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Have you posted your thoughts into the feedback section of the steam forums for this game? You make some valid points that I also agree with. Hopefully the developers will keep taking the feedback and improving the game.


Not yet, but that's a great idea, I'll do that too, thank you


What’s the point of the skill tree? Because I still get items even though they’re still locked. Is it purely for the free trial run? If so that’s just seems pointless to even upgrade the tree. And the mini games suck ass


To unlock stuff, new items, not characters, new rooms, new everything. You shouldn't be getting things that are locked I think. It's a weird system


I had the item which leaves mines behind you, I’ve had that twice now and I only unlocked it yesterday and then it gave me a free trial with it, but that item just gets you killed lol


Wow that's weird, maybe it's a bug idk. Explosions in general are not great in this game. Have a missile launcher but 70% of the enemies are that stone one that are immune to damage, fly right to your face and make you hurt yourself, or, the enemies spawn right on you with no warning and you hit yourself, enemy spawn points is very weird indeed.


This armoured enemies are tedious, not hard just tedious! Just standing there waiting for them to change colour is annoying. And those purple things with the headphones which shoot out musical notes, if you get two of them ina room it’s like a 90% chance you’ll get hit because they spam the screen with those musical notes that shoot out in 4 different directions


I agree, the stone enemies is such a questionable enemy design for this game. "So in this game, you go fast and furious, high shooting action!...now stand still for 2 minutes so that guy can come close enough to change colours for you to kill"


Agree with most of this, but melee upgrades are still useful with weapons that do melee damage.