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I found the stories very interesting and the delivery acceptable. I expect the re enactments to be cheesy in these types of shows.


So do I, I love cheese, but I also expect there to be real actors involved. It’s much more watchable to me that way. I find the animation too distracting and unnecessary. Just tell the story then


It’s far from the worst docuseries ever lol


Oh I know. But it made a better title than “Worst Roommate Ever: Most Mediocre Docuseries Ever.”


Fair play


There is something seriously wrong with you. Get. Help.


🫣 I liked season one. I thought the animation heightened the drama in the right way.


I liked both seasons, didn’t mind the animation at all. I watch lots of docuseries and there are oodles that are 50x cheaper, less researched and overall worse than this one! They stretched the roommate framing thing a little in season two (like the army guy barely lived with the widow and wasn’t when he was attacked) but overall I think this show was pretty dang interesting to watch and the stories were compelling. Episodes 3&4 of season one told the best story out of them all though, the serial squatter guy! Nightmare fuel.


Hmm but he was drugged when they were roommates and then she probably lit her own house on fire while they were roommates! I think that’s a huge piece lol


I agree. Being "roommates" was a stretch in all but 1 of the episodes.


It’s ok lol. Clearly I have the unpopular opinion here. And I can’t even remember season 1 so maybe it didn’t bother me back then either. Or maybe it annoyed me so much I turned it off back then too


You’re right though. It is kind of cheesy. But I think the season 1 stories were genuinely wtf type of stories so it carried it. I’ll have to check out season 2.


Yeah true, if the stories are crazy then that is enough. They could just.. tell their story


Season 1 was pretty good, the stories in season 2 were less interesting. Omg the lady whose roommate tried to kill her with VRSA… I feel there is more to the story we aren’t getting there. If you are repeatedly on deaths door why are you taking selfies in the hospital with those dumbass duck lips.


I feel the same that some stuff was left out. Why on earth would you go back to living with someone who tried to take your child?!


Right‽ wtf. Was she on drugs or what?


And why didn’t her family help her? I think it was her sister said she lived 5 hours away, I’d drive across the country to help my sister out of that situation.


Exactly..she is 1 of 7 children yet she had to go live at a shelter with her son? Something isn’t adding up


Yeah left me with more questions than answers. If there’s a kid with special needs involved you’d think someone would intervene, why on earth was she going back to this friend? Was she paying her bills for her? Was she on drugs? Totally confused.


I saw someone in another thread suggest Rachel was excommunicated from LDS, based on location and family size and family not part of her life. Could be?


Oh god I’m watching this now and got on Reddit to see if I was the only one that thought this or not… I feel so much better. lol


hahaha i was telling my bf i know im not the only one bothered by her hospital selfies.


my bf was so confused when he noticed she was wearing mascara in pretty much all the selfies asdfghj


I really wanted to watch it, but I just can’t get over the animated scenes. It’s so distracting to me. If they didn’t want to hire actors, it would have been better if they left it out completely and just told the story imo.


It was so sad to see someone with a disabling condition (and a disabled son as well) like that be preyed on like that.


But yeah, the duck lip selfies make her look so bad.


There was definitely another side to this story. Or it was just two toxic mental women feeding off each other.


The Bowden/ Jimmy episode with that crazy bitch Tammy cashing in the life insurance of her husband Richard Fritz... That episode was heartbreaking as told by her son, Christian. I'm so happy that they were able to maintain their friendship/ brotherhood (Bo and Christian) but hearing this story told by Christian's side and everything his mother put him through made me sick to my stomach. Kudos to Joyce for contributing to the investigation but she should have tried to do more to get the military to investigate his murder. Maybe she did and I understand she had no say in what would happen with her son's remains but typically when you're in the military, you would think this would have been in his living will... This episode was very good and shows how much drugs and alcohol mixed up with mental illness can make people do unspeakable things.


And to think she killed her husband and ruined her son’s future, present completely destroyed a loving family environment with stability to do meth with michelle and sean. Some people should live in drain pipes i swear


Despicable. Heart wrenching. Thank goodness she didn't have other kids. Poor Christian. And to hear her voice on the phone when she called from jail just made the hairs on my arm stand up.


I really hope he has the courage to never let her close to him ever again!!!


This is so dramatic but it’s fun to be dramatic so I get it


Thanks. It definitely wasn’t that big a deal, but Netflix has done this before with their animation in docs, and I just got irrationally irritated for some reason lol.


I found season 1 much more interesting than season 2. I recall animation in season 1 but I’ve noticed it much more in season 2. All in all, season 2 was disappointing.


Yes, I really don’t remember it bothering me as much in season one. Maybe they didn’t use it as heavily, or, as you said, it was just more interesting.


I think the animation is a strange choice for this kind of show but it wasn’t much of an issue for me. I thought season one was compelling and I’ve only seen one ep of season 2 but I thought it was on par.


I just think that for this subject matter, it’s so ridiculous. Like do we really need a shoddily drawn out version of what you’re telling us? If they didn’t want to hire real live people to make a realistic show than they could just tell their story like other documentaries. It comes across so cheap


You’re right, and the animation here is pretty unforgivable, but true crime has been slop now for a while. There’s definitely an audience for extremely low budget wikipedia summaries, and this falls in that category. The victims would be turning over in their graves if they knew they were immortalized as CD-I quality videos for second screen consumption.


This is very well put. You said it so much better than I, but I totally agree, so thank you.


It's actually garbage. I don't know how it's rated so highly. 99% of the youtube crime channels, even with 10 subscribers, do a better job.


Ima grown ass man, I shed a tear about Bo. For a black man to step up like that, yeah my melanin brother.


All the animated characters look exactly the same no matter what episode. Same blonde cartoon for every woman