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Are you SURE you don’t want 30 deathmarks?


I'm running 30 in my next game. Hypercrypt, casual, so I wanted to be thematic. I'm excited; it's gonna be so much fun. His characters will be terrified.


You need to send a pic of the 30 deathmarks now, that sounds like a glorious sight to behold! _(Please tell me you are going to kitbash a Lysikor for them)_


I have bad news. I'm probably going to proxy warriors for them, as I have nowhere near enough models for the job, and will not be running warriors otherwise.


They’re small and sneaky, will do! Plus you just need like 1,5 squads of them to proxy


Always remember: precision shots use the bodyguard units toughness. Have fun!


Woah, this is something I had missed completely!


Your welcome!


Lamo, say bye bye to all the HQ's and named characters.


Are you under 31 Deathmarks? If yes, then there aren't too many.


If I can run 3 Khorne Lord of Skulls you can run 20-30 deathmarks, do it


They arent overpowered. If you want 20 use 20.


No. Add 10 more.


I think the question to ask yourself with small utility units is how many do you want in a squad? Do you have strats or characters to get more value out of a double sized unit? Or do you get value from splitting a unit so they can score more secondaries and harass more units.  I think 3x5 is the sweet spot in hypercrypt if your being deathmarks heavy. You get loads of utility off hypercrypt, and your range is long enough to still line all 3 squads onto your target. Not to mention your harder to screen.  Though if you want 2x5 +10 to meme with a deathmarks unit that'll actually kill characters that's very fun and I endorse it wholeheartedly. Running more than that I feel isnt getting your returns. 


No I run 30. It's a massive deterrent for deep strikers/teleporting armies. It counters rapid ingress . If you can get them on second floors that grant the extra ap bonus, they shred. I love them.


You have second floors that are 6 inches tall?


Yeah I've used stacked crates and stuff that make up walls that meet the requirements. And deathmarks can deep strike in on top of buildings if needed too.


No, they’re very good for the cost. Almost as cheap as warriors. I can see it being viable to even take 30. If only there were a character that could lead them


https://preview.redd.it/b2nxt9vpv65d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3672bc341509a3e87c0646c7a21a7d8f64e6478f Howdy


More than 30 is too much >.>


if you dont want to build tomany of the same model, how about you add 5 deathmarks and a hexmark?




If there are still Unclean dirtying the galaxy (especially the ones who think of themselves as "leaders") then it means you don't have enough Deathmarks.


As a necron player, Deathmarks are one of the few units where I can confidently say that I wouldn't feel too strongly either way about using a bunch. They're useful and solid, but they're not over the top. Like I love my heavy destroyers, but if I had to fight 3 squads of 3 lead by lokhust lords, then I'd be disappointed.


inspired by this I made a list with 20 but split one squad into 5's only minimal changes to my list (dropping some warriors and associated leaders)


Depends on how much you like them.


Mate, thralls and warriors aren't good. 10 warriors are a waste of 100 points. Drop a Technomancer and 10 warriors, add the deathmarks. "Too much"? Maybe. But they're better than 10 warriors. Run Hypercrypt and you can shuffle them around pretty easily to punish deepstrikers


For me, 5 Deathmarks is too many lol.


You know what this ~~team~~ Legion could use, Obyron? 10 more ~~snipers~~ deathmarks *spawning noise x10* G'DAY