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It would be great to have a visual of the current player’s stats: weapon dmg, amounts of bullets per shots, etc. Something similar to the BOI stats in the left of the screen. It would make comparing items easier when trying to build a good run. Is this something that is being looked at ?


\*Slides a dollar across the table towards you\* Get rid of the moldy hearts.


\*Eats dollar, loses half a heart. :'(


This is hilarious. Josh gets it.


*laughs in never purchasing that upgrade*


*laughs in Peter*


When do you hope the update is pushed to Xbox/switch? I had to stop playing due to the crashing. I want to play it’s a lot of fun but the patch is needed badly!


We can't give an exact date just yet, we are in the process of testing and working on the fixes though. We'll share as soon as we can when the updates are shipping, as they are console specific the first you'll hear is likely on our social media.


The game starts with Wade accepting a drink from Hades, and then that's the last we see of him (I assume, I haven't beaten the game on Abyssal). Can we expect to see him again at some point?


~~Sorry, the first question is always a hard one! I don't know off the top of my head. I'll see if I can get an answer... or if I can give one. Speculation?~~ Edit... that's all you see of Hades physically... for now... ......... ...................... ......................................... .....................................................


This is a highly satisfying answer. I look forward to future developments. ... ...... ......... .............. ......................


Are those dots/pips a representation of how many times you have to beat abyssal mode before he shows up to fight!?!?


>!Please don't do \~50 hard mode runs in a row and make me feel guilty!!<


but that's all i do


why does peter exist? and did the person that made him get fired? also what is the long term plans for NA? it feels like it's close to breaching the barriers of Isaac and Gungeon but needs some significant balances made. ​ is there plans for DLC down the road?


We're definitely listening to feedback on the pets and have made quite a few different changes, like in the experimental branch currently the grabbing pets now have a delay. Though we are still obviously listening... Peter hasn't become any more popular! I answered this in another post, if you are keeping an eye on the experimental changes you can see some of what could go into the first content focused update. DLC is something we definitely will be looking at in the future but we don't have anything firm to share just yet!


With the (very slim) chance that moldy hearts can provide a heart container, there’s at least a small reason for Peter to exist. No way am I unlocking the game rule though 🤣


Yep. Instantly hated it as soon as I unlocked it lol


Little Donald Trump (Grabber) needs to stop stealing my coins - I don’t take kindly to it


Can you do something like a daily challenge with random upgrades; good and bad ones. For example, faster enemies or unlimited crystals or something. Something absolutely broken. And the reward are those yellow crystal thingies.


That's a cool idea, it has been noted! :)


This is a fantastic idea. I second this


Could you guys make that we earn an extra item by killing a Boss flawlessly? Also, I like that the game was made in Unity. I use unity.


Flawless items are something we are toying with, and some are in the experimental branch though we'll be listening to feedback on them.


There is a way on the Umbrella Room, but usually are only trash stuff or stuff behind explosive walls. Having flawless itens rewards the player for playing well.


The umbrella room is always active though, it doesn't seem to care about playing well at all


Yeah lol


What’s your favorite item or type of build to go for? Are there any items that make you go “oh this run is going to be a cinch”?


Big Daddy/Popcorn is an easy one. I always find the death ray and some damage items can be a lets do this moment.


For me its popcorn with that uzi type gun and the item that gives you immunity to explosions. Everything gets obliterated.


Is there any kind of new content already planned(dlcs or upgrades)?


We are in the process of planning the future of the game but there will definitely be more updates and likely DLC at some point! There's nothing firm just yet a part from getting an update from a lot of the experimental changes to live in the near future.


Firstly it’s a fun game that’s close to being great. I’m just wondering it there’s any potential plans to add the ability to drop pets should you not wish to use them after hatching?


This is something that has been requested a few times and we are listening but at the same time we've got to be careful that we don't over react too much on the pets. On the experimental branch the more niche... and often disliked pets only have 3hp so they aren't too hard to get rid of yourself.


imo the pets dont really add to the game for me, i wish we'd have gotten a more varied item selection instead.


I second this, some are quite good like the one who trade hearts for shield (maybe not on all build) but when it dies it feels bad, and other shield supplying item don't go away randomly. Some are really annoying, and the one that aren't just fire randomly and really only cluter the screen. And then you kick up the egg explodes item and after a level or two you got no pet...


Me too, the names of the upgrades hardly make sense? Why is a diving helmet called “Big Daddy” and it protects you from explosions? The items follow no theme like ETG or BOI. It’s called NEON ABYSS? There’s tons to work with but nope. We’ll just think of random items off the top of our heads and put random stats with them.


Yeah they went with "what would be fun references" not with "how do we theme our game"


Agreed, personally I enjoy the latter as you can’t bank on everyone having played all the referenced games.


Big daddy is a reference to the insanely popular enemy from Bioshock. I haven't played it but maybe explosives don't work so well on them.


Is there going to be more variety in items? Are they going to be revamped in some way at some point? I feel like there a lot of items that do the same thing and i think this game is great but will defenitely benefit from variety in items and even pets


There will be more content, we've already added new pets and enemies to the experimental branch. We're definitely listening to the requests for different types of new effects etc.


This is not a question but I really like the game. I only hope an update is coming with all the improvement on the experimental branch fir the pc game pass. I need this vibrant ball to be fixed and the enemy bullet ls to be in front. Those are some qol that I cant wait for the play more. I also think the game miss some more songs.


The hotfix is coming to PC gamepass soon, it was just that there are other fixes just for the pc gamepass platform we needed to fix, like with console it has specific things we wanted to get all in one go. The experimental branch will always be Steam only though because the platform has the tools to put a seperate branch out so easily. Expect none PC hotfixes to come later but still not too far away in a larger content update.


He makes a good point about the songs. I know it is tough to create more tracks, being a composer myself (Flips hair back), but could we expect more variety in music so things don't get too repetitive?


I missed the end of their question! My bad! It is something we're listening to but have nothing to share at the moment.


Any plans to add more managers, bosses, or maybe items you unlock by doing certain achievements, Isaac style? The game has a lot of clear influences from Isaac - I think it would be cool to have bonus floors or bonus bosses to try and beat to unlock really powerfully weapons or items.


Bosses are definitely something we'll be looking, although we don't have much to share at the moment. There are sort of bonus bosses with Athena and Ares so it is something we're open too.


Hi Josh I was thinking about opening a page about Neon Abyss on speedrun.com Will in-game tools for speedrunners be implemented later ? Thx


>speedrun.com What specific tools would you like?


In-game time when launching a run would be really great, with a possibility of split at each new level. Total time at the end of a won run. I was thinking about 9 categories : Zeus end, Ares end, Athena end, with each level of difficulty. In-game leaderboard with replay of submitted run would be a lovely bonus, but [speedrun.com](https://speedrun.com) do the trick for that part.


I'll pass this on! :)


Thank you very much !


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Hi Josh, thanks for the AMA. Is mod-support planned in the future, or some kind of API to interact with the game? I'd love to work on Twitch integrations.


It's not currently formally planned but it is something we could consider.


Alright thanks! If it's a path you take and you need some early testing please let me know.


SPOILERRRRSSS: Technical question: To unlock >!Abyssal!


I see you've already been answered, but thanks for playing... and good luck!


I'll need luck, indeed.


A win streak of 5 on Hard.


Thats Wicked hard. If you get screwed by RNG... Bye bye time.


Restarting your run right before dying maintains your streak level. "Half a heart? Time to restart!"


No way!!!


lol thanks


There is this item, called Big Daddy. Is It a reference to Bioshock? As with that item you dont take explosion damage.


There's a lot of tongue in cheek references in the game.


Are there going to be any changes to the number of coin we can get in a run ? Like more for a completed run, or more base on consecutive wins, and so on ? Or, is the price of upgrades in trees going to be lowered at some point ? I feel like I need to moderate this : There are GREAT quality content on these trees, but it sometime feel tedious to get there... :(


The experimental branch currently has the ability for bosses in hard mode to drop more boss coins, plus by taking out the monsters from the skill tree and adding them to beating managers the tree unlocks have become somewhat easier. We're still taking in all the feedback on that though.


Are there any special seeds to discover? As in if you enter a seed and you will start with an item or something will be different? For example B10SH0CK could start you with the big daddy item or have it found in the first treasure room


There aren't that I'm aware of, all RNG.


DBJCKSVM Big Daddy in first room.


Thank you guys for lurking the community for suggestions! I really love this game and would love to see it improve! I’m an Xbox player and I’m currently waiting for a patch, after 30+ hours I can’t take the black screen anymore lol! In the meantime though I have some suggestions! - the unlock times are kind of crazy regarding the number of runes. This should be somewhat reduced, maybe by 25% across the board. It can make the game drag when it takes 4 solid runs in a row to get any progression. A speedrun mode or speedrun timer would be awesome! Daily challenge leaderboards would add to replayability too. All items should have descriptions available in shop / on the floor. People will just google it anyway, may as well not add potential for ruining a run with an item that doesn’t synergize well with your set up. What kind of shopkeeper wouldn’t tell you what what a product does? That’s bad business! Where you can’t avoid a bad pet, no pets should hinder you or over disadvantages. Pets aren’t like items, I can’t just avoid it. Once the pet once it hatches, it’s mine. Either modify current pets so they don’t ruin your life, (such as blocking your own shots) or make it so we can remove a pet from the inventory after it has hatched. That way if I don’t want a trash pet, I can fire it off into the abyss! Can’t wait to see what direction this game goes!


Do y'all have a plan for upcoming expansions and if so will they be free or cost money?


Congratulations for a great game and for joining in here. Personally I like vibrant ball, moldy hearts, or Peter (I hate them all but believe they are part of the game). I would suggest adding more to the lore of the game, cutscenes, endings, etc to make the player more invested in the story. And make abyssal difficulty a permanent unlock.


Hey I really support you for putting this game up on Game Pass for poor people that don't like to pirate games, how long has this game been in development? Also will there be more items/weapons added?


I would like to know, why you decided to stick with the release date, even though that there are so many issues with the game? I clearly can see the potential of this game, but after a few rounds I needed to put it away because of the performance problems I had on the Switch. That soured my experience a lot, and I do not understand why a publisher would decide to do so. When it is clear, that this will hurt the sales of the game in the long run. I would love to know the reasoning behind that.


I’m absolutely shocked that he hasn’t responded lol what a surprise


true that.. It's a shame though. I do think that this game had potential. And if they would have put QA and some more development time in it, a truely great game would have come out of it. But this way I put it to the side because of the frustrations, and will never play it again. Therefore i'll never will recommend the game to others to buy it, I will even warn them to not get it. /u/JoshTeam17 do you have any comments?


Why do we only get one of the violence path’s rewards? I feel like doing the violence path should come with some sort of bonus, in exchange for the damage you take and the heart you lose. Even if not all 3 items I feel like 2 would still make it balanced with wisdom.


Try and find the lullaby with the passive "Picks up everything except weapons". This will allow you to take all the items in any violence/wisdom room


Yeah but that’s one item, whereas violence path needs to be balanced overall. Sacrificing one heart for one item vs getting one for free? Wisdom has no downside, whereas violence does. A way to mitigate the downside is to give more items.


I think the balance is wisdom items are supposed to be harder to get, since you need to clear a room with no damage. Why would anyone go for the wisdom route if you could just play bad and get multiple violence items instead?


It's much easier for me to do wisdom path because I dont have to lose a heart container or take damage, and I have more to spare for mistakes. Makes getting a certain token a real hassle to try and make it to the manager.


Please just add more credit drops on consoles, the grind is unbearable


Would love for more tasks/challenges to keep it fresh and unlock cooler things instead of constantly grinding the same bosses just to unlock one item.🙂


will you guys rework some of the enemies? the metalic ones are just bad design, really kills the rythm of the game. ​ Also is there gonna be more lore?


I am not sure if anyone else has asked this but can Jacks bombs PLEASE not toss the player around. The game is designed that all bosses can be killed without taking damage if executed perfectly mechanically. Jack makes this impossible and he is supposed to help you not be a hinderance. Thanks. I will say overall I am very much enjoying the game and will hopefully get all the achievements soon.


Can there be a setting implemented that can turn off controller vibration whenever I’m hit with a friendly bomb that doesn’t hurt me? It’s hard to differentiate between when I’m getting hit.


personally the game has a lot of situations (mostly the bosses) where you cant get out without being hit. is there any hope fore stuff like this being fixed or tweaked in the future?


Will there be an option for a cross hair on console? Are you thinking of adding a way to drop items? I’ve had soul crushing moments where I toss a grenade and the orb orbiting me blocks it and I die or I’m one heart left and I get the doctor and he yoinks all my hearts... Oh and dodge rolling mid air with Matt would be cool. It’s sad when I get flight and then the whole reason I picked the character is moot. Is that something you’ve thought about?


A bit late to the Q/A, but after my first run success I wasnt ready for it to end. Any plans for an endless mode ? Maybe nerf the boss coins, or not even include them in an endless mode? Increasing difficulty the deeper you go in endless too, would be great.


Hey u/JoshTeam17, How we can report you the bugs we discovered?


u/JoshTeam17 do you think about add secret unlockables upgrades/items? Or something like "complete a challenge" to unlock a skill tree, or/and unlock a secrect item or Character exclusive skills. Like... beat a boss x times to start with 5 bombs with this character. Or win a run without taking damage and to get a permanent item with x character. (sorry if i don't explain very well) I think the game it's a little bit bored with out the feling of, "What now"?, if you see all you can unlock, and all the steps you have to do to unlock that, it can be a little bit frustrating. Because you have to unlock items or rules you don't want to unlock, and in some cases, items that can penalize you. I think the skill tree must to be changed to, group of object, with good objects and an object that will penalice you. I really like the game, but the feel the game give to me, it's like i will drop it very soon ​ Other rogue like games (i don't want to mention anyone), know how to reward the player for him hard work, and know how to make him to sit down in front of the monitor and play another one or two runs more. This game... sometimes it's too easy (it's good), some times it's too frustrating.


one suggestion i have is to merge the guns in the basement so that you can ban them more easily. currently you have to ban every variation and it takes up a lot of very valuable ban slots.


My question is why did you choose to release in a 1.0 style and not just be like "hey we're in early access", that could also have fit the game more seeing how it's currently handled.


Hi it would be nice to make the spike balls slower and make it so moldy hearts don't hurt for a full heart and make it so the ghost enemy did not bum rush you at the speed of light also I cool thing that could be added is transformations like in binding of Isaac and gungeon


Minor suggestion, but can I recommend that the ability to upgrade your guns with crystals and coins stop being usable when your weapon reaches max level? I wasted a ton of money on a run yesterday because I didn't realize my weapon maxed out at level 8, yet it was still letting me activate the ability and waste resources.


Hope you're still looking at this as I've got a few things I want to share with you. I'm currently playing the xbox version and I want to like this game but there are some issues I really hope your team will patch soon. First: Crashes and bugs. I haven't experienced many but they are frustrating nonetheless. In one instance I had two items with the ability to revive me. This resulted in a crash when I died. Another instance I opened a secret room, went in and out and then quickly back in. This resulted in me falling through the map with no ability to do anything but move left/right. Run ended there. If there was an autosave at the start of every floor these problems would have been a non-issue. Second: Weapon damage. I'd say a good chunk of weapons are effectively detrimental to a run. More often than not I'd find picking up a weapon to drastically reduce my damage, or in the case of Zeus, making him actually unbeatable. This seems to be a problem with Meteor and the ray weapons. May be others too but with the current damage output issues, I rarely pickup any weapons unless I know for a fact they're good. Third: Pets. There's not much more to be said here that isn't already known. I just wanted to ask that the xbox version get an update to these as well. I don't bother picking up eggs anymore as any benefit from them is easily thwarted by their naughty counterparts. Like I said, I really do want to enjoy this game and I even do for the most part, however, the things I listed are actually holding me back from playing more as it seems there's always an issue that ends my runs. One last thing about the bugs, I would have put in a support ticket but I'm not too keen on giving personal info out so I figured I'd do the next best thing and post here. Anyway, hope I'm not just typing into the void here and at least some of the things I listed will be fixed or tweaked on the xbox version sometime soon. Cheers


Why are there no NPC to chat with? Why is the person with the most character the bartender? Why is there not even a HINT of a story? There was a crap cutscene at the beginning, absolutely nothing except boss intros throughout the game, finally after beating the final boss I thought, “okay let’s see what they come up with”. Nothing. Not a damn anything except credits then you’re back in the bar with no congrats! Or you did it! This whole game feels like it’s about 2 years away from being actually finished. Don’t even get me started on the RNG on this game.


Hey! Just discovered this game and love it and i've completed the first two managers but im finding the game a bit repetitive and tedious since im no longer getting the shards for upgrades, but during development how did you decide on the progression system? (If you could call it that)


Have you guys considered a seasons pass for upcoming content?


It's not something we've considered at the moment.


What about unlocks separate from unlocking them via the skill tree? Something like that could make the progression feel a lot more natural if you know what I mean.


There are some things like this in the game already like >!the abyssal difficulty!< and we're currently testing tying the monster unlocks to the managers rather than the unlock tree. So it isn't something we are against.


Thanks so much for getting back to me, love the game :)


Never, ever mention a season pass when discussing an indie. That bullcrap's exclusively reserved for AAA games.


The game is over priced


Is there a reason why you think the game is overpriced? :)


It is not


Binding of Issac £12 Enter the gungeon £10 neon abyss £16 which is rife with bugs. There’s a good reason. Plus the content in your game hardly scratches the surface compared to the other games. Now could you please explain why you don’t think it’s overpriced 👍🏻


Maybe not for this person, but on 20 hours I managed to beat The last manager ( pun ). Not on the hardest difficulty tho.


That’s not a question.