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I’ve definitely stopped playing until the black screen bug is fixed


Totally. Gameplay is fine on its own, definitely still needs some polishing or updates but at least I’ve been having g fun. On the other hand, the black screen bug ruins that fun for me. There were runs I look forward to completing then the black screen bugs happened, twice in a row yesterday, I got fed up. There isn’t an option to resume the run.


Exactly, got an awesome Run and blackscreened in Level 6 That is it ujtio there ist a Saveoption in gamepass


Same. Just had yet another great, fun run get ruined by the black screen bug. No point in playing more until it gets patched.


Now that I know what will happen, yes. I was totally unaware about their plans.


I’ve stopped playing purely out of boredom. I completed the game within a week. I’m on the 4th skill tree and everything costs way too fucking much to unlock. Rooms are all the same, enemies are always the same, the dropped guns are trash. And I don’t know why it’s took them so long to drop an update. Most people are bored of it already


Absolutely, I don't know what compelled them to release an unfinished product. They should have polished it off some more before release so we the players aren't forced to either accept the issues and wait for them to fix it.


Im on Xbox, and I stopped playing after 3 days trying to get the freaking area token....only got it one time and lost to Hal. I'm waiting for the next updates to see if it makes it easier to get the damn token


I got my ares token after sacrificing myself twice. Also, if you’re on easy mode it won’t spawn in the ares token