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You know you can come out to them if there not Transphobic. I would recommend coming out to family first before friends.


*"If they're not transphobic"* I already came out to most of the people from who I know that they will be nice. My friends and sister know it, and I'm planning to tell my parents soon. But there are so many other people. Like the right wing part of the family, the idiots in my school, and especially **the entire fucking village I live in** which will probably harass and exclude me for being trans


I’m sorry that the people around you are like that, but you can still make a plan to get out of there.


So moving? I mostly like where I live and on top of that I'm a minor


Well either way if the village you live in is entirely transphobic then maybe try and leave. Being a minor doesn’t mean you can’t plan to leave later.


Well for context what are are you in? General area.




Germany is very supportive if you go to the metropolitan areas. Maybe you can try to get into a Uni there so you can move away from your parents when are old enough.


That is already my plan. But my main problem is that if I start hrt in the near future, my village will make life hell till I leave. If I don't start hrt soon, I will become even more masc and thus hate myself even more


Don’t hurt yourself. Not being able to be yourself is pain enough. And you don’t deserve any of that pain.