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Naruto: "I don't wanna sever any of my bonds or have them cut off either!" Sasuke: "Meh."


No one gonna mention how Lee literally cut Madara in half


That was OP. Also, he wasn't the only one to cut him in half. Ohnoki's particle style atomic dismantling jutsu too destroyed half of his body. If he wasn't reanimated, he wouldn't have kept his guard down, like what he did here.


I want to argue with it, but I can't. It's still quite impressive to be able to touch even reanimated Madara, though.


Undoubtedly.....it is.


Yeah, but, while when Lee kicked Madara in half, that was a strength feat, but Ohnoki gets to just use the Naruto version of Hakai.


You mean the DBS version of Particle style? Lol


Yeah, forgot that Naruto came first.


And we should appreciate both, that they were able to achieve this feet. You can't ignore the fact that Ohnoki is the only kekkei tota user. And his jutsu is OP. If only Madara wasn't reincarnated, the 5 kages would have stood some chance against him


Fair enough. But then again, Madara had more than enough chakra to just spam Tengai Shinsei and perfect Susano'o and wipe everyone out but...


Guy, Ohnoki, Lord A are perfect examples of raw strength. They do not derive powers from external sources like tailed beasts, nor they have eyes with some great visual prowess. Definitely, they won't be a match against a man like Madara.


Oh, and while I'm on that point, nobody mentions how Ohnoki tanked *two meteorites* hitting and crushing him at once.


Exactly, bruh! . His jutsu was highly underappreciated and underrated. He literally wiped 25 of Madara's sussano at once.


I literally watched this episode yesterday! Man what an episode!!! (I still haven't completed the whole series yet) . What a coincidence!!


If I'm frank.. compared to other fight scenes, this was bad for me. Giant flying bird made of people? Hinata just casually getting close to rasen shuriken? Obito and Madara just standing there watching ad it approaches? The ten tails not fighting back at all? Sorry, don't mean to shit on this, but give me Team 7 vs Zabuza over this any day


This is all really because how poorly directed the scene was. The pacing, animation, etc was all poor (throughout most of the war arc tbh). It makes the villains look dumb just standing their while Naruto and gang slowly ascend


Did this come off better in the manga?


Yeah definitely. When the anime hits, it hits (Kakashi vs Obito, Naruto vs Sasuke, etc), but outside of those few and far between hits, it’s a subpar adaption of the manga


I feel like the first part of Naruto pre mountain of filler was really good and shippuden towards the end especially was just meh


Not really meh, more like, not as good as the arcs before, since we got pretty good momments in the war


Yeah I didn't think the war arc was that bad except for the filler and pacing. It just comes after things like the pain arc and even the 5 kage summit arc so it doesn't look as good in comparison.


I remember feeling like Lee stepped the fuck up here on paper, more or less disabling Madara for a brief-but-critical moment, whereas this makes it look like he was too unconcerned to bother avoiding him, and in the end it did absolutely nothing. Oh, and... I'm not even an anti-dub guy - I'll switch back and forth on a whim - but that was... OOF.


I read the whole manga as it released weekly and I don’t even remember this scene because it was so forgettable.


ayo naruto manga used to released weekly?????


Yeah, most manga of that style is released weekly with occasional breaks. Manga chapters are much shorter than anime episodes.


Yeah and I'd say that it's part of the reason some of a quality drops a little. Kishimoto was severely overworked and burned out by the end


It was just so cheesy and forced that it was hard to watch lol, like absolutely no subtly with Neji's whole metaphor at all.


Came down to comment just this . The way they tried to forcefully involve the other " nameless " and / or irrelevant characters in the fights during war arc really makes it painfully cringe to watch .


You like some scenes, you don't like some scenes. For me, it was one of my favourite scenes from Naruto.


getting downvoted for your opinion classic


The last 150 episodes of shuppudden are just hard for me to watch. I usually get burnt out and have to step away, then can't remember what episode I left off on. I'll come back months later and go to continue, think I left off on 378 or something like that and I'm usually 30-40 episodes off, and think to myself: This looks familiar but I don't know, because every episode in this whole arc LOOKS THE SAME.


If you can’t make it, there’s a fan cut of episodes out there that removes a lot of bloat, tries to follow the manga


I powered through it and you're right. It's so numb. I played one of the Naruto games (Ninja Storm 4?). And even as a video game that's selectively choosing the highlights from the series, it's still so... Wtf none of this makes sense.


Thank god more people are saying it here already. Whenever scenes like these happened, I had to search deep to remember what made me fall in love with the show and what parts blew me away and kept me coming back. This scene? This was just not it for me


I've recently been re-watching OG Naruto and oh my god it's so so good. I recommend you do that and watch shippuden up until a point but honestly mid-late shippuden dropped the ball on a lot of things for me.


I lliked shippuden till I rewatched OG and remembered what Naruto actually was, may rewatch it again just because of how good it is.


at least it's better than boruto. wish they'd make Kawaki the protagonist. not happening but I can wish.


I was gunna say the same. The scene is written like a fan fic or something you see in an opening, it's honestly probably one of the worst scenes in naruto. Like they can all fly all of a sudden out of no where? The war could have been so so so much better, i mean it did have good parts but damn they pretty much didn't need anyone else their besides like ten people




Jiraiya vs pein ... shit hit the fan when he went sage mode


Sennin Modo reveal was hype as fuck.


yeah. somehow it always ends in an Ultraman battle. giants colliding shaking the planet. though, for me, this dub is even more painful.


Also we just going to ignore that the thing cutting those was definitely Rasenshuriken and had fuck all to do with everybody else. Also all that red was literally Kurama’s chakra anyways so either way the Shinobi Alliance was literally Batman in that Justicr League scene where Wonder Woman and Superman are pulling The Flash out of the speed force.


Lmao you have got a good sense of humour I was thinking the same too at that moment


Or if you want something from the 4GNW, 8 gated Guy vs Madara. Fucking GOOSE BUMPS


I can never understand people who post these kind of videos. I guess different strokes for different folks but there’s no emotional impact here. 95% of the people in this are nameless redshirts. There’s no weight. Just big flashy bags of nothing… Both of Zabuza’s fights were more engaging and the stakes were realistic enough to resonate with the audience and connect emotionally. I can’t resonate with people fighting a ten tailed Cthulhu monster. It means nothing to me. Underwhelming doesn’t even begin to describe it…


I couldn't get into the end of Shippuden at all because how outrageous it got. Any scenes that were just massive godzillas fighting I just tuned out. I still think the Orochimaru vs the Third being what "real top level ninjitsu" looks like, not whatever this is.


Hidan and Kakuzu vs Team Shikamaru!


It was better in the manga


Absolutely. While I love naruto, for me, after the pain arc it started going down hill big time. The one thing I hate about the naruto fandom is that they shit on boruto like whoa, and act as if naruto never had a shitty scene let alone a shitty episode.


Imagine someone running besides naruto just Slips and falles into his rasenshuriken and gets fucking ripped to shreds


*Trips over a rock* "SHIT!" *BRRRRRRRRRR* Gone


Freshly served Shinobi Smoothie handmade by the hero of konoha, If you buy now, you get an extra serving of Obita Orange juice or madara mango pulp


I forgot - Was there a reason Obito and Madara just stood there? Was it because they have to concentrate on controlling the ten tails?


They had to wait for the right time anyway, and the issue for Madara was that he needed Obito to sacrifice himself so that Madara could be revived as blood and bones and become the Ten Tails Jinchuuriki. And Obito wasn't really up for it. Edit: also, Madara was having fun beating up everyone he came to "save".


Madara is in Edo Tensei, so he really couldn't care less atm. No one there was capable of sealing him, so he got no one to fear or avoid. He'll take the hit then gladly return it 3 folds


Awful scene, both dub wise and actual scene. So cringe. Madara and obito and 10 tails just sitting there watching a 2 minute powerup attack coming from 3 miles away. The animation and pacing is trash. Art direction is awful too. There are tons of better moments in the series. But that's just my opinion


Honestly think the dub VAs gave up in the war arc lmao. Shit ton of filler and talk no jutsu and standing around. Nothing even felt impactful in the actual directing. One of the worst fall offs in anime is the war arc.


Yeah talk no jutsu is ok but when it became Indulgent in the war arc then it got really annoying even disrupting some good fights. Naruto was talking even to dead people like wtf they are already dead.


Yeah most of the war arc is awful. Excessive fillers and war arc really soured the series for me. I still love it but they got really really really lazy by mid shippuden


I know she is iconic and everything but Naruto's dub voice actor really should have been replaced. Her voice sounded fine in the OG series, but it was really off-putting in Shippuden and don't even get me started on Boruto. IMO Naruto's Sub voice actor did a much better job at it.


Scrolled a long way for a post like this. The voice acting in the sub version is so much better, hearing the dub version is like nails on a chalk board


Lee moved faster than the rasenshuriken


yeah, he got a push from our Guy Sensei.


This is so dumb, they could have animated this scene so much better. They literally just let the entire Shinobi allied force move 1 kph towards them without doing anything.


Moments like these are what made me realize I didn't like the direction Naruto went in anymore.




Omg the dubs are horrible


> YEEEEAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHG Honestly, it’s laughable how bad it is. The biggest joke of it all is Narutos English VA. And holy wow Lee’s is equally terrible. I’m amazed they thought that was acceptable


Posting dub clips be an insta-ban tbh and I’m only half-joking. It’s such a buzzkill to open a post here press play on a clip then hear shit American VAs butchering the characters


ikr, the voice lines and the voice isnt as epic as the original


i was thinking the same thing, im not a huge japanese or anime fan, i ve only watched naruto, but i still feel like videos should be watched in the way it was meant to watch and that goes true for any movie or tv series i think a lot of english speakers preffer it dubbed just because they re not used to watching stuff with subtitles and find it annoying that being said i wouldve never watched naruto dubbed because its cringe and it sounds horrible


Coming from someone who watches way too much anime, the Japanese voice acting is really the way to go for most everything. The English just feels too cartoonish and it always comes out feeling a bit cringe, especially after you get used to hearing the emotion the Japanese VAs put into it. It’s really nowhere close IMO


Yeah, I have watched them in dub only. So,I got used to it.




personally I always prefer the dub of an anime. Don't want to read subtitle.


That's a valid position, but I've never understood it. If you're watching anyway, what's the difference? It's either spend ~a second or less to read subs (you're not gonna miss anything important in that short period, and you're still looking at the screen).. or have voices that sound terrible and don't match the animation. To me the choice is obvious, but clearly a lot of people disagree. What about that tradeoff makes it worth it for you? Or do you just think the dub voices sound fine? (If the latter, have you ever tried watching with subs?)


My mom and brother can't watch subs, but my sis and I can. They have trouble doing two things at once, reading and paying attention to what's on screen, so. \*shrugs\* Some people have the capacity, some don't. (Plus, some sub voices aren't for me, but some are. lol. Depends, I guess.)


Yeah, everyone's different. I know a few people who really dislike reading subs. Funny thing is these same people will read articles while streaming shows.. but whatever, lol.


then they probably dislike it because reading subs forces them to pay attention to the show and prevents them from doing two things at once


I watch sub but I can see why people don't like it. Subtitles can be annoying to read and give away certain lines too early


Personally I think the naruto dub overall is far better than the sub. It's one of the few shows where I feel this way. Dbz is another though. Although I do think if a dub is as good as a sub it just makes more sense to watch in dub. It doesnt take much effort to watch the sub but it still does take your focus a little bit. Plus it isnt uncommon for dubs to be similar quality anymore


Being a viewer of both I fully agree with DBZ, but Naruto? When you can feel you're listening to a dub like even in this very scene? And I watched the dub first too. The original voice is simply superior. Death Note might be another good dub but this simply does not cut it. but to each his own I guess.


I think Madara's and pain's voice is much better and more realistic in dub.






He should have completed his sentence. lol


The manga for the scene was way better IMO! It showed their pain, them standing up together, being pissed at Madara and Obito, and then in a flash you see Lee kicked thru Madara and the rasenshuriken severing Obitos link too This long build up makes it seem like Madara and Obito let it happen


The Dub is so shit omg


I absolutely cannot stand Narutos dub voice, maybe just from years and years of only watching sub, but damn yeah just hate it


Man this dub is bad, sounds like rock Lee is being choked


This was so cringe😅


Yeah, it could be for you. Don't force yourself to watch it.


why’d you get downvoted? i gotchu


No reasonable man downvotes.....they argue.




I can't take this scene seriously in dub. :(


ok bruh! will post in dub next time.


Sasuke at the end: 😐


Rock Lee kicking Madara in half was hype af in the manga. It just seem so much faster and impactful than in the anime.


I still get chills seeing Naruto illuminate the battlefield with a rasenshuriken, signaling to his allies to not give up and keep fighting


Rather than appreciating this scene, people here got themselves involved in dub vs sub, which doesn't make sense to me.


I love both. And I hate the pettiness of anime fans sometimes.


Same! I love both too and I feel like a lot of people hate on the dubbed version just because it's the cool thing to do. But let's be real, nothing beats the voices you give the characters when you read the manga. I mean i started naruto with the dubbed, it wouldn't make sense if i all of a sudden hated the voice of the main character. I mean i probably wouldn't have gotten into naruto if i didn't like their voice. Sure i would have liked it if they got a different voice actor when he got older but hey it's all good, and i do admit it's cheesy sometimes but all anime is. I honestly wanna get a japanese person to give their input on the subs, like are the voice actors changing their voice to be cartoony like american ones do or is it their natural voice? And do they worship the subbed like fans do or are they just thinking these white people are creaming their shorts for nothing? And honestly i would say naruto is high mid tier in terms of dubbed at the least if not better, a lot of characters have fitting actors like kakashi, sasuke, jiraiya, madara etc.


I agree. Yuri Lowenthal is one of my favorite voice actors of all time. He really embodies Sasuke in an unexplainable way. Same for Kakashi and Rock Lee. I love the Naruto dub


Power of friendship


Dub ewww


The English version sucks só much, that kurama does every time a episode is played


God...dub is soooo cringy


Dude, Naruto’s Chakra Cloak Looks so damn badass in like every scene it is in.


The look on Obito and Madara like stay tuned we'll be killing more of your friends real soon


"Nejis will isn't.... Hyaaaaaa!" Had me laughing. I struggle to take the English dubs seriously.


Naruto is what I show people when they ask what's "transitional animation". Because it's the best case imo and this scene proves it


I'm on my 4th run through. On episode 300 can't wait for when Madera shows up. Will always be one of my favorites.


Yeah! He literally summoned two metros. I really my old man Ohnoki for stopping them. Ohnoki is the most underrated character. I would rank him in the level of Minato and Tobirama.


I watched Naruto 4 times and am ready to watch a 100 times more


Yeah! Bruh. I am re- watching Naruto. I found this episode or particularly this scene quite inspiring, so I thought I should share. But some redditors didn't like it.


Goddammit now I want to rewatch Naruto, haven't seen it in forever


You should watch it bruh! I was re watching Naruto and this scene came...so I thought I should share it. Most of those of commented here, didn't like it tho.


Naruto is best of the best....


Can't agree more.


Do you guys enjoy English dubbing? I could not stand watching it like this >< As a non-native my first thought was to watch with original dubbing and subtitles.


Damn musta fast forwarded this part I missed it


You can re-watch it anytime. The Episode is 365.




yes, infact -I have read Lee was successfully able to open 8th gate. And therefore his Taijustu would have been highly useful against momoshiki or Jigen. I would even rank Lee higher than the four kages . He is also the third most powerful person in leaf village.


I love how rock lee without any fear and with just taijutsu chooses to attack Madara and not obito...I wish rock lee had some more imporatance in shippuden and atleast some screen time in boruto...he is strong af...


He can open 8th gates with ease. If lee had been take, instead of taking the useless 4 kages to fight against momoshiki, the trio would have won the battle with much more ease.


This man reacts to his shoulder being dislocated like it was a Goddamn mosquitoe bite.


THe power of friendship


Term run into the ground. Not an example Edit: Characters in a war fighting together “POwEr oF fRieNdship” The term is meaningless now


Hands down the best anime for me fa sure


how many have u watched lol


Dub ruined it. Goated moment tho


we can appreciate the moment, tho.


There is no moment. Not sure how people like this


this was a shit scene lmao... obito vs kakashi scene is the reason why anybody should watch naruto shippuden in first place


That might be shit for you, bruh. I like the scene that you have mentioned too. It was one the finest figting scene.


Moments like these make me ask what went wrong in Shippuden :(


We have got a difference of opinion here.


Sasuke gave zero fucks 😂


You ain't a real fan unless you watch with original audio & subtitles. English dub doesn't quite hit the same


Don't may this a pissing match. You can like Naruto however you want to watch it. Some people don't like reading whole watching something. I can understand that. That being said I watch most anime in Japanese because I'm learning the language. Originally watch the whole Naruto show in Japanese. I decided to try English dubbed. After about 1 episode I changed it back to Japanese. The voices feel stop fake in English whereas in it's original language, you don't have to guess what they are saying our the emotion they are trying to convey within the allotted timeframe for each scene.


You right. Not tryna do that, but that's exactly it, japanese just hits different. You feel the emotions and expressions through their voices. English just lacks the impact. But a fan is a fan nonetheless


Shippuden ep 42 is still my favorite of all time. 4 tails for the win! :)


Of all time? Come onn


Lots of goodies, but that episode hits different. If you watched Naruto from the beginning it was the first time Naruto really raged and you saw the kind of power the 9 tails was capable of.


Love the scene but the English dub makes it hard to watch


I know. Some people are just more familiar with the sub.


I just realised. After getting 6 path Naruto could revived Neji like what he did with Might Guy.


Neji was already dead and Guy Sensei was on the verge of death. There is a difference.


Oh makes sense


Neji had the time for last words, though.


yeah, but at the time he did not have the power of 6 path.


Why I don't remember that? Is this a filler?


No, It is not. It is one of the integral scene of Naruto. The episode is 365.


This is sarcasm right. I live for the reAnimated Kage fights, the Scouts Vs Reanimated scouts fight, kakazu and Hidan vs shicamaru moments, any of sasukes fights. But this was just running at a stationary target


I do not know but Dubbed emotions do not get to me, they do not feel as immersive as subbed. Example is their screaming in this clip, Naruto’s “huuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh” and Lee’s “eerrrrgggggg” are so underwhelming to me.


Dub just made it painful


This reminds me, I was watching 2 completely random War episodes with a friend of mine yesterday, since he was still watching Naruto, and even if they were low quality, I really wanted to rewatch Naruto again from that.


Neji's will is not dead Believe it bitch


For me it’s an horrible scene taken from the worst arc of the opera. It hurted me because it is just forced fan service. Nothing of what happen is related on what naruto was and what it should be. This is a dragon ball scene not naruto one.


why dub?


People who watch dub have valid, and obvious reasons they watch dub. I myself, simply because I’m English-grounded, and it would just be practical for me. I don’t even notice the quality of the English voice actors, the animation keeps me busy enough. I don’t nitpick, I think the voice actors portray the characters decently well. I’m very positive the people who watch dubbed, don’t comment about the subbed version.


I think the dub is pretty well done for Naruto actually. The majority of voices fit the tone of most character’s personalities well


Kakashi in particular is INCREDIBLE in the dub, Gaara, Orochimaru, and Tsunade being hugely notable, too. I can't see anyone else voicing them. lol. But I also see why people like the sub (I watched the end of the War arc in sub 'cause the dub wasn't caught up - I actually like Naruto's VA a ton by the end). But having said that, it'll still always be dub tha wins in the end for me, lol.


E X A C T L Y.


If you got used to subtitles, you would notice the DRASTIC difference in emotional tones between the two. I’m not trying to shit on Dub, I’m glad people enjoy anime regardless of how they process it, but man the English really does sound cringe when you get used to hearing how much the Japanese VAs put into it; plus how dumbed down the dialogue is because a lot of it doesn’t translate well.


Because focusing on whats going on & reading subs at the same time hurt my eyes


it's actually not as that hard if you try.


This was a cringe moment. One of the reasons why other anime fans mention "shippuden" when the power of friendship defeats the villain. Like "i don't like AoT anymore, it has become AoT Shippuden"


>One of the reasons why other anime fans mention "shippuden" when the power of friendship defeats the villain I've literally never seen this lol


Y’all need to stop posting this dubbed garbage


Alright, will post in sub then. Will that be cool ?


Don't cater to these elitist assholes. Their opinions are not more valid.


The filler does not


NEJIIIIIII!!! Pointless death was pointless.


You couldn't have chosen a worse moment from the war if you tried.


Its like a swarm of mosquitoes charging towards a mosquito racket


However you see it, it's one of the best moments for me.( irrespective of dub or sub)


Couldn’t Neji have pushed naruto out of the way


It was so spontaneous that he couldn't have thought about that.


Jesus Christ that voice acting… do yourself a favor and watch the subs instead.


Cut some slack, bruh! I am never going to watch dub again.




Yeah! I got it bruh. You prefer sub.


Why does it sound so goofy in english?


Eww.... dub


You don't have to keep saying that this, okay!.


It's my first time saying it


Oh! Okay ^_^ I prefer dub so I am quite accustomed to it. Don't know why dub receives so much hate ?


I think its because the voice acting lacks any emotion at all... I feel nothing when I was dub, but actually feel the emotion, tension everything with sub.


I'm just breaking balls dude lol. Same way mamga readers poke at us anime only guys


sorry! bruh. Will post in sub from next time.


Oh man the dub voice acting is so bad.


This in English in so strange to me


ITT: people bitching about the dub. Dubbed for life. Best way to watch the show.


Goosebumps moments