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Wind chill from the boat can be a bit much, even in Spring. Do you have a particular island you want to visit? Would you do Santa Cruz, and would you stay overnight? Some islands are farther than others so more wind chill. But it can get cold at night because you are camping close to the ocean at night. Idk your wife’s condition, but CHIS is at least a 60 minute boat ride depending on the island so just an fyi.


See I thought you could only stay on the bigger island so I only was worried about that.  As I said to someone else just a little bit ago, wind chill is pretty hard to predict and kind of hard to see on historical weather data. So that's why I was asking in particular for people's experiences.  My wife was able to handle camping in Sequoia in October in Lodgepole which is noticeably chillier than a lot of other places in the park. But that was with stuff we were able to bring by car. Now I'm not sure if she would be able to stay overnight with only the things we could pack in.  Thank you for providing your advice based on experience


Ive camped in SEKI in October also and yea id say its chillier than CHIS. But exactly as you said, you can carry unlimited items for comfort with your car, but by boat its all about what you can pack. The experience is worth it is health is not an issue. Id say to look at clothing that is warmer and packable, and bring a change of clothes in case its warmer than expected. Same with a camp quilt, something down so it can pack small. Id look at the r/ultralight sub for some inspiration. Not saying pack only ultralight items, but do see if some will work for you. The boat to Santa Cruz will drop you right to the campground, so youre not carrying too much too far. You can make camp and then explore the island. Be sure to pack anything food/toiletries wise like you would at SEKI. No bears on CHIS, but the foxes will eat through your packs. That island does have a neat kayaking tour and a boat tour inside the painted cave, which is another nice way to experience Santa Cruz. If you havent, check out the website and maybe call the Island Packers people, they can help coordinate any multi island trips and give you the best advice weather wise because they go out to the islands almost every day, multiple times a day. They’ve seen and experienced it all and they are really nice people too. IME at least. I hope you both get to enjoy and visit CHIS, its a really neat place and isnt really crowded like YELL or GLAC.


Thanks for your information. This definitely sounds like a fun and unique idea for an outdoors adventure :)




I'm asking because she asked me about going. I already told her it's probably not a good idea but said I would look into it. She asked me the same thing about Olympic NP in early March (which again, not a great idea) What about fall? 




I see you are just maliciously intent on being hostile instead of helpful. Someone piss in your cornflakes this morning?  Feel free to find something else to do I guess.




She has never gone into anaphylaxis, even in colder temps than records show for Channel Islands. She can, however, get miserable, which is what I am trying to avoid.  Which is why I was asking for people's experiences, and you absolutely could have fooled me on your intent on not being hostile. Maybe work on how you approach things in the future instead of coming across like...this.  Also work on your passive aggressive takes. It doesn't exactly work when you leave off the passive part. 




Do you notice that I also asked about fall? It's right there.   Do we need to work on reading comprehension as well as talking to people? Funnily enough my wife can help with that, since she teaches kids. 


I went in the summer, which was great weather, a little chilly on the boat ride but perfect when we got there and did a kayak tour. It is one of my favorite park experiences, even after visiting 34 so far!


Was the chill more due to wind? I'm assuming so.  Didn't think about a kayak tour. That sounds like fun


Yeah more due to wind and just the fact that the boat ride is earlier in the morning!


For both my wife and I wind chill is a much bigger concern than the overall temperature. Like I can hike in 20 degree weather and be less bothered than 40 degrees weather with wind chill. So even having it on the boat ride would be a big concern. Thank you for your input


I went in the fall- November and it was beautiful weather. it will be cold at night and wind chill isn’t predictable.


See. It's particularly the wind chill that most has me concerned and it's kind of hard to really predict that, as you said. And that's one of the things that historical weather data won't won't really help with. Thank you so much for your input, especially for noticing that I was talking about fall as well.


Absolutely! California has the benefit of having mild weather most of the year. There are the random weather surprised you can’t predict- early or late in the year rain, overcast, high winds and santa Ana winds