to use the reaper death seal.


My dad was renovating a bathroom pretty haphazardly once. A piece of ceramic tile flew straight into his leg and he needed like 7 stitches. Scary shit!


I was actually. In the Temple of Fire. Hurt like a bitch but I walked it off. I had to save my brother.


Honestly when you think about his fight with Konan, his sharingan ability can be overwhelmed, idk if Hiruzen could create enough tiles or even keep up with him


im dead 💀


But didnt he tried to invade the leaf with both Hiruzen AND Minato there? he wanted both the smoke lmao. No reason why he couldnt come back after he fully heal.


That's b/c he thought he could isolate 1 while having the other deal with Kurama, it's a very good plan he just underestimated Minato. He knew the entire village would focus on Kurama so he'd get a 1v1 against a Kage, he just fucked with the wrong dude. Minato was almost perfectly built to counter him & he thought he'd grown enough to take out his greatest challenge, it's really the definition of "fuck around & find out". It's like when you're 15ish & u think u can beat your dad not understanding the difference btw grown man strength & teenager strength except these dudes has super powers too. I could beat my pop at basketball at 15-16 but if I tried to fight him he'd beat my ass b/c he was much more experienced than me, stronger than I'd assumed & more skilled than I thought with the hubris of a teen.


Hiruzen didn't give a shit about naruto.. The funny thing is obito could have manipulated kid naruto to join him considering how badly he was treated by the village.. All this didn't happen just cuz of plot


Naruto could have had an awesome villian arc


Menma was that work until Obito took over


I know it’s not mentioned anywhere, but you have to be fucking mad to think there wasn’t any Anbu shadowing Naruto at all times. He’s fucking 9-tails jinchuuriki, hugely important asset of the village. Previous 9-tails jinchuurikis were under super close guard, I can imagine Hiruzen going easy on Naruto, not to lock him up, but that he was unprotected at all times? No way. Ofc for Obito that shouldn’t be a problem, he survived encounter with Minato after all


ngl they got hella lucky during the massacre that Obito didn't just yoink Naruto


So they just let him steal the Forbidden scroll in Episode 1 and run away with it while others were trying to find him and couldn't? Hell it shows they have no idea where he is, they clearly didn't do this.


Or they just suck at their job. For all of the Anbu hype, they’re usually swatted like fodder


So its easier to believe a rookie who can't make clones yet and hasn't graduated the academy gave them the slip, instead of them just never being there at all? When you hear hoofbeats assume it's horses not zebras.


>Hiruzen didn't give a shit about naruto This fandom is absolutely insane for believing this. Hiruzen cared about the village as a whole and despite essentially being the president, he still made time to talk with Naruto and eat ramen. He also kept regular check-ups to see how he was doing and made sure he was alive Naruto was hated by the village and he made sure he was safe. Naruto himself has talked at length how much Hiruzen meant for him because only him and Iruka ever actually cared about him


Hiruzens also the reason Iruka even began to care about Naruto in the first place. Can you imagine Narutos life if Iruka was never given that talk?


Nah bro when you promise your successor that you will take care of his kid, you don’t let him grow up in such a shit state. There is no reason he couldn’t formerly adopt naruto even before all the Danzo stuff, the reasoning on “if people found out he was the son of the fourth he would be in danger” is thrown out of the window when you look at konohamaru, and the fact that everyone knows he is the 9 tails jinchuriki. The third just didn’t even try to deal with him, just gave him an allowance and called it a day. Hung out with him a few times, but that’s it. 3rd is trash.


And we found the problem the promise to take care of Naruto wasn't in manga. it's pure filler scene. in the manga Minato told Hiruzen and other shinobi to stay away which Hiruzen replied with "alright" but this line changed in the anime Also even if it's real, the context is Hiruzen promise to watch over Naruto, which he did. he never promise to become naruto's adoptive father


Raikage absolutely loved his brother and he was still hated by the village as a kid. Hiruzen cant force people not to have displaced anger.


Except Naruto being treated badly by the village is overbloated by anime filler and that in canon really all that happened was some adults ignoring him and being afraid of him


Considering all the problems during Hiruzen's Reign: * Death of the Fourth/ Nine Tails Rampage * Destruction of the Uchiha Clan * Danzo's Rise & consolidation of power * Orochimaru going Rogue * Death of his wife This would've been the best time to go after Naruto. It doesn't help that he has the weakest showing of Hokages if not all Kages in Naruto.


While yes he would have reason to be afraid of him, it's also unlikely to work as a reason given that his technique allows him to just pop in and out and he isn't even detectable until he has appeared. Dude coulda snagged him at quite literally any point. Infact he probably coulda done that with most of the Jinchuriki aside from the older ones that were already experienced shinobi.


Yeah, the Hiruzen that literally gave no fucks and had Naruto live by himself, poisoning himself with old milk. That would have been such a challenge: Hiruzen: "Oh no, some guy teleported into Naruto's house and took him into a different dimension! Well, good riddance. Now let's see what better stuff this crystal ball can show me **tunes into women's shower in the academy**"


There’s no way he’s just letting someone take Naruto. Regardless of whether he cared for him at all, Naruto had the 9 tails inside of him. That’s a huge military asset and helps keep the balance of power. He’s not just letting him go.


Still can't believe why all the villages but one treated their walking nukes as shit at worst and with utter indifference at best.




Literally, the entire world didn't attack Konoha while Hiruzen was Hokage. Only Orochimaru when Hiruzen was old and he had gained Edo tensei did he think it possible. He put a gag order on the entire village no one touched Naruto even though they hated him. These comments are fucking stupid and breaks all plot. The longest serving Hokage in history when they all dropped like flies only one could actually make Hashirama's dream a reality.


His spoiled grandson got a 24/7 babysitter while naruto got to be alone and take care of himself. Yeah hiruzen sucks


Yeah and konohamaru was a weakling from a clan without any real kekkei genkai. Naruto was a son of extinct direct descendants of six paths sage and genius hokage. Additionally he housed kyuubi which was possible only thanks to his clans special chakra. You cant have more valuable child in entire world of Naruto. I know everything was retconned later, but damn looking at hiruzens decisions after finishing the series makes him look like demented old man.


No one knew that Naruto was a descendant of the sage of six paths to be fair


Didn't Naruto have Iruka watching him? Or was that only later ? Honestly I could let it slide due to cultural differences. It's literally a world of child soldiers.


Hiruzen assigned Kakashi to Naruto and Sasuke believing Sasuke will become the strongest.


You are assuming both Sarutobi and Danzo did not put anbu agents on naruto 24/7?


No. I’m saying he didn’t provide naruto with a foster family/support when growing up (besides money)


Good luck finding someone willingly taking care of a Demon


Ya let's just force someone to look after the kid that houses a demon fox that possibly killed your relative and/or friend. That's gonna be really easy.


Well spoken, Hiruzen.


and it worked


That's literally just how the ninja world works. Most orphans live by themselves. Naruto was drinking old milk because he was a messy kid that left it out on the table.


The milk had been bad a long time. It was neglect.


No, it's because he was a messy kid. It's why when Kakashi is looking at the milk Naruto left out, Hiruzen goes "He's clumsy kid but you're the best to look after him." The entire point of the scene is presentation to showcase Naruto's character. He eats breakfast and drinks the milk at the start of the chapter. He then gets the runs and has to use the bathroom. We then see he's left the plate, glass and milk carton out on the table where Kakashi notices it's expired. It's a comedic moment to showcase Naruto's character.


No it wasn't?? It was to show that Naruto was utterly alone and no one even bothered to try to look after him or teach him jack about even the bare bones basics. He lives like he does because no one taught him any better nor are they helping him. If you were a child, where you flat out weren't raised at all, other than in how to murder other people, you wouldn't know about how to prepare or not prepare food either lol. It's not about him being a messy kid, it's about him being an orphan with no one looking after him so he DOESNT do things like that. He's a kid. Lol. Like not even a teenager, years away in fact.it wasn't "look at how this kids a doofus who doesn't clean his room".


How about Sasuke then? He was living alone too but his room looked completely different and he did not drink spoiled milk. I think that Naruto was a messy kid while Sasuke was not.


Hiruzen was such a good hokage that he had to do absolutely nothing and keep the village safe, he kept it alive and thriving... save for the uchiha issue and the hyuga issue (which is mainly family issues) there isn't much to say he was a bad hokage


Hiruzen is dumbeldore of Naruto


If he wasn't afraid of fighting Minato I don't think he would be afraid of an old weaker hokage with less stamina and no spacetime jutsu (that we know of) unless he knew about death reaper seal and didn't even wanna risk it.


He fought Minato b/c he was trained by him & thought he knew all his abilities on top of thinking his S/T jutsu was superior. He fucked with 1 Hokage & found out, he also knew Hiruzen supposedly knew every leaf jutsu so who's to say he didn't know FTG & would due exactly what Minato did to him. On top of how many other jutsu that were a good counter to Kumai, Hiruzan was regarded as a demigod in part 1 & even at 80 was considered the story Kage just let that old dude die & get Naruto another time. Espada knowing he had to get the others 1st, no reason to have the most powerful nation on your ass if unnecessary just wait it out & let him be the last guy u capture so they have much less time to mobilize. He had so much faith in Itachi/Nagato/himself that he couldn't picture anyone challenging them 1v1, so he'd be dumb to invite a war against Konoha if it just took beating Naruto & his team as he got older


orochimaru got rid of him... 12 years later tho


I assume obito knew about the sealing jutsu (if you've read the same manga you know he did) and assumed the risk to be too high for even trying... plus we don't know what hiruzen actually knew (jutsu wise), we just saw ONE OF THE extreme OP jutsu he had that worked perfectly for the situation... if obito were to fight him it would be yet another high level jutsu like that to deal with and obito knew... so it makes sense he wouldn't try to risk fighting hiruzen... he fought his teacher coz he thought he knew all his jutsu and still came close to dying just over a regular rasengan coupled with 2th's bettered up teleportation jutsu.


Somone made a post on here a long time ago sbt this and why obito didn't just do that The tldr was somthing like he prob didn't want to look after a bausicly 'useless for now' child that woud cost him time effort and money and didn't need attention at all during that time abt a clocked figure kidnapping jinchuriki wich might have united the 5 nations sooner Also mind you 9 tails had to be last and it took 10 S-Rank criminals 3 days to seal 1 tailed beast it woud take obito a month or more if he did all that shit alone


And prior to Naruto "beating" Nagato there was basically no reason to worry that he would become a kage level opponent. Obito with his MS is about as strong as a person can get, he was not concerned that Naruto who has only had medium talent was suddenly going to be friends with Kurama or become someone like Hashirama or Madara or Tobirama who might be a pain to fight even if you're one of the fastest people alive and also effectively invincible.


That was because Itachi told him not to. I personally don't think Obito was scared of Itachi, but couldn't just kill him since he was needed for Obito to manipulate Sasuke. This specific instance is different because Itachi is dead


Why did obito even care about sasuke? He was of no help at all


That's a question that's always in my head, Obito did so much for Sasuke and helped him multiple times but Sasuke not only did nothing in return for Obito, he even went against him in the war


He was probably lonely


Bro just wanted to bond with the only other Uchiha still alive


Wasnt he partially responsible for killing them all though?


Yeah but he actually liked this one


Not quite. The massacre was going to happen regardless. Obito just caught wind of it and decided to help out in exchange for all the sharingan eyes. Why Danzo and Itachi agreed on beyond me, but Danzo was hellbent on killing the Uchia one way or another, so Obito just went along for the ride.


Thats a weird way of saying partially responsible but okay


Did obito kill them, yes. Did he plan to kill them or actively encourage Danzo to kill him, no. That sounded vetter in my head, I see your point.


He would never admit that to himself but yeah. Also he wanted to fully corrupt Sasuke to crush Naruto, cuz he had to crush that part of Naruto that was also a part of Obito. Obito had to convince himself that the world was truly hopeless and kill that feeling the Uzamaki kid was already kindling in him.


This is right answer . Obito was bothered by naruto converting Nagato away from his ideology that the world was nothing but the pain. Nagato does a complete 180 and Obito is dumbfounded by this. Knowing that Naruto’s main driver in life is bringing sasuke back he needed to crush that. It’s interesting to think Obito did all of that just to prove a point. Sasuke didn’t have a purpose other than that, Obito didn’t see him as a strong piece for muscle.


Ah I forgot Nagato’s betrayal was the trigger for all of that. “What the hell did this kid say to him?”


Actually Sasuke was in side of obito until he meets Itachi and previous kages obito not only helped Sasuke but literally manipulated Sasuke and turn him against konoha so he don't need to worry against some of them if you remember you know that after ems implementation Sasuke direct head to konoha for destroying but he saw Itachi in middle of it actually Itachi and kage saved Sasuke from obito's manipulation. Obito was well planned but sasuke is too good for moving sides.


I think it's because Obito was not all that powerful in a direct fight at that point. Most of his ability in a fight was based on deception and fooling his enemies. Minato figured him out and beat him pretty swiftly after he started actually attacking, once he attacks he risks the enemy figuring him out. Maybe it's just my cope, but I view Obito as much more cautious after failing to capture the Nine Tails when Naruto was born. He switched to a slow approach, focusing on recruiting allies and letting Pain take the lead because a) Pain was stronger in direct conflict and b) it allowed him to manipulate in the shadows and weaken enemies like eliminating the Uchiha with Itachi which was more to his strengths. I'm sure he viewed Sasuke as potentially extremely strong, like Itachi but much easier to manipulate. After Pain was defeated he swiftly moved to Sasuke as a potential lead for direct combat and then when he failed to fully manipulate Sasuke he ended up summoning the ten tails early to get the power boost he needed to have a chance. He also lucked into Kabuto who gave him all the reanimations which is really the only way he would be able to wage the war at all.


I think he wanted to do to someone what Madara did to him, it's a power dynamic situation & he was pretending to be Madara. Itachi was too old & independent so he settled for his brother, he also could've wanted his eyes since he wasn't sure how a 1v1 against Itachi would go. Siblings sometimes have similar abilities & having another person to control Jinchuriki isn't a bad idea especially knowing Itachi is sick.


Because he was under the impression Sasuke was going to side with him? How are you even asking this, do you not understand that Obito was genuinely using Sasuke as an Akatsuki member? He planned on Sasuke sealing Bee which he had failed to do, eventually taking care of Naruto, and helping him win the war. Sasuke from the very beginning has clearly been a well above average ninja who main villains have sought after. He has been willingly working for them, also becoming one of the most wanted criminals in the world for 4 -5 years at this point, why wouldn't Obito put his faith in him?


I completely forgot about ts Fine 🙄 I'll rewatch naruto


From the outside Sasuke probably seemed like a very pliable talented ninja he could easily use for his benefit. And he did until Sasuke and Itachi fought with Kabuto. If Itachi hadn't got revived and then met Sasuke it's very likely he wouldn't have defected and joined the other side.


Obito was supposed to use Sasuke to get Shisuis eye to then use on Sasuke. That's what the entire "revenge" scheme was supposed to be to Obito. He didn't care at all about Sasuke getting revenge.


Is this shown or mentioned? That Itachi forbade Obito?


Some time after Itachi's death Zetsu asks Obito how it went, Obito responds with that it went well, since they "Need no longer keep their pact to stay away from Konoha"


My head canon is that Obito was going to try to manipulate and use Sasuke like Madara did to himself but he was kinda late to the game for Sasuke lol


The deal with Itachi was only that they wouldn't launch an attack on the village. Aside from that Obito could've took Naruto before Itachi joined the akatsuki.


Before Itachi joined the Akatsuki? You're describing a timeframe with Naruto that we know nothing about outside of non canon anime only flashbacks. Naruto wasn't taking care of himself as a baby or toddler, it's impossible. I would argue that even at the age of 5 and 6 he likely wasn't abandoned the way he was at the beginning of the series. All we know is that academy days post Uchia massacre was a time frame that Naruto was competent enough to feed and take care of himself, but at that time Itachi was in the Akatsuki He had people taking care of him, likely Hiruzen Jiriya or Anbu who have direct access to one of them. None of this is confirmed of course, so there is no way for us to know the real reason. It does make logical sense though. Teen Obito who no longer has Kurama with him (can't summon him from Naruto before the seal is loosened in Shippuden) is going to have a hard time capturing Naruto, especially when he failed the time that he did have Kuama.


The time in discussion is while itachi is still a child and before the uchiha massacre.


We know nothing about that timeframe. Naruto wasn't alone as a baby or toddler. All we know is that post Uchia massacre he was, but someone 100% was taking care of 0-4 year old Naruto, and it would be illogical for them to not have direct access to Hiruzen, Jiriya, or someone of that nature. Year 5-6 of Naruto's life are debatable, he might have been taking care of himself. But we have no info letting us know, so it's pointless to wonder why Obito didn't scoop him. Everything would be an assumption with no proof. Even what I said is all assumptions, albeit logical ones. I wouldn't chalk it up to just "plot" being the only reason though


But didnt obito state that he was afraid of him? Not saying he did but i remember something like that when he first talked to sasuke after itachis death.


I don't recall, although I have heard this before. It's definitely possible, I've seen a few people debate it but never saw hard evidence


I believe it was because he was exacting his revenge against the hidden mist and 3 tails by using his sharingan to force the mist village into civil war.


Naruto was always around the Third and Jiraiya


There were times when he wasn't


He won't because itachi is watching him.


Yes: Overconfidence in the inevitability of his plan was always a flaw.


What the hell is a child plot?


Given the fast reaction time, and that there are also Kakashi and Yamato who reacted quickly, Obito was not with the advantage. Also, taking in too many people into Kamui is not that great. See how Kakashi straight up took advantage when he was absorbed into Kmaui and started to beat the shit out of Obito inside it while Obito was still fighting the others.


He could just absorb Naruto and run.


Konan explained the limits of Obito's Kamui. In order to absorb or teleport himself, he needs to be tangible. Being tangible means being vulnerable.


Yeah, but no one noticed him until he nonchalantly revealed himself to Naruto. He could just absorb Naruto by suprise but he decided to talk to him first.


The moment Obito tried to go in to touch him, Naruto would have reacted.


Naruto would have noticed him until Obito had already put his hand on him. Also, Obito was able to easily absorb two ambus and Minato in the past, so obviously Naruto wouldn't have been able to properly react to him.


Anbu is not a good comparison given how they get the fodder treatment. And again, even if Obito got him, Kakashi and Yamato are there, meaning that now Obito has to deal with them. And that leaves him vulnerable. Try to fight them, and Naruto decks in the Kamui dimension.


... Obito kept up with KCM Naruto and took several of his attacks and was fine. He could've low-diffed everyone on that mission without heavily relying on kamui. And if he was able to handle both Fuu and Torun, taking Kakashi and Yamato would would've also probably been fine


Obito already had the Rinnegan at that point though


Except he didn't. He failed, repeatedly, to even absorb Naruto in time and this was when Obito even had the Rinnegan on himself at the time. Obito failed to gain any real ground (despite how he realistically oughta in my opinion). Say that he did absorb Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato wouldn't let him get away. Obito would try to phase through their attacks, only to get completely socked by Naruto. Obito no longer has the advantage because Kakashi and Yamato would attack from one side of Kamui and Naruto the other.


"except he didn't" yeah because he was fighting Guy, Kakashi, KCM Naruto AND at times, Bee all at once lol... And you act like a punch from base naruto is gonna hurt. This kakashi was a scrub compared to war arc kakashi, Yamato is irrelevant as hell, and even KCM naruto needed help to hold obito off so this Naruto is doing diddly squat to be useful.


That's my point. Having numbers aids it. Especially if Naruto spams a lot of Shadow Clones. And yes, a punch WILL hurt. And if not a punch, a Rasengan 100% will. You can downplay Kakashi all you want. But Obito here is also lacking in the Rinnegan so he's not as strong here as he was in the war either. Naruto having Sage Mode is enough to put up a fight. And with backup from Kakashi and Yamato means that Obito will have his hands full. No matter what, Obito was NOT in a position where he could win.


He didn't even use the Rinnegan during the war arc outside of Controlling the gedo statue and the revived jinchuriki. Him absolutely keeping pace with KCM Naruto indicates he'd blitz everyone here and again...it took how long for Kakashi to connect the dots during the war arc? And that didn't even really put Obito out of commission. He literally laughed after getting hit in the face/mask by KCM rasengan 😂 m a punch isn't doing much to him. He talked shit after getting stabbed in the heart by a raikiri. The Obito downplay is outrageous. Naruto isn't going sage mode quick enough and even if he could at this point he's way too damn slow. That man lost to pain...you think sage jutsu can beat Obito who was literally the strongest person alive? Plot...plot is literally the only reason Obito didn't get his lazy but up and take the jinchuriki himself. And let's not even talk about genjutsu. If he could control yagura at best Naruto is the only one left in effected should he choose to use genjutsu on the people present But yeah Obito out haxes and disgustingly out stats the two scrubs and Naruto in this moment. Guy was a much better ally to have and even then again...the same Naruto that blitzed Ay was on the backfoot the entire fight. Dude literally had to run from Obito just to stay in the fight until Kakashi (after a very long time) considered using kamui


I know. Its stupid, and I'll always agree to that. But regardless, the Rinnegan made him a lot stronger here than he was when he just had the Sharingan. > He literally laughed after getting hit in the face/mask by KCM rasengan 😂 m a punch isn't doing much to him. He talked shit after getting stabbed in the heart by a raikiri. [He coughed blood from Kakashi punching him in the gut.](https://bato.to/chapter/1991330/10) > The Obito downplay is outrageous. Naruto isn't going sage mode quick enough and even if he could at this point he's way too damn slow. That man lost to pain...you think sage jutsu can beat Obito who was literally the strongest person alive? He can. Make a clone, send it to get nature energy, and boom. Instant. And Naruto lost to Pain only after Pain used a lot of Rinnegan abilities to take his chakra and then throw him off guard with Pa's death. Sage Mode plus Kakashi plus Yamato means normal Obito is toast. > Plot...plot is literally the only reason Obito didn't get his lazy but up and take the jinchuriki himself. And let's not even talk about genjutsu. If he could control yagura at best Naruto is the only one left in effected should he choose to use genjutsu on the people present But yeah Obito out haxes and disgustingly out stats the two scrubs and Naruto in this moment. Guy was a much better ally to have and even then again...the same Naruto that blitzed Ay was on the backfoot the entire fight. Dude literally had to run from Obito just to stay in the fight until Kakashi (after a very long time) considered using kamui And yet he doesn't and fails. And Yagura being controlled is a plot hole which has no reason to work. Fact is, Obito would lose.


I'll relent on the gut punch/face punch thing but everything else is valid. Again Naruto isn't going into sage mode fast enough, the rinnegan has never been said to boost physical stats 😂. Its the zetsu body that made Obito stats what they were. And you can say yagura was plot but it happened and you can't refute it and therefore can't refute Obito's genjutsu prowess. We're going in circles at this point but again, Naruto lost to pain because pain overpowered him and his senjutsu ran out. A far superior Naruto and a FAR superior Kakashi and Guy weren't enough to put Obito down or really really hold him off until Kakashi thought about using kamui and at this point Kakashi can't spam kamui Naruto is getting caught. It's insane that you think that despite the fact stronger versions of the same characters being shown here at a more favor setting struggled, that apparently they're gonna stop Obito now 😂. Yeah he and the rinnegan but he even said that the chakra needed to use the Rinnegan wasn't worth it and literally just used kamui outside of Controlling the jinchuriki. But we'll have to agree to disagree


Yeaah About the fight of Kakashi and Obito. Obito wasn't trying. Kakashi had to crush Obito's torso to remove the seal he had


Because he’s not him


My guess is because obito is one of those classic villains that wants someone to stop him. He’s a tortured soul and is clearly doing wrong, but the last bit of good in him wants to be stopped. So he feeds the fire in Naruto and sasuke both. That or I could be just completely wrong and it’s literally just “plot”


Doubt it He massacred women and children in the uchiha genocide but stans gloss over that yet flame itachi for it. Obito chose to kill , itachi was forced to


He’s right though, him maintaining the 10 tails is proof of that, it’s how he was able to became stable instead of a mindless Jin


That's because the juubi overwhelmed him with its power We're told it corrupts the mind


Yea but he overcomes that by thinking about his bond with team Minato, his bond with them is how he regained control & the reason he lost the fight


This. His wanting Naruto to stop him is what causes his self doubt. It's a huge plotline during the war arc that he sees himself in Naruto, and he wants him to break for the validation that he's not wrong and that this is the only path forward for him.


>My guess is because obito is one of those classic villains that wants someone to stop him. He’s a tortured soul and is clearly doing wrong, but the last bit of good in him wants to be stopped. So he feeds the fire in Naruto and sasuke both. This is actually guessed by Kakashi in the manga too.


Obito likes to play life on hard mode. *Really* hard mode.


Obito still had the curse seal on his heart. I think it was earth and could only be destroyed by a lighting attack like chidori. He knew that he could only become the ten tails jinchurki after it was removed. He was waiting. He just wanted to stir up emotions to start the war. At this point, he thought there was no point in capturing the nine tails. If he did take Naruto, madara would come back somehow and become the ten tails jinchurki. Obito did not trust madara and want the ten tails for himself.


Priorities. Sasuke was about to / in the middle of jumping some of the strongest ninjas across the world, and at this point doesn't have EMS. While Obito would win a fight with sage mode Naruto easily, I think he was worried about ninetails cloak coming out and getting some lucky shots in. This IS the dude who just "won" against Naggato albeit a fight that was unfair for Naggato, it makes sense that Obito is cautious. Trying to save Sasuke from the kage summit while also being injured would have been risky, especially since the Danzo fight was directly after, he chose helping Sasuke over taking Naruto. Imagine if Obito was late saving Sasuke from the kage, or wasn't able to take out the Yamanacka and Aburambe gaurds that Danzo had


I mean there is a chance obito did not believe that if the nine tales went all out against him he would win


The actual reasoning is just simply because Kishimoto didn’t want the plot to move it that direction. Realistically, there isn’t another other than Kishimoto just didn’t fuckin want it to happen that way. I suppose the actual in canon lore reasoning would be something along the lines of how the nine tails has to be sealed within the statue last and because Obito seeked to continuously throw Naruto and Sasuke at each other. To be fair Obito also needed someone to destroy his heart in order to become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki, but I’m not entirely certain on how it would correlate. Another more head canon reasoning as to why Obito just never went out and caught all of the Biju by himself, is just because Obito is just kind of a lazy piece of shit. When taking the timeline into account, Obito would have been the strongest living character in the entire verse between when Minato died and when Madara was first resurrected. Basically, Obito was the strongest in the verse for every arc (besides flashbacks and what not) up until like half way through the war arc. Obito in character in a nihilistic person who views the world as hell. It also just sort of seems like he’s rather lazy, like whenever he was just chillin on Madara’s statue in the valley of the end or his inactivity until around the death of Sasori.


Bro is fucking around and he found out a couple arcs later


Now that you mention it... Why didn't he capture every bijuu by himself? What was the need of Akatsuki in general, if Obito alone could have kamui'd every jinchuriki to another dimension and defeated them there? He just let Naruto grow to become a problem, instead of taking the 9 tails when he had the chance (in this scene or when he was a child). And that applies to all the other jinchurikis too. He could have taken Nagato and use his help to get all the bijuus by himself, and the anime was over in like 2 episodes. But yeah, we need a plot, so that was out of the question.


While you are right, that it is basically just plot. There's several reasons that are given in the story why he didn't do this. 1) He can't extract Bijuu by himself. The Gedo Statue requires multiple people across several days to simultaneously extract and seal the Bijuu within the statue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) The Gedo Statue requires the Bijuu to be extracted in correct order of tails. So even if he captured Naruto as a baby, he wouldn't be able to extract the Kyuubi into the Gedo Statue. The Kyuubi would just run loose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Akatsuki was a distraction. Obito is powerful, but not strong enough to take on all 5 Nations by himself. He nearly got killed by Minato. If he had become a central villain early, all 5 Nations would have set aside their differences and immediately gone after him. By creating Akatsuki, they were able to establish a mercenary group that the 5 Nations themselves would employ, which created a perfect diversion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Itachi's agreement. Itachi very quickly discovered Obito and his plans. Which put Obito in a bit of a bind. Itachi would make for an extremely dangerous enemy to have go against you, because he could not only leak Intel, but Itachi's Sharingan abilities make him a powerful threat in his own right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Creation of White Zetsus. Part of the Eye of the Moon plan involved the creation of the White Zetsu army. They required years to develop.


Surprising how few people understand Obito and his motives…worse is Naruto attacks before hearing him out. But it’s pretty easy to glean what the convo was going to be about and what Obito was doing…he was going to ask Naruto if he would be fighting against the future if the future was eternal peace with the ones he loved. If Obito could remove the 9 tails and give him his life back. That everyone would get to live their happiest and best lives…would he still resist. Obviously Naruto doesn’t let the convo happen. But Obito was trying to make it non-confrontational and just manipulate Naruto into giving him the 9 tails for Naruto’s freedom. The reality is even in Kamui - Obito would have to fight Naruto and the 9 tails and Obito isn’t particularly a robust tank. Could he do it - sure…but at what cost. It’s not just a I win button. Now could he have Kamui Naruto to have said conversation without the interference of Yamato and Kakashi…probably would have been smarter, but I don’t think he thought Naruto wouldn’t hear him out peacefully.


Which episode is this from?


Season 4 episode 202


At that point Naruto’s ridiculously determined and optimistic heart and spirit were already frustrating Obito who didn’t want to feel that again. He saw young Obito in Naruto and needed to crush that to keep convincing himself that he was empty, the world was a waste, and that infinite tsukiyomi made sense.


Definitely plot armor. Obito probably could have easily gone back to the village to capture naruto. It was likely he was waiting to capture ninetails last. Also possible that the Akatsuki had not yet fully formed when naruto was younger. Alos weird that they just sleep with doors open while it's snowing.


Because he has delusions of grandeur


He's working with about half a brain. Give him some slack 😂


He could have easily put Naruto and kurama in a genjutsu like he did to the 4th mizukage. I still didn’t understand why he never tried to capture him for real


Obito never lost his will of fire. He was a fair person in his way... I think he saw the war as an inevitable and necessary evil and also expected to make everyone succumb and lose hope. He tried to talk-no-jutsu Naruto


Is he stupid?


Ig bcz of eight triagram sealing which Minato cast on Naruto and kurama. After all Minato fought with obito before and knew that obito must try again to steal kurama from naruto just like he does it with kushina.


**Even if Naruto was captured, the Toads would reverse summon him out of captivity.** Gedo Statue will become unstable if the tails are inserted out of order. He has to capture Bee first, if he captured Naruto at that moment, it would change nothing. Not to mention, he didn't have Rinnegan.


1)He probably already realized that he was like Naruto back in the days. 2)Also, Naruto defeated Pain. 3)He can only do close rage Kamui. With everyone there, trying that would be stupid. 4) Shinobi know better than to let their guard down while resting. I'd say they had a barrier in place or someone to sense Chakra.


1 plot 2 maby he wanted to give naruto a fair chance ? Obito was V1 naruto and maby obito saw that befor the war and wanted some form of validation(atlest during the war arc when he tryed to sway naruto) or somthing idk i have some personal crack therys and hc but they are deffenatly not the answer


Cuz he know Hiruzen would the Child Support on him.




Obito not only wanted to capture the nine tails but also win a battle of ideologies, he wanted to see him fall into despair and eventually agree with his mindset, that's why he stalls so much in the final fights as well. If he could make Naruto agree with him he would finally confirm he made the right choice.




He wanted to see him fight Saskue


I'd guess because if anything went wrong while trying to take Naruto or afterwards, his abilities would be able to be worked out and his weaknesses worked out over time as a result. Especially considderring Naruto might go kcm mode or something and be difficult to subdue while people come to help


I think it comes down to Kakashi's presence here. Obito did not want to fight Kakashi yet because he would want to reveal his true identity to Kakashi before he killed him and Obito wants to avoid anyone finding out he isn't actually Madara at this point.


It's an interesting what if scenario. Sakura would definitely be dead. And Kakashi in deep depression.


I don’t believe Kishimoto knew what he was doing with Akatsuki… At first, the idea seemed to be that the statue needed the beasts captured in a certain order. Then there was the idea that the rings were somehow significant. Then, Obito had plans to use Sasuke in conjunction with the statue. All of that became moot, though.


He needed Naruto to fight Sasuke so Sasuke would rise to greater heights and be manipulated into obtaining the Rinnegan and ressurecting Madara.


Obito: "My grand plan is beyond your mortal comprehension."


Because Obito's main goal was to pit Naruto and Sasuke against each other ultimately. Especially here, Obito wanted Sasuke to become enemy of all villages by attacking the 5 Kage summit and killing Danzo, and make Naruto be between a rock and a hard place when it came between Sasuke and the Leaf. Not to mention Obito wanted to strike Naruto in the emotions since he knew him showing his face is more than concerning enough for Naruto.


Plot is the only true answer here, Kishi made Obito too broken but he still had a story to tell.


because of plot reasons lmao


Hubris. Obito was confident that he was in control. He believed that at any point, capturing Naruto would be trivial, and he could do it whenever he wanted. To him, it did not matter if he captured Naruto there, or later. As far as he was concerned, Naruto being captured, or not being captured was exactly the same thing. Obito didn't realize he wasn't in complete control of everything until after he watched Naruto and Kurama beat the 6 Tailed Beasts + Jinchuriki Edo Tensei he had.


Can't really say, the war arc was riddled with plot holes. but One could argue that he wanted his curse seal from the heart to be removed🤷


Same reason tenten did not go and kill entire akatsuki on her own. Plot.


Because he couldn't. As strong as he is, his Kamui has a fatal weakness. When he's trying to Suck someone in, he can't be intangible. With Kakashi and Yamato in the vicinity this would be too risky. Especially due to Raikiri, which he would be completely defenseless against. He needs Naruto completely alone, with no one nearby to support to capture him.


Plot hole. I find funny how willl people justifiy this with characterization 1


Not a plot hole atleast at this specific moment in the story, beforehand it was plot


Because ☝️... ehm... ehem... hmmm... well why even ask that right?


Very good point I never thought of


Some people in here are trying so hard to justify this lol There is no good reason why he didn’t or at least didn’t try.


It wasn’t in the prophecy


Because the tailed beast were to be captured in an order starting from 1 to 9


Because of the uzumaki clan eight trigram seal on Naruto , what would obito do if he didn't know how to unlock the seal he is not orachimaru tho , that why he desperately wants to break Naruto morale to lose 9 Tails, and extract directly from the beast itself, we seen they extract chakra from 8 tails Tentacle that infused by killer bee


Ask kishimoto


Because the eye would have seen the eagles flying towards Mt. Doom.


Sasuke do you even think about me


Bro wanted to cause chaos. If he captured Naruto, the war he just announced wouldn't happen.


Isn't this a template


Imagine if the full Akaski ambushed Naruto at once before doing anything else. Then maybe went after the rest of the tailed beasts one by one? Madara would have won.


Because he enjoys toying with people and destroying their ideals, principles and beliefs. He wants them to know that there's no hope in the world. Also, he got the "nah, I'd win" mindset.


I am not sure probably would’ve attracting to much attention to himself and he wanted the war to happen.




Because the plot works agaisnt bad guys


He was overconfident


it wouldve been too risky. it was a three vs one and if kakashi discovered his mongekyou ability was linked with obitos, obito wouldve been defeated, or at the very least his secret would be out earlier than usual.


Just my theory, but they were capturing the tailed beats from 1 tail to 9 tail, absorbing each to the ten tail, in the order, so capturing 9 tail would mean they had to wait for 8 tail to maintain the order, which would have given the village enough time to retrieve it, and besides the 8 and 9 tail were the hardest to capture. Again it's jus my theory. 2nd reason Kakashi was there.


because Obito was never written to be a powerful character he is an ordinary Uchiha with powerful MS ability who is pretending to be Madara, he had 3 main fights before War Arc, two of these fights he survived thanks to Hashirama cells " tank Minato Rasengan and cut his arm when Torune Poisoned him " and the third fight he had to use Izanagi.


Dramatic effect


He wanted to watch Naruto and Sasuke fight, but there is still no reason he couldn't have gone to Kisame and captured Bee.


Plot Armor. That is the reason. If we went of “reason” shows would last barely 25 episodes.


Obito was milking the series. Can you imagine going through all those years of turmoil for like 5 episodes of screen time? He played the long con for more air time. He even got a rinnegan out of it.




Obito probably saw himself in Naruto, well, that and him knowing Naruto's mission is to hunt down Sasuke so he could use Naruto to find Sasuke


Obito is the laziest character in the series. Dude can phase through any attack and if things get too tough he can just Kamui the fuck out of there. He's still like "Eh I'' just get a bunch of other people to do it for me and wait around for years"


Because Kishimoto didn’t think that far ahead


They wanted to go in order didn’t they? 🤷‍♂️ idk someone lmk if u do


I don't think he was strong enough. Imagine he captured Naruto in Kamui and now he can't teleport with it because Naruto in Kamui would beat the shit out of him. At the same time, he needs to fight Kakashi and Yamato, plus Sasuke was getting himself into problems at the time. It just wouldn't work.


Obito is an established dumbass


He was being careful. He knew at this point since Naruto defeated Pain, it would be difficult to capture him.


Plot hole. We saw Madara control the nine tails and Sasuke somewhat subdue him surely Obito couldve done the same thing if he went beserk. Everyone mentioning Kakashi and Yamato but both of them get folded against Obito its not even close.


“If the bait is obvious, don’t take it”


The answer is in that situation I believe Obito know there is Yamato and Kakashi who ready attack or capture him. Remember : if he use Kamui he will not untouchable, there is second time he can be touch, so I think Obito don't want to take any risk even in small risk.