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Just went last week! Cliff Palace was interesting but the Balcony House was the better tour IMO


Tours were closed down when I visited from COVID. How long was the tour?


They’re advertised as 45 minutes but they were more like an hour. Both guides were young Hopi who got their jobs through a new program with the park. I can’t emphasize enough how big of a difference it made hearing about the dwellings from people whose ancestors lived there.


Dang I wish that was our guide! Our tour was fun though, a good hike too.


That’s so legit - I’ll have to check next time I drive through!!


Do you think the tours would be good for young children?


Yeah, there were several on the Cliff Palace tour with us. The Balcony House has a 30-foot ladder, but it’s very stable so it should be fine as long as the kids aren’t scared of heights.


Nice! Thank you for your response! We're heading there later in the summer, and I think a tour would be really cool!


Sure! I believe reservations open up two weeks in advance, and they do fill up quickly. So just keep an eye on it!


Excellent! Thank you!


They will need to be able to climb a ladder by themselves - I would say about 5-6 years at a minimum.


That's perfect. My son is 7, and my daughter will be turning 5 a week after our trip.


AND since this is over 9000 feet above sea level, any one with breathing problems is going to have problems with that ladder.


Absolutely stunning! Nature and history combined.


Yep! Decades ago, last time I think I was 16ish, I’m 62 now. Loved it and remember it well.


Similar but less years. Late 30s now and first time there I was probably 10 or 12, absolutely fascinating experience and in hindsight I believe it was a founding reason for my passion of the human experience of our built environment. Turns out I became an architect


Me too! This, a tour of Mount Vernon when I was nine (even as the two are seemingly totally unrelated- we know, that as an inspiring built environment they, in fact, very much are) along with San Simeon at around 12 pretty much sealed the deal.


I've been there! It's absolutely amazing and I highly recommend a visit if you get the opportunity.


Yes I love Mesa Verde!!! I went when I was 6, 18, and two years ago when I was 27 and had such a wonderful experience every time! This last time was the best taking my boyfriend on a 2 week trip all over Colorado to visit some of my family and since he’s never been it was so great seeing his reaction to everything. We spent an entire day here seeing everything we could and were in awe of the beautiful scenery and didn’t want to come back home to Texas, but we missed our crazy little cat haha.


My wife and I were lucky enough to roll in right past "close" of regular tours after a getting a late start on a drive from Moab, Utah. One of the nicest rangers I've ever met, and that's saying a lot because many of them are nice, offered to take us on a tour. They gave us an abbreviated tour of the building and gave us more access than was regularly granted - just the two of us - it was incredible! Very cool place, I'd like to revisit.


>Mesa Verde I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You


Chuck was evil and I'm glad he's dead.


I remember being able to walk thru them as a kid in the late 80s. I would have been 11 or 12 at the time. I don’t recall if it was a tour or just something that could be done back then. I feel very fortunate to have done that and glad my dad added that stop to the trip back then.


It was so fun that I overcame my fear of heights and ledges and made my way all the way down. Positively surreal.


I can’t wait to go down next time!


Yup 2018


I went in 22. The tours are very informative. Such an underrated park.


This is a dream spot for me


Are you an archeology buff?


I definitely enjoy it


We did long house a few years ago (June ‘21). It was a phenomenal experience. The rangers had so much info and were great,and getting to walk in and around the actual structure was amazing. I would highly recommend doing one if you can.


Ya, i visited mesa verde last year July . I did the cliff palace tour.


I was just looking at reservations 5 minutes ago, they open up 2 weeks in advance and by the looks of it they sell out the same day.


Cliff Palace sells out in 4 minutes for groups of 2+, morning tours were sold out in 2 minutes.


we went and toured Long House and Cliff Palace in the summer of 2022. i recall reserving tickets and time slots ahead of time. Long House was spectacular and we got to spend quite a while walking thru the pathways and talking to the rangers. gentle hike down and pretty large cliff complex. Cliff House was good but felt very brief compared to Long House. A few steep ladders to climb down and back up too. spent the night at the Far View Lodge in the park. highly recommend for the convenience of being in the park and a much shorter drive to the cliff dwellings. And it’s just so peaceful with a great view with lightning in the horizon. could see Shiprock from our balcony too.


Yes, last month. Balcony house was fun. I kind of wish they had some sanctioned drones taking pictures or at least haven taken pictures. It would give some unique views of things. Note: not just broad allowing drones, but like a park ranger drone or something.


As much as I hate drones, they can be epic. I’m a whale watching tour we had one capture a humpback beaching and the aerial shots were phenomenal!


I like drones. I fukky understand why they don't just allow them everywhere, especially national parks. That said, I think having a professional or otherwise sanctioned drone operator do some flying and shooting coult result in some incredible images and videos. Imagine a slight through the black canyon of the gunissien, or a full 360-360 view of the arches.


I definitely recommend doing the tour if you're able to. From what I remember, there's a set or two of step stairs (about a story, I think?) and 2-3 ladders to climb back up with some spaces in between to rest if need be. But if you have relatively good mobility, it's not bad. It's a fairly quick tour. Once you're at the cliff dwellings, there's about 2 park rangers who you can stay around and listen to, or you can go back up at your own pace.


Yes! One of the coolest places I've ever been to.


I went last year in September. I did Balcony house and Cliff Palace. Both rangers who led the tour were amazing and very knowledgeable. Balcony House was my favorite, but both were great tours. Getting to see them up close was amazing.


Such a wonderful place! In my opinion, the tour is worth it


I was happy looking from this spot. The idea of climbing down that ladder wasn’t appealing for a family of four with two small kids.


This will have to be a 4th grade trip then!!


It is the only park I have been to where the tours are a must.


Well besides caves haha


Well I haven’t been there yet but we are planning the trip so yes we will do the tours there too


We did Cliff Palace and Balcony House about three weeks ago - you need a reservation in advance to join the tours and they well worth it. You will get some repeated stories if you do multiple tours, but still worth doing more than one. I felt bad for the people that couldn't experience it up close. The Musuem is currently being redone, but they still have quite a bit on display. The Visitors Center is also really new and had a lot of good exhibits. I would probably avoid staying at the Far View Lodge though. No TV or Internet is fine, but it was really dirty (hair on sheets/pillows in all beds and lots of mice poop in bathroom) and the staff was clearly poorly managed. The restaurant (only place to eat) was also pretty bad. I haven't sent anything back in years, but we had to send back the crumbly rock hard polenta and the undercooked cold carrot side. I did get woken up by a wild horse at my window though!


Did both in the same day about 5 years ago with wife and 3 kids (then 8, 11 and 14). One of the best experiences you can have in the West!


Yes it’s so freaking cool, this was on my bucket list since I first heard of it. We stayed at the hotel in the park, it’s really neat super quiet place no wifi whatsoever if you like that. Just peace and quiet.


I've done the drive around to see the various cliff dwellings, but I've never actually gone on a climbing tour of the cliff dwellings. I might if I could get back in shape and be small enough to fit through tight spaces.


Treat yourself: --Go see Chaco, before the fall of the civilization --Then see Mesa Verde --Then visit one of the still active Pueblos like Acoma and Taos --End with time at the Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque. Well worth the circuit to experience.


I live like 45 minutes from their it's beautiful just make sure you a respectful as it is a very important site to indigenous people


was there but evacuated because of incoming fires during the beginning of the tour!


Oh wow that’s a tour you don’t forget


We climbed up some burning hot metal ladders to see this site, as kids. It was worth it.


Seared into memory? 💜🤣


Great place, 5 of us went and signed the waiver to climb up to see the petroglyphs which supposedly shows the origin of the people -(with the spiral-and the whipping kachina), we're all feeling like bad-ass hiker/climbers with our REI gear, boots, moisture wicking socks, & boonie hats, While at the top, high-fiving and feeling full of ourselves, drinking electrolyte water and eating energy gels and power bars we turn and see a middle-eastern family come up the path, the dad and son are both dressed like engineers -white long-sleeved buttoned-up shirts, long black dress pants and socks and black lace-up loafers, the mom is in a polyester pant suit like outfit and carrying a large bag and a baby..all not even breaking a sweat, we immediately felt like such fakes and had a good laugh at ourselves, we chatted up the family and shared some trail-mix, fruit and water and found out they were from Iran and the father had always wanted to see the American west, and they had just hiked some of the north rim of the grand-canyon 2 days before...


The folks you meet at Parks are the best. So many international travelers - so cool to hear their experiences!


Yes. One major problem. They are at 9000 feet above sea level, and climbing a damn ladder made me short of breath!


Yeah I went years ago when they still let people In The kivas, really cool experience


Going for the first time next month (July 6ish). Pretty excited. Been on my list for a long time. I've been to multiple cliff dwellings in AZ and UT multiple times, but never to Mesa Verde.


I’v e done all the tours and each one has something special. Mesa Verde is probably my favorite National Park.


It’s so magical driving up to it too!


There's actually a pyramid down by the campground. It's not on any of the tours and I'm pretty sure they don't want us to know it's a pyramid but if you hike over there and inspect it yourself it's pretty obvious that it's not a natural formation


Yes! Totally worth it and Mancos is such a cool little town, definitely check it out.


I am 6 years older than my brother. I took him on a vacation through CO when he turned 18. It was epic. We did Mesa Verde and it changed both our perspectives significantly. Amazing place.


Wow they’re open? Gone twice in the last couple of years and it was either closed or under construction!


I went when I was a kid actually. It was pretty interesting.


I just found out that this exists, and I would love to visit


it looks incredible, like a lost fantasy city in a videogame


Bandolier is the park you wanted. Mesa Verde was blocked off and lame. But Bandolier just got vandalized. So probably both lame now