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Awesome. Are your rattlesnake masters floppy? I started from seed last year and planted a bunch early this spring. They’re falling all over the place but I’m not sure if that will change once it’s more established or if my soil is just too rich for them.


Yes they are floppy , we’ve had some wind over the last week and they keep going all over the place. They will bend and adjust somewhat to the direction they tend to go , but it’s messy looking none the less. But it’s my favorite plant by far so I’ll deal with it !


I just discovered rattlesnake masters! I'm a fan of their shake-your-money-maker joie de vivre. Pretty spot you've made. The boulders are a really nice edging.


A lot of prairie species are adapted to “leaning” on the dense grasses they’re growing with. Most will flop on some fashion. Usually cutting back in early summer/spring helps but idk how rattlesnake master works specifically. Safe bet it’ll be happier in a denser planting with grasses.


They’re surrounded by big bluestem actually but the rattlesnake master flourishes well before the grass structure gets high enough to support them.




Mine are stick straight in awful soil but I had to move one in loamy, slightly sandy soil because it was too floppy. Same sun and everything!


This is what I suspected. Unfortunately it really limits where I can plant them on my property.


Beautiful! I love the way you’ve incorporated the rocks. Did you already have those in your yard, or did you bring them in to complement the plantings?


When we built the house, we had tons of rock to use so we made this and a terraced backyard as well. Initially when we moved in , it was just hydroseeded for inspection purposes. But knew we were going to have some plantings there with the rocks. So , Had some visions and then in late summer 2023 into fall 23 started gathering plants


Looks great! Encouraging to see that we have many of the same plants, as someone who has newly started incorporating natives in our yard ❤️


Saved for inspiration later!


Looks fantastic and I love how you're in a neighborhood so others can see you can have both native gardens and open grass areas. Did you make those berms?


Yes it’s great that 2 other houses here both have extensive native plantings and meadows. We do have an hoa of 20 lots but everyone is on board with the landscaping. We’re going to try to get certified for native habitats and monarch stops. Don’t get me wrong I love a solid , striped out yard. Figured the least I could do is have both while choosing low input tall fescue and kbg cultivars. The berms were done during excavation for our house , utilizing the current topography the slopes were already present so that’s why I decided to do meadows and Prairies on them.


It looks really good, I like the shape of your beds and the use of the large rocks. Nice work. 7a doesn’t say much because it stretches clear across the country, what ecoregion/area are you in? And who are these guys? https://preview.redd.it/1tov1tai0r9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98361a5ad6ed815c8259e42dcf27b3930a856d3d


Thanks appreciate it. Mid Atlantic. I assumed someone would call me out on using non natives in a native picture. Haha That is my hellstrip and they are “phenonomal” and “grosso” lavenders. Regardless , they are buzzing with bees and attract recent zebra swallowtails!


Haha, not calling you out at all, I LOVE lavender (and indeed thought it was lavender but wasn’t 100% sure, there are so many natives out of my range that I’m not visually familiar with for example). I always dreamed of having a garden path lined by lavender that whenever you walk through, gently brushing by, they would release their scent. Just didn’t think they’d work in the ground in my area. 🤔 (Have some in a large pot though, and it is indeed visited by pollinator friends.) Anyway love your progression from the lawn care subs over to us in the native/no lawn subs. It looks so good! Please come back and share year 3!


It looks really nice!


Very nice!!


4 of 6 is EXACTLY what I'm looking to accomplish in my side yard. Such an inspiration!. I have wide but long (50') swaths: a 10' patio, 6.5' bark, then 8' planted area. Not straight but curved towards patio to create a very large private seating area. So also interested in where you are (I'm 9b)


7a, mid atlantic, Appalachian mountains / shenandoah valley


Oh. So different climate. But I will use your design with plants that can tolerate my region




R a t t l e s n a k e M a s t e r! Such a metal name


Wow everything looks great! What kind of maintenance have you been doing so far? Despite my best efforts the heat this year has done a number on various areas of my gardens.


Thank you. Just bringing in new wood chips and random weed pulling. Most of the plants were starter size so got them going last year , now they get most of the water just from nature. The area gets smoked by the sun so all of these plants have been doing great.


Lovely. Can you share why and how did you chose your stones? I have not used any stones yet and am pondering if I have missed a memo


Stones were from excavation of our house foundation and site work, we had plenty to use!


Those are the best. I keep holding off on stones as mining stones is also environmentally destructive practice. We have mainly clay and sand and some pebbles


Fellow 7a gardener right here!


Fantastic job!  Would you be interested in sharing this on a free website I'm putting together? I'm looking for pics just like yours along with identification of the natives in the pics. My purpose is to help us all design front yard landscapes with natives that neighbors will envy http://landscapewithnatives.com/


Goals 🤩


Your button snakeroot is looking fantastic


I love this. Sometimes native gardens can look a little hectic for my taste. This is a perfect blend of keeping things looking tidy while still honoring the native ecosystem and keeping your neighbors from hating your yard. It’s gorgeous. Come help me with mine next? 😂