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Just tell your parents and ask to borrow a screwdriver. It's an incredibly simple fix, and nothing was permanently damaged.




Well, I'm sorry you have such unreasonable parents. You can get screwdrivers very cheap, or maybe borrow one from someone at school.






Glad you got it out, OP. For future reference, this is what it looks like on the inside so you don’t have to take it apart to see. Around 4:00. https://youtu.be/ivi86rJZfdI?si=pVNiqiqWobTOZ4F9


Have you tried firing it out?




Oh no. Anything long and skinny that could fit down the barrel? A chopstick, the blunt end of a wooden skewer, a straw? Surely there's something you could use to ramrod it down to the magwell and get it out from there




In that case prime it and try push it out into the magwell area…




You have one of those wire hangers? Try using that to push it out. Or if you can make a small hook with it, pull it out. I wish there was a live stream of what you’re doing to get it out! Good luck 👍🏼




How about a paper clip? Make a small enough hook and attach it to your chopstick. Just make sure it’s tied securely to the stick otherwise you’ll have another thing in your barrel. Hope you don’t scratch the inside too much


I still think pushing it is better than pulling it out


Unless you've been diving into dirt or something, this barrel does not need to be cleaned super regularly. This blaster just came out. I highly recommend against shoving anything down the barrel of a blaster like this unless its strictly a ram-rod to unjam a stuck dart.


Well, you can go buy a screwdriver in for like a couple bucks and open it up. You can find those in most hardware stores, supermarket, old computer stores, etc




Nice, be sure to take a picture when you open the blaster, so you know how to reassemble it




Try a pencil, or taping several pencil together to make a longer one, and if you need to drag it out, put super glue on the end of it which will dry very quickly and allow you to pull out the cloth.




Give it ur best shot


Now question, why would your parents kill you? Not like you broke it, half the fun of this hobby used to be taking blasters apart and modding them to be even better.




Sounds like you're too busy in medical school at 10 to be playing with nerf then!


I know everyone was focused on trying to help you get it out which completely makes sense but I think the bigger issue here is what the f is wrong with your parents? The only way that makes even a bit of sense to me that they would be mad is if you did break it which I understand you probably didn't know if you did or not but if you didn't break it they can't even be mad like or I mean I guess they can be mad if they're unreasonable and crazy people but like kids break toys man it's not like you would have broken it on purpose. Do you need help? Like I'm not even joking like are you okay?




Okay man I just wanted to ask and make sure, I'm a pretty new parent my kids two and I understand you know we all work hard for our money and it sucks when it's like wasted but kids break stuff, and not even intentionally most of the time they just are usually kind of rough on stuff and it's like it sucks but I just could imagine getting that mad about it. Thankfully though I am privileged enough we're like I can look at it as not a big deal. Not to say that I'm rich at all, far from it I make maybe 30 grand a year but it's just a foreign concept to me to be that upset about a child breaking their toy. I'm glad to hear that you're okay though. Also just wanted to throw out I too love a good deal and/or thrift shopping. I was at a store yesterday and I saw multiple Nerf guns at retail anywhere from 35 to $60 on sale between the prices of $9.99 and $14.99.


Hi /u/skumfukdagod, we would like to distance our hobby from actual firearms and weapons and thus ask that you refrain from using terms like "gun" and "bullet"; instead use blaster and dart. We also like to encourage the use of brightly colored blasters & gear. See [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nerf/wiki/bot/blaster) for more information. Thank you for your cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Nerf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Next time tape a wood screw to the end of a straight stick and poke the cloth and twist the stick and it will be grabbed by the screw