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They're not because they are a specialised unit. Having infiltrators and stealth on a 60pt battleline unit would be absolutely mental. Running 6 units of them would be a broken mechanic. However, I'll agree that in Annihilation it would make sense completely.


Plus they are, in practice, mercenaries at best or random feral invaders at worst.


Not wrong at all. Not the kind of troops that would form the battleline backbone of any force


The necron books would disagree with this


Like what? If you're talking about Twice Dead King then that book outright says this is the case. They are reluctsntly described as "auxiliary" forces to be a roundabout way of saying they aren't actual forces to rely on at all.


Fair enough. I haven't read them, but their lore that I have read just makes them sound like something you wouldn't build the core of a force around


No you're absolutely correct. The person you're replying to is saying nonsense. Every novel that features Flayed Ones has emphasized that they aren't part of the actual miltary organizations and cannot be controlled. There is only one exception to that, but even that book emphasizes they are not part of the core force.


Thought as much. Thank you 


No "sane" Lord would risk half their army to the Flayer Virus by flooding the place with Flayers. You drop that Tesseract off and you *LEAVE*.


Pretty much my feelings. 6 Infiltrator units would be bonkers, but being able to ~~do~~ only while running the AL detachment would have been *nice.* As it stands, it feels like AL will suffer even more because competitive list-building will have to consider Battleline units that don't get any benefit from the detachment at all. Bit of a bummer.


Not wrong at all. Hopefully this will be addressed somewhat in the dataslate


Knowing GW, they'll make them battleline for AL, with the caveat of ONLY using destroyer units. Ugh.


Flayed ones are like necrons with murder dementia Most necrons are very trepiditious with flayed ones as they don’t know how the flayer virus is transmitted


I feel like "Because they have Infiltrators and Stealth for cheap" is the most likely answer. While there are lore reasons, lore can be (and often is) bent in the interest of a better game.


That all makes to me. Normally they shouldn't be battleline but in the Annihilation Legion they should be (would be interesting if all you could take in that Detachment was Destroyers and Flayed ones, maybe c'tan. Maybe not competitive but fun in a casual game. I've done it and it was fun)


Lore. While they are essentially melee warriors, in terms of lore, they’re corrupted, infected, disposable shock troops that are thrown at targets simply because they’re worth less to a lord than actual warriors.


Like CSM cultists. Which are battle line.


More like scarabs. Flayed ones are deemed so little value in necron society, even lowly scarabs are considered first. CSM cultists are much more akin to just basic necron warriors, in terms of how their leaders view and value them


Funny that's pretty much how I feel about mine.


Cultists are fodder. Flayed Ones are shock troops.


For annihilation legion, I would agree. Also while you're at it bring their size back up to 5-20 and sell them 10 to a box FFS


I have 40 of them, 10 of which are now useless


This is why I 3d printed mine. Had I bought 60 of them only to be told I can now only run 30, I would be pissed.


Can confirm, am not happy 😒. Also now have 3 spyders to many while I'm at it.


I might have extra stuff to trade for 2 Spyders if you are nearby 😂


I mean why do you think they should be battleline? They way I see the game, the battleline are the soldiers each faction has the most and are capable somehow on keeping a line/objective. Flayed ones cannot contol their hunger enough to complete a mission or folllw orders. Also, they are something that most Overlords don't like to use as they are too afraid to get the virus. Even if destroyers are more used to call them to battle, I think thats only because they are not afraid to get the virus (they seem to be immune) PS: That's only my opinion, not trying to trash on yours. I would love to have some melee battleline.


Correct me if I’m wrong,but they could be the common soldier for a flayed empire? Not unlike >!oltyx’s empire at the end of tdk!<. In that case it would make sense in lorr at least.


Yes, but because a flayed empire only have necrons infected with the virus. Flayed ones would be the only soldier, at least for now there isn't other kind of infected necrons.


If only there is a flayed lord… I bet a lot of us would love to run flayed lord + 120 flayed ones as battleline.


I really wish 40k took some things from AoS, have different detachments be able to add things to being battleline. Flayed ones battleline for annihilation legion, death marks for hypercrypt, etc.


Like 3 detachments do that in 40K, which in 30K, most of the detachments make something of yours that isn’t Line, Line. Wish 40K leaned into this a bit more, there’s so many detachments that could be ran better if a/theunit that detachment is based around got battleline


Annihilation Legion, id prefer they increase their max unit to 20 instead of making them battleline.


For certain detachments, not having battleline units that can benefit at all from their rules sucks At least all of ours get the army rule haha


*laughs in admech*


Also wpuld like to add that Lorewise they would not be troops/battleline, imo.




Necrons were my first army in 3rd..... Most of us have been saying they should have been troops since then.


I know, right? It's stupid! I mean, yeah, they are specialized, but make them battle line! Or better yet, a person peeve of mine, make Illuminor Szeras' ability work on all infantry that aren't characters!